mm MINI um immo Ahfllbl Mlnml llnl Alumlnlum rMb ll flll 11 Auu AIXIA IIul um II on ll Pnlsr mu am 0471 IIIII lll my rm nllnhlm MI ll Cm Auu Arum IL Vhtn the aldcr planed when no wukx am word cnmu jhuk mm Um nursery saying mono of lhe rm could be nup nlicd Allhounh lhm are nboul C25 dilicrnnl vnriellu crab lreu lhu Almey Iowcrlnx ur ï¬lcly mml pupulnr mus Can Idl or plumlnl In prcpnrnllnn ffor the ccnlcnnlnl olumnncu Such dcmnnd or hue mull cd lhnl many nuncriu hum nl uady Inld uul lhelr aprlmz dork ht Slnynrr club Wnl lold Elton coanuln In Ind numry wilh mm mm tall nul prnupecu nctllna Ialivcry my wllhln the nu luo heck Aro dlm Mr Km mld They hwuld hnvn lo he hm by lhrn do not them plunled ln llmo VI Mflll ACHVI IIOCKI fwd HIMII muml Mm IIldlh on Ann muuonl mu mun lenIIl an mm nun vllmm Il llama nnu llklfl mull Illullfllh Ion tï¬ no My In om hurl Al STAYNER Slam sellout In the available supply of Mmcy Lllawerlng crnb Irena hm slymlcd he Stnyncr Harllculmral So Ilys mom to plant some lhls mm In chchrale Cun adal Crnlannlal In 1967 over 1100 ham recs wnre ordnrcd by he In and by Shyncr rul ants mrclary Mu Ken Kerr Id Thursday Also successful In Ihe annual elecllnns were Douglas Slcwan and Charles Surgcnur vlrc prealdcnls Willard Everlon ucrclary Ted Sloan as rans urer and Alfred Dlrk Dan Muc Dunald John lllnnol Ken lras curyear member of Bar rle Jaycces Sid Taylor was 15 nigh elcclcd prcsldcnt or the club or the 1961 term Mr Taylor will assume amen July When Ken Hallier took over the City Cancun Band there were seven members NoW three years and ï¬ve months In ter he band bonsls over 40 members Mr Holllcr rcslgncd mm the band last week Boh llunler trumpet play er ln lhe band said T1115 lumendou loss to Barrie and the band eel Ihnt under his diredlnn the band had started to make comeback went thmugh grant rcorgnnlznllon paring and pur llunlLr also said that the concerts increased lhelr value muslcnlly 11 two con certs given at Nurlh Colloglale In 1962 were certainly hr cry MEMBERS OF THE Robert De Cormler singer chat with lhelr host reccpllon held Tree Sellout Stymies Club Elect Taylor Jaycee President Band Members Agree They Will Miss Leader TODAYS STOCK PRICES anle by Flynn Dunlap mm im nu nu lie Hulaufl mm Ill Amu Iamml lMIfln Mmlm wumu Mum unnmu Nulml mnunlxu pin 17 llnm rnu um Mam Ilnml III mm my mu Imp Tubea Aunu mum Nu In Nmu hm Ulllllln lnIvpmv rm mm mu yum Mir re mu In you MIN ma Mtth he lnlly Pcnca Tawcr on Iullnmtnl Hill nlunduy nlnhl Iller ltlcphanrd lhranu lhnl bomb would explode hm They round nnlh Inl Thu lhmu wm ltlv phnnrd by Woman wllh Fund ncrcnl lo Dllnwl now pupm Plan or In lccunxu sale driving romlco In be held May al llnrrle sherran Plaza wm alm dlmusc Gucsl spenkcu were Mu Carol Risk 11 Colllngwood and Dan MncDunnld In both use he spenkcr war lmroducnd and lhnnknd by grldunlel flux course Chnirmnn of elfcchvo spnuki mu Cain presenlnd 15 diploma la the luccessml graduates Mr Cain wm lth awarded Ihe Jnym ha Momh nwlrd by prcsldenl mu Bralthwahe nr his excellent chnlrmanshlp ol the tourse During the bmlnm mocflnz was dccldcd to proceed wilh mm to Incorpnrnlo lha BunIo Jayrm under the Onlurln Car rarmlnm Acl Th1 mavn lul uwcd nu nxhalmlvu Mudy lhu quuUnn by Allrcd chk Al he dinner mcdinl preced ing lhe hotly contested clac llons