Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1963, p. 2

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FROM THE LEFT hm Elizabeth Ram Fourth Bar rie Troop Mrs Joan Sinnot mp Bordon Troop Torn Rynch Dvo Camp Borden and Adrien Maclteigan Fourth Barrie Ind Packs and Bill Ram In background Fourth Barrie listen attentively to tape recording at Thursday nights Akeia Club meeting ior Cub leaders Examiner Photo Consider Vote On Annexation NEW LOWELL Stall Three prospects emerged irom Joint mecting oi Sunnidale and Fios Township and Wasaga Beach councils to discuss ss ecta oi the nnncxailon quest on attesting the three munici polities These were described here Thursday by Sunnidale council lor Fred Martin who along with deputyreeve Wilt Downer were appointed by their council to study the aspects oi annexation agithey apply to Sunnldaie Town The three possibilities include calling oi another hearing by by the Ontario Municipal Board or prior tothat pleb sclts could be called by the OMB irom the people who live in the area lacs lng annexation The last altern ative depends on legislation now hclore tiie legislature at Queens Park it passed this new lcgis lation would require plebiscite irom residents at the muntcls pailty which is trying to do the annexing hlr lliertin explained CLOSED MEETING This was closed meeting attended by the entire councils oi the three municipalities and their solicitors Wassga Beach had sienngrepher to take notes and Sunnidele councillor Fred Martin brought tape recorder ior iuiure relcrence oi the pro oecdlags They were there to hear planning consultant irom Froctor itediern Rousiicid and Bacon Toronto give his views on the annexation question TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn Dunlap St Barrio liltlsitrll 511mm tor the Wash Kndlnl April IN AVIIAOI WILD titamm anus Yielda Banks is IRhnod and Stock cummora Industrioa Minlltl April as us atI car an Year Ago 09 as or BULLETIN BRIEFS HUDSONS DAY OIL AND CAN CO LTD The annual meeting was Inlormed that net Income Ior Iha Iirst quarter oi the cur rent yesr was equal to 12602000 or 15 cents per share compared with 1501000 or cents per Ihare in the corresponding per Ind last year EMCO LTD lnalrtlerto share holders the Company stated that sales tor the ilrst quarter at 10o have exceeded the Increase at 10 per cent prcdlcted in Nov ember 1002 by aatlstactory margin and that expenses as percentage oi sales have been reduced As resultI unaudited earnings show an improvement over the same quarter oi 1061 CIIAItTEII TIIUST COMPANY The Company plans to split each present 510 par value share Into two Ito par value shares The split is suhiect la the approval at stockholders at special meet Ing on May and to the chart meat at special act under the Trust Campanth Act CANADA MALTING CO LTD tour or one split at the Com panys common shares will he proposed to shareholders at special meeting on date in be determined The announcement Ivas made at the annual meet III MIDWESTERN INDUSTRIAL 1M LTD The company doctor on an Initial dividch oi live cents per share payable on lune to shareholders oi rrcord May it Commenting on the initial dividend the Company said It was hoped that this illildrud cniiid ho maintained on semi anniisl hasis INDUIITIIIAI ACCEPTANCE CORP 111 ll llnnalian rcsidcnt told the annual mod rig tiiat iirat rptartrr net Inmine nppttcairla to rinnrnon stock was mhtt equal in 17 cents per share compared with pears and it cents per share In tho corresponding 1001 period In truth rears common share rain lngs are tossed on Mutml shares outstanding in tha Iairat pcriod Mr llanoiiaii said that the ditirrrorrl In earnings In this rars Initial quarter rom parril wllii all year was due to the higher rriattia cost at inan ey In the lairt prrlod and that the outlook tor iha halanea oi 1901 is encouraging ALUMINUM LTD Nathanael Davis lrrsidrnt tnld tha annual muting that the Com psiiy hsd an asllmstrd ilrst oaaitcr not Income oi MM canal to 11 cents ahsrs corn arrd with actual nrl Inmmo nI transom or 10 cents share In the tint quarter last year Mr lrnvta noted that that quarter nrt