Detect Cancer Early Published by Canadian NewspapersLtmited to anftold Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher MONDAY Arnu Chamber Oi Brian Sleight General Manager its litIa Commerce Is Vital To Community Across this great land of ours thous ands of men and women have articipat ed in Chamber of Commerce eek There are Boards of Trade and Cham bers of Commercein Canada the terms mean the samein more than 850 com munities from coast to coast These are voluntary organizations of the forward looking citizensbanded together to pro mote thecivic commercial industrial and agricultural progress of the com munity and district which they serve It has been said thatva chamber is the watchdn of community The to scription certainly in keeping with the broad functions of the organization Widie its primary concern is with the promotion of business and industry chamber is vitally interested generally in the general betterment of its com munity Here in Barrie we have chamber which is involved in many diversified activities it promotes business and in dustry both large and small and main tains close watch on impending legis lation at the municipal provine al and federal levels which could affect the choral wellbeing of the community It interested in things cultural in heat thy tourist indust and historical fea tures of the distr ct One of its most interesting current projects is the restor ation of Fort Willow nine miles north west of the city The fort was anim wzrtant military establishment in the or of 181214 Restored the fort should prove to be great tourist attraction and boon to our commercial enterprises which cater to visitors The chamber is foe to sta nation Its objective is the progress of com munity andthe welfare of citizens The organ ations contain the cells of dam ocracy independent and vigorous bind ing Citizens together to make their com munities better places in which to live and earn livln Legal Suits AgainSI Crown Action by the Ontario government to perimt legal suits against the Crown has been long overdue in the olden days it washeld that the King can do no wrong which was good way to protect the king but poor way to treat the people Today it is freely admitted that governments can err Particularly when governments consist numerous departments which at times have their own interpretation of the facts The legislation will have the advan tage of providing those wronged by gov ernment or department actions with the right to take the issue to court it could also serve to make government of ficials more concerned in their dealings with the public Government officials have not at all times recognized the fact that in dealing with the public they were dealing with the very backbone of gov ernment Now that it is being admitted govern ments and officials of departments can err there will undoubtedly be greater care used to make certain the errors are few and far between DOWN MEMORY LANE Barrie Examiner April 27 1933 Ki wanis Club produced The Trial of Eras Itus Carbon two nightsat BCI auditor Iium to capacity audiences Alex Cock Iburn and Norman Clarke directed the Ifarce it is evident there is much lat cnt dramatic talent among the local buslness and professional men one Cll itic remarked William Craig portray cd Erastus Oliver Cameron was judge of the supreme court Cliff Dier was the prosecuting attorney White Smith and Gordon Reeve were the Perry liiasons of the time Others in the cast of characters included Frank Iiammond William Walls Charles Sarjennt Charles Scitz Cecil Norris Robert liodgcs Norman lncson Robert li Smith Wisdom liincLarcn Frank liurlburt Itloore it Smith Griffiths liiomns Olsen George hlcConkey Ernie Ryan Duncan hicCualg ilarry lwiss Brymncr liilss Audrey Clifton liiiss Eva Scadon hiiss Evelyn Buchanan and Truman Williams Andrew Wiggins band master of Barrie Citizens Band direct ed his former band of The irish chb ment in concert at Toronto university Avenue Armoury Triffounly llox Lacrosse League decided to filiato with Ontario Lacrosse Association Frank Doyle of Orillia was elected resi dent with Harold Gunner Gil of Camp Borden RCAF as secretarï¬ Smith of Barrie and Percy ill of Richmond Hill were viceapresldents Andrew Tudhope of Orillia who had been under susEension was reinstated as player only at ap lication of Reg inald Miller rejected American liotel site of largest crokinolc match ever held in this district