Wk July Novamhcr and mm Mr wlll ho llm tar rum ulna lur mlnl mlvillu Am Inu II lulu Jumm nnd mldDo umlwr will Im mrnnnxlnmly Mull whom mlnlmw In mm mm lltMnnl lnmlly rela Ilnnhlva mould mm mnnl yur hul dn In NDM hklkm In dnmnllw rlrrlu Into pill mum ml In mllllfkplrm thd born on ml day wlll tndowtd with mnnrknhlu mommy Ind an lnunnhlu will him In curb lendenrlu Io loo oplnlanmd Um In reducan program 6X0 clsr marks the dlffercnco bo ween unrxpedod success an peeled tenure How much outdoor exerclse do you not routinely Phyll claus point out Ihot the com mon ccllnu of fatigue and en nlon la ollen duo to lack of outdoor ncllvlty walk of mllu or two day can ull you out ol the doIdrums nto cu ï¬horlll Hams mutation or members reducan clubs pond in minutes your mul hu limo out walklnu you belong to gym and lwlm regularly wonderml Swimming use all lha lllllo And My mmdes What about ucrcm mnchlnes Those Ihat put the muscle through their paces hclplul Machine do not no bored What rola do culllthcnlu ay In reducing rhlnk ol cal uhenlcl Ihnpeups and you to tho lduro Flflecn minuch any mulch slobbend mu lenxlng alulnu rcxhlnnco work Illmmlnz mlrnclu old he muxcle contrncllon lo flow count 01 IIIlo lhcrtnu murals lone uipui Cindi FOR TOMORROW Adapt mnlmlc nluludu Iowan ynnr pmblcml naw und you can salvo lhm mom cnxily dun by Ihuuln our eye 10 9mm In ITUDIED IN IIHITMN Amanu lhe HI nmmnm Hall ï¬dlnlauhlp shmaull who yml 1an In In KEEP IN THE TRIM fly IDA JEAN KAIN Swing lnla sprlnx with exer cise The hes possible reducing program to team dlet and ex ercise together Exercise tones the muscles stop lhu nogglni and help you to burn cnioriel Dlelcrleyou cannot lose on 3100 calories any or women and mo calories day for men do not cut lower CalmIn bum Inn the result energy ex pended so scmlslnrvnllon dlcl dcleal your purpose Sloth am In you practice economy of energy and use fewer and fewer calories However an oven more Important reason or nolvculllng calorie loo law lsthls The way loads are slored lake certain number calories to umlsh the protec tive nutrients necessary to lab xuard your henflh Your bell ptrlod along lhm no wlll occur In mldduno mIdAuaull lulu Nnmnber InJ Indy December but do Ml ovennx youmll In lha nur venlnl periodl Ilnm lrnn and alum In win In uchlovl ob ï¬mm could cloud your ind and um you mm vul Nnu Ionh Ihl medal Mom to mnkl lhe ml lhm rully MW Vdcnllnllflwllh olhcrl IIMB lama venom mnf cloak holullly un cm mm clvllly FOR THE BIRTHDAY lomvtmw ll ur hlrlhduy our homlwpn ndltnlu that may lulu wmo rxlrn lnllln llvu lmulnnuon And emuprim on your pm In ndvnuco Jnh Ind linuncll mull durlnl lho comlnl yenr ml lho mulu wlll bu on wurth ll For flint extra lilllp Mn mini put on your wnlklnu chm And ï¬nd out haw spring ll mmlnl Ilene THE STARS SAY IF PRDDF 01 the puddlng Is In the entlng hm mem hm Esau Road Presbyter Ian Church Womens Asmln tion were wllllnu sampler of he dellcous baked load Team Dieting And Exercising For Successful Reducing Plan By EEHlELLlM Cotlm chm cup on Mluuo luv 110 no Add green pepper ILrlpI slog cup ball or To Brighten Your Home 13de potato 100 Mm pohh 50 Muminc oa bumr pal 25 15 Stewed lemme wllh balil min up not hoverlo Cllmu Told model or the any Anoiherï¬Fabric Shop First Dlnner Mr Broiled Oteun Perch PHILll Basic with lemon butler melnd butm