inrme Isai yrsr Included Ir100000 protit tram ranrlta lion oi rain contract and stated that th net lairrue tic merl property conipsrsd wt basic earnings at 15400000 in the tint quarter last year IMPERIAL OIL LTD Net ln com or the ilrst quarter ended lilarch It 106 amounted to 019 400000 or at cents per share compared with 01000000 or Site per share in corresponding per iod oi 1062 Twaita Pre sidcnt stated that net income in the toes quarter was higher than that tor the llnai quarter oi 1061 He added that the slight decrease in earnings irom the rim quarter relicrts the iull ei led oi price deterioration which may have reached its climax in the llnai quarter at 1m CONSOLIDATED MINING AND EhIIILTING COMPANY OF CANADA LTD Kirkpat rick Prcsldeni told ths Annual Meeting that net income in the iirsi quarter was the same as tor the corresponding period at teat llc went on to any that In Icw ol the Itrm prices and excellent demand tor the Corrie panys products It was anticl pated the rain at earnings ol the Irst quarter would he maintain ed and possibly show some lmc provemrnt during the balance at the year AIMPSON LTD Burton President told th null meri lng that earnings sales are well ii ior Simmons lid and Its aili Ialcd mmpany mptott5fnrs Uri tor the lirsl tour months oi too lie stated the higher protii and sales trend is ex cted to con Ilnue ior tha lid year tANAllIAN IIINMILAI LTD ltoblnson Drd ircslihnt stated at the annual mcctlnl that sales and earnings In tho lint rusrter were higher than those it the initial three months at 1001 Net sales tor the list nuortcr oi toot were tiootiooo or liner crnt above the llrsi quarter at run l7srnlngs tor the Ilrsi quarter were reported to have shown slmliicant In crease and variation ior IMI wrio tonaldcird tltnfllll lllEIllliTT tittllllth MINER it Not Inmrna tor the lirsl quarter ended March ll 19M amounted to 70000 or six cents per share compared with 73000 or per not share In theI Initial quarter oi 1001 its inputs inrrrsmi Ia 171mm lrnm MLM Eldon In llrown President told the annual meet in that ilrst quarter results wrra not at good as than yrsr ago but Ihcy were real lmr provemrat one the all two quarters at too when the cone pany did little better than brash WII MINthI CORP LTD is with pony declared Irmlnltllitli di vidend oi 13 cents per share tiny ante no done as to IharfhnIdIrl at record May at in teal the company paid it trnll In June and canto ta Dusmbsr The problem took an added complications recently when Wa sagn Beach enlarged the area at the roposcd annexation 1n Sunnlds the original proposed annexation area covered about 1300 acres constituting around 15 per cent at the townshlps assessment Mr Martin said The new Wasnga Bcaeh plan would take in the whole Oak view Beach area irom Joan Ave in the east to the Nnttswasaga Town Line In the west and sit the area concerned in the Nat tawasaga River area to the nor thern limits at the proposed high way linking Highways 02 and 20 Snnnldalc Townshl would lose at least 2000 acrcs this plan and over 300000 to assessment or threcdlllth oi the entire towns ship assessment Mr Martin said Fios Township would lose s4 bout 900 more acres and about $500000 in assessment Sunnldaie councillors i1iurs day contendcd that the prepos cd highway linking Na 02 and No rs had been talked about lor to years and was still years away irom reality Thereiore the eastern boundaryvoi the latest annexation plan was in their view iust an imaginary line The present assessment at Wasaga beach is t2000000 councillor Martin said Thurada it is village at 500 acres Th Is case at Jonah trying to swallow the whale II SEEMN Missionary Speaks Here it Vincent Sceiey who has been working In liolivis tar tour years as representative oi the Oiiirch oi ilie Nararrnr is on iiirloiigh doing iicputailan work among chiirrlics ot the denomin atlon lie will speak to the Hun day School and congregation at itarria Ciiurrh oi the Nararcao In llillcrcst Schooi auditorium at 10 and 11 am on Sunday ltlr iicrie native oi Vy niidoile Michigan has been dir ector oi the Nazarene day schools In liolivla siul anprrlnicndrnt 01 