when Barrio defeated hiidhurst 5248 Barrie Base ball Club started practice in defence of county title icam faced with loss of catchers Joe McDonald and Lawson Beyers but still had Archie Thompson Pitchers Jack Armitage and Herbert iiot Dogt Jennings were departed but two new southpnws had been acquired liil hinguire from Toronto Bell Tele phone seniors nnd hiervyn Lennox from Thornton Buster Clarke had his ama teur card reinstated and was trying for several positions Bill Knley was new infielder in town from Owen Sound and Adam McKenzie had returned after play ing for two seasons in US Barney Devlin had close call when cottage caught fire at Rig Bay Point linrking of his dog awakened him just in lime to get out OTHER EDITORS VIEWS CRAZY VANDALISM iN QUEBEC iliiontrcnl Gazette The Ihattoring oitho Wolfe hlonu ment on the Plains of Abraham is not an act that can or should be held against Iu responsible group in this province It an act of the most irrcsptinsiblo ex trcmlsts Among others lender oi one of the secessionist groups the Republic In Party of Quebec immediately called it an act of vandalism Ami the Acting ltinyor of Quebec Mr Paul Itlccicnii said it is crazy to do these things it Ipoiln tile reputation our city has for hospitality Such acts as this have no relation to tho rrnduai promotion of understanding 0n contrary they iicnvo up blocks in the path Across Yanndn tho shattering of this historic landmark will cause pain Ind distress Such arts of vandalism are The Barrie Examiner Anthemd Ir mono III InIii rIi omu vtmni oilI IM tot nIymInt Ir wnllll nIIin lundsyl Ina lulutnrr Irnue on warm In in noun author or ltulrlflllflfl cnuur moo mu union mm on It In Ik unity ilrI° ll rlrpy II In unim no mpnfbl rm tn nnlhl In lllwll onuio toluio Ina nunI mum nu ill torIII um um In lintvenft Ave Tmmtallu Itmmn me In damn rune Im carnal nmy vi vmltlw Run Ium cinn revr pun In to to ten eel elu the tent II uum Itnml Innu turn Cenmlu hm 7M lnI nuns Th Ca IIrln In It all tho more to be deplored as they ills tort and exaggerate the issues that need to bo rocono led The fact flint they are out the work of few utter extremists is ikcly to be misunderstood and the spirit of progressive understanding is lllll in fact there is reason to believe that such acts of vandalism are commit ted by those whose main objective is to prevent any rcconcillnlioii from taking Illltcc ihcy sec to the gradual growth nright Into Quebec as irnlions by nna titans elsewhere no ho ding tho frustra tion and doom of their own drastic almii What they seek is to create the lmprcn alert that any reconciliation must be re gorded or beyond all possibility insofar as nucli extremists nro nbio to give the Impression flint they represent something more than themselves they win somo measure of Iucccu flirt inso fnr as their irresponsible nuts are recog liitcd or the Acting Mnyor of Quebec says as crnzy thingn they will be keen for that they are The mature adjustmcnin of thin coun try are bound to takeplace despite cv on the desperate efforts of those who would do noythln to prevent thorn ihrir fictl of vando inm nro shocking lint if ll moro Ibockin still to think of their aimstho oan frustrating tho larger tindernlniuiing that the people of too hcc and all pro rrssivo Canadians ile Ilro Ind hope lilt need pbynicinn IIyI riding bicycle will keep you younr Well at least rldin one Ircqltcnlly heavy traffic will lllDl likely lrcco you from satiina old rg Cubas Prime Minister Fidel Castro shown here being welcomed to the Sov iet Union by Russian Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan has already roved himself to be thorn in the sde of both thoRussians and the Americans ExUS President Eisenhower recalled Saturday that it would have taken gen ius and re bet to determine for cer tain that gas ro was Communist until he declared it in 1961 Mikoyan on visit to Cuba earlier this year had also Is Like Miracle By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Ben Molnar Your Irti cleI on hysterectomy and the Pap test interested me very much Sn if learned something about Castro lack of stability The Soviet deputy spent rough time late last year trying to per suade Fidel to see things the Russian way in respect to withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Cuba Castro cant be trusted by his friends and his word is no good to his detractors The time may come when the Russians