plus lemon lu co nrvlnu pe Ly Swiss cheese on ryt SWst Cheese at 105 Bread lllccl no 1131 sprcad mayonnalsc Muv AM 20 ML Ham and Cheese on rye 300 Melon wcdn 50 so 10 Tea or calls Calorie 400 335 Protein Pickup Glass sklm milk or buuarmflk 35 85 Toast Mr thin slim Mrs lhln dice Margarine or tumor Dlelcrl Jam orlully Ho coffee Cnlorlel 380 230 my tel IIonI Him at cm Lunchmn Mr Mn Holtomnlorhaulnon wllh herb TOMORROWS MENU nmmn Mr Mrs Grapzlrull hull non nutritive uweelner 50 50 zScmmbled may beat em with cup sklm milk Pun try In 55 Tbsp Inn Alla Sllpcovon and Edmund Custom Draperies fared or Isle ho tea and bake Iale held yesterday ternoon by the WA Shown ad miring lemptlnl array or raspberry tum Iru Mll Rob on Scruton president of lha lumpy In nnnmmu Ml mxr nrw Drapery Drpul menl now ll your unm Our drapery rmuullnnl will plum lo mmun your wlnduwn Ind cxlxlhll IRWIN and hand you an ullnuln wllhuul nlXlulm mm In And In In youmll our Inlul ulecllm at mph mnlulnll 16 COLLIER MIT sum bawn Ior Llle um 75 mo no 460 Ia pa Bake tabla were convened by Mrs Alhcrt Gmse assisted by Mn 11 Grant Mrs Cum mlng Mn Robson and Mrs Church Dicbrntlï¬l convmicr wn Mn wllllum Mandden mined by Mll Ethlclflddcn Mn SprintWu uekot convener Mrs James McBride canvon ed the ten lnblc nssislcd by Mrs Honey Mrs Scolk Mrs Shewchuk Mrs Harald Wchh Mrs 15 Marshall Mrs Checsmnn Mu Jenkins and Mln Bowman Mrs Cumming noclal con vener was assisted by Mn WH llnm Johnston Mn Hllllard ngl anq Mn Gnlbrallh Mn Keeler and Mr Fram wm In charge or tha bellysnug urvlce The new wlnx Essa Road Presbyterlnn Church wnx attrac thcly decorated wllh spray or blue and yeiluw eomllowers at various points around he room for Ihc ten and bake sale held by the Womens Assnclnuon ye lurdny qflerngwn lenkwond spinning wheel containing inrze pink roses was incni point oi interest on he en table whii small bouquets oi daiiodilu ndded any note In the smaller Inhics Mn Bell received the guests assisted by Mrs Sermon and Mrs wmlam Mc Fndden Presldlnz at the table were Mrs Church Mrs Young Mrs Marshall Mrs Mchllln Essa Road WA Tea Bake Sale WA loll Mrs Bell wit of the mlnlsler and Mrs Albert Grosc oonvener the bake lablos Examiner Photo SHOP OF BARRIE Wags SHAMPOO AND SET open zvcumds mom Hm ASK r011 THE BUDGET SALON $119 PA Ronald Plle ol the Onlnrln Hydro was guest speaker Tho Importance ol llgmlnl or llxht condlllnnlng both for com lort and ellcct In planning home was the Ipcukcrs luplc Mr Plla llluslrnlcd hls Inlk with £11m lhOWlllE he hclnre and aller ellccl In snvernl homes usan llght conditioning This servlce pravldul by 0nl nrlo Hydro is uselul to nnynne planning to bulld or remodel ham REDUCES RADIATION PER OKLAHOMA CITY APlThe development of two chemical compound ihat may reduce In dinl on danger In space travel nuclear war and cancer treat ment were announced Wednex day by the Unlvmlty ol Okla homa Medical Centre group of coflaborniinz scientists re ported lhat new synthetic sier oids resembling sex hormones showed rtmnrknhle nblllty tn protect laburnlory anlmala agalnsi nenr ieihal nmnunlx ol radiaiion Mrs Homer thanked the maker on behalf of the AuxllI nry Thu Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Builderl Association met the Conllnenlnl inn or dim er mecunz April 23 Mrs Dennll Moran was chain man of UM