Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1963, p. 15

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pr mu MumInn an mumII him mom um mlllml llnlll Im down mnlhly puma mphm lm rLVMGUm our Mr mar blue robum mum nnna cunnl run lm Tamman um bun cmvm to lug IIIM mm Oly quip mumul ullinl Ml MM vary nmuhu HI mminfiuum mm Mu r1 mm mm mum um nu nun1 mum wlll rm mu 71 mm um nu lu mu th hum Mum hm mm Inl IanIlm nu Ilm um um an 1qu un nu HIMl m1 vVM Md hrr hllrhan um In Win In All millr iulmnw Min cu um mum in rmm uanInur In ma mnh anml romllllun MN mu an suwm mm mnu mumm um um mm mIy mum vu mm Mum um ummhum Nun ulmmu rm nm 11 ynm rA mu nullI nlly ulnl mm th mm um Ivvly bun op Alml rm ml nulrx flll flukl 5mm lm m1 Hm rltlux nurL human PA ONII or Ml X1 man pMM PA IMO tphanl lA Hus Ind or mun ml VAUXIIALI nlu Low ulllnll mun nun rum or uI fer Inth Tvlrphnm mu hum HI nu rnNnAc lwr am Mm mumm Hm nulum udln um munmud Inhfll Tullvhom An mu um mm on um 1m nma mm Tolephool mm rxwam YouEEr coon DEAL AND GOOD DEAL nous AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 Buy It now wllh Iowan ulelmund SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA lunaLK mun Includ lnl Rumored film ll Mllun lwu Yelrllnl Eu Limbo Ttltphnnl 0m ran Cull ald ruler Mm Blltk Wallem lllver mounted Imx Allen lawn $011 61 AUTOMOTIVE nlnlronm rm you land Harlloml or llle mavnhll Ml Cbln 15 relepnom 0m 1m MOTOR CARS FOR SALE ml nefl Gummy Rodney Sud Dill No obnuxlalu wufll on hm Border Colu Pup null lmwu All Allen Coolllawl mu More And more paullrymen are choosing DEKALE PULLETS finned ready to In And day old chlckl Order now or early order dlscounL For lervlce or help on ynur poultry problem call Crall Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTR FARM LTD STROUD PHONE Tl in um SEEmrWAfi Dhonu PA um mm on ule numu ma Rodney cm by nu Lumen Apply Clifford 111 Birth Tell pnm ma lvulu Inn om mm ml Itred Iced Ind Rndnty M30 In lemlllonll Power summer In and common Telephone PA lNVI or lumbar MIMI kor niefm purity khan Alllllflfl Hemlock 56351 man man dAnlnr med mm mumd cnwlnm mum RUSSELL on mwn lrnm filled Ind 00 pet hulhlL Lallhln Thurman mthn Hum caomawn 11841 VlluNu Milk Martha Pun vlul Iwa nundm typo unlu plplu tor 14 com pllu nut mm mm Al mod nuw only ued le manna or uh or win um mu am maul mint arr 1110530 DEAD STOCK mzhm prim Mid or dead or crippled 5qu no bones Smlll animals removed rm Forlasl mvlca PHONE BARRIE PA 61131 Collect or all or 1hoer MMINS Em at II an Ffiudomam 714cm No 1724 Farm Supplies dz Service 44 Cue Naw Hollnnd David Brown Bully Farm Equfpmanl HUMOR AVI PA m7 CASH TRADE TERMS NICKS DEAD STOCK IN LOVE wrm CERTAIN NEW CAR DEKALB PULLETS POULTRY CHICKS CHARLES CHURCH Mu uu rm IyWn 1mm FA um FEEBEEEITGRAW FARM MACHINERY FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK Iny man com pmny mun mm nun mm mm In MI um All mun andm mum ALUMN nul mum llpfllvnu mr allyv wm lumlnu MilIn SIBIRE In mm mm NIEon am Nil IlpOlthId II MIIIH IN FUR Mlthlly Ar Iv dun lulornm am In MAN winnn um mum Ilmmd hm Iummu luv uhv InvnnnIloq mumm tu coolnun Mmt ha MAI clean ml hon ul rellnhlo and