will breathe easier if Senor Castro is repudiated by his own countrymen and tossed into dis card OTTIlWll REPORT Lunchtime Question Was Diet Pushed By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWADid Dlefenbaker step down or was he pushed That is the question teasing the lunchtime speculators in Ottawas historic Ndcnu Club Then from tho windows of the second floor lounge politicians and political followers can look across the once ngain green lawns to the distinctive up reach of tho Peace Towcr which broods over the unpenceiul Icene beneath For make no mistake about this Parliament lliil is not dull place The disappointment is that one cannot be in all three widelyseparated rltifts at the same time lolschcl tall the doybydny Itory sory the making The history books oi tomorrow will have lot to say about the political events of IMZlbï¬l After this months clcctlon some people feared and other hopcd flint the Conservative rime minisicr would remain office MINORITY UNCEIITAINTY One prominent Liberal hcre deplored that chfcnbokcr might cling to office until Parliament assembled and rid minlsiercd defcol to him fliat would wnste two more months in which the essential affairs of government would be dcfcrrcd Others hoped not that he would glue together it cablnct from his Ihnticrcd remains as one cynic sold but that be mild seize the opportunity to build powerful multl purty government able to provide the rough tough noniortlsnn poi lClll which Canada Mom to day Top politicians from other parties perhaps even from all parties Would willingly serve in the national interest in truly working cabinet with John Diricnbniicr continuing as prime minifer it was being Iurtacrtcd ihln inticr course Iccntrd possible to the hupcfulr and on admitted on practicable by tho fcIrtuiI For the simple nriiilmcflc was that onrcrvn titre plus Social Credit piuI New llrmocrotl bold iJJ Ifiiil to the Liberals no lint thou the mystery Iqucrro piny lunlio upon ltnwn till Social Credit mcinbcrI oppor ruin notified the governorgon end that they would Itippitri government lhoi tipped the scale to LibernlI lid olu the MI in Nut thrrr of those Sotlnl rcdiirrI dcnounrcd timt notifi cotton they had been minted iliry withdrew tho prorniro of Itllillnfl which lliifl only oppor rnlly born mndo by them pop sonnlly The balance did not change oliinniuh the margin did lrnr null IJJ utrI In the Commons tho mt I11 Iluuo simple nihili rnintirI procininird the dcrlnlyn fort of moioilly In Iuppmi of Irlbvrnl Lender Milo lfllllll on piliuo luliilllrr of Canada Tlilltit IN Hill prlmc lltlillhltf loud rird hII rcnignnlion to the gov rinorrgrnnnl Ii llll llrlt Itcti AI he walked out through the crowd of uniting Jutlfllhlllll time iollowvri ill highly sig nitlcnnt change for tho text of which Im indebted to ter fillCI lonzilmI pIrilImentIry commutator the IIpcrienrcd To EIrlr Ind hII tapere corderi ue itlr did you moire Iny totonuiirnllalloul lo the anv ltlll Ibout your Illls ceIIorl Dicicnbaker dont think can answer that What posses between the govemor general and his prime minister cannot be revealed But certainly there is no necessity of any indication being given in that regard Tho three Social Credit members having determined to give their vote to Mr Pearson would give Jand provide him with mnior Thus the outgoing prime min istcr frankly admitted that he had been pushed off the throne by those three Social Crcdliers Even prime minister cannot be in three widely separated rings at the some time lie did not know that at that very moment when he resigned the three Social Credit members were announcing in their con cus loss than one mile away that they too were withdrawing their opparcnt promise of support for Pearson govern ment That tipped hack the arithmetic to its first figure but only after tipping prime minister off his throne Ierryboat Whistle Is Part Of Life SAINT IOIIN NJ fCIl Ailcr lisirning to the lame old Icrrybont whisilo for more than 30 years the residents of Dighy NS and Saint John lnihcr hole to are it go When it was learned that the Princess llclcnc which has plied the tiny of Fundy since 1030 was to be replaced by the linooton Princes of Acndin they had an MN The Digby loot Club and Digby Kiwanis Club Isiird that the familiar old whiIilo be in Itolicd on the now ferry Tito Clli which runs the ferry its part of its lilnrliirne rail Icrvice says We willing to oblige but IhcroI