graduates cl Iha Jaycce clledlvc spaaklnx mum hand led Iha proceeding and lup pllcd Ihe speaker or the new Acting Mayor Hersey mid Im an we band committee but Ive had re ports come to me of ha bands Improvement In the past 12w years It regreuablo Mr Hollier must wave or Run Carter Ind Jému Shula dirednrs lrgfn Ihqsp some ypm ago He sald he aliendance was mlsnrnhle In one more your the band would have been an even water use Bnrrle Now may dont get com petent direclar ln llme the hand mlzht in set back lew years Mr Hauler ntccplod ml Ion head of the muslc de pmmene n1 Nelson High School In Burllngwn He is dlrector Bomb Threat In Peace Tower in their honor iasi night Lei i9 rink Ire Miriam Burton mpranu Prank OrEil and OTTAWA CP RCMP til II nu in In 177 TIKIM II Iluuv Yum man my mw mun IlaMr low Alum mm mm ml Nnv nun Envan murm Will mun mi lg lmhn 5L flnlr Lula llurnn Lulu Hrle Mum Lulu 0n lurlnv Ilihulltm Urnrnlnn my unlnm Vlmhnr Inmlnn llnm lllnn Tnnmlu Norm my sud lnxry Sunny wllh chmva hum VIII and not much rhnnn In ltmprrnlurn mly nmlï¬llur day Clenr nml ml wuh runId rghlu lrml ll nlzhL Wmll Mlmnn WMII Mr Tim uml Cu MAM ï¬lull ï¬ll Mm buuny wllh quny Kynuplhx Conlldcrahlo Inn Iblm wllh nflunoan lrmpc mm In tho mum tlcnr ml anhlbMl In Alon lnr Onlnrln unlll Sunday Formal lunrxl by lhu onln WMth nfllu um Donald Spcncu new mom her luvs enllxhltnlnx ad dm on nulamublla coverage Illd Ihcir dlflmnl condlunm He told Molar Clnlm Fund whlch optrnltd by he Depurtmml Transport This enables poxmm who have clnimn nxnlnal uninsured drlv or hIInndrum la mnka lholr clnlm Ind lmvu ll prom ud lhrnugh adjuster In quick Hme wllhoul uwnlxlnz court Judgment pravldlnl um lhe ol tr ol unlcmenl II Icctplnble he clnlmnnL Adjuslmcnll mnda ï¬lm In lhu clnlmnnll no In my re pnlr down 111 clalm mun be ordmorc man 330 In he could ere The 20 he collcclnl lhn Hmu Ilcenm are urnnled where IIIunto no In Iorce dou nnl mlka lhn Depmmrnl llnblo or lhelr drums The Community Concern cam palgn dlnner will be held Mon day at 615 pm In SI Giles Mljllcunï¬hurch Member Barrie and D114 rm Indcpendcnl Insurance cnla Assaclnllon held lhelr meet lng In he arm luncheon at the Cedar Rull uslauranl wlh 11 murpbm prescnyl The meeting Wu the gave of chairman Jlm leon report mm the Advurllslng Cammllleo lnfurmcd the mem berl of lhe pmmm nulllncd or lhu cumin yuu which includ ed newspaper radio and Phone directory adverlislnm the tiller ngljl 1n the Irrnnglnu mu fampnizh Mer April 29 lo May The Bnrrle Clly Conccrt Hand held many cancer last sum mer and the majority mm wen well attended Mr Hall ler was and L1 staunch ad vocale of unity for performing an and mlsu wllhln the city of muslc for tha high school In Camp Burden Last years hand pmident Marvyn Hubson said or ry to see Km He has done nu Joby Norman Blackhull another band member suld thlnk his lenvlna will he loss Barrle lle was an enthusiasllc man and lm done qulla blt lor he band He really promolcd ll and everyone enlayed worklng under hls dlrchan Campaign Dinner Set For Monday Insurance Agents Meet Over Lunch Tho inbclnllun II nnxioul lo Mu Cram but and hostess Eric Musem base whilstI Ind Robert De Carmiar diuclar 20 Dunlop In le0 Out Onion PA 60161 or 64 Cl cm WEATHER FORECAST anA Winle 51 Thom lmndnn Kllchmer Wlnuhlm Ilnmlllnn SI Cnlhnrlnu