NM SEMi Unruly Buffalo Bison Controlling IL Race Ford Regains Form Blanks Angels 70 111 dd ulna lwr llvll yma um lnr 1M mm In Imullul Ilm Mun HII um number md 11m lravn IIIN mmnlmw lwhlml hum Amhmh MIMI On My llmmr ulm mm mm Innllhl ll pl In Mn Ull Lnlllurnln Drlhy Hld Ilrrl Itnyul Tumr ml Immc Jncnlu 93m llu IIIIwunhn Hu flIol marlin Immouldnk Irmlle Iank cm rIlhrr nm or my Um para Hell pvolmhly my wrll ll uan lhry IIH llw Mrrhh mu null Mnnt lrnlnru In Hm Mrl rmby mumin In Grcrnlm slhlo nnbwlrn No llobbrry tum an rumh mly 1pm llml any mu lryluu Io run wllh hlm may llml llm mu Mllmg 11n wnuhl have Im cumnhmnluo hind hour In lllu hul nan or lhe lonl nlrtlrh nIn Mu who Mum lo my tlm In In pm nml mmhly Nu lloMIrry In Um truly ulna no baby Um Furml Chnluuny Walnul Illll Flrlul irny lml lulvvllCIln Ilny MIMI Nmr In IuII For thou uhn Innl rcmrm her Silky Sulllvnn wn Call tornln coll who mm mm lnr mmelmmbchlnd virlnrlfl In 1958 Silky mlnlmk lhu Drrhy nllemonn xlyoll ml in llhï¬d mh In Illhurl held LOUISVHJAH Ky 1APSnl nrdny Kentucky Dcrhy whirl lumcled rlnhl hlucblmxls ol nclnl Ind ml who wlll rcnlIy hnvu lo mmu Just In km the Held In night made lnr Sllky Ilvnn whuï¬nn nm Columbus shaded Atlanta knocking lhu Crackcrl an oi lh Saulhcrn Division land Arka runlncd the lop spot II victory om lndinnnmlis nichmnnd rimmed he who iu nrd Wian 51 in lo Innings 1119 0355 droppcd dctcndinx thumplnn Jnckannvllle lnlo Ila with Columbul or the Southern cellar Mlfly hulynu nw loam lqn Jan Experts Recall Silky Sullivan Thats the way It has worked nul an hr The ï¬lms riding nevcngnme wlnning streak led Syracuse and Rnchuslcr by five nch today after complling rvmrd against cams from ha Southern Divislnn and mm nxntnsl lhe nanhcrnerx Bullnlo swept gnd 52 Thumb Buffalos unruly Discus gorg lnz on lhcir Southern brethren Ire threatening Io mm the Nurfluem Divlslnn the Inter national League Into onecam mo ny nm ASSOCIATEb miss slzmsea son wllh the Yankees and so snrennncd In the spring Ihat he was relegated to 1h team Ford showed Thursday lhal ha far from being un For the Yankees lhelr old meal icku American punchnd up aIlor ï¬ll Nevcr earWhiter here This cocky llttlc Jibe which Whitey Ford is accustomed to tossing at New York Yankee teammates in just look on the June of comforting reality to By WILL GRIMSLEY Anniled Pm sun erler The Kempvlew Buwl mixed team winners the playoff geld recently were mm stroll swept Jarkwuvlllc Thursfjl nlgm Yankees It meant meal ticket in he Lepgug Isnt all pilciulnx by Make enjoy Babe nnd Bimr restricted Jacksonville to his hit In lhe ï¬rst mm It Bullaln and drove In lhe wln ninz run with double 1n mu Tdmitomaple Am deflate Syfgcuw Chm Iheir No poslllon to Boston whm beaten by the Indian 155 mainly on grandslam homer by Woody Held Ms llflh circuit Angelo 14 giving up only our singles sirikim out 10 men and walking no Couniing the anvnn innings he against Cleveland Indians last Sunday he extended his slreak oi scare less innings in 16 The vctory was helped by Joe Pepllunes first grandslam ml 111 She 1191013 sqprq EM our dldnle or the old pflchen thE Private Stock to right Jayca Lea Belly Chuck Cohan An Love Ind Allan and Norma Cohan Merv Allan The loam unre CUSTOM Years ago Adam distilled 19 great thsIdcs each with its own distinctich characteristics and then aged them in spcclal oak casks Now Adams has married these 29 me whhkics to create the supth lhvour ofAdams lrivalc Stock So be erc to try dxis éuatom blend presented In Its crysul dccmlcr at popular price gre at whskies KEMPVIEW TEAM wiNNEns 29 BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY lellod anonla fourth Innlnz Rookie Phu Badh dmva In