By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cunndns mnlm sunnr relin crs nnnouncod further price increase Wednesdaythe lhlrd in three days for mostgiving Iurthcr Impetus lnu trend um slnrlcd last January Thrcu MontronlAbascd compu nlcs with national murkmlng minus and Vnncnuvcr com pany hiked lhc prlcu 100 nound bag 20 cunls In $1315 compared to $910 lhn begin mm or the your Thc present splrnl muku the price nu lllime hlgh he pre vinus high being $1175 bag In 1033 About 6500 Iona Now Scollu can was unloaded yu erday an Cumin Hydro nencrnllnz station on Canadian Sugar Prices Rise Third Time Within Three Days For lhn Monlrcul campaniu DUNlOP ST nun mum mulnr In mhuI mm um mum lulln much mm mm ImmhIUI vvllhlnlulm hill llulor lurll Umllm Ind mull lelIn Imlll lull lvnwl uan mu mum In um mm bun1 mu mu nr My gum nully an Illlumauhl onqu nully mu HANDMIXER 1995 UNLOHDING NOVA SCOTIA COAL INTORONTO Cnnndn and Dominion Sugar Co Alianlic Sugar iiciin crcs Lid and St Lawrence Su gar Refineries leithe hike inlluwod hard upon increases oi Li cunls Tuesday and 20 crnls Monday or the Brillsh Columbln Su gar Refinery Ltd was the sac ond Increase In two days and mu 33rd since Ins Surlember Thu n0 companys pr cc went upuzs nu Ncsdnya tos eastern watcrfmntrlhe first sMpmen under llve year contrad calling for 350000 tons to be shipped unlo prices were expected to go up proportion nely but an alllcinl the Manl toba Sugar Company In VlnnI peghgiccllpcd lo glye rflllhough hike hiya spiral llng In cnrncsl last January the mm all can be traced to Im Wllhll Om In Iun umlm rlmmu Ianh In ym lulu utlvnmn In r1 Inlo Orawulul mulor um dllkmnl 1min mm mm may nun Hnnrl In mlx hanI 1le Mnlar balm IonNI lo uu ley Irnm Aund MIXMASTER 3695 Rndlml Conlrol the Cubanuclear arm crlsls at Oct 1962 hut Umc the price at Napoqu bug was $730 but in week rose to $765 series of wildlyllucmnllng changes slawonly Me lhem downwnrdhnve brought prlce la 50 var cent war the pre crlsls level 3495 nnu ncturcrs say the price charged for Cnnndlnn reflncd sugar dlrccl reflection raw sugar prices on the world mnrkok In London Somn coun lrles such as lhc Unllcd King dom buy under special vrlce agreement whlle Canada buy on the world murkcL Spokesï¬ién for 1h Monlrcnl and Vnncouvrr Hrmn auld higher world prices on raw su rom the Sydneybased Dom inion CouLCompany The first load was carrlcd mm Hnll 1M aboani the vrsscl Hull TOASTER AUTOMATIC plu um huunu tlImInL ltnm Illa nu lnlunu mm Iur dly nln CTN lulflo an hum gar mnda ha Increases neces sary The prlcc In London rose 16 polnls to 85 cents Wednes day The New York price was 35 cenu Tho European hcet crop An other mnior source of Canadian raw sugar was only €500000 metric Ion this season com pared to about 7000000 melric tons in the mm growing sca sondue to the cold wnvo Illa swept Ihc continent early last winter Prices oi the Montreal mm panic include transportation and so are higher at all points was oi there The reilncrs price is 20 cents hlghcr Tar ohlo and $140 higher Winni Pcix iax ahnwn here unloading 0110 Hydm dock Iolal csllm sled cost of the coal contract $10000000 CF erepholo MOTHERS DAY IS BIII WEEK AWAY FRY PAN 19 EVEN IIEAI rlu rawnlul id mam lmhutly Md mun mm 0mm III Mumnu Olnv Iuhfl mum on ql blHIHM Comnllly lmm II or Wllu tonunl plu xumu IN on nu mm um mm mm men Iqmrmm In an BARRIE OHAWA CF Talk he lwccn Prlme Mlnmer Pearson and Fmdent Kennedy May loo llyannll Pan Mum are expectcd Io lunch at aerlel CanadaUS dcfenca hemm ans Inlormanls indicated Wtdncs gay lhag hepldps uncles 95 Hyandmnlml aireeménl the negotlallnn will cover these subjects Possible Canadian penici pation in development and pro duction oi he new TEX mu ui lighter experimental 1e piano in exchange or Canadian acquisition vi number the lighters for air defence PearsonKennedy Meeting Expected To Deal With Defence The number lllghl made by nuclear bombers of lhu US SQraleglc Alr Command over Canada Sources said such flights were severely renrlcted by he Conservnllve govem menl arcing SAC In apexale mainly over he Mlnnflc and Pacillc SEEK MORE VOODOOS More Voodoo jet Intercept or or