Tnmnlo IMevlmruulh Trtnhm Klllnlnc Mulnh Nurlh Ilny ï¬udhury klrllnn Kspuluulnl gunman AM no nurh chug In Vluï¬plrnlï¬ï¬‚ today and Indy wlndl lllhl Thlevcs hmke Into hm pr vulo homu over night and made of WWI ll lam $350 Barrla Pollen orpornl ll Nenlhwny snld The method 01 rally in all lhree ham wal by window Wu Inspect can nccuon In nll three enlrlu Harold Ayeml am at Halznlo SI wan entered pus llbly In tho early evening The lhlc or Ihlevu mndu all wllh 00 5mm plum and lndyl dinmoqd nu vnlurd $200 Another humo 155 Cumberland St the Ildrnce Mlchncl Chccvcrl Police have not yet nmlnlncd what wu Ilulcn mm hll wmc other than Imnll change 1110 lhlrd houu cnltrcd win In Tow rrCmc lncruun lu memberhip um nllerlnl new mtmhcrl pnld up due or no war In lhl 0n lnrlo umrlullnn It is very good iahm lhat council has he addnd Corpoidl Nonihwny llvlnmll lnllna lha lncldcnu Edgehlll drive and west at Anna street The Onlnrlo Mu nlclpal Board will hear argu menuon May by clly and Vesprn Townshlp lawyerl con ceging Ihe annexnï¬on Mr Holller Iald that lho band will mu live concerts through out the clly unm lhc end ol June Tho next Clly Band can czrl will he the second Sunday In June at St Vinccnt Park on Bllko mch Mr Holller had proposed an 1ch to City Councll concernlnq bandsth which at th time at pmpqsal he hoped could be encled near the marina T111 mnmlng he laid he love council will put the band Iheu In this new park plan or annexation came through Thu nrenA Mr Hnlller reigneq Barrio 1025 the City Concert Hglller on July lerday that Mr Hullier had slipped hlm an envelope at Mnndays Council meellng Vo are sorry to see him go said Mr Wilson He was credit Joutha go munlty Mr Halllcr became conduc lor the band in December 1959 In has accepted pus llon at lha Nelson High Schuul in Burlington head of the music department Three Homes Are Entered During Night Band Leader Ken Hollie Is Leaving nmlner Photo Comrï¬xxï¬lty amen Assad lon ljgrlhtcallcglnle Ex PIG my errorirledlor tha GRAND OPENING Slmcoo Counlyn Mo Modml ann and Oudm Equlpmunf leu Ald Charles Wlléon Mld yes SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE mouwav 27 PA um FRIDAY SAT APR 2627 SEE THE LATEST IN RIIL AND ROTARV MOWIRS FRI GIFTS TO THE CHILDREN Temptylunl dircctor Band Ken He misn MagnifiCenvt Close HI Fl Immoltd in tho Ink Hum mnennl Hal nunlnm Sal Mlllcr Ell Zlm mrr lrnmaltd lo rank at mm rnl Lendin Mrcnflmnn II Inc led Lendlnl Mrmflmm lllnl RCAF STATION CAMP BOR DHNer Captain 11 I1 Mll lnn CDY Commundlnl 0mm IICAF Slullon Cami nordun hm Announced lha lullawln Alr mrn prnmgnu Pmmnlcd In Huh urlunlz qumrnl fa nrgmy The compcmlnn at Camp nor dcn wlll lnko plucn on the CAP mart Held 11 ll rains Ibo lhnw will be held In Na 11 hangar He explained that the flour Inna are nun necessarily dying nut hut puinlcd out that many other cIuln have zone In pot because lhny havo been endaw ed wilh money Thm lrumpel and drum hnnd rum Insllrn CAP Ilnllon will comma at Cnmp Burden lo morrnw all pm Thu nnllll band among um Ccntrnlla Cllnlnn And Camp Borden wIII tnlcr the um an nual Kinsmen lnlcrnllimul Band Content at Moos Jaw Sn on MnywnIB Almost 150 Rnlarlum attend ed 1mg nluh 1mm Mitten Aur ora Boston Gravcnhursl Huntl vllle Llndsay Midland Orlllln Fcnelnn Falk Parry Sound Tm Mania and Barrie Mr Ford lram