Fur Coat 0913 Missing 01C Members Get Acquainted sh polled milInn mm Ihovll helm um Where dhl Mn Lnlllc McKlnlry HI lluuun Aw Hunlr In rmluhly uldnl lhnl quann ul hrr W0 lur mnl Almasl loo mcmhm the Barrie Chamber Commerce allcndcd an Informal rcccnllon Il Barrio Cnmmunlly House ï¬eslcrdnynflcmmn Rog Vclhnm secrclnrymnnn or Ihu Chnmbzr mid This an opportunity or nll mom hm la mm and chance far naw member Mqunlnlcd Inq come knuwn Nell Mclmhur pmldnnt Cnnndinn Taman Corpnrnllnn rccnnlly returnnd mm IOMNk Jaunl to South Mrlcn nnld he wm complaan nonoflnllons lo ulnblish Taman company In Hm country Among nlher pmnns present at tho recomlan wnl Mayor Cooke llchcr Smllh Program Ivo Cunxzrvnllvu MP or simcnt Norlh Wlllnrd Klnxlc chnlrmnn lhn Georulnn nny Dnvchp mm Auorlallnn Znnn and Earle Llulo pmldcnt ol the Chnmhcr lhiriy flvo people hnard Mr Nnko ask them no to large lho pianll that havu kept them com fany through the winlcr Your rinnds that brought warmth and cheer into your homes over tho winter season need jusi us much help in the summer even ii you are not able in dcvnle much limu lo ihom he Mid Slides were shown which He Iuslralnd Inc function oi chloro pinsl in plant Icnves Through pholosynihuia ihu chlarapiusis convert red and blue rays 01 energy into cells This process raflcclcd in the man lroulh lhc plum ihh uinan eye is most new mm In yellow nr green energy my Mr Nakn said Thus cl Gordon Nnku sales represcno tallvn for Sylvnnln Electric Co le demonflralcd he theory and cchnlqucs plant growth in manmade environment In rafular meeting of tho Enrrlu Honculluml Snclely In the Ll hryy Hallnlnsl nluhl Through the use spcclally designed arlmclal Ham ll sslhle to keep plan bloom ng at their best yourround In doara Keeps Plants BlOoming With Artificial Light Chnlrman of tho Jayme Sluwart explain same ol Hm JoAnno Bibby both Bar sue 1mm Doug rules Sun Hardy in and 12 The contest of ski will SHPLINGS FOR CITIZENS RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE DRIVING TEST Mil In JnIHHI 1km ml mp1 at Imh Ilard cm ploym IntIx am ol Iln Inpllnuu Um wlll won row lMu no mm In mm on uni Maul lrm dared by rily haw Mm durum hy Mnm nllrlo Wllh Mr IIIHIHI Im ï¬Vn Mkl Ml Iaan Vn wk Vnn ML Clixmm Nola Wu hope that nrndunlu lhlx elmweek tonne wlll net prelutnce Gmdunlu ol lhu The course part or Pronrnm plan he anlnnnl Em ploymcnl Servlco lo ruin un employed person for Join In lhll cane lflld MumHun dlroclar lho pmzmm NEH wuld place 40 pmonl ln Waller and wallrm Jain Before lhcn howmr the am dcnls eight women and two man will have ben put to tho lcsl mnny llrnu All lhls week Ihvy him been plying their lmdo nl local rcnnurnnu un lxlure wllh hungan huskcl In which plant may ho kept was nhuwn to the group no longer necessary to RM your plants on wlnduw am You can hnvo them when Graduation day or Ihn man and women mmplcllnl the wall and wnllrcsscs course next Wednesday Plants grown under lha new light lunk bcnullful stay and bloom longer and remnln hm anr or lnnzer purlod said Mr Nnko Nuw you can bulld scml permanent setup which will en able you to keep your plum or years he canllnucd The In uh has been ex haustively leslcd and has been found to have the but mixture of cum rays The sutccss of thu dove opment has been shown on the results lent flower and root meh Mr Nnko anId new nunurcscenl light du slgned to depress the yellow and green llght my In accentualo lhe red and hlno my has bun devulnpcd In our laboratories sujd Ml Nnkn The are at rom ldunl slim ants fur plant growth cclrlc llgh bulbs are designed to rclnforca tho slrengkh of yel low nnd green llghl rays In tho envyailment In whlch they are use Program Class Put To The Test we Tho iu mu nrn worklnl lhll Wclk Lnkcvlaw Dnlry Nor mnndy Kcnnyl Flllmct Grnv cnnd ElMr formerly ol Lnkevlnw Dnlry II he lnnlruc or lnr chm ll Rob Ray Grdunln nl lhn coma will