mlmmnmarnmxm the at Use More Soap my Lawn1e 1151 MIWA tilingl InHardWater wxmaoscalcmuidrel mamdrummer minhard nzrr mm mm me be mmmmmwimmzdmdwlddivai bx mamm al mar Wï¬erbutdï¬gxnt1vter sob mmutheirmde v3 be you mm at which time Wordiwided More Liveuble Added beauty charm and ster cooling com on and protection thats the canvas awning story or your home few cents home FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION per day on extended credit terms will put awnings on your Can Work Magic With Painting You can change rooms dimensions it you know the magic tricks ot paint color in this day when every room may not be the answer to your dreamh architecturally these problem solving hints come in handy indeed liist some basic oolor latls The lightness or darkness at color radically streets the illusion of size Try this test yousell to see how it worltn place side by ride identical ob jects one in hlnek the other in white since these are dark and light extremes See how the white seems larger and iarther away the black smaller and closer So it is with waus While or pastels which are only colors tinted generously with white will open up mall area and enlarge it But it you wish to diminish the wide open spaces ot eav ernous room deep shade will seem to draw walls eoailw to gether Now the color itseli You may haveheard them described as warm or The easiest way to tell which is which isto relate them to tamiliar things Like the sun like name warm colors are var iations at Orange red or yennw They seem nearer to you and make moms slnalllrr Canveisely like the sky like water variations oi hluc vitach green and gray are the airim cools They make omects ap pear to recede Thereiore rooms look larger These colors will actually make you eel warma or cooler menlnlly So lake thls ink con sideration along with the size oi the room helmc you paint For instance pastel yeuow wiu seem to enclose you more than pastel blue even though they are hoth pale So it youre painting long mm mrri dor you might very well prder choosing your pastel mm the cool iamily Speaking at long narrow xoornsitisbcsttobrealtthern up with color Favorite decor ator tricks are painting the two narrow ends in deep morn shade and keeping walls light This shorten the length TEE BAKER1 EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 1363 ISA considerably to your mmd eye Lt the railing is abnormally high pull it together with the floor by painting them both in the same deep shade In any room this ceiling rule holds true Too high keep Lhe color deep Too low Ii it with light mlar hallwall jutting nut mm nowhere spliLl mms sym metry Since you cant disguise this architecture dramatiu it with bright Warm shade This might be the local point tnrniture grouping or prize painting More interest is added to toosquare room with this technique KW You an ward to chop up space wilh contrastingcolor woodwork and doors only it the room 13 hi enough In lake it Otherwise paint an the name shade as the walls Everything hlends The same goes tor radi ators pipa lighting Exam menu molding and other such eyesores tainted upon you Theyll fade away Unng top quality paint make the most it your budget Only the host will look the way you want it wear and awe properly Make Concrete Improvements Add low concrete retaining walls or curbs In your yard or trim appearance The curb be Inth rotmd or flat on you dohot have talk ï¬lm your door In the driveway or street now is good time to innuen nhf clothes line convenient and VIII add beauty of your home BARRIE TENT AWNING Co ltd 34 BAYFIELD ST PA 66437 YOUR FAMILYS SECURITY Will Low Cost SELFHELP HOME SHEARD HEJS THOSE THAT HELP THEMSELVES APRIL IS THE MONTH TO Milk Yllllllllnitr Its Armstrongs For PAHNTI Au 11175 DONE ON OUR CONVELVIEBT lama LOAN Ems uiHEARD Pat3n SPECIAL White House Paint White Satin Wall Paint While Enamel Qualify Paints IMPROVEMENTS 23 PARSONS SEED CO FOR PROTECT YOUR GARDEN Pm Live mm ekï¬xfl Oval11 Gankn Ii mania to pram you deli nix rank phzu Farm 3001 Ind To Build Right Limited Quantity Available Siari Right Willi Barclay HOUSE PAIN3 Bertram Quality Products Barclay Horenamel Gallon Barclay Satin Wall Paint Over Twenty Colours Available BIFOLD DOORS PM BOARD OAK FLOORING MEIu mommies INSULATION ASPHALT SEINGLE NAILS All sinn Annonrra PREPARED llme LUMBER an deurlplm CROWN DIAMOND PAW gefiisï¬rrs SUPER sum WALL FINISH Pm THE NEW ALKYD BASE PAINT PROTECT YOUR FLOWERS 85° in on 290 alé Vvaod AND SHRUBS ALL THE LATEST COLOUR SHADES MAHOGANY Il Thick in all widths Sheets sheet FULL 95 THICK Aluminum Household Step Ladders DOUBLE COAT or Free Estimates Free Advice No Obligation Call Now 1595 ft 1795 ï¬ammumm new we see ST We Feature Cash Carry Depi Barclay Enamel Johananvilla No CEILING TILES No Just Primed NM VI Thlck tn carton ALSO Simms Brushes And Roller Coarers rt ch Crier Ind shruhn also CANADIAN hum laserre the arms1x1 protee tinn bry derne run any b22202 yon muse at PIONEERS OF VALUE SINCE 1929 ARMSTRONG HERD WERE 98 DUNLOP ST PA BZMI YOUR GARDEN HEADQUARTERS PARSONS SEED CO EAREIE WE DELIVER BEETON Il9 DUNLOP ST PA FORMERLY BROWN AND COMPANY