evenings pmrnm 1n the absence the president Mrs Ahxnnder Film Illustrates Light Conditioning so DUNLOP i1 llvPAYS T0 Sll0l Al AA mm Mm mmm um unm CLUB 60 TheBarrie Belles Lndlns quartet enlcrlalncd member in guest at the noun Darrle Club 60 The meeting was held he Odd Follows all Calllcr St 1112 quach Included Mrs Phyllls Davles us lenur Mlsl MalIan Gaugh lead Mrs ShhIcy Shclswell harllone Mrs Irma Dmmmond hnss Mr and Mrs Hury Fromm at Oak 5L are atlendlng State Farm Insurance Companies can venllon In Blmmlnmn Illlnals Mr Fromm an agent or State Farm In Enrrle luncheon pnrly and our of Klng Edward School wlll be hlghllghtn the munlon of King Edward School Old Grls Club on Saturday The luncheon party wlll commence The Conun emu Inn at mu allowed by tour of the school al oclock REUNION Nam Ire Mandel to cant be uncnl loch Illa lb any Ind dlllrlci Weddlnl un nlvemrlel blrthdhn aridu purllex 29ml olI1¢ par uu vhltnn and travellm In In em or mum to women mum ol thln put Your hclp In Illpylyllll lhl nun wlll ha null Ippflf eluted Plenle phone The Banlo Exnmlner PA 511 and Ink or Ellnn Dlxon nr Audrey Caulmn II In Wam cn Deplrlment Shank nylon both Nd blue yolk or pink in 6X Aim only Glrl Tank Sn SPEAKINGOF PEOPLEAND PLACES 177 The Reflux and Belle square dance club wlll dance lhl oven lnx nl llle RCAF Assuclnllon club mom lllzh Slreel The re zulnr club dance scheduled to lake place May cancelled ln prelercnce to he Toronto and Dlslilcl lnlernntlnnul Cnnvcnl ion whlch will ho held May In 11 at the Royal York Hotel For Iome ma guest will be he first return visit to tho school unequhuol days The cammllleu conveners Includ es Mrs AlbenKolcey Mrs Jack Clemmana Mm Russ Nrnbull Mlss Evelyn Kighlley and Mn Leo McCann Enter aInmenl will be pmvldcd by In King Edward Schnal Choir under lhe direction Mrs Jenn Dabson souAnE DANCE CLUB Guest the ham or Mr and Mrs Chuck Byron or Thnm II In mm nupln Connmlol nImm SOFT WATER Ammmm onll PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 1rvznnnémasmmeu mun wmmm NM mm PA H311 550 hulk Cu Cont ovor $3 Lam nalcd wMI wdod collov and poem trim Mun Nos Clm at Sm II in la 9w Alhafllll Wllh on were Mr Dyrnna uarenls Mr and Mn willlnm Bymn Alderwmd Mlss Caroline Wilson Reg and Miss Margaret Ball Rex of London out were guests the lmmu Miss Wllsoni par ents Mr and Mrs Hurry Wil sons Eugenia St Mrs Aiberi Godden and iiirs Mlcimei ilngnn presided ni ihe labia during the mini hour which followed in interior de corallng display and dismsion at McCanhy residence igr mem MILD the Hospital Auxiliary Prize winners at the event held last evening wem Mu Roy my EXAMINER WANI Abs muons PA mu AGAINST MOTHS HEAT FIRE AND THEFT Only unlu whu make and null lura exclusively knuwn how to aka cm of your fun durlnn aummcu Inqulre about nurlaw summer price on repair and re modellhlg FREE sTOflAï¬E 0N REMDDEL JOBS CALL TODAY WIGGINS FURS IUUIN TUKD PA 84863 FOR FREE PICKUP mmma DAY on EVENING FREE GLAZING AND MINOR REPAIR PROTECT YOUR FURS Mm Cor lounging Hoafly Mad Chum ham non who in new thudt SML lhdm 8M PHONE CONTINUES Tlll SAT MAY 4th Values galore in every department Shop early and take advantage of this monersaving Tod Mm Michael llogun1lr Walter erklns and Mrs Dlxnr THE FWEI HNW ThumbAY 21 KAYS 73 Dunlop St PA mm SPECIAL 377 499 to 1250 21M MOTHERS DAY Perm lor