recclva ccrllflcnlu lo prove their training Inld Mr Mar cellus Thll Ihnuld mnko lhnm muro nllmcllvu lo the cmrluycrf 1mg nvcnlqnlly In his hm nos We ï¬opé ihifmu um cciudru hnl Is he lrcnd hn Mr Mar Inld nnnlhcr course would mark as soon nu nppllcaflqnllnro rccelv on cm Our or gnnlznllon vllally allvn and we dont expect to dlo ar whlln yak He called upon lhn snclclyx members to lhlnk about and wine wny ln whlch Hm anniversary might bu marked mum should be more vahmblu lo lho employer than Iomcunu 131qu Fxpcflcnc buxlncs held before the address Mr Heath Indlcalcd that he saclcly hoped to nthac 1000 members lhln ycnr Thu socMya yearbook was recommended to the pub lics attention It canlnins lull dcscrlpllon of tha soclclya nlm and gmjccls 5pm Mnnflenlh LOOK 10 ANNIVERSARY chzycar wlll mark the new 59 3° °°PÂ¥ Projecting inln tho iuiuru Mr Nako laid ha though it posslhia that person might ll bu eating algae iooda grown under nrliii cial light Alrendf the American aslmnauls had ivod on such food for 60 days timer The speaker was lnlmduccd by Bob Hanan and thanked by Norm Synnoili Tho pinnis used In the dcmonilraiion warn drawn for by lhu president iha Barrio Horticultural Society Heath ever on want In lha house he an Elrlhmrnl ll am In New Tolu Robert and Samt mu Mm rnm nu landing llllr mum In 1M he decision wm made by our brunch to help the holplt nl In Icnclnnz It had no nul lldo Mp nl lhn llmc Inld Mn Moorby We want In lnleml vnlunltu help wllh lhu leII 1111 nl Icnelnnu sha Illd also hope to be able mute nn lnlnml In lho rchnbll llmlon pullcnll ln lhu nnrrlo Men by hnvlnn people IN what ho mentally Ill lmvo la cope wllh Ihn conllnncd The Open Hume contem uf wllh public cducullun The vim pmvldca an opportunity or pm on lnIormullan nnd Io Kiel maple interested uld Mrl The In Open Hausa the Ontario Hospital Pcnelunx nt Irncted 400 vlsilars in 1058 Lnst year over 1200 lellora rcspond rd Expectation are that many more will our 1w huspllnl lhls year Inld DL Sank of the hospital MnIl Mrs Moorby Pmldnnl ho Barrio branch or lhe Cnn4 adlnn Mmlnl llcnllh Assaclnllon hope that lelmrl from he Enr rlo area will respond In three ways lo what they no and learn 1mm lhnlr cxcunlon BACKACHE Proceeds from his clmu will go to the furnlshlng or chlId rans ward In one of the local hospitals Team caplalna all Barrlnltcl are Smllh Campbell Bruce Rey nolds Archlc Coalol Jack Wal wln Doug Walaon Terry Ham and Frank Taylor The Sheba Shrlno Club hm started In drive or advance New or chlldrcn for tho Shrlna Circus which comes to Ban1e on Juno Seven team am now worklnu lo sell lha tlckela cspcclally in business firm we can get many of Ihcsn tickets sold snld Frank Taylor one lhc cup nlns Itll mean nrenlnr num ber of chlldrcn can Hand Open House Is Concerned With Education Ticket Sales Help Kiddies See The Circus be held ho Enrrln Plaza May Exnmlncr Phntu All dlnm Iosl lhcr nppclllel but name perslalrd In Intlnk Thaw who dld became Ill Accordlng tn lho wanker lb 15 not In nllnry but lhn nmll of an cmeflmcnl erh proud hut mlor an be directly re lnled lo lhu dimllvo Iyllom The sum type experiment was mnduclcd in dlnInz roam wllh Ibo use comm bulb Foods look on pecullnr mlau Meal turned my Pa Aloe took on an nrchld hue Dlnncr roll wcrc blue The bright yellow room caus ed nu charm in puln or blood pressure but employccl com plnlncd at ya Ilraln In the dark green room hm were no nbnarmul cundl Hons but poop complained of monotony LOSE APPETITB He referred to an oxpcrlmenl made by me pnlnl Industry us lng vIvld shades yellow green him and red The ex pcrlmcnu wcm made In van oua any ofllccs The ollawlnz auction wcra noted In tho red morn people became over sllmulaled and excited Blood pressure sound along wth an lngronfa pulse bgqts lnrthé blrulgrroém blood pres sum decreased and people Inan 519th and lethargic Accord MacDon ald Toronto