TORONTO lCll Premier ohm Ioduy annmmml In re plgnnllon nl 0mm llnlcy rlmn munber III Onurlo lulu Illun nml lonner nruvlnrm labor mlnlnlu rmuln rhnlnnnn cl KM Nlnwl luh Yommlnlnn nml mun lm ho ImamNona lllldn Cummlulm um lhu luh Into 111le and UK lfmllf 1on run mmnu Mn DIM IlY wlll Qgharles Dalloymï¬gsigpg mmwm lln The Boer War was he IopIc aI In dnyChurchlll had won am In that conflictInd no pmwukchsa lhal Iheu Ira men were downed Io lead their cnunl In Inr mm Inmhlu lIma cl SIr Winston ea announced Wedneldnf he wIll not contest Innlher echIon hecuum In wclght aI 32an and an Injury In mm In Inll In 1m SCIIIlerd chlld nI Ihu Home Commons Slr VInsInn Id In leIteruln IIII IVoodIard ton MllJmDflEVlLHi an AP TM dlvmorl ol andl 0m Mm former Ul ymnnlmm punt II nllln her lllo Mary under nn uunuomml wher rmmd mu Iwr punch manna The prowl Mllle pdumhy in nu PM or Inhm loinll ll mun uni Dllh Mum phat 1mm Intro TOIIOMO CW Fl lodnr dlmutd flu mom llam nl mtmy Emlyn Hold on floor mm In midlavm Toronla mu llnl In ukm va valor and Imoh dumn lo lhe round The lwonlnnu Illm lhnl nuth mm at them we look Inluml llmuen mm mlmuly Ggq Pawom Exwilo To Write Book Dr Stewart Mr Oulmcl and CAH lmldtnl Don Jnmlmn All worn ln ha Iudlencv Mr Ilckmull III cu bmndcmllnl mdlvldu llI mm In Ilium oul whm my um and dllnlr Thu omnmenl would Iludy lhelr mum He told he CAD annual mullnl hm that both and Chnirmnn Dr Andrew Slcwm Iml CDC Pmldcnl Alphonu Onlmcl mm rammed well In qulry Mr Plckmulll Inld he Iuro In nboul 100 QM mmbm who reprmnl mm of Cnnndnl frlvnlo mile and lalovhlon lom aha col lhnt lhnra nro mnny mpccu bmudmllnl whlch mod lurmer Inmlllnllan Worn nny nuw Illrmpl ll mndu lu drllno mmlc pollcy on In wlmla mmplu Ilrld brand cnillnul Toronto ljotql Damaged By Fire TORONTO CHSlate Secre ury Plckmglll laid Wed nesday roporl on Canadlnn hroldcmllng which he Indl wad wauld In prtludu lo lull government lnqulry prrpnrtd by Ihu lap olllclull Ike Board of Brandon Gover no lho C110 and the Clum dlnn Augclnllon Brendan 13m THE TOWN my River In the Northwest Territories Pain threnlcnnd by tiling LONDON CPDII was on dull Ftbruary day in 1901 that Winsian Churchill 25 made his maiden speech before he Hausa Cnmmum 11 member wllarn lilo Con urvniivn allowed on lhai day wru Liberal described by Churchill min young Welshman David Lloyd Geam To Make Report Churchill Announces Hell Resign As MP 99th Yur No 103 NiWS BRIEF For Examiner Want Ad Tele phone PA Men The telephone number to eel or he Buelneu or Edllarlll Dept In PA 6591 Our Telephones Ilich prmuu rand mmmllluL In lhnre would be mp0 for he plrallal development both public Ind yrlvnlu broad cullnf In Canada vrflh an lm pmlll Haney of conlml Ila also mid lhn lmdm or flu CBC would be dolormhml llrlllmonl lor Mod yum Inch luhlon Ill ll cannot b0 MHRM ar lnllucnud by lhv Iomnmml dnr in order In prmrvn publ hmde lrgm pullum pm Ta uvo lime or he hm men who will It rl Io Iho Rov ernmcnt Mr Ickcrlzlll nub lInM whnl ha culled cman llxnd palm of public policy In wh pa prmp nvemmcnt Mr Plckerlglll has rcspuml blmy In the Common or broud cnsllnl Ho IIld Wednndny lhcre ls trnlllc problem In broadens Im and Mo ha chI not eel It dam la uncllon gov Irnmenl in control any In Jul or III own Mk0 ho Mnkl wmc control deflnllcly we nry In tho lnduntry Whll do no locl In all bmldcfllllfll should be In Iho gubllc damuln by any menu laid dollch lhnl ll ahauld lmvu publch mpomlblllllu The Erilhh people nclng peril Ind delcnl round In him Iymhnl or lhelr reluunl to lure render Churchill uch to have re covered mm hll accident In July when he fell whlla vncn Honlnl In the south of France but he