construction tor the church dis irht tlicrc Dia drooinlnallon now has I9 Ithmla with about 000 psiplla lli llollvia Mr itscity will describe culA tursi Ills oi Ilollvta 114 is graduate at Northwest Nniarcno Collette Naiiips lita liti He taught In iiiillc srhnoia ior three years hrlhro being as signed airrond try the Depart riicirt oi Foreign Missions In me Mr and Mrs SciIcy have two sons and two daughters They have Irccn living at in iar Ilollt lid nilflhl Alli OTTAWA iCttWilllam at Smith natlnnai president oi the tarradlan liltrtiieiluuwl tit Itali way Transport and tivnrisi ttnriisra tCtAt said Thursday he will oppose any more In at Iriw the Sealatcrl international tinlon at Canada tindl Into the international Transport Wink ers Federation htr smith iIIoI hatnidsy lo Oslo Norway tor threeday meeting at th gnv ernlng hody oi the litlttltatlltnll irneratloo oi msior transport unions aanaia nonmagnetic MAY mi Scouting Childqure Plan At the Father and Son tiny Scout Banquet held for First Barrle Troop assistant Dlrtriet Commissioner Squadron leader itetd spoke to tho iaihors and sons and outlined Plan Man Following is his address Scouting liarted by accident rather than by design When BadcnPowell wrote his book Scouting ior Boys he intended It as system that could be used by existing youth organizations and in this he was encouraged by Sir William Smith the launder and Chlel oi the Eoya Brigade In Scotland Both and Sir William agreed on the need tor building cittsen ship and character by develop lng the boy betwen the ages at twelve to seventeen years and byguiding himin both spiritual and material directions to prod lies good sell reliant usetui citizen However there were lots at places and lots oi boys who did not have the benciit oi organ ized youth groups so tiicsa men worked on their own to prac tise the precepts and directions tor adventure and tan as well as character in Scouting ior Bays NEW GIIOUP So whether he liked it or not and know he liked It RP lound it necessary to iorm new or ganization called Boy Scouts at which we are all proud to be members Now again would like to em phasize that scouting was origin ally intended ior boys irom it to In years age and through out his llis the launder empha sized this part at the program ior it Is during these years and particularly during the period from 11 to 16 that boys character Is iormed The Walt Cub organization was an outgrowth oi the Roy Scout movement mated by the do sire oi the younger brothers to take part In these adventures and the Rover Crew was nat ural outgrowth by the young men who wished to continue their scouting by serving others and enjoying the companionship oi the Scout Movement into early manhood Uniortunately In recent years the balance has shiited and we now are to danger oi being typed as iunior boys move ment because at the rate at growth 01 the Wall 01b section Advocates Tourist Promotion Plans Smart mpresenlallve on the Georgian Bay Development Association irom Coiilngwood has proposed an exchange at tourist lniormation and good will promotion Ironi areas In the United States whcre Sim coe County draws tourist lie mentioned he had witness ed Canadian Day In Daytona Beach Florida and he telt In this area American Day could be sponsored or Ohio days or lndlsna or whatever area in the United States they wanted to choose Mayor Les Cooke oi Harris has stroneg supported the Idea and he ichr great deal at promotion tor the area could be accomplished at little expense ti people in this area when go tag on vacations In the United States could promote Elmcoe County area and invite people to reciprocate by coming to Canada KILLS IVITII POISON The Portuguese ManoiWar ieliyiish kills its iood with poison similar to tha Idag cohrss venom WEATHER Forecasts issued try the Tar onto wcntticr oitlcc at pin hynopaisi Cooler weather Ia expected to reach the lower lskea Isis today remaining cooler through Sunday with chance at showers in southwest crn Ontario Ovrr central and Northern Ontario cool sunny weather is inmost ior Sunday Lake St Clair rrillon Wind sor tartly cloud and warm today with New