Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1963, p. 1

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attic i535 tilttiltPl Darrle Ontario Canada Monday April 29 1963 Iiecai Weather Cloudy tonight Rain and thunderstorms Tuesday law tonight ts High tomorrow 60 Oompieta sununary on page Our Telephones For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA salts The telephone number to call tor the Business or Editorial Dept is PA eases 99th Year No too Not More Than 7c Par CopyM Page WARTHREATENED INtHECARIBBEAN Lult Continues Haiti used or Invasion il WAS SMILES all around when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Ieit greeted Cu ban Prime Minister Fidel Cas tro at the airport In Moscow Sunday Soviet President Lcov nid Brezhnev is at centre in this photo irom Tass the Rus sian news and photo agency Castro llew to liioscow in Russian this irom Murmansk where he arrived by plane irom Cuba Friday night to start his Soviet visit AP Wirephotoi Khrushchev Castro Cement Relations MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev and Premier Fidel Castro opened talks in the Kremlin today aimed at iurther cementing relations between their two Communist countries High on the list oi topics ob servers believed was stepped up Soviet military and economic ad They wondered how much higher than the reported 000 000 day being spcnt now the Soviet Union was willing to go There also was speculation that Khrushchev would try to wipe out any bitterness rcmain ing because ei his decision to withdraw missiles irom Cuba last October without consulting Castro ct Moscow newspapers were all at welcome or Castro Moscow gives hearty welcome to Fidel Castro said Pravda Moscow embraces Fidel Castro as brother was the headline in isvcstia MAY LACK WARiiiTii The press accounts made up ior any lack oi warmth in Sun days greeting Khrushchev led 40000 Rus sians through Red Square welcome but the ciaboroie show tailed to whip up the iron litd enthusiasm Westerners had expected The bearded Cuhnn leader proclaimed that except ior tha Malay SuggeSts Mutual Training OTTAWA tCPiMainys dep uty prime minister said today he would like to examine the roslihiiliicl at Canada provid ng training iaeilltlcs tor armed iorccs and at having Canadian oiilcers help train Malayan lorces Tun Abdul iintnk hin iiussnin called on Prime Minister Pcnr son tor 23mlnute discussion described by the visitor as in volving matters at general in terest betwccn our countries Tun flazuk who also is rie lenco minister and minister at rural development sulrl his country has been getting con sidcrabie assistance tram Can ada in the way at Colombo Plan old Canada had been most gcncrous iie mentioned one proicct involving Canadian assistance on survey ior an eastwest highway in Malaya lie said that during talks later today with Deience Minister Paul licliyer we would like to examine the possibilities oi Can ndo helping with training inci iltlcs and at having oiilccrs irorn Canada help us During his sit with Mr Pearson Tan ltnruk prcsentcd the prime minister with Ma Iayon krIstba countrys na tional swordand two sets at tahiw runners maria oi Malayan cloth lie then visited External Altairs Minister Paul Martin who was presented with laid coscd walking stick and desk IIIRIICI SITTING DOWN ON THE JOB rive streams water irom the ground and one hem the aerial ladder pom into slowntown tiunirury building during tire Sunday warning tnrlidlnls were gutted almot tor the sromd floors and damage was estimated at about worm ii is believed the Irlsre slartrai In Fish and isms rlivb itsil located an the annual Itmr oi the building an lhs ieil itt tIIreohoioI Soviet Union his revolutionary regime could not exist He heaped praise on Soviet eco nomic and military aid But Castro wearing hit but against the chilly winds was relatively restrained in man ner Khrushchev opened the proceedings lrom the reviewing stand atop Lenins Tomb and set the tone in welcoming speech Castro who towered over his host busily read Spanish translation while Khrushchev spoke Khrushchev claimed that Err vicl support ior Cuba during last autumna crisis had avoided clash with the United States that could have touched oil world war Saying tth the So viet Union would stick by Cube he added it is not cues that threatens the United States but the United States that wishes to take away the lreedom the Cu4 ban people won ior them selves Castro did not rcicr to the So vict missiles withdrawal and brushed over the crisis with the bricl statement that the impe rialists would not have stopped short at an open invasion at our country II it were not iar the Soviet Union Foreign Ship Given No iiid CONNEAUT