Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1963, p. 2

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Album mum MIMI It Aluminium Alluri OII MIL 41m EC Pow Cdn lmv flkCnm can name CIR Cm cumin CHIr1 PM Can Mlll hsm gon we mm Copper mm mm Bu Cm cm gdn up Cm DIX RI DI Hum Dmllnn cumin Tllconblldu 0m Ann sml ul ManL nm mu prnlym Alice Amm VI MOI ACTIVE OCR HA CPI Damnlan one Com lmll Ill Tllwtmni nnwaoNu Nll mu AVIMUII lndmlrllll lulu My 05 Imqu up mnomo IIocl IxanNuI INDu up no ualdl umhnnd up on down BUILD NEW CAPITAL Pnkhtnn bulldinz new capital Islamabad 800 miles nonheaxl the present capital Karnnhl EVEREH tSpeciali Barry Allen Brown 2V1yeamld son Mr and Mrs Lloyd Emwn Ev erett was reported atlll uncon nelolu this week in thc Hospital or Sick Children Toronto Barry was struck by car April 25 when he ran out into Iha road In lronl oi hls home Driver of the ear was llodwell Cave Everelt Mr Cave was travelling west on Caunty Rd No lea than miles cast 01 the Everett post olllee when the child run out In front oi his ear No charges were laid hypo harry riborlc to the third child In Evmu swck by car In less than year Everett Boy Hit By Car Mung Slug or Toula Halpml or Home Call Shiv Shampoo Hllrcul Chlldrln Undo l2 yam Mon to Thurl HIvcuv Chlldrn Undtr l2 yam Fri 5n Brulhwv Chlldron Hllrzur Adulu Brulhcuv Adulll Tho Burrll Barlun Auozllflon announu In In crnu or Hulr Wk to buomo cumin on Monday May 1963 Thu Im Inch lncruu or III Bub md In Bugle r¢hrl956 an Divonlln lluliY DIX Na Hum Th6 now prlto IIIIlrn lollnwu TODAYS STOCK PRICES 35mm by Dunlap St Burl Mon to 830 to 600 pm Cloud All Day Wodrmdly nmmrzxunnn FRIDAY my mu CLERK JOHN POGUE RIGHT REEVE LLOYD PRIDHAM 7m an x0 25 Jim In ANNOUNCEMENT BUIINISS HOURS aunmr Ken lendnr uh Dunuu Lanna Lun Alar lanceun 1mm anmu Mrknnm n1 Mum mamu Nmon INDUITIML D11 an nu Pound mm mm Darn hr um Pun nu raw lllrdn rum um sladehy noun an mud Min burn Lukmna Pow nu Mluly rm Imp 01 Ind Accept Inllnd Nu lnlu Nltkel Inm unqu luluprov Ply mm Club hm clal government or nalural re name any the link complain skull nl Pleistocene hum ever dlacnvered ln Sukllchawan has been found near Bulyen McCorquodnle palmnloloxlst at the Provlnclnl Museum Nat ural Hlstury In Realm Ea to cum Comfdaam mum Dr Delaney Banla inrgenn wlll dlacuu and de munslrula first Ild and llle sav lng at the May meellng ol the Oakley Park Home and School Amclnunn to held In the school nudllarlum next Monday avgnlng Another mum of lhe much in will be the installation al niilcm oi flu incoming INSM xecuiive Doctor To Speak To School Group FIND OLD HORSE REGINA CF Th9 prpvln MFJITM on am prDiadeyI lubjecthls 1M Idi 11v nu UV 1m on am Main Pam mm Pm P190 Pm mm mm Nu on non Bunk aluminum and Cu Tethm nk hm cm rrm ma mm Unlan an wlm ukw znuh Nil Duo Ivanth omlllll on 0pm All Plumqu Immum ano luv Alum Bhtnlt Mle flack Unlhd 0H Wlllm wmm Monlnll Lock 75 $100 $100 $100 75 up 75 up 25 up $300 $125 $150 gJOhn fiPOguei Of Barrie New 3Sunnjidalé Clerk in any us no Jack Dnmonl 25 11m Queen St Tornnlo was Ar ralxnad belore Mnllstrnle Taylor In Barrie Muzlalralcs Court ycslerday on charge of havlna llqunr In plan olher lhaara mldancc Campbell len lchd thnl um nccmd mi ruled whllo lrylnn lo hllchhlkl on Highway 100 Thu accused had an opened boule or liquor In hll posseaslan Illhouxh he wall no lnloxiulcd lhu omccr Ill back M11 Lualle McKinleyl hu cum valued at $350 whlch she reponcd mlsslng an Wednesday suddenly