lhe Hm our Blson runs In the nluhtup Ind ran hls season RBI total to Wake Mr in elshlhflnd utynn Whltcys nhulnul was his 32nd In care lhnl has seen hlm win 17 games and 1m 73 counting this years 22 record mg 110an plchinu perform ance was axcepllon rather Hun man In the league Washinglcn Senllors ham mede out victory over De trait Tigers Larry Osborn leading lhe mack win two human and EnlUmam Oriole edged Chicago White Sax 87 an huesloaded single In the nlnlh Inning by Brooks Hohlm stayed Iwnruns clout he season Thu Red 50 war rlalngd oul Minnusola Allan leamSxE ESPEL Jacksonvlllo Fall tum 11m 1153 isu Jim King added home run to flu two Osborne hlls or Washlnglan Dellalt The Sen ators collected 18 hltsln wln nlng two games In raw or the ï¬n lime lhls season City besides CMI grandshimmer homers were hll by the rooklu catcher Hill Bryan of he Athlellca and Cluvcland Vic Barry Lalmnn who entered lhe game In Ihe third hmlng and IVE up only two 1111 In rest of the way was thu winner There were In home In the our games gated 853 polntrln abi It tale Gel ynurull in OK Used Car from DANGERFIELD MOTORS PLAY run Mt BRIGGLSTRATTON smuomun ul Nol but 21 nthJ prom Xmlrco Id thth luv Inwm nlmml much pullm nun Bhnck lmpulu Ilulor NM or lum mu nnund hnmc nr mun in in ad or nnm pu Imnnnr cm lumu human Chroma lumllv HJ SUPER DELUXE 50 2gflGYGLE mw VIPWm HP SUPER DELUXE 2° HP ZETAflOYGLE lAWNMASTIR RECOIL START En 0y usier Ind lulu mowlnl with um dandy hmnul Inlnn 11 Inc wnh mm Ilulcr nnd Lolone muffler luau Ila deck huv duly reinforced Slfcly npprovad at blade Wheel How Elllllr chlnfu at cumnl hzmhll Chroma hundlu Lu mulcher lnrludc dinl area has leased out 1555 hits Ind net or Nod 42 nallnnal Il was the 13th nxlrmbnas Muslals career tying lhe major league record held by Babs lho 52yegrnld Car Musial Thursday null lashed threehm double that lave st Louis Cardlnals leader of the National Leagueme +3 vlgto cm For endurance JtI putty hard to match the pm by Sum MuIInI who has men 12 Vagrnlcpniinz rgcardg lngIdinali 11011 Man FBQCéS Win Over Cubs By MIKERATHET AIIMIIIMVPIEII Spam wrun Mamrm lion Falrlys lwnwl lworun homer In the ninth Inning xavo 7L0 Angela Dodger 32 duel Thu viclory the Cardinals nlnlh In games kc lhem two games ahead ol Pllshurgh Flute and San Francisco Gl anls The thirdplace Glnnls mixed the secondplace Pirates 21 on Jun Marichnls Ilvehll pitching and Felipe Aluuu two run homer league record And 15 muor league math VMusl lueume chm shah 2199 alngles 717 douhlas pic and 64 homers IV Llumn unnlnn with Impulle Inner and dull thmnll control Velvet 1on5 mutflartnr qulel mulne opcmuon Heavy duty chrome plmd dock and ahmud Hulxhlamuuc mum adjhller On to In lune and oil ï¬lm wllh dipxuck cum nswxs 95 20 4cvcu may Cardinal starter Ray Wash hurn had nohlller or six Inn inxs and lwmhlllor lar night but ran Into lroubln In Ihe nlnlh when Kan Huhb doubled Billy William beat out Ind Inn Santa followed with homer hnl brought Ihe Cubs to within xlon over Phlladelphla Phlllins Hank Aaron hlt his elshth homer and Bob Hendloy allawcrl ronlylhree mu as Mllwaukun Brnvu blanked CinclnnauJ ad aoandNew York mm 115 Houston Cqu IN 18 CUT HEAVY DUTY Noll4041109 BATTERY EASY TERMS 75150 Wuhburnl 932 Fairly go chance In but for the Dodlera when WM out Frank Howards pop Hy eludnd three Phillie Holders and all or singleFnirly than hJ hlu fourth homer and Island Art Mahnfley with the defeat Hendley hrlnglng his record In gave up all three Reda L1 to Lga Cardenas alran consccullvc mm Ins Inning and brought on re Mevcr Ed Baulu Baula walked mm Banks bemro pmcrvlng Washhurns liflh triumph nunlns no dclnal by gelling Andra Rodgers loymuund out