color has dlrm cfloct on cmwllunal mo Ions llr MacDonald who Is Am Sales Manager or lmre Brother Palnu was speaking to member of mu Hospital Auxllinry at the McCarthy Res Idcnce lau gvtning To whnt exch does color alfpd oar dqlllevllAgf Thu louiisirdollnr the most widely dlsulbuted dollar of dollar in Cnnadn Balm lhe dlscusslon Willard Kinzie chnlrmnn Zone an nounced that he mecllng wn hosted by City Council and Can luyners Gus Our council has been in greement wflh tho work of Iho Georgian Bay Dnvelopmunt Ax mlatlon We welcomo you to our city and would like to expmus appreciation to mom her of our council who have come out tonight and also Ed Mo usth mmluloner Mr Kim said We are ex pected to net Milan and we an expected to expand tourism and lullenqllglen lhp tomsq scam So lela on with the Job and there Is no limit to the rich ucREgmy wo IEMO We need Jndusuy lets make this real so and am It ev erxlhxnz wlave not Let Empihymen to the people who want wark and can not Ind work evéry tourist dollar spent 15 cents goes to the novernmenl mcellnz and dlnner of hu Georgian Bay Devalopmenl AI loclauon Zone that lasted more than live hour last night dovelo ed Into hnsale ovu thl ellzlbl fly or candidate or di reckon Maybr Le Cooke said would like to express apprecia tion to Zone Color Has Real Effect On Your Daily Living Believed Ineligible Langevin WithdraWs nl Caurlroul luvch Ha named Inn colon should be lricd In the Ilghlhm your awn homn Mora making do cision ngM has menu cf cc an all colon Ho Iuggcsled that the ï¬rst palm to be considered are that comm llflhllni condonm axis In every home are nlnnnlng on rcdccloruling In the near Mun ML MacDonald altered number 01 Interesting Um Accch color In room should be used carclully bo uuse they are alwaya brlghl vibrant shudcsl Then are this colonhm people become llred qulckly Vlbrang shade in cludo Md orange yellow and used sparingly they 1m mos ullrncllvo accent colors Vlnlets Ind purple are lym bols ol dlgnlly authority and power They are Mened to II he cold and austere mlors and lnqucnlly moclalcd wllh roynlly because Iho mlorl used In ho mynl mbul DECORATING ms stmulnnl or sedative amrdlnz to Mr MacDonald Mm des cribed In dï¬all the dllrerent ulmusphem croniedby tho In ml color and warm colon quiet person with retiring nature should me warm colors like yellnwa pinlu beim yel lowgreen reds etc SOMIHNG The bylaw mat gave rise to the controversy reads nIe member of lhe Zane committee the Annual MeeUng shall el act threo lhelr members to servo as director on the Board wm Downer Wanna Bench said We didnt get copf of these byllwn and think th shame We came out to this meetlng not knowing anything nbgut this or tho summer Indian or the fall and M011 or the winter HASSLE The hassle started when Gene Lanlavlnl name came up candldnlo or dlmtor Mr Lan zevln director of Ihe Cham ber Commerca Wanna Bgnch Charles Grtfltn explained the xclup that the council of each munlclpaltty appoint tho same number of people Several mem bers objected that they did not know than clmlmstancu Blll Cranslon mercury read luller abjecllnz that Mr Lan lexlln was nqlcflzlhlg was talking to one operator who said hL business was up mm so per cent to zoo gar gent This summers Ilmnluru going out mm In GBDA wIll advanlzo skllng and winter spam new person In Simon beneflllq So lets help our novelmen out We had promotion here last 31 called Snow Belt and Ski hen In mimï¬ï¬‚nz mom wllh Wall hudly ovul Huoh Pump In In cnmlannblyInu In no man ncculnm yaull want In wtm Ilium an llmnl Nun Pupplol cuwnl Ihon yo no Imnnly Alylod mm wur Hum la lhn nmcol Genuine hmhm plalhlnln mouth crupl Iololo mnlnoNunh In so IV In clun Ina Jqu bmhlnul Ill am In Hulh Pupplu llko mwl Come In lav mung Thmo am II and colour to null you poiqr can berdasxlfled as Youll NeVer Take Them Off WALKWEL SHOES mm In WOMENS Soil relaxing