OTTAWA nmn mulcor lrnxmullx believed ham re hnll wallfll In the Pure Illvcr dhlrlcl Album lulu In March hnru Mm munred lhl Inpnrhmnl ol mlnu And lech nltnl aurrpyn rrpurlrd Tun Iny Them um lho In new lrnrrl llua lnmulrrl rum nnlrr npnro In Ihlco you nIA lhnuull old plum hnvo been found muro rucnlly IT FLIESX MONTREAL CF Drllnlnl Iluvercrafl cross human pllnu and ban vhlch lrnvalx on an nlr cushlon several eel above the wnlcrx surlncc luc cmmuy covertd Iricky 15 mlle stretch Ihu St Lawrence ercr mar hm Thundny Mn 11er Canndlnn Inn The nlnn vthlcle mnvlng meet 45 mllu an hour wan mm Munlrcnl llmlmr lo the west mum of he islnnd crusslnfl nvrr Hm Innxcrnul Lnrhlnn Rm pld on he wny LOTTERIES OKAY MONTREAL ICF Judge MarcAndre Illnin 01 Mnnlrenl my ll Iclml dcslmhlo um lamrm be lnsmmnd or the pralccllun of Mn humnn rnce Judn llnln mnde Hm cummcnl Thurde up he unlnnced Frnnk nunmly nl Monxrwl In II $3000 no nr conducllnk lollcry Judge nlnln mld ll wnl obvloul Ihnl the while nmnud Ioucrlu and lhnl may wen popular Dunlap IA IIHI mm nunlyl mm mm mm llullrl JOINS CELENRMIONS VANCOUVER CP Gunt rnl ChIrIc Foulku lull hero Thursdny on polar Hum 10 Amsterdam In tnka part In Dutch celebration mnrklnx the nnnlvcrlnry of lhe llbcrnllnno Thu Nclherlnnds lrom Lha Null In your use General Foulkus who commanded lhn Flu Cm Mdlnn Army acceplcd the sun render 01 German arm on May 1905 lram General Blas kowllz nl Wugrninxen mm TunTIM Much lmnl hululln Wholesale Prices SEEK BRENS SYDNEY NS CPIRCMP hm said Thursday they are trying lo emit number of Bren Runs purchased by sum mclui dealer here Ihmug Crown Assets Disposal Coxpurl lion and mid to the general pub lic at $250 ouch An RCMP spokesman said the guns can he resiored to working order with illtie diiiiculty and as rtsult no subject In raxlslrnlion un der the Criminal Code oi Cun adn EQUIPMENT mcrransn 0N WAY TORONTO CPI Rlllph Cl lw chnlrmun oi lira Toronto Cnmnrlsslnn Hid Thursdny lure increase in 19 in lnovlinhio Ilnicu timer on iinunclnl nrrnmremenls me made inr lhn public transit lom He said even if special mecilnq ai lllLlronolllnn Taronio Council cnllrd or lodny nn roves 325mm suhxidy in 01 mm oprrniinu costs ml in TTC nnoihcr slblldy will be necessnry next yenr FMlFlS CAUSE TRflUflLE nllAlVA CPillonrd oi cun lrnl cnliod Timuran in amtrunny meoillw with tho Ol lnwn Trnnsnnrinilnn Cummin alan in nverl ilnnncinl crisis and possible increase in bus lures The Milan was inken Iilrr the board received ro pan shawan Ihe lrunsii system suiiercd rovnnue drop nl can in lo iirsi quarter of his car when it curried 800 000 uwer pnssengnrs lhun in the corresponding 1962 period VITIIDRAW GUN TORONTO CPiA 22cniibre xemiaulomnilc rill which pm lice said could be converted into submuchlne gun in live min uiu has been withdrawn from public sale here nt palico re quest The rille ls mnnuinclured by llunirr Corwrniinn of Holly wood Cnlli unnum Inn at 46 used nulamobtlo den ern has mad tho Metropolitan Toronto Llcnnglnn Commlulon lo ullmlnnte the hustlers gyp Itu and shark from the und cur business In brtnt tn lho commlnton Wednesdvv the Fndcrntlnn nt Aulomnbilu Inde endent Danton prnnnsed bond nn nt dealers an buyer mlxht Rel hls mumv hm he CNM wave In court thnt ho was chanted GARNERS WNOLESALE SPORTS mm WORLD NTws IN BRIEF rggcxnnww $32335 12855588163113 Dial 7205558 mnko an appolntmonv al 01 Esln Rood Plum Motors lid to cost drive the brand new 63 Volkswagen Custom Sedan Youll bu so Improisodwo know youll pwchoso lame on lho spot for low low price of $1730 Include all slandard oqulpmom full warranty PIERCE MOIORS llmlhd 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIffIIIIIflIIlln Thll Walk 16 wrap come off now Cunorn Volluwoqon Take loop brolh lhon lulu good look who you on for your money Adlmloblo buckol soon Bockml udlum too Automollc cholu Wlndxhlald walhm whHo flooring whool Prony fancy for an economy cur Independent Ionianbur wxpomlon Prolly fancy for any tar SIX hoolor vonll Including lwo In lho roar qufi oh In your hall PIERCE MOTORS LTD BIBi Em Road Surprise package $173000 Floor moumed gear Ihih wilh all gem lynchro nlzed You dont have to flop lo thifl Into ï¬m 38 mile lo gallon man an average An aircooled engine lhul can boil over IInah pramlue Slde vlnw mlrrar Padded Iunvhorl 346 dealers for par and earvlce Acran Canada coal of palm Everywhere tool kit Two luggage companmnnn OVIHIIOd Hm the go larlher Overelxed brake lhal slop sooner Tolophono PAvkway 85558 An anIilway bar Yoï¬ can go round Iha bond and slill bu lovolhaadod Nonrepeallunillon Iwilch upon an bolt Good uvlof Won out upon and wova hardly bnavn ByllvIn anchor lor mu bflhl Spring opmmd hm m4 Ihculd mm mud um pkwu umou VlnIyl mam on roarmouniod angina for holler Iracllon An lmida counon am than of molul lhat complcluly covers Iho bol lom of tho car To be conllnuJ byryovr VW dealur