turned up at her home yelgerdny she rebbrlnd her cunl mlsslng mm the 110le at her residence Burlan avenue Dumnnl wn llncd and com and he hollll llquar wnl conllncnlcd 10 NIAGARA Fortyone girl guides and leaders will leave Banl early tomorrow momlnrlor aday AQ Niagara Fulb The girls and 3rd Barrie lroops mad be money themselvea REGION MEETING Region oi the Ontario Assoc iailon ior Retarded Children will meet tomorrow at Midland The rcginn cover the mm mm Owen Sound to Muskaka OPEN SATURDAY Thatnan Kerr postmaster an nounced the Barrio Post Office wnuid be open Saturday alter nacns until six oclock comm encinz tomorrow Mr Ken said the post oiflce had been ciascd an Saturday afternoon linco ll LOCAL GENERAL FOUND Fillccnyenrold Donald Mc Nabh of New lowell mining mm home since Monday mominfl was repoflcd found In Hamilton sometime during the day yemrdny Mr Pogue moved ta Enrria in ma tram Toronto 110 has Ipeciaiiwd in accounting and Administrative work Including considernhia amount at mun icipal auditinl wnrkr Bciora ntarting Is township clerk he worked for about year with Arnoid Markets Ltd commut ing back and iortir to Toronto He is also commuting to some extent in his new hi though no most at his work is done at his Barrio hornet elomlonm hope to have tamponaw omce somewhere in the lnwnahlp lw laid Mr Pogue mad hls new job my replacing Herb Burkcr who resigned last month Mrv Barker had serv ed 18 years as township clerk and is lormer tawmhlp coun cillor and rceve well as an axyfardgn ol Simeog Courting Fined $15 Loses Battle Fur Coat Comes Back NEW MWELL 51am Jnhn Pogue Barrie made his 11 but Sunnldaie annshlpl new clerk when cauncil me In all community hall here yesteri IY Alzumn While River region Sun Sun Marie clouding nvcx wllh cw showers Snlurdny Warm today cooler Salurday Winds nonhwcslerly lo lo zu SMurduy Fnrecnsl Tcmprmluru low might High Saturday Windsor 4a 6a SL Thumbs 45 63 London 45 65 Knchcncr 45 65 Wlnzhum 43 65 Mount Faresl 45 65 llnmlnun 45 65 SI Calhnrlncs 43 65 Toronto 4a 65 Pdcrbomugh 45 Trenton 45 55 KllInlon Muskokn 40 AS Norlh Ba 45 55 Sudhury or Eullon 45 60 Knpulknain no as Whlla River 25 as Monsanto 30 55 Mnrlu In 11mm Niagara Laka Ontario Hull burton mgians Hamilton Tor onto Warmer today cloudlng over Inward evening with cw scattered showers ale today Ind Ionlght Saturday partly cloudy and conllnulng wnmL Wndsxoulherly 10 tu 20 Northern Georgian Bay Tim azaml Cochrnno regions Nurth Buy Sndbury Mostly sunny lhh nflelnmn CMIVHIIE nvlr ugnln with cw showers Satur day Winds west to norlhwést 10 Saturday Cooler Salurduyt Alzumn White River regions Sqult Ste Marja clouding qvcr Synaplll law showers are forecast fur hater lodny weak disturbance crosses soulh om Ontnrln Warm partly cloudy to sunny weather Is ore caut lar Northern Ontario today with change to cooler weather and scattered showers or snow lurries Saturday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron southern Goatglut Buy regions thdsor London clouding over with law scat tered showers this afternoon and eventng Saturday partly cloudy and continuan wnrm Winds southerly 10 In 20 The Barrio omcu oUhe Nn Honnl Employment Service re ports that 100 male appliwnl and female appllcanls were ahead Into jobs This Is 10 per cent mar than were plamd in Apr 3962 Slmllnrly the number ol Job llslcd by local employer has Increased In Aprll 488 jobs 0an weather office 13 EDT There was mnsiderable rise In empln ment In