CAP Mr Defence Com mand The 1961 agreemen un der which the RCA ohinlned 66 Voodoo from lha us did not pruvldï¬ for spares The proposal by Nnnh American Air Defence Gum mnnd that he undermund combat centre near Non1h Bay be made NORADs allernnta handguns said hat apart rum ha nuclear question unliker Mr Pearson and Mr Kennedy will go Into any detail on lhese subjects But the general onlllna dc fence cooperullon between Can SPRING INTO WARM HEATHER WITH Hush Puppies MUlTl COOKER 24 BLENDER am alumni 1m um um um mum 3395 AUTOMATIC minlul um eumnl Clippmon SD AUIOMMIC GOLDS SHOE AVAILABLE AT IM will IXcmlnl hrln In tho boll uuklly And In ma nlni lNuImIunl nun hmuu um um numb ads and the US iensl until 1963 when the pram NORAD agreement expires ls expecled In emerge tom the Hynnnls Port medlnu Judge Harry Neubnrlh Wed nesday lamented Iva Kroeuer to death but lpared the III of Mr husband Rnlph whom he called vlcllm of her evll dtr Inn in the murder or an el derly couple The Jury which convlclnd Ivn and Ralph 61 01 murdcrlnl Mr and Mrs Jay Arneson or their motel had agreed nn dnnth fur bath Neuharlh sald he had declded alter countless sleepless mm and prayerlul cantempiauan that Ralph should be sentenced to life Imprisonment but Iva de served go dle Neuharlh used his trial Judges authorlty to nverrnle Iho Juryl dealhvpenally recommen dallgn Ralph When thé Iurya dualh ver dicts were returned Iva shouted Death For Iva Husband Gets Life VMerwshuuldnl dle He wasnt men there Neubarlh declared Iva had flczced Ralph at his home and hl lilo saving and never would have shared with him the spoils the murder plot erhwcélern Auslraï¬a has dcpulls of Iron are estimated 1000000000 Inns SERVICE SAN FRANCISCO AP HAVE MUCH IRON KETTlE 1295 PA 84833 ELELIRIC BY GREB rullu ram OHM omn Hmh rum Inna OTTAWA CP One of lhe underlying rcqsons seen hem fur NATO nuclear arm to prevent Wen Garmany ram embarking on develnpmenl ll own nuclear alrlke amup The new Lbml govemmenl is said to fee committed la sup porting creation of such In Korea for lhls and other rensons al though dunno look on 1001mm ialezuurd azalnst an Independent German nuclear nrm Na omclal here regards NATO nuclear am an mllllar 11y worlhwhllc Canada would prcler la havn thu US retain under solo control he wislï¬ ngcgea sï¬riqug power nut polltlcnl advantage aru farewell Advancement the Atlantic Communlly concept as opposed tn Presdent dc Gaullas Eumpennlsm lar ger voice or Europeln NAN countries in molar control and the timer blndlng of West Germany to the North Allantlc alliance Olmn Ill1 an Mm mum Mnn Khomth nun wnnlh nmovw In In mount mam Hi rimu owmm only det To Prevent Nuclear Germany The NATO mlnlslcrlal meet Ing here May 1224 expected In lake small step lownrd creation 01 genuine NATO nu clear one by approving an In ter nHch combinallon nu clear ï¬ghting imups nlrendy In helnl BRINGS TOGETHER Th comblnnllcn would brln lognlhur under US cunlro some American Polaris missile 24 Hour am Dunlap PA um II rupl In mm lnI nl can In mum mu hum lulu IIInun ultrIal In In In um tow nklll ma thum maullnl huulr Ind ClemIn In my Servlcv All Work Oulnnleed For Full Yen WATCH REPAIR BILL LEBOEUF THE ERIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY PERCOLATOR 16 IRON EM 011 DRY ROBINSONS HARDWARE Jewtllerl In 2495 AUTOMATIC suhmnrlncs MP Bomber Cam mnnd und lucllcul ulr group In Europe Includlnu Cannda nigh gufidlpl nlr dlvsln only ndvï¬nluï¬e In inch om would he cnmdlnaled nsslxn mg lnrgels lhl long wny from the clan and lluxlble pollllcnl com lral Ihm meets lha needs 01 all NATO countries which Presl denl Kennedy prnyuscd in MI speech to the Canadian Pnrllm mg May ml The NATO meallni In ex pcclcd to mull this am or In Hlth llme wllhoul rcnchlnz any declhlan on NATO nuclear can re htsnundrnl nlr dlvlslnn Help hcrciwy qhnulA the Othundnm pawn ma tnmvul lnl II Ilnlll unro lulu llv Acuou Illlnd huh Iclullvl mqu ml nIo Ill MM 00mm In or my llzm unwell mnunl or wo In urnnd 1n Inn at For Fm Enlmlle Wllhnu nblllullon Phom MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT PHONE PA 81431 PA 666 on wnm 10 CAN OPENER AUTOMATIU ï¬t