willing In work hm lo Armru my good ul um In m3 crnm mmbvu 91 You II In Impfill Tintn wum In Ill you hll unlcld IM onu may you vnu ll nvur Ind nnr Hm Child In Wmlu nantn Inn ummr Judy aulnd Hood ll an myqu cunnm mad In unrulyu Im II dlu Ind llnlllmm Daub br uh Id and Llllrl Wt Illfl lIrI llmmfl Hum 01 50M ChmBl Mn Foxmil ltnmm Inn Womvun Ind 0m luuL PA 17 ll Remodlmnl Ilunflons IIIIVIII thp tn cm or In mm In yau unl Io mm at you Pill Hilda to om Mm Ill Couhlrl PA on lul Iwolnlmcul MoromNo To manmu Elumwki my ll 5pm 1th lot first vlmnun 5h uyemu flelumlnl Jun phon Cum BIan 100 cumin an onrulonl IQ ugm pugva num mar Commu by llrfllld Mer II Ml Iwn harm or Icrnlu PA PA mcom IAx ncluml gamma Apply Kldd Accounnm Cumberllnd Etna of who PA Hill lnyllmn Form 11me no on wnnt ynnr amm Iold by ur no Xenon PA MM layman or lvpclnlmenL Openlng Special PERMS REGULAR 3101 3550 $12 or $800 IOIID WEN lulll box luv load condition momh will 17 wflh dun Tlliphonl PA um CHEVROLET 24m Cub m1 Chluh Cockmm rmlanlrom and louder nmw Ind mmqu bub kl laaolnl hitch I110 11 Model lard All condmvm Ap l1alifl Buhld 5L TIIIPhoM PA rowin nun Trunk or an Telephem PA an lm cazv AHON Pinup In lulu condition Will In or hm mller or Inlylelu weldlnl oIIlAL Tlllphuul PA all IO HELP WANTED FALCOR Deluxl lwr GM Sudan Wnun bonumnl red Ind wmu flnlm with mlchlnl nd mortar HM oflllnll mun Ownld by local flnnlnr mm In to vamllud Elly mil Tllephonl PA I70 mechmlcllly body mr um um um nymoum In condition very Illllmlbll vhvm PA mu m1 roan two door blur and whit with runlmunl lnltrlnh momu mmmmlon mum ndxo mm mm duh ma vllan Ill nu while II um Al nlw common 12 down And pt manlh Telephonl FA 1m AcAmAN Demcnunan law musu Dn nu let onuunmn buy mu Cm In named mum amen Molm Accwlmu Corponllnn Very low down wmenz Teln pnom Bfll Lynch PA Hll PERSONALS am an wlekond Lulu When hm mu pm PA um Null CAI INIVIANUE inn lot unlzmd drmn mm In dflvu milu Bl fléflfiffi 111 cEflfi sf Pl 511 ea nd ma whlu rm much unm No down myan mm to 1qu your hudul Ttluyhnm um to mom Stdn to 3m ceoamzcnuim mauuu hi non sauna mm ml confirm an qu In mamm mmlulou ndlfl whll wall all we door Muck ullrlnr 5h In On nonl PA monthly Tile Bill nch AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Mlnlmum hxcntlon Grade MILY FRIDAY MAY MR KNIGHT QUEENS HOTEL 11 mm 1mm Young Man 1649 YEARS OLD TRUCKS TRAILERS WMEWCOLUMN MARYS BEAUTY SALON 184 Endlord SL PHONE PA E5870 MALE HELP my ma ma Talo maomnr ANNE ADAMS em The nmlu Eumlm 60me Bl Tqmnm Jimnfilxfliol hum Mm Nu nupvn or FM mumAny nno ynu thfill In nu 5min lummn Inlllrn leal lend to uni nnw TIACIIII with plrmlnznt mam aeum Iron my can Imnnlly lllndlfll Indy 111 WKHIJ EIIMY Dunn fluuxllehlnfl 01 IIXCpthI HI NT 50 cull Im phml or III puller uh mldcnh III unl Iu lu Prnl plnlnly MZE NAM ADa Dump mm mm hmr calm Inn Dy ANNE ADAM WIIlnwy Ihulh wllh wldt hamlrrlul callr younl Ind duhlnl look or my In ovenlnl nnlunu nr llntn irlhlidllllnrn 4W Mlnel film ID ll ll Rlu For Wanr Ad cummn Work all kinds remvnllanl Illlnllnm 1th cupbonml Lulnl mum um man mm momx Nu loh mu nnwmhl nlu cm Irw ume PA um PA 2414 RELIABLE MAN wlu do mum on