lhyerflarrie urea dux ng April He was accountant for limb sonMolors In Barrie unlll that firm closed After lhal he ran Duran muylng la Burrlg Mr Fugue lived und worked infra ranla sfler Inlshlng schonIHé was born In Petorhmuugh In Toronto he did accounting work or the Ford Motor Co Later he was assistant accountant for Wand mind and Co From here hewcn In the GillesSer vlcu on Co as accountant and oflicu manager Employment Rise Noted In April arecnits lssggd by up 10 WEATHER Mun Jenn Mnrlc 71 01 Or Illin annship pleaded guilly in Manlslrnlcs Courl hem ycslcr day In charge of Jmpnlrcd driving OPP Canslable Plnxlon testified More Mnglslrnle IL Tnylnr mm lh accused had been npprchcndcd on March 30 th10 the car he was driving wn unvan and hang drlvcn cr mllcully spmh Win flow and mum and he was un Alcudy on his Iccl lho conslub In suld BECOME FEWEH The Mrlrnn Man in In danger ulinrl an and tow Incl on now uxIsL Oncu lli outer wcro common Putons interested In Iaklng Miler or waitress counc now being given in Banlo nhauld reg lslcr at once or the next course fifiplnymunl almosi am nor such who complete In canrsef nm Accused cnlcrcd no dc NICE and wu nod um and cusls Kraemer manager at the Barrle National Employment Service ottice said an dicntlon of the seasonal Impact upon our economy the commu lion Industry so rbe tradesmen and laborers the transportation lndustry 55 and agricultum and forestry 92 The number of unemployed also in circnscd In many other occupa ton 01 the total 1483 unemploy ed 174 were In the age group under 20 367 theaza group 2044 years 358 In lhu my group 4564 and 81 nge 65 and nver SUMMER 1035 Mr Kramer said leflculty anticipated In finding enough Jobs for students Interested tn summer employment except for those genuinely desirous work lnxnunkct gnrdpntng demand for uorknrs for this type of help is expected to occur In mldulune The local NES um anxious to cream pool such workers and re qunsu Anyone interested to can act lhe office were listed as compared with 4121 year an Tho number reglstcrcd un employed and sucking work dropped to 358 males com pared with 1291 the prevlaus month Females however shuwcd on lryra small decrease to 625 mm There sllll good supply of sklllcd construcflon workers available In all the Indus Mr and Mrs Fugue still have their youngest son Paul iiv in II home He teaches at King Edward Public SchooL Their eldest sun Jahu who lives at Mania is min clan ineiisi in ihe ECAF Demand Band Thcir daughter Beth is lha figure skating proicssionni alihe Renmlcr Field House fl Troy New York Polytechnic Insmule Impaired Charge Brings $100 Fine mink ranch In Barrie fur qu yearn whlch he gave up about wn your fun Lo Anulu Brynn Wash burn 74 lllrn Icrccn slur and able guests wlll be Mr and Mrs Brcnncmnn 0y crallna Engineer or Georgfinn Bay Region Mr and Mrs Hnmbley General Munngq Onmlo Hydro Mr and Mrs Ferguson Roglonal Manager Goorglan Bay Region Mr and Mrs Strike Chalrman Onlarlo Hydro Mr and Mr Simr Assistant General Mun azvr Ontarin Hydro Mls Mnxr lnn Wass Bunqucl Commuter secretary treasurer Mr and Mn Dave McCIymnnl nunqucl Commute Chulrmnn nanquc Commith members Dan Mac Loan and Mr and Mrs Rory ODonnl and honored guests Mr and Mrs lloriu Mr and Mn Hoyle Rodger Mr and Mn Campbell Mr and Mrl Genoa Erllllngcr Mr nnd Mrl Thlflnull Mr and Mrs TvronloJ Russell Tumbull vlccchulrmnn the 0m rlo Munlclpnl Board or the lust hm yuan hem Illnck The banquet and dance at Fern Resort