problem it lcrry superintendent here my the whistle aboard the liclene was built to onorntn on Iuiurnlrd Ifcnm nt 50 dr grocs while the irincm of Adjourn Bush Trial KAPUSKASING Ont CF Dcicnce counsel John Brooke Recently had hysterec tomy as result of Pap test went to the cancer centre because didnt know doctor aI lve alwayI beeninperfcct health friend inter gave me the name of herdoctor Two biopsies were done before the operation We hardlo explain my feei inrls just now about all this We like miracle dream The cancer was detected so early lm only so years old You see Just went for this test out of the blue Now my doctor calls me Mrs Fortun ateMRS KrY The important thing is that herevery likelyo life was raved Yer the cancer might have been discovered later and in time Or it might thI been discovered too late can see nothing wrong with having free test if they are available Use them Thats what they are for Certainly several scores and perhaps several hundred of women probably most of them older than Mrs Fortunate had Pap testI about the some time Ihe did and were told there was nothing to worry about Its the one woman in MM that we seekthe one who can Drop Some Charges Elvirlidnhdi hope Mn Fortunate keepI telling her friends She loved heran by following hunch By telling her story she can save some others Deer Dr Molncrt Our daugh ter is eight months pregnant Her doctor lnsistcd on having on may before he would do liverthe baby Now everyone tells her she Ihouid not thI had it done What danger there from having one xrIyii It lose patience with there calamity bowlers who seem to enjoy frightening other people gratuitouIly Yes there ll dan ger to the baby that the mother from xray exposure early in pregnancy lhiI means the first three to four montht The risk is virtually nil in the last month or two lines by then the baby ll welideveioped And an xray at times no be most important in assuring the IIfety of both mother and child at delivery Please ignore the conf meniI of everyone Dear Dr Moinerx My killer is at Ind hoe been in perfect health all his life He Itill sea to his office However his eye sight is failing rapidlyend he was advised to have an opera tion llo thinks he is too old believe you have written that age does not prevent such op crations it You are right ln past dec Idcs the strain was such that older people did not come through surgery too well This no longer is true Operations for more drastic than eye surgery now are being done with pa tients in their so Ind occasion ally even older Your father is an unusually vigorous men obviously Even if he were frail Iwouid Ittll tell him to have such In operation Age no longer is of any great moment Aer person in good health gained an adjournment unid Potted Palms Steam Baths For Railway Travel 0i Future hloy 23 after advising l77 loggers charged with unlawful assembly not to testify and leave the case in his hands after meeting for four hour with the loggers in the movie house where the fourday trial was conducted It was possibly the last day in court for tho loggers who will not be required to be pres cnl when the triol opens again in nearby Timmins Charges of unlawful assembly were dropped against 65 of the 242 loggers originally charged whcn hr Brooke successfully hold that sufficicnt evidence had not been introduced against them lifoglstrnfe Gardner also dis missed of rioting against 63 of the 65 return fretd on awful assembly charges but refused to drop the charge against the nitric two be cause they had failed to appear in court Acadia runs on superheated steam of son drgrcca Technicians are working on the problem Mr Icrry IuyI For residents of Saint John and Digby the llclcnes whistle is part of their daily way of life We will try to itccp ii that why lilAIlIIlIID YOUNG Fronts hnnlulnn of tho lnckir Glcoson Ihow married his wife Aimn uhrn he Wm 11 and ma to They have it children BIBLE THOUGHT The fruit II the rtghieour II trre of file Ind he thi win nrth IOllll II lllhIIVVCYRI lino The rigblconr man who wins souls for the lord rontlnucs to bear fruit for the kingdom of God LETTERS TO THE EDITOR hV INCIDENT IN US litor bir in regard to the Inridrnt on Ichool lull rrlcntly winre irrnIrcrI disregarded the turn ilrivIrI roimndnd to obey ldm II to ruin of department and we believe tonmluint non rcgiiterrd Ignlmt the driirr in unnmInd of that vehicle the writers only wilh ll lllnl io lnrir