hn been Kranlly enm bled Churclulla long yum In PM llnmenl prepared him or wn arnnd Climaxth two world wm nullnu Germany In the mend ha row to his mm xhln Inglhaur Wu practical nap Sir Winston hn spoken In the Com mon only oncen uwurd Ack nowlcdlmenz congratulations on hit 95 birthdaylime ha resigned as prime minute In Aprfl ms 513pre ONLY ONCE with what ndneu Ink this Wednesday nluhv mp lchnmpagna 10 flood water from ha Hay River About 300 realdenll mostly yomen And children Tom nulpd Ml mum with Um Whal dld 5991 km but when ll um In Imam Imlmnr anlt Inhl In hrlrl In Um Cnrlnr lnynl cum mlulnn lunllun lhnl Hum Iccumulnled rnrnlnzl nllmulnla curmullonl In umnd onlln uuunly own mug mm pro WWII may nnl warm upnn Ilnn ll 1mm about lull rlnl lllmulnliun Inmlmrnl uml runumn mlufltr can1 uml Annual productlon II mlumt When lnmmu II nlnlncd by corpornllon Hm ulna Illa Ihm m1 lo rim um um Ihmhnlderl can Irll Her II II lum mum Prbléuor 814ml lhn Unhmlly 01 Town pollllcnl Pmy rjcpprlmnly nld um rmlr 01 or n1 hrr dlvldondl In new lnla wllldn tnrponllmu Io they wonl have In par pmnnnl lntuma tax on hcm Ind or Inmlur nnd lur In cuunlry whale TORONTO CPL Toronto unlvmlly mluuar lncklod the problem lurrnundlnn lho Inlnnd enmlng corpornllunl lndny hr lufltsflnl hnl nl cor pornln momo bu med on lhn Ihmh rrxnrdlm at whether Hwy nu v0 tho mgncy Lt onrlcn coar dlnnlar ha Vlndm pmxrnm has udmlued amplan ltu tar prolcnlonnl ï¬lm In tho In Illlulo when In oparnllonl The lmmula mak nu Henri nflm coma in Inlumnml under lhe Cunn dlnn vntnlonnl Irnlnlnl pro rnm undcr which the nav nco pay 15 per con un lho Mural zovernmcnl 75 per tent olrcom Mr Cm Inld In an Interview lmm his home at Cheatervllle 011 lhnl an lnapcclar from tho crlmlnal Invcsllxullonl brunch hm boon lnvmlgnflnx or nearly monlh Iho operallanl of the Cnnndlnn Snlu Mollvn lion Imlllmo In Wlnduar Sud bury London Oltnwn Nath Buy and Cornwnll well In at Hamilton where It often lwn courm Says All Corporate Income Shareholders Should Be Taxed TORONTO CHAn Inspec or from the provincial pollce ll expected to luhmll report Ihorfly on hls Invclllznllons Into lho overallanx prlvnlu Inhaal or salesmen operating under Um lederanravlncinl re lralnlnl program or unam poncd MlarneyGeneral Fred Cass Iald Wednesday hp Zï¬arriv Exam Sir Winslnn whosa pnlnllnn have been shown In Royal Aca demy exhlbnlona arrived in car 10 minute before the ban quet go under way Wednesday nluhv ha alpped chlmpagna 10 nnnual han quel of flu Royal Acndamy 1n Lundun Private School For Salesman Being InVestigaiéd By OPP wm Ichcduled In be nvncual ed by air tonight Wu photo HERES ONE MEN om Marky hm hm mu he nan lloMmml lawman mu pmv Inca Onlula hu cm Md lho 1mm Mml Conmvnlln memhlr lar Dumrln Elmcao mnlmed In nun It MI murlnllln ceremony In flu vlu mnl lull ll Quecnl IM ml mlur malmud ah Iwmch llII Wllllnm mu be In MI lmn Onlnrlal Ixh lemm nnlvlnvrrmr wllh rank humll Hy nl lhv prnmd lllllnl Iho Ihool Mn pmlmuor Kfllloy Mutiny 101on CPD velmn pullnmrnllrlun Mm rlvrr mum Ml mmlllumll ll lnvm or man than mm Ihmlkllrï¬l 1m conlmvmlnl bul whan more nnermu du Ihjl VInwllÂ¥ Ho Mld hll Iuflullonl wuuld probably mull In bluer dlvl lend wllh morn money How lu lhruulh Iha etanamy To parmll Ibnrchaldm da Inch lndtflanly on lnmmn rclnlnrd by to ornllonl II In one In ma lnIemIlm hunt to Hum lnr Invulmtnl out Ike lnxu pnld by In rm ha country Mr Wlntcrmuyer Mr Grur Dr Boyd per nnlrtanl to the Liberal order and Arthur flenumc Llhml membur ha leululnture or me North Ind crmcr mayor Windmr had run with Mr Curl and Hclnll hll deplrlmenl about lha lublcct 17 could hm one Inlo the leflnmuro and blown