anmoulh NS has been RomIan alnce 1936 and gust president at the Halifax clu Ha recommended seven points tn Rotary members and said suggest each flotarlnn do hls soul searchan and Ilrlva tn dn mm communlly worki Rolarlnna Iram ll diatrch clubs were urged to avoid self lallsllcllan to help keep Romy allve by Edwln Fard Canadlan dlreclor lo Rnury In ternational al Collier Siren Un fled VChurchl Communlly Cinema pmenl ed program All night lhnl ended with an enthusiastic pack ed hamglvlnz nlandlnwvu dog In Jhg angu The Robert De Connier Folk Sinwrwery hurd ll North Collegian Auditorium and their program was an artistic trium ph Always undersiaung the mood oi mh xonz De Coxmier held inniland on this inn vogai group Because oi the unusualiiahi in equipment ench run he came separate picture Vivid colar reamed Ia be added to some production and um Barrie Central Collegiate Band will open Lhu new audl lnrlum at Central with Com munity Coneert promum in Sept ember Thémncert will complete the Banla Community Concert Al Inflatiun 196193 program The concert orulnally ache duled or ï¬ll lprlnghad to be put on because lhu auditorium Allan Fisher band lelder said acoustic In North Coflczlala would not do hand Jusllce and bosldcs In September ton cerl would be In appropriate opening or the new auditorlum Bands Compete At Camp Borden RCAF Announces Its Promotions DE CORMIER SINGERS PROVIDEHL Open Auditorium With Concert Tells Rotariqns To Stay Alive like zclllnn mlrtmcnl rm Cauvlwu 1ch CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 lhrfla Equlpprd Cuba Mr Fm mld me nhjerllvo bl minimum ncumlly In or drr la nlnlnlnln he Armyl lmlve min and character building Iervlcul on balls mu chnlrmun lho Sulvnllan Army anlannl Advlwry Donn nnnouncrd lo dly lho nutinnnl object he no llld Shltld M1le Iched ulcd lnr lho month my MIML lund when you get ll you no lonlcrxleel like working Mr Ferd was Introduced by Dmley Greer Past Dlstric Gnvernnr and lhnnked by Jack Blmone men added tome ha numJ hora such an in the Hull en can through um eflecllve olhglrpnytnblq HILL Neilertheieu it was alter all tho ouuianding choral amm mcnu that warn the whoiu show The media wished to portray was communicated instantly to the audience and maintained until tha ilnal indenut He used hi singers conductor me his orcheslrn aiwayn with uguitivi II II dlmcnfl to pick my one all song that appalled mum than analhar This alter II gurer pemnal pralcrenca Bay will canvass ham to home in their Apple Drivn to morrow for public support oi the mm and cub oi Barrle Money melved from ha drlve will ha used fur capital expenditures the Distrld Scan Camp Camp Wlldman on Georglan Bay The Scouls Dumas Cwncll has received aumorlzaflon Hon Leslie Frost Gives Objective Salvation Army DOOLEY GflEEfly loll out Dlstrlcl Gnvcrnnr or Rotary Club Barrie Joo He uld Um pollcy lownnl My mmhlnll Iluhlnl Inbmlln to an lhrm Ihnnlnl luvln III to um Apple Is Method Of Saying Thanks Boy Scouts of Kempenfclt WILMIIWH FREE lmvlu prov Id hy Inrll hullnr llnnl who Inpvovl unw Ipunlond by Jill bu ummum FOUND WANTED anln hullor llulhr pul lnr Zuni llmr mllIM nmrhnul lo flock lull llrln tlvlhu Humour mIoml ll mmll llohblu Sum Mop who Ila Invulwn mendlnl nmo Aim Mimil cmwmm Shopping Servlce The Snlvnllon lchleml rtmnrknbla lucceu In In expnmlun