mm In mum urgentn nu ma outdoor mu mu nllnl luv llwn mowlnl Fellow um um rm mm um mnnu AalTouylu Hull in to um bundlnl mum was In mm mm Mnuu mmmlblc Couph Imkd to his CI of Inna bulldlnl or Mucnd nnl PA um dnflnl Mulnul hemL rumma um Dem1m 5pm quxh Mg ha Iru nu noxmnlm put up use m5 mm mm mum Nu Milo nu Tm PA Hm or mum mob Euu WOMAN Wmled to bah II In my home 1m any wally Mun hm own tnmpmfllon Brock 55m 39 air Exruumun heuuh qulnd by dual mph to flu In Conunlll hum muti muon Aw mm to um am sum utlmlltu 11mm PA moi ivlmuu refiuhdilor mi ply on or IIIIDMnI Jau mum um mm rium an Limingck up vm Sallry Ind Commission Give xperlence age etc to MR5 DORIS EPWORTH 135 7111 61 WEST EMPLOYMENTTMANfEE mm mu 0r to qulnd or MW In TM dul lflhb In AIUIIUI bl Will XIIIIHHM Ind IhlI In hell but no nqum HunM may mu Wo mn 1y um am Work In in ii mall 01 MW Hulcblnnu Mob on Allmon pm HI um 10 HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE openlnz or mature womln no service excellent territory In Essa Township sum rennin extra Income Huh nwny No axperienca neededw train you to thaw AVON Cosmetics For person In larvlew wrlra Io Mn Walker so 1110mm 5L Barrie or phone PA 66551 HAIRDRESSER KETTERING AVON CALLING MALE FEMAE Televhono PR H790 Service FEMALE HELP MAT HELP Dial A111 Ihll nth day April All IN HAROLD HILL Cloth 04 anmhlp mu lo 10 Am 0mm 11w maimed fly In And In rrlpllml nMwln 1M Imll to Allerlovl may he um my olllrn the Munlclml Bulldiul ul mum Onllflo In Inn Tom my Fm 111 dwell will hour In yu Ion or by NI or Mr mmol MW WM dvllu mm orll In mvtylnu thmol lo minim mm In no Angun In Ibo County Blmcoo cording to rulnlmd Plan 16M ylnl Nomi Nndhmu hovndlry RIM sum IM 5mm Iho mumn hunt Iry mid helwun MI 30 ml 11 In mention lb jlhwmfilpx PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP or ESSA Cloning Strut In VIII Angun NUIICF ll hmby Ivcn lhfl tho Coumll In Corporallm of In TownahIp Du pm panel III II 3rd day June WM belnx the data ol ho CouncIl mccllul Ior lhl momh ol Junta MN and MM mu monlk Irom Im daII of um um pumm lIon Ind man up Hull Noun In pm IIyllw la Itnp and don um mm Cedar mm In Iha VIIqu 04 Angus hmInIlor dunlbtd Tho lollowlnl plece Chesterfield sulle Iml liable upholslcred chm oll spice healer wllh mull Ind large tank Iloor n11 Annex Healer oal or wood burner elcdrlc mve jacket healer Thar electric wnshlnz muchan Eledrlc refrigerator Rwy mond sewlu madllne Irrn clulr Pamela top table kl dlfll table kitchen cabl electrlc lea Smile our dual Extenslm table chnlra enpon bed wicker chair Roll Iwry bed Hall ruck chalr wrlllng desk upholslertd chalr mlrmr hind made flower sml bed xpflnu spool bed leather llckl chest or drawerl wash sand lnmlu Lawn clulr lawn table step ladder Num be ol plllows md cushlons Number lamps Wlndow lcmnl qunnllly of booh Cooklnl utenslls dlflm Ind many other Irudu Coo numer out to menllon Monday May AT 11 OCLOCK NOON SHARP for Ibo emu of lhe Into ROBERT HENDERSON La 11 Concenlon Ton oronuo mllu Wu ol Everett Ind um um north AUCTION SALE firm flock and Implcmznu un lncludu 73 mils good we with lambs Ind lull llnu 00d Implmnu No mem Audlunm or flu um