Oitio AP Three Great Lakes unions posted pickets today in dis pute over iorcign oro cnrrlcr tied up at the docks oi the gittsburgh and Conneaut Dock Tugboatmen declined Sunday to aid the sealant ore carrier as It moved through the harbor belore docking The ship chsn tcrcd by US Steel Corp flew the Liberian flag and was manned by WestGermba crew in the mid 30s sor Cutie NEWS Ionner Ticat Star Dies lit 78 iiAiiiiirTON tCIiilobcrt years tor the Hamilton Tigers toot dlcrl Sunday lie was Illa ialher kicking star with Toronto Argonauts and the University oi Toronto Planes Collide Killed Eight Are PENTICTON 80 CPI Tvo department at transport in spectors hava started an inquiry into the midair collision at two private planes Saturday which took eight lives live lrorn single lamlly investigators beyland and William McCubbn oi Vancou ver are trying to determine what caused the planes to col lide In seemineg pericct flying conditions Since there were no survivors the investigation will depend on inlormatlon lrom witnesses and still unrecovered wreckage tram the planes both at which plunged intoSkahs Lake three miles south oi here in British Columbias Okanagan region Dead are Richard Parmiey oi Peaticton 49 regional distribu tor tor Royaiits Oil Company his wIia Margaret daughters Rebecca 17 and Lortnda it and son Richard Ernest Ralph Hansen 19 lriend oi Rebecca Parmley and the two pilots Ed Lewko oi Edmonton and Earl Sibley so native oi Dartmouth NS sixth member oi the Parm iey lamily Jenny Lee 14 was not aboard the plane She was reported in state at shock and as in the care at relatives era UNDERVi5UAL nouns Dr How the transport departments regional director ior air services said the planes were flying under visual flight EARL SilILEY miles and were not in radio con tact with air lraiilc control The airerait were about boil icct above the water and the sky was cioudlcss By Sunday night only one body and parts at two others had been recovered Both air cralt were lound in deep water and their positions marked with buoys Witnesses said lhn Parmiey alrcrait twincnglns Cessna Acrocammandcr was appar ently pre using to load or Pen tlcton rport when it was clipped in the tall by Lcwkos alngtecnglno Cessna uo Results 0i Italian Voting Returns Scheduled For Today Ry IOIIN OROAN ROME Reuters The that results in itaiys iourth postwar parliamentary election tough campaign duel between the Commu and Christian Democrats were scheduled to begin pouring in today The central issue In the ciao tion has bccn itallan partlcipa tion In NATO nuclear lorcc which Communist Leader Pai mIro Togilatti has charged runs counter to Pope Johns recent peace encyclical iieavy voting began Sunday and was continuing throughout the country today Christian Democrat Premier Amlntore Fanlanl had appealed tor big vote lor his coalition at Christian Democrats Social Democrats and republicans and his policy oi aperture sin istratha opening to the tail BRIEFS Dob isbistcr re who played it bail club beiore retiring in mo Dob labisier an allstlme great Pearson Invited To The Palace LONDON llteutrral Prime Minister Pearson and his will will be the guests oi queen Elisabeth at Windsor carlie Friday it was announced today The Can Iisn itlrifl and his wltn will dine with the Queen and Prince Philip and will stay overnight at Wind 721 Caught In Snake Hunt OKIZIZNE Okla Ali An estimated H000 persona turned out Suariay tor the annual nkccne rattlesnake Iurnt total oi dot ac The tualiy participated They caught 7st snakes weighing Loin ands ongrst rnealursrt tilt Inches More than too pounds proratfle snake meat was butchered and said Tornado Causes Girls Death AUiiUiiir Nri tAlt tornado hurled car moss than too rams rate lleirl Sunday killing lirasrroiri girl and seriously Iniurlng sevm aihcr rhlirlrsn and the mother tilterlit Geo Itslley grid Diaaas nchilllag died iew hours alter the storm at an Auiurrn hospital Pablo Canals Robbed 0i Ioweiry SAN JUAN nurtu itlra Cellini lahio Canals has reported the tireit at 000 In ieorlry irons his home here The ironed music ian said his wliea wedding ring and watch given to him by torm er Mexican Items litrlltisul Miguel Aieman were among the missing Margaret Tony 0n Skis LONDON tAii Princess Margaret and her husband Lord Snowsiun spent time hours waterrskllng today on private iska near ltssdlng it we that second outing on the lake In two days at mild spring weather The princess wore black bathing suit and rsttaw rss TIM rmlnla tmtr on the soort Isst ms ssgew Polling stations were open ior it hours Sunday and were re opeaed at am in am EDT today ior another seven hours with iinal results expected Tuck ioy night or Wednesday morn UK More than