caich should be used In bedrooms whiio color in the living room can be mam contrasng and con ducive la lhn activity Which mkc pinco in this mom or living The use deep colors makes room look smaller This splendld Idea you ham high calling In mom and wlsh to lower It said Mr MacDonald In small area he advised the use 01 light pasth shade to provlde Ih Hluslnn cl depth These colors should aim be used In narrow hall or othtr small rooms narlhcrn exposure L1 Inad vlsnblo use any shade of blue because flanneln light contains la bluc de coratan room with muthem exposure stay away from ye low or peach shades because they become too vibrant with added sunlight CHANGE SIZE MnLmiéevi am willing to sit back and wait another year Mr Downer all very well In talk about rules and reg ulations but rules and regula tion do not put dollar In the pocket the people of his area be use our heads and put Mr Langevln In He has Imp nmusl valuath member Mr Kinzle Mr Langevlu any ha is willing ta wllhdraw Shall we taku vole whether to necept iwllhdrnwal Mr crunn reel just as Gum 1091 Let do right and hair The way we are going on hera tonight going to mnka Zone one 01 ha worst 11 we dont net clear M13 Langevln Iald he wasnt Interested In that position he fame he didnt have the exper ence Directors the Assoclnllon least one of which must be an elecled representatlve or their nominee In the munici paflly Inflwhlch they negld Mr Kinzle nld It not clear who can be dlrecwr here We know Geno Lnngevln has dqnp vallxnhlu work tang It was under the mem bershlp nnd we thought this man was ellglblc And Its no right This Isnt the proper wny to do things 05c member suggested way obstacle could be hurdlcd and Mr Langevln become dlrcclon CHILDRENS 395 In hmIns Grmin mndn lhn pro mutation at an Assoclnllon meeting In Rah Rny Restaurant Gordon lllnlllon ol Tollenham Immedlalu pas pmldem oI Gnarglnn Day Dcvelopmcnl Ils sociullon Zone losl mall to reeclved leller oI commenda IIon from on Iloberl Mucou lny Mlnlsler of Economch and DclDlopman II was Ior hls work and cIIarts In asslsdnz In the Ionnallan oI um new rcglonal development nssocla Ions and or Ills work In pro mollnz regular development lhroughoul ho provlnco who am In new on nutum um mu II mum mm my my haul uvyiufliTJRTITJL mmnmnvm June MrIKInzIe snld This adver llscmcnl wlll encourage Ingumy Inform tahlhls arm Consiï¬ciible thin was tiaken up with the discussion Id vglslng Since Midland council voted against contributing towards the cost of ndveriising In the Pi nnncini Post it was questioned whether GDDA should adverllsa Ihe head niiico In some other town ingiudd oi Midland The meetlng was old that In the Advertisement In the Finan cial Past the hand alike nam ed as Midland and Illa Box Nlirnber 13 givqn rcallze that lb very mmpellllvel lle explxlncd the advnrllslnz in the Financial Fast with re lnllml tn Illa budgel allowance GBDA Head Is Commended Mr Klnzlc with deep 414 Us to have the bylaw changed ad was Sum Prelia Was Beach Several times during the discus sion Mr Prezln altered to with draw but members seemed lo be ulmusl evcnly 5pm on lnler prelnupn of the rules and after wa not acgcpteq Dlnmong Mmmm 76 Dvnlopffl W1 PA um Mayor Because in bylaw and Ihe interpretations iln uniariunnlei The only reason this siiuuliun arise Is becauu we are dealing wlih cnpahla man cani spank tun highly ollhp gonlribuiinn he has made The mollon was carried 10 lo In accept Mr Langevln with drpwnl 11 exp 11 ned haw dlrw actors at larg are appointed said Zone couldnt expect cclngs Ia lgrge in Klnxle Our zone ls lar ger and IhInk lhere are plenty reasons why there should bu Ihggu directors Mr Downer This mat teLol degagrallgjflncipl Smnrt Colllngwn think thats the wrong policy um uunk we should vote on Itlonigh The BULOVA Tho next muting wlll be in Ikiww this hnsslc Wax mm SELFWINNIE HAILIPIW 231MB