will not be rupoxulbh Int accidch thy offlo Tm cmi 01mm rorn AND son Largo extensive eucflon sale of Lomle Inventory nod 01 wreckinl and demolition ynrd coneisilnz of Hmmd died of lumber timbers flooring eleoulc iixluru oil bumm iurnlces redialou building contraczorI meierloi All kinds um bun plumblnl supplies portable rues oiher building epmxlmaidy 100 30 lhomand ol oiber udu wrecking hols ofllco furniture ohm properly belong in to be ESTATE OF THE LATE OSCAR RUTLEDGE It the yard at 62 NORTH QUEEN ST ETOBICOKE TWE be ween Kipling Avm and No 17 gllhmy It 1230 noon Tears clsh No reserve Ken Ind auxkc PrenLlce Audion een Markham Ont phone 2941181 8403586 All will be 501d without 11 len um the cum Ternu wh Sal In 130 pm SPROULE Auctle NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS M1011 RUSSELL WAD TE WEBB me of the vulm Cookmwn In the County 91 51mm who died on the 15th day December 1982 must file their clulm wllh theun dammed Wore May Ith 1m ARE which date mud the emu will be distributed Household Multan Ind Ellecu The underlined has recelved Instructions mm The executor or the um the Illa amen mva 14 PUBLIC NOTICE AidmrMéNeu Glut Execu or by his Solldton 5mm W3 QWEN 0W sum nun1e 61316 lEGAI NOTICES l3 AUCTION SALES In the Vlllm Ciurchlll To Iell by public auction on AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 4th SATURDAY MAY Agl my AUCTION SALE AumONTAm No Robbery Favors Screaming Crowd dont know what causes hlm to wander Gavar xald You never know Just mum be Iomethlnz About Aqueduct my he Wmd Thlll lhg LOUISVILLE Ky AP the tralner ol Greenlrne Sta blel Kentucky Derby hopeful Na Robbery had just onu more wish hed ask for the noblest crowd In Derby history and all cusswind It the head the much John Gaver who has won ilva Amish um including the Wood Memorial with No Rob bery in still worried his wane daring call may try in Satur days Derby lo pull his old trick oi running where ha pleases Ill just hope for lemm lng crowd Io mm him In tha when they hl the stretch GIVE said And mu cross wlnd wouldnt hurt Nu Robbtry on un beaten toll in the derbythe other In Candy Spots um likely favorllowen wide In the Wood far nn apparent reason caus nz Gave and jockey Johnny not mare than their mm wonylnu The lmla Ian Swapsflim will postward In the MowAdded Derby wlth new bit to held his tongue In pinch and will run with bunk er or the um lime EDMONTON CHThe wly Ihe flvu candle pedom lnz Maw Fnlll Flyen and Edmonton 011 Kim will have ho mgluhogwr 011mm ona ay any headline duflnl the Mcmorlnl Cup junior hockuy hum lon open hgge Ion Emm nld Cnnadlan Amu teur Hockey Amclnllnn rules restrict placing of the goal line to no fee from In and hnards The line onjhe Edmonton Gur dem lee mlace are 15 ml from the houdxilhe rink In 210 93 long Emmn laid um union ha lines are moved he will protest every game of the series He said he lent In first pm An PM Edmonton CAHA wresldent Wednesday night nily vllce he The 011 Klnzn making rec ord outh consecudvu appear ance In the bushelsaver final rule slight avarice with ma Idvantm home in Edmon ton ha glever wan tho cmxgn Coach an Emma or the Fly en ll