prurnm lhroulh the your and lhe ledinn pub lic MI mnkn cerllln Ihll Iho Nullunnl ml Shltld Append win be In unqunlmcd mm to lhnl hm mvlm will qumly luppurltd Mr Flul Inld idcal cl IMUPWH would conllnuo and um Insllluuons unuld expcclcd hr pmclluhla to be ullqulln Tha Canndlm publlc would be nknd only to mm deï¬cit on lug opzrnlians lncitnicdr Acrrlccl howavcr can only menu lncmucd lcnpgco my Mn Fm Iald Camp Wildman consists 100 acres of wooded terrain Over 500 scouts and Nb will use the camp this Iummer Money needed to further the project of the camp cumulttce Whldl to Improve camp sues renovate the pnvlmon to the standards at Wall Cub camping and mate parklni am said Mr Moorlaousa Do not just mime an ap ple he added le9 gener ously and help pmmote an out standing prolecl or an Icouu of Barrie mm United Appeal ofllclnb to conduct this drive Capital ex pendflum am not covered by flu Unked Appeal Doug Moorhom presldent the District Scout Councll Bald today Scouts are not really nelllng Apples but are asklnz or llnnnclnl support of thelr movement Th apple Is the scout way saylng thank The pralram opaned with Amer lcan Folk Sonul proceeded to lnternatlannl Folk Sonar on to West lndlan Folk Sonia and llnnlly the Song of the Amerl cnn Nexrnr In the nut lroup Pete Scenera Where Have All the Flowers Gone war particu larly appealing The endlence loved the Planner Courtlnz Son Bullnlo Boyv The Croatian and Ruaalan Dance Sonu ware perhaps the best ul the Inter natlanal mum but everyone he 11 own avorlm erlnm Burton was peel Iy eloqurnl gnd appealing in the West Indian F011 Saul Viriln Cuulder mule pusl Inlch nallonnl Ronny Dimdor Ed wln Fold Nova Stalin nuns weaker and Jim Velldv WENDY IIICKI Commo IHE PARKDALE WINES IJD The wmemher Council Publlc lnslrucllon governing body the provincel public Ichooll should bu lrnnxlnrmed um lamember hlgher noun oil of Mucullon to advise the mlnlsler The eight member commls Ilon in the ï¬rst of sevenl vol me cl report made iheao key recommendmlons Monday to the cabinet CHATEAU srCARTIER 4ng Plctura in contra to lllll lender song the map an lnl Llnsled Market Indlhen the allmain group sinslnl Good Mnrnln Captin with Jul harmonica Ir nccomplnlmenl and lb verznullly oi the ranzemenls by Mr De Cormler well Illustrated Soloisu nuns rim Ind en xemble were used in he must eflecllve way Wllh he lualun of movement with ma music each Indlvldual presentation Magma leqagalelwork allay Thll we talk slnilnz It iii llnes QUEBEC CF Quebecs royal commlsslun on education has proposed ormula for giv lng unity without unlIormny to public education In new Ince No encore were uiveni though the audience wouid hm listened all night Thu um Hebrew Dance Song He no ml luv was beautilnl The Ice ond Spiritual Amen mu irorn restrained openinl to triumphant and axhiiarnllni ciimnx 1th was repealed Willi lbs audlme rhylhmlcally clapplng Ind slnxlng with the group maznillcgnz culmination to the Commume The pmvihce must ham minister of education Club ner or Mk nl Collier Slml United numb after Mn Ford pm unlcd speech nn Wlll R0 lmy len On Over 100 no mm attended lhu Hunt Examiner Photo Unity Proposed In PQ Education tsldcnipl hp BarrIq lolmf mflZM Your Guide to FINE WINE HA1 MARK THE UTILLWINE FOR ALLOCCABIONB CREAM SHERRY ha palac choco 6y mumm LEEPER