scattered tiiundarstorriis this allcrnoon or mtlilrlk Sunday mostly cloudy and mailer with scattered slinw rrI IIitrly Winds southwest 15 today ligiit tonight and Sunday lauI Eric southern Latin llu mu Niagara Lake Ontario re gluon London llaiitlltun Tor onto inrtly cloudy and warm today with low acalirrcd alt siiwinn or evening shown or tiuimtrraluiwrra Sunday partly cloudy and cooler Wintll south west to today ilgiit tonight and Sunday Nartlirrn lake iliiiiin tiror plan liay liallinition rosioul North llay Varlaida cloudiness with low scattered showers or liundnrstnrnis today tltlllil this oicnlng Mostly many an cooler Sunday Winds atrutliwcal shilling tn northwest It this attornoon Ilgiit tonight and Run dsy Tiinagaiul Algaiiia regions Itsult lite Marlr Sudlmiyx Sunny with clearly periods and much cooler today nundsy mostly sunny and root Winds northwest 10 in It tinty light toolsht snri ltunda While tutu hisnc at idolng his lob Is Net it this happens the public Image Scouting will be altered to the extent that the older boys will drop away leaving us only Woii Cubs Now the lioy Scout Organi sation In Canada was not built as child care plan or tun group for little boys The purpose In to build men and citizens and It is with this In mind that Plan Man has been instituted NOT COMPETITION This plan Is not competition between groups or between sec tions within the groups There ll nothing radically new Involved it is simply an emphasis oi the regular rogrsms and the obligations oi eadsrship In acout ing it is an ciiort to place be iora the adults in shooting both uniiormed and nonuniiormed the stops by which the alna oi scouting may be achieved Now am not saying that we should reduce the emphasis oi the Wall Cubs What sm lay ing is that Wolt hib sections should not be looked upon as an end in themselves ii the Pack Scoutera are not training their cubs and indoctrinating them with the desire to become Boy Seoutthen they are not doing their job and ii the Troop Scouter Is not making the ad vancement at boy irom the Pack to the Troop memorable occassion Ii he Is not provld 12 tag welcome and the promise oi adventure then he is not an There have been occasions when boys have gone up irom wi cubs to Scouts with no cere mony at all or with only the Scouimestcr and patrol leadcr having gone along to play part In the goingup Tire boy at 11 with two stars on his cap an Irmlul oi badges and the rank oi SlXel oi Sr Sixcr la the Cub Pack is pretty important iolinw among the Cubs and to lind himseii suddenly the moat junior at ca Tenderloot Scouts with no Pt badges and only laaptng V0 Woll and tcnderioot badge is something at letdown unless he has been given new chain lenge and new horizon to mark his growth and to more his sp petlta ior Scouting This is why Plan Man emphasizes among other things Leader Training and Group Council Meetings in the matter at icader traln lag the district has been little remiss but is not entirely to blame Pack Scoutcra courses have had to be cancelled ior lack oi interest and iew appli cations have been received ior 14 on ba ev 11 ch bu an Eeliry pat Stayner Orlllia HONOR BARBIE MAN Sgt Herb McMullln Bir rie and Camp Borden who is ecrving with No as Canadian Transport Company RCASC in the Middle East was pre seated with the United Na Hydro tions Medal by Col Sarantos discolor oi supply and transport dining the din ectors recent inspection tour oi the UN Emergency Force National Deiencs Photo RETIREMENT BANQUET Honors Barrie Men Four Harrie men were among people honored at on On tario ltydm retirement banquet dance at Orlllla last night The 12 retirees had racked up total oi 419 years service ih Ontario Hydro and their length 01 service ranged irom to years liydro oiticiais said It was at the largest rciiremcnt nuuets the Ontario Hydro had er held BARRIE MEN Barrie men honored Wcre it Horle operating superintend eat ycars service Hoyle lei operator ts years Cities personnel oiiiccr 40 era and Thlllault op erating supervisor 41 years Others honored were Bela area manager Brown lianover municla accountant Erlllinger llncman iaurneymsn Campbell South