trying to upset the home Ice Advmm and has gone to Ihg rule book to do so Rival Coaches Pushing Teams Right Out 01 The Headlines EMORY MILLER MESSAGE from the people from both offices now of Millers We are keen to apply all our combined experience to YOUR real estate lmnsoc lion either selling or buying We know if can be your most Important deal May we talk to you about It Mn WHEELER LAS VEGAS Nev AP Golll his three Arnold Palmer Jack Nlckllul Ind Gary Player took mm In prncllce lenu Wednesdiy on the eve of the $60000 loumnmen of champi ons 72hole battle against 14 rlvhnl proleuonalx Pnlmur Iller IIx lollng whack II the wlmlrl end mado lucky men war no for 1000 with tom score at 11 under pn or the mute llma Pulmarh med no better khan an oven them with his colnvorlu Mule cham rlan Nicklaul who will plly km or flag llrslmglmo The mam 1° Potler uld lhl rule was not adhered to It the Gardens hut laid this was Immune the rink Imad both unlleur Ind pm legdonul cluhl Western Lengue rule lupu lnla the on lines mun be ll cot mm the bonds In rinks wflh suflml longer than no he Ind um hld been lollowcd nut We or yum Puller dociined comment on the possibility oi mavinl the linu but Emm uid ha ha iieved Mind ieaiiimnie pro test and would carry throth wiihr his demand Emma um refund Bry thaw lemed um um bond and ordered 11 phym to Ikm flowly around the rink ann minute later he awn de manded mm Ieava and the Niagara Fallllcnqph 41 so Emma uld he dl tbn any one from his club workouts and when the Flyerx later luck to the Ice he laid Bruuhnw Ind most his club was in the stands Sauifi AlrIcnI Plnyer who hu lulled lo win here we lrlu tied for 1111 In blanket windup In and mull Il lentlon What rule are we flaylng underwanywny he In In amntcur uric run by the CARA and We should allow Illeir rules to the letter know bmke rula would you be told about ll allowed In car ller clash helwen the couches themselvu when Enyshnw or dered Emma mm the rink while the on King went through prncucm ngwsns Afr mm The club are rated as the mast evenly matched in morial Cup llnal 1n yun Ind thls sparked keen Interest the box omce Thu In our game waned to be leuauu Golfs Big Three Take Final Shots What rule The Emory Miller Real Estate Office on Tiffin Street will close The new business wlll operate at l9 Colller Street The Hender son phone number will be discontinued and the Mlller number PA 64881 will transfer to Collier Street with two trunk lines The offlce wlll be open evenlngs to nlne Monday through Frl day and all week days TwoBarrie real estate businesses have merged EMORY MILLER has purchased the business of HENDERSON REAL ESTATE Innouncemenf hum Iubwban hmlu Hm flmlnnm Appnlula Malllllu Arranged Mli mm Ind Dlllrld nul Ellm Bald Your lnqulvln luvlled MTA ICANDIIETT Photo MLS Realtor l9 Colllcr Smut on Day or Innlnl EMU EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY 1m BRUCE CAMPBELL Funeral nrvlce was held day for Bruce Campholl 36 Onnwn who died In the Otuwn Clyjc Holplgl qnSuyglny Ha survived by MI palmu Mr and Mn Nnmmn Clmpbell Cookstawn Onlarlo his bro ther Robert Cookslown and SIP er Audrey Mn