no per cent at the eligible voters276061193 out at dammithad voted when the com polling booths were closed under armed guards Sun day night The booths will shut today at pm tit am EDT and the bars will go back In business they have been iorbidden to sell alcoholic drinks since the vol ing began Voters were choosing 630 members tor the Chamber oi Deputies and sit senators lor the nest live years The Sea ate results were to be an nounccd Iirst In Laos Fighting VIENTIANE APiTha lull in the Laotian lighting went into its iourth day today with neu tralists and rovCommunists op parcntiy bid ng their time dur lng diplomatic negotiations The Communist controlled Pathet Lao held last to the ter ritory it seised irom the neu tralists on the strategic Plains des Jarrcs but made no new advances Leaders oi the two lactions were scheduled to meet again Tuesday to renew peace talks which have so tor been unsuc cesstul ProCommunist Prince Souphanouvong has demanded they be broadened to include such topics as neutraliratlon oi Vientiane and not be limited to the Plains dcs Jarres crisis Three Drown In BC ALERT BAY 130 CF lames Tarkancn 21 swam ior two hours in near ireezlng waters Saturday and lived to tell at the drowning at his three companions Torkaacn husky2oopeund iisherrnan staggered ashore at Malcolm island near this set tlement oil the east coast at Vancouver island and about 200 miles northwest oi Vancouver Exhausted but unharmed Tarkanen said he and Ronald Myntti 20 Thomas Shieis 1i and lie mood Dlid Ii were ilipped mm their ltioot boat by wave about hallway be tween Malcolm and Cormorant Islands Tammy Shiels and Ron Myntti went down right away he said Dal Diid and stayed ailont ior quite while Then started to swim back to Soln tula and didnt see him again All iour men were trans Soln tale small lishlag community near here An RCMP crashboat recov4 ered the boat drilling about 100 leet oil Malcolm island There was no sign at the bodies HERES ONE lie Why do the most Im porta men get the prettiest llrls She Gcol ed Youre conceit Dutch Church Fights Battle ilgainst White Secret Society JOIIANNRSDURO AP South Airlcns powerlai Dutch lteiormcrl Church is In the throes ot rebellion by young ministers against an allwhite Ku Itqu itlnntypa secret so clety the ilrocderbond liand oi iirotiters The church wields tremend ous inllucnca throughout the country cstwrlaliy among the while htrlknanr speaking popu lnllnn inc nl Its regional synods turned down proposal that the activities at the organisation be investigated litany ministers are members at tile ilroedcrlmnd So appar ently is isrmler iicmirik Von worrri rmphet at racial scare gniinn tlhllshed slaicmcnla an Tan Is Shot lo Charged IiitANTFOlti lCIi Shirley Patricia ntrvlnskal ID at llrsntinsd the mother at two has been charged with capital murrier in contraction with the straits oi her husband ttoman tilrvinskas II III alert to death through the hit temple srhtia sleeping in his bed itsturdsy Police are holding calibre ssaedotl rina Police said lha short time More the body discerned Mrs Rlnlnabll IM to the tics station with her two drse Must and Sheryl mental his membership have not been related by the premier The ilrocricrbond Is deeply in solved in important spheres at South Airlcns nalinnal ilie it Is common knowledge that top appointments are controlled by the load and that it can wrcr careers at those It doesnt Ip prove Its main target Is the certain oi the while Airi kaner tmnlan Airlkaans speaking South irlcsns who support Verwocrda aparthcld po iryi TALK IViiiiliKRl While supremacy and the su periorlty In all things at the white Airlkaner heart the list at tits iimedeshonda beiieia it guarris ttghti the null nature at Its acuvlt as it never Issues Ilnllmeni or denial no mat ter what charges are maria against it inIIca rater to It only In guarded whispers It has not been established lhat the organisation ls either government Inspired ereliI ctalty aupporied but the ernrnant lets it go on all out iatarlsranca The society had Its origin in the day before the nomad World en the Airikaner ieli hlmsalt ntrodsian land Eewartsss In the Ian at the By Do inican Republic SANTO DOMINGO Domini can Republic tAPiAn armed clash between the two neighbors oi the Caribbean island oi ills paniolo threatened today The Dominican Republic accused iialtl oi invading its embassy and Haiti broke diplomatic re latlons betwea the two coun tries President Juan Bosch gave an ultimatum to iinllian dictat or Francois Duvailer Unless the outrages against the Dominican Republic in Haiti end within 24 hours we will put an end to them by all means within our war Bosch said Tito Dom nican armed iorces secretary