ho lop all in mplgnr Mr wlnlermn er Inld Wed neldny hll Ila n1 bun In or Iclllon 01 he bullc Inctl Incl March III Hn Inld ho had Inkcn tho hanornblu mum and dld wlm wag qqulred Allhuuzh he educnllon de partmnnl wu nhuul nuke Na own lnvcsllgntion Mr Can mld ho all lhu pmvlnclnl po Hca were In buuer pnllllon Io hnndlu It Mdckav Retires Rowe Installed Mr Cm uld the mom llon began after wa had some Inkllnx Irom ho educa llon department And alter brlnl wu lubmlllcd Ia Mn Can by Educnllon Mlnlller Wllllnm Davis and Harold Greer Ipo clul Inlllnnt to leural Lender John Wlnlermoynr Iprud 1mm Wlndm to other onlrnrluiunlm Both locnll Wednuday jected new contract or cent an hour wnze In crenm Bud rnla or each mu nllhnuuh Iuhway miner receive ma Land 18 has 300 RI 2000 member waxkin on the tub way Ended Lacl 506 ha 5000 mm an engaged In almost every phm mammalian 1n Minqpolpnn To rry Gallagher businen manager Local 13 Imma Honnl Hod Cnrrlm Huldlnl and Common Laborm llnlon of America CLO laid met In would ho held Friday with lander Anal Hoe to dhcus joint action following rejectlan of Wall Her mm the Tar onlo Cpmchllan Aaspclallan TORONTO CF mm which would tin up canslmclim on the CW 00000900 ensl wul subway and cripple other construction In re olltan Toronto Wu threatened Iodny bylhe Luhnrgrs Unlnp The same unions ItrIkn ucllnn two year ago held up comma lien or the anhway tar elzht weak Subway Strike Threatened In Toronto rrlo Ontario ganadn Thurday Mny I963 nu mnnnl Mam Mmy m1 bow on of Wh Hc Ill mllruly 4m luvlu IM tlmeut Mm mmun mnudlllm In by come mu chairman 91 lb mull mums Dumb Cum lat Mu MD Amen Iho null or flu cmmny wu Mn Jun CIIuL mm dnuulm III nu Iloulmnnliaumur Ind Marni number at lnrlllmenl or own ndu Prunlrr John Nahum wlm InnMM Mr Raw to My Jmllcu Dunn lorlur In mm mm In nwnrlnuln crummy err nmmed hll mngrnluln Hunt Km new llmlrnnnlluv mm Ind hll wlfl Vnm Nggnpmnmmv Mr Ila mldmt of NM lnn llahlnnn no mil 0th llnrrlt wlll b0 69 My ll In reference In Izrccmcnll wllh lhu Unllcd sum ruched by hll vmlccmor John DM nnhnkcr Pcnrlon Inld my lov emmunl hat to dlnchmo nny mmmflmcnll um hlvo bun undulnktn Ior Canndn hm commllmcnll required the nmnlnncu nuclur wnh hemll Icnrlon Iddod we Ihnll luru In up lhe Immunlllan unlll lho cammHmonl ll chnnml hy nmmtnL Dnrthulnr lloitl lulu rPrnmn lodly nulmi VIII Pcnrwn old rcporlm on ur rlvnl lhn 0m purpoxa MI vim wu lo extnblhh bnnlc um dmlnndlnz hctwun hlmnll and Macmillan In mum at our lnlcmll Ind problomx Tho lwo leudcrl both of whom Hku Irnmudlng IHnIrI cl mm In reluxui almalphm had already had In curlnlnrnll Inn mutiny Wednelday law houn ufler Pearwnl Irrlvul by nlr lrom Canada er Pcnrlon nccnmpnnled by hll wlle today luncth at Mt mlully Home null Prime Mlnhler Mumlllnn Ind Lady Dorothy Panen mum meal Shana Wem Trench In an Iludent wurlnz palm Imm 3d bullyknead jcnm Pearson Lunches With Macmillan LONDON CmPrim Minn PRINCESS MEETS PAINTER mum mm mm 51m rrw Mom mumHM marlin cm nlqorabgprxtmn ol lgmlly Pcmon aha had hr lulk wllh Jo Grlmond lander he Brillh leeml pnrly Grimand Md prnvloully mu ImIon during nn Ollawn vlll In Feb runry lnr Slr Envlllv armnrlf Unle Kingdom hlzh comm llagwr in Ounwn from Harold Wllmn lender mum Labor party alto ound limo or moral old lrlcndl mm day ex ernnl nllnln mlnlnor nnd op alllon lender nley Included Ir Harold Cncclu larrncr Dril hh nmbnuador In Wuhlnmn and Sir Snvnlo Gnrncr Com munugqllhrelrnllonl undermw Ihe Irrlvea lho Royal Col lm Im In Londonl Ken slnglan lecllon yesterday to view an nxhlblklcn ol Irnphlc deslgnl AP Wimpholo worme In lhn communlly wnnlod mldnnn moved In 111qu pm mflo Wllll wu bellovod