lhlessem Tomnlo Louis here In retcrec haul Salutdly balween Sugar Ray Robinson Ind Maurice Robert or Al erlu Illa said he Ivan chnni 111 name rule to make boxing for Metal Irranzement were 2y the Huihc Maul In Cooks own slim Wu um A111an Un lon cemetery JAMES CREIOHTON hmenl urvlce was held for James Creighton 71 who dlad l°° EMF He survived by his wile Minnie Culbert two listen Margret SmlAh In England Ind Lllllm Creighton Phllndelphlu USA and one bmther George or Wpodalock Mend from Port Mchcoll Midland Toronto Fusion Bond Head Churdmlll Stroud Pain wlck Barrie and Woodstock lended he tuners service DEFENDS BOXING SHERBRDOKE QM CF Joe Louis lormer world heavy welm chunplon any the re mlon of polludan after the death of former haikuweight champion Davey Moore during Hue uzhl wm no all sin Some politician In the United States when they want thdr names In the papers speak out agnlmt boxlnz he and in In Interview Wednes 1m sums commcr CMARY CPlEaile Dly he Canadian Football Leaguen nil1m quarterback In 1962 has been Ilgned or hll lhlrd leunn with Camry Sumpedm ll wu Inmuneed Wednexdly 1113 poundcr rum Jamon 155 Ian year wmplmd 156 The whee wu mnducud by Reg Harpeg Pallbearers were Flelcller Cochrane Thomn Lyons Arnold Goodwln nnd Herman Jennell mfciexgmn was he In County Femlnnzh Ireland in When you compare boxing la olhcr upon you can see that Is long way lrom havlng lha wgrs¢lalallly ya he Ialq 61 Imory OBITUARIES SCISSORED SPORT KAI MMLIIAH 1392 son or Wllllnm mama and Ann El uchanon Ha 15ml lrvlnl duunhtgr ol thl me David and Elizabeth Irving dlgg llhe homojn Burrlg Her bmlher Allen mvlvu ulster Mn Harlay and brgghcy Jame pycdqccaaeq her brother James predeceased her she is survived by three nlecel Joyce Allen Barrie Mu An drew Graham 01 Lelroy and Mrs Ros NIHU Gllfard Ind nephew Sergeant AI Ien at Greenwood N45 MCLARNON Painink Pierce McLarnonxhux band oi Ruth Conion and when oi Lynn flaps and Darlene Mm William Stuns oi Barrie died in Santa Monicl California The bndy Ix the Jennen Mull Hamu Bnrrie Requiem mm will be held at St Mary Church on Friday enm Burial will be It St hlaryl Cemetery SKEET SIIODTERS MEET TORONTO CF About 150 shooter from Ontario Quebec and Nuw York male an ex pecfed to wmpelo In the annull Ontario open skeet dumplolv chips here May Saturday mmpemon will moo the 50 um mzauue the warm ZHquo Ind he 10Mer 20 um Ind on Sunday me On mio allsnuu champion ship wll be held HI vomlon iumlnn church Angflcan Ind pomlu Uogufintlve VBdilral wn It In Thornton Union Cemetcry 262 pm nllem or 2494 yards and I5 touch owns It was an average completion of 585 per cent LEAFS SIGN PITCIIEB 10Ron CF Toronio Maplo Lenll ol the Intern lIonal Lanna hnvu Illned pitcher Norman Bass 24 Kansas City MMeUu It was announced Wednesdy HI pLyed wilhKnnm City In 1961 wlth an 111 wonlost record but dropped In last awn FOUND BOUNTY Tho remain the mutiny nhlp Bounty wen mud oil Pllcalm llllnd In lhl Pldlil in 1957 Tho funeral service we held at the Jenneu Funeral Home on Wclnesday and burial in Sixth um Cemeury lanky Ill IOHD mun mvma Ill DOUHNE

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