Falls int operator Draper lineman ioumeyma it Genoa Gravenhur ildtng maintenance ioremaa Harper Bracebridge atockkeeper and Rodger Hanover iirst operator Head tabla gucsts were Mr Mrs Brenneman Wood Badge Draining believe It was the last Chlel oi the international Bureau Col 11 Wilson who said Scoub lag is game ior boys and Job tor men One at our great est needs is educated and train ed Iesdcrs tor scouts Some oi you look little pau led when mention the Group Council There Is dliicrence betwea the Group Commiitce and the Group Council The Group ouncil la meeting at all uniiormed scooters in the group One scouier is appointed chairman ior givcn tcrm oi olilce but meeting can be rcauested by any section The Group Council discusses such things as gologup cere monies sdvanccment ceremon Ics irom troop to crew arrange ment oi camping times so there Is no clashing with others lor the use at group equipment and It should be point at exchange oi Inlannaiion between the see ill be gu on he Jo Dave McLean ltory ODonai operating engineer ior Georgian tray ltcgion Mr and Mrs itambly teneral manager at Ontario ltydro Mr and illrs Ferguson regional manager Georgian Bay lieg lon Mr and lllrs Itoss Strikel chairman Ontario ltydro Mr and Mrs Sitzcr assistant general manager Ontario ily dro ML Maxine Wau ban ct committee chairman and nquct committee members Mr and Mrs and honored cats The wile oi each retiree reA celved small silver maple lest Following Iii some background the Darrin men who were nared guests at the banquet ha Clarence nails Jack worked with the iiydro irom July 17 till to April 10 me when he left to work tor the Abltibl Electric Dcvciop tions in the group Awards sunny and cool Windsor tit Thomas london Kitciirnrr Wingham Hamilton il Calhar Toronto lrtertrorough Trenton Kiliaan Muskoka North lisy itiutbury litarltnn lllgh today Low Bun Moosnnre Mount lomt Satilt Ste Marie Timmlns THE Anita St Another point emphasised in the plan is the lteligion and Lita Award In group that Is sponsored within Church there is little problem and am sure you already have an active pm grsm ior Religion and bits FORECAST glans Mainly cloudy and much colder with iew scattered snowiiurrlcs today Winds north west to northerly up to so to day light tonight and Sunday lorrcast trmprratureai day in Li A5 SI meat Company its came back on Jan is tall as chlcl oper star at Kirkls Lake its moved to Timmlns in tats ilrst as chlcl operator and then as load supervisor On Jan Is It be was pro mated to plant superintendent st Ahltihl Canyon in October last ha translcrrcd Io Ilsrrls as operating superintendent laclt reiircs July at 1003 with more than 11 years ser vice iia served In World War with the Canadian Army irom id to MD Jack has son and main law with llydro in the North lIsstrrn llrgioa tip was pic scntod with an aim desk and rhslr Allred learns Plchlrs All started with wire as machinist at Niagara In July TIIY EXAMINER ANT ADI PERMANENTS 550 nihcrs Iran ass is iris All samom bunt vrtih ROII WATER llr Appointment nary EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE at us as Aliaadais rhm PA mi am my la Ievllnl HAIRCUIS 00 lmrvrill soil as our raising All todays mods Imam are In this hame tour or mains Martian INN Monday Wadnn iidn Iinttl put BAll PlANlNGMIll PA 44 mm auhsznsanuag Gunny 1920 Four years later he iranslerred to Eugenia and was promoted to machinist iorcmsn In May 1037 His duties cover ed mechanical maintenance throughout what is now the Georgian nay ltcgion and part oi Northeastem Region in lstii All was promoted to regional personnel olilcer He retired irom this position on Nov 10 1061 with nearly 40 years service All personally known to every employee in this region experienceas an employ ees association representative and natural talents made him an excellent personnel otileer He was presented with an electric rotary mower Joseph Arthur Thlillult Mr lhittauti better known to his fellow workers In Arch lc started as an operator at Big Chute on Aug 15 1010 when It was really isolated no mad at all He worked as rcliel operator on the Severn system He was promoted to