the fortliudc to limit ho hind the person who hu haven of the Iniriy of those unruly ruiitnnn who are In tho nlniur iiy thoo days on tort of our Itlllml hum Iobwny or Itrcrt ran tlnr only mrrt in that Intd rniflons were not liven tins on portunliy Ind lruon to be lrnru rd by riding lull in lrclnnd Iran you no not by lot to lihminon Im Airport thrrue lo lnirrltit by but train in Cork Ind on in Tinlro by Itiiool lmI to inrilrurcgnrr lhrorI by ian otll thr iivrry liiountIIoI to Obtain Icinml bus on the Wed Coast to Trnicc on in Limerick by bur train to Dublin and luck to Limerick and bus to the Airport again We hate hundred of Illflll in Ibow for my wonderful lm day but not one word or rut did we hear or out of plum Imot one hep of it years who titilllcd he did not have In rcnmin Irnlcil If he thought otherwise The first time be lcit llln Irut nlni wondered to the door of the twin ho wnl pol llrly told he lrnrw be won Iin poml to rcmnin noted but the Iimmcni the comiiirtorl lvnrh was turned lie uninptiy mIdI ht wny to the roar again Not one more word wII Ipnkrn but in wal promptly Iririindrd by still atop on his car who an In charge of tho vrbicir This country could use grrni illilny of that type of conductor and irrl quite sure that troy did not tell hill full of the Incident One warning and he lint li 11m tlfltfilllmill of the vmmy Imyr in the elevators Ind It the doan ftl llil difirrrnt lIofrnn where rtoyrd war toy to brlmhi lbn Iituirrd who war rrpcll rd Iloiu tlio Iilionl iur hill in Inlvordlnallon tn llii lrul drltvr Illltlllll be tairrn in the wood Iliivi tinn promptly Ipoln III to tho driver the principI of tho Irbool and the other pIII rnsrrI on the bus Iii IIONIN Midland lnlllorl Note The elude ll in Ihom hir frnntn in im mu barred from the bo iut hr MII not esprit Id from ItlioolJ Your Ileck convertible iI comfortably stashed awoy else where on the train he fore told There is dancing and fun It II the prestige way to travel and its cheaper than any other form of transportation This Uto ian view of ratiwa mm to ill future waI given by Pierre Dclagrove general IRICI manager of the Canadian National RailwayI passenger department in an address to members of the Canadian Rail wnyl lfistortcal Association in Montreal Ills predictions continued The food and beverages are free The lounge car II dotted icrenccs The swimming pool bar been removed as posse but you can have steam bath How could all this come Ibout litr Dclagreve has the lib Iwcrs tinrkcicrI could supply the imagination and knowhow to provide web trninI by law Ind why noti Already rniirond travel is much Idvanccd abroad and till Ideal are coming closer to am in Japan Inid hlr Deiar grave irIinI are currently running It 120 min an hour mulling It no miles In hour Ind they Iim man to have them Irooting crosscountry It led miles In hour hiInuincturrrI oi nirplIncI Ind Iutomobiler nre burly car and in research into better model and tuition Ind he threw out challenge for man ufscturers of railroad equip ment Im deeply convinced he said that intercity rat out scnger transportation ll com ing thing it is child of nec essity whose importance will in crease with time By necessity he meant that highways with increasing mo for traffic would soon be bogged down with regulations to the point of ones oration and even the super Ighmyry will become bottlenecks 1th would carry over more lIerInd tolls and in fee highways are bringing In it problems faster than we ca find solutions School Dept Wanted In PQ QUEBEC fCllThl Quebec government iut week received strong recommendation from royIl commission to create department of edueIiion It cab inet levela move which friv yeorI ago wLuld thI bent con Iidcrcd anIlhemn Premier Lcsogc told re ricr Why he thought it un titely legislation would be in troduced during the current legi isioturs session to establish In education mlniItry Some observer mi thI rov ernmrnt my be waiting public ruction to the proposIl the key recommendation of the re port first of three to be sub milled by the royal commiuion headed by mgr Alpbonw lilIrie Parrtit vicerrcclor oi Quebecs CilyI LIvIl Univer sity READY CASH for car repatrs Canadians everywhere use Niagara l0InI up to $300000 or more for many worthwhile Ilrlngn Why dont youI 710 dependable source of Coal truism nuance COMPANY LttliTlD livln II eillrr IL IM PA um rilllli ll fIborle ï¬t IM Illll CelliniMI Ill lllnnllllo Ill II