Lake Gauchlchlng Drlllla wlll honor the lnllowlnz employees El Belfry Bola R0A area manager 40 year servlce Brown llzmovcr Munlelpnl Accountant 40 years F4 Erlllinger Slayncr ll0A Llnemen Joumeymnn 29 year Go Campbell South Fells Draper Orlllla R0 So Chlel operator yearn Lineman Journeyman 36 year ll Genoa Gruvenhursl Bullding Molnlcnnnce Fore man 26 years llnrpor Broccbrldgc R0A Slocklxop or 14 yearn Jr lloric Barrle operator 27 years Hoyle Barrlc Chlcl Operator 43 years Pickles Burrlc Personnel Olliocr 40 years Rodger llunnver ls Operator 30 years Thlllnull Barrie Openl lng Supervlsor 47 years The wile of each mum will mclvo small silver Maple Lenl Several Barrie men will be honored lonlghl at Orillla in one of Ike lnrzesl retirement ban guet the Ontarlo Hydro has evtr slnggd no games at the bhnqllk will represent 419 year of vlce wuh Ontario Hydra Hydro Retirement Banquet Is At Drillia This Evening mum lag Fa cadel Brian Dazneault at City Hall BARRIE MAYOR Lea Cooke DEATHS TANK RENTAL ONLY 15 BAYFIELD STREET EIAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION All THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH GUARANTEED llle rellrees wlll recelve the allowlng gllu Bellry Illdo projector and screen Brllllnger lranslstor portable radlo Campbell olght Inch Inble saw Draper 17 Jewell wrls watch aulomat lc Gem l1 jewel wrls watch autumnllc llorle elm desk and umlr lloyl 10 place so ol cutlery ln ches Plcklgs mlnry mower Rodger 9x9 nudge tcnl Thlllaul milllmclcr rnnvln projector and screen Whit among flu honor ed zucm Is and employee the Ontario Hydro Electric Unlon Th3 union will qroylde hl gin Presenlnllons will by Brenneman exccm the one In White whlch will be made by Krcly Lummlnzs Two renreus are unable to be prescnl Brown has moved lo British Columbia and Belfry Mr Ind Mm Pickles ML and Mrs Whlte Mr and Mrs Deva 1th pro rum Includes loan la lhu la In by Rnry ODonnl an reply by Islgy Lamhen Rermhmnnu will be uyailablo from pm In pm and will be ollawcd by the banquet at which time presentalions will be made mure will be dancing un Ill 1230 Looking on are Hem Frank Ladouceur of the Navy League and Frank Gfllfland Mn Boll Eludrlully 3000 sq 4000 or 1000 sq or nduslrlnl floor spam ldcallor manulacluring storage or service buslncu new pray Ugo type bulldlng In lnduslriAl ma sprinklcrcd loading doors nmpln parking ndmln lslrnlivc andDr sccrclarlnl lor vlm available in mm build in rcqulrcd CONTACT MR THOMAS 61873 FOR RENT Mrs Dnnnanult secretary trcasurer of the Navy League announced that wrenlh wm be laid the Cenotaph before the Church Parade continue in Trlnlty Anglican Church the next meeting 1h club on Monday he guestspem kcr wlll be Major HA Kielan we School or Inlan try is Ioplc wlll be he Cu nndlan Army Abroad The Barri branch of the Navy Leagnu 13 holding tag day to day and lomormw ll pre lude lo 39 the Allnntlc Eugday The Navy Lulu and ha Sea Cadets willhold Church Par ade on Sunday to mark the an nlygmrg lllc Klwanls Club of Kenmen Bay ls selling llckeu In he lilm Chllrl II Waltlng The film will be sponsored by the Darrlrnnd Dislrlc Association or nclnrdcd Children when ll play at the Imperial Theatre May 678 and The allowing meellnn on May 11 will mum Constable mph Berry speaking on driving lcsu Kiwanians Sell Tickets For Movie Navy League Has Tag Days member of the civilian com mittee Examiner Phoco PA 64825 Per Month me

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