bnckml up from In lco 1am lo milu dawmlranm ll wn helluva lhnI helicop would be lent lo ho flood nrlckcn mm my fllver NWJI For Slmplon II about 250 mllu narmwm of my nlvrr communlly Both own no an my Illnndl MMer radlo for mm Fart Simpson lndlcu ad but lhe Inland wu lhm qunrlm flood lhg liverrlglnsg EDMONNN CF Author mes at the northern onmmunlty For Simpson hm requested IIIml in ovncunle perm because Muckenzlo Rlver 11093 lemma odny The request wu mnda lodny by ndlo In Western army mgnmand lnuEdmonlon Mayor Momyin Iald no ltrlous Ilcknon had been re pomd but tom mny becomn 11 win In combination or ly fhold vaccine Idmlnlslercd be on evacuees departed Ind the ride on tho 1m Whllo omc laid than Ip rared to be no physical dunner ramalnlnz on the flooded ls Na lnjurlu war reported but one avmeo aid on Irrlvnl at Fort Smith 100 mil roulheasl lhut many of thou lodged In lho Ichool warn Incoming punkky and many children wero sick Early Irrlvalx Yellowknlln 117 mller north were described Mgulet Ann ugd There WI no precise meas urement of the river level Wed nesday afternoon the watcr re ceded lempornrfly It ualn hr an to ring In the evenlnu The mm was halted when duknm made Inndlng condl flan here loo hazardous The other Mme wera to be pickod up today and more than 400 persons continued to huddle In Ichool on high mund The avncueu we 01 In 355 who chose to leave lho mu alter flood water wept through the Island community at ha mouth of the my liver on Grant Sllve Lake for tho second causing heavy damage 750 Are In Danger Ht Fort Simpson HAY RIVER NWT CPD At least Iva airplane dropped ck summon on to par lluly flooded nlrfleld late Wod nesday to pluck 222 persons from his floodalrlcken lawn and carry them to distant polnu m2 Over 400 Take Reiuge In SchoolOn High Ground No Moro Tun Fur puny16 Flea Clear on Cloudy Ind warmh Frdny Low hulk as High tomorrow 63 Poi lull summary turn to pan twa Imï¬rm 51me nlmuxa Jung mm Vim WW Cauungluhm mm Dwdm ulr Cu gelmxï¬ but In dillb In 1N0 tho law loclely mm cmrully laugh on the palm who wanted to me ha lane down or map or lhv wu won nut lhls llma Jonph Sod wink winter of Ihn law not aly said dont Iuppou can block prom focal Weather The nloul NICO wnl built In 1550 to keep mm mqu my now In lho hear my belwccn Day ï¬lm and Unlvmlly Avenue but ll llul limo bl 01 rural Onlurlo Clty ooundll public work commute mm approval In rrlnclple Wednudny to plln lul would widen Queen sum bl 11 out In Iron 01 he unen lo law courll pushing once buck ho lama dialancu Tho Law Smlcty Upper Can ada xnvo reluctant nod to tho plans TORONTO CWA fonnld Mo Iron once which has Ihel lcred DlKoodo Hall from the en cmachlnz any or yam may 11v way mun may truck Ind but carried av mice throulh tho lawn Inc by Iuetchu WI ELEM mud la the airpgrl heavy were mug appnhem slvn at In beams there Wu wcizhl limit of 10000 pounds and the loaded with more than 0000 pounds Capt Frnnsbuler nld III lane had to wait an hour It lay ï¬lm while evacueu us rived by canoe Ind oulboud any everylhlyz Flisf evacuees rend iort 53v luld flood damage wu 6an Fransberzer said thl my Elver Illpart was Impris In low poll was conducted Ind 333 elected tn leave Aiter minute light to Yeiiawkniie with 50 evacuees In He transport Capt Keel Fransberaer pilot with Paci iic Western Airline laid his pusengm looked very sad and WM Several of the children on the pines were try land the lawn and Incrensln health human flooded Iaclllllel almrlnxeol drlnklnu water and rostrlclud eleclrlc power Pawer was all completely or several hour Wednesday the tem pzralure lowered around so de grees above me Osgoode Fence Keeps Out Cows