to chlei system operator on June i031 chlei load supero visor at Wsubausheae In May i017 chlci load supervisor Georgian Bay in November tott Ind operating supervisor Georgian Bay Region at Bar rie In February 1953 Archie was to retire on Jan 11 loss Since both operating supcriniqndcnt and supervisor complete section retire with in ten months at each other permission tor an extension to which Archls agreed was ob tslncd its will retire May it 103 with nearly it years service in the past Archie has serv ed as an Employee Association representative and on the coun cit oi Wsubanshene where he was instrumental In having town water system installed lie was presented with an millimeter movie prolcctor and screen Itadrllilc llayia Mr licyle known to his irlcnds as ilnd iirst started as an operator at big Chute CS on Oct ll i817 Ils worked It Dig Chute and Vasdells Falls its Ieit llydro tor short time but came back and worked at Colllngwood Fergusonvsis and Ilarrle lie was promoted to chiri operator at Dorris on June It 1950 itad took an early rrtlremenl on Aug tool kills years service Recently he married tor the second time has lour son with liydro on area terms and three operators Itad was presented with to piece set at cutlery in chut Following tha banquet and presentations there was dance until 1130 TOM HOWLETT Clappcrton It llualitcla lhona IA Ill ltesldcnre PA SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Barrie Community Concclt As soelaiioa has oversubscribed ill membership selling at least 1150 memberships plenty to tilt the Central Colloglatc auditor turn where the concerts are held publicity director Rory ODbnal said today The membership campaign has been going on at week and niliciuliy ends to marrow For the first time in com munity concert history anywhere on the North American coa tlnent ttie Barrie Community Concert Association sold more memberships on the opening day oi its drive than it held at the end at the previous season This week when Mondays rel suits were added up 720 mem bers had signed up compared to the ins total membership the club had when the season ended last year Campaign chairman Bruce Owen thanked all the workers who participated in the cam paign particularly Mrs Gordon eightoai Mrs Ross Stephens and Mrs William Brown GI Partners Otter Garden Flowers At The Market With warm weather back again boxed garden flowers were altered tor sale at the Harrie Farmers Market today These included alyssnm mari golds and petunlas at cents box and potted uranium and iuchslas at 59 cents each Egg prices were medium tsc per dozentargc 50c and extra large 55c Apples were in short supply at 75c basket ior Spy and McIntosh varieties Potatoes restrained steady at we basket or 32 bag car rots tbs iar 19c and sun basket beets 35¢ basket parsnips lbs ior 19c celery bunches or 29 teat lettuce bunches ior 25c green onions bunches ior 23c and rhubarb 20c per lb llama baking was picniilui and sold well Fancy goods included ribbon corsagcs pillow cases aprons and babies clothing all reason ably priced Search Prison For Weapons MONTREAL tCllAll corn victa at St Vincent de Paul Penitentiary were coniined to their cells Friday as prison oi iiccra began an allout search ior weapons inllowing Thurs days stabbing death oi guard No convicts held Guard itay mnnd Telllet hostage st kniie point in an attempt to bargain or trsnsler to Manitobas Stony Mountain Penitentiary Ons convict was killed and in other wounded when rushed the pair Tellier die minutes later irom loss blood Warden illicth LeCorrc said the unusual step at keeping can vleis in their cells will continua until tha prison has been scoured tnchbylach ior wrap Ofll it they have knives wsIl ilnd them he said Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE NEW FATHER Sun Lite has many modern plans at Interest to die new isthcr Whether you rcquira coverage on your own ills Ismlly inconia In the event at your death or wish to an aura college education tor the new arrival you will tlod that Sun Lite has lhs slower to your problem Why not call me today

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