hiaHicn Victor Ei vis Vinas Roman announced that all soldiers leaves have been cancelled But he said there was no military move incnt toward the iialtian ber 81 The Organisation of American States ordered ilvouation lact ilnding team to fly to both coun tries to investigate the crisis next door to Cuba The OAS appealed to both governments to keep the peace OPPOSITION RISES Tire dispute with the Domini cans flarcd as result oi Du vaiiers attempt to crusts rising opposition to his regime Tension began mounting week ago when leaflets warned Duvaiier that an attempt would be made to overthrow him illny lsthe constitutional date tor the end at his iirst term as president Suspicious that opposition to him centred in the regular army Duvalier last week tired st oi tiecrs the built at the armys leadership The dictator has built up personal militia and presidential guard that outnum her the army and are better armed On Friday occupants at speeding cer opened tire on Du vailers two children ian Claude 12 and Simone it as they were being driven home irom school Three oi the chiis drena guards were slain but the children were not hurt The attack triggered weekend violence In which 15 persons were reported killed and at least 66 Haitians including ion mer army oliieers and their iamllies took haven in Latin American embassies SOLDIERS BREAK IN inlonned sources said Haitian soldiers broke into the Domini ean Embassy Friday and started search ior reiugees but were ordered out by the charge dailaircs Armed guards and roadblocks blocked approaches to the Do minican ambassadors resi dence Sunday Telephone lines were cut oil and taxi drivers reinsed to take passengers to the vicinity iiosch denounced Duvaiiers regime in radio television broadcast declaring that inva sion at the embassy was equiv alent to an invasion oi our coon try The Dominican president ac eased the iiaitlan government at plotting against his Ilia tie said he invasion oi the embassy was slap In the tees to tha Dominican Republic an allmnt which we are not disposed to pass over Bosch said the refugees in the embassy are living hours el indescribable terror because every minute at the day and night they are expecting an at tack whieh will cost them their lives OAS Team Probes Caribbean Crisis ily LARRY 0510 WASHINGTON iAPiA laci ilading team representing the organisation at American States heads tor the Caribbean today hr quick study at the iIaitI Dominican Republic crisis The team including US representative was sci up Sun day night by tha OAS as it moved to head oil armed coa llict between the two neighbors on the Caribbean island at ills ponloia The Dominican Republic charging thot ilaltlanl had In vodcrt the Dominican Embassy in Port au Prince and that the Iloitinn government was pint tlag to kill Dominican President Juan Roach thrcntcncd military action unless the situation re turned to normal toria Ilnlll in turn nnnauaccd it ha broken diplomatic relations with the Dominicans The council oi the GAS voted tint to convene itseii as con sultative body directly repre sealing the iorcign ministers of to American western hemis hcre repuhiltl Then it named be live nation investigating team and called on both Mail this notion In the eeuntrr The society pledged itself to get Ethical power ter the Atrb power ahich it aware would be used to eeauat unity among Alriitanelt and keep the Attican pc lien begtvglitd hear the UNDERLINSI Port auirincs itsltl where Itsio ian toms were reported to have landed the Dominican It bass and ised bariotpstsoourmflm Na sau and the Dominican Republic to keep the peace pending the study SEE CidOPERATION indications were that both as tions would cooperate with ths OAS team consisting oi tbs United States Colombia Ecua dor El Salvador and Chile The OAS actions came In swlitiy paced 40mnute meeting Sunday night loliowing iour hour emergency session earlier in the do called by Dominican Ambassa or Arturo Caiventi Cnlventi presented t2 charges against liaiti including the claim that iialtlans had invaded the Dominican Embassy in Port au Prince lie also charged that tho iinllian government had crmsplrcd with relatives at the late Dominican dictator Raisal Truililo to assassinate President Dosch iinllian Ambassador Fcra Dsgulriy said the Dominican charges were mrrely an excuse ior military action which has been planned ior some time its accueeri lhs Dominicans at try lng to provoke change oi government In my country Ariurls duos ETU Mac 21 the mucosa tacidani Whirled crisis betasen neighboring catni triss oi Haiti and the Dora lnicao itepbtic which share the Island at In article AP Wlnphoto Mani

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