Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1963, p. 6

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xv 11 muinr mulan ernlng Wmnnnn Alumnry 5L Andrrwn lervlevian NIH In INM In lhe IMIIM Wuhan Iill lnsldml Mr Minn pnddlnl Mu 1mm mien Ih muinl wllh In Adlnl lmlm 11 mm In luulml nmllnl Vchva unmd nn Hum or HI Imluar In In MM 4m Nuv Mombm Inn Im mm Iur Ihl lmllnn Ayrllr um Mb Ml In hand Ihvm In ll nul mulln nhkh will bu my 11 Hall cu lmmhrrz mm mm mu urlpnl mu mm of lm Iwu my not lclllnx Anynnn Illnl ll Hrllml did nu lrll my hmhnmfl Alwnyl helm wuuld lrll Mm and In mmlld K0 lrum no ulmuo ln nnnllm would rilher lnnpi me wllll rirh loud nr wnlrh awry hit would lulu and ah any Hula thin By GRAY CAMP BORDEN The Easter Parade is over but mllndya he was sllll he maln topic conversaunn at the RCA iterl Mess Camp Bordon when lhe Olflcera Vlvc Club held lhe annual Spring Ten wilh the feature nllracllon helng He Show Sevcral wnmen from hn Army were invited In model Ihe hula they had made during the win ter under the guldnnce Mm Chilllck of Alliston Tho hnls shown ranged in slyles from the tailored look In the spun candy holhy type Drapod huts with Lawrencn of Arabia flavour In variety of materials straws slrawclnlh and nllkr Plllhaxes Brelons and Clachcs passed dawn the aisle in may colnr ranging from white to shocking pin lodcep purpler Al tho nIldnyn hm numdad mccllnx Ihe Imllcs 01 our church was My cnvlaua um 01 Hm wnmcn Ilium could hardly 51an II 1111 Indy had Iasl 10 panmh Mr wr Iad monIha nnd flu ally lonkcd mm In nhcnIh IHIL MI dummy and In by mmjmrisnn lhnl couldnt my mind an he mmlnz Thrn and there mmlo up my mlnd lo an on difl nnd Imo wrluhl 5mm IIan II lmll mm In no Illruuuh dcrldrd Hm lllo ml nI lhu your wnuId he Im IrIml llllll lo Mml wml my hmtu doclnr ml Mn nnd nsknl lnr II Lhul KIINI nml llulrucllun On Jim mum on my 1000 admin lllrl plnnnnl my Illm mlnu manly In mlvnnce mun mrry mlnrlv nnd wrlll ll dawn Kreplnz more on llu mlnrlrl II llrmvmluul Mlp Garden pany hats were not argolknz Mg hrimmcd and lav lshly Irimmcd wifll flowers they added Iquchof Sprig Mrs Chilllck was the Com menlulnr while Mrs Earl Allan played approprinla muslc on the llnmmoqd 0th Mrs Douglas Snnwdon Pres ldenl of the Ollicm Wives Club RCW mankcd the ladies for their wnnderlul showing she also exlnnded hunks Io Mrs Chlllick and lo Mu lll Murray whq was the fashion coordlnalor The lea was under con venership or Mrsl 04 Timms and Mrs Varnock Presiding at the In table were Mrs Milton Mrs Yellowlnea Mn Davlus Mrs Momma Am Hynes Mrs Bawdon Mrs Johnson and Mn Nn door prizns set of Coming ware and floral centre By 1m JEAN KAIN Secret dialing can add an uncxpcrlcd flip to reducing Today lullcl 1mm Imme mnkur whn is selling brighter outlook on he Iulure spark chnllungc would like to my thanks lo you by xhnrlnz With your nlher mm plan by uhlch luv mnnmzrd in 105 mm Work 011 Items For Fall Bazaar MES HILTON pours Camp Borden Spring Ten tea at RCAF Oltlcerx Mass the lgbla are Mrs Dnvles KEEP IN THE TRIM Spring Tea buests See Hat Fashions Secret Dieting And Exercising Adds Incentive To Reducing Churchill UCW Plan Busy Program Modellng hair own hat cre ations were Mrs need Mrs McKay Mrs W11 kinson Mrs Eickley Mrs Brown Mrs Kleran Mrs Fitzgerald Mrs Sulherland Mrs Malcolm Mrs Traynar Mrs Fir loue Mrs VnnCamp Mrs Awbury and Mrs Murray RCAF plcce were half WGla1y Churchill Unlled Church hr men held the Easxcr Thank 01 ering Meeting in the church The president Mn Alan Todd web earned guests mm Lelmy Gil ford and Ebenezer Al in short business meeting preceding the evening program dny or quilllng was planned in be held at the hum of Mrs Todd May was lhn dnie set aside for housecleaning day at the church premises Birih day Tea was agreed upon for the June meeting In in iormer years Twcnlyflne members answer ed IE roll call and Miss Clalre Tillman led in prayer or Mr and Mrs Lloyd Slrachan me Sogclya sperlnl missionaries The correspondence among other ilcms included lcllcr of thank lrnm Alberta or the bale of tea lnwcls The speaker or cvcnlnx Mrs Allnn Corrigan of Eventll brought an Inspired message applying Iha beauty and mom der of Easter la everyday living that shouldnt he would any Pnying good money to Hm doctor lose wnlxht and lhcre ynu calluu Nnrdlns to my my rencllon would be oh whnla the UMI and hack would go In my old enlinx hub Ils Well lhl Imn didnt my one word In him know that In knnwl ll hul lma loo nluh born In manon It and Ill not In Ilm Whtn mnrrlcd hlm clown your nun wuluhod pnundx Al lhe llmu llllrlcd this um Ilwclplml 222 pounds xuln UK on pound Ha fur have last 32 pounds and lime 50 mm In no nm with mrdium mm mm In 140 pnuml Ill ho mm mm null happy nlw lukn III curds uhlch mm In tom nic Him is Illm dnwn hope HIII lrllcr ull llclp nlllrr unmrn Mm nml la 11M Might la cl xlnrlnl an lhu rlxm lruck Thnnk uu namn or your wnndurlul column VA £010 wnnt me to no was contribut edby lIr chdonnld In hllmm Wilhqu Ohm1 PM MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT PA 666 on mun won by Mrs The moon in Gcmlnl make lhis an exceptionally line day or those whose thinking is arig inn and whose spirit of enter prise Is at peak intellectual pursuit are governed by excep tinnally inc influences and for thus so engaged this should he day oi big accompllshmunu Ennnm llllllllDAY ll tomorrow is our blrlhdny your horoscope ndlculos that or lho next elght months would be wlse temper mono lnry amhlllons with Ihrllllncss Even though some good new clal spots show in your chart nolnbly In mldvAugusl late November and early December donl throw your budget out balance Next January will brim better plunnlury lnllu ences where finances are con corned and you would lhen be duslllied ln mnklng plnns for ex pansion later In the new year Social and lravcl ucllvltlu should bu hlghly sllmulnllng ln late June early August early September and all nl December ullhough travel ls not recom mended during the last week of flu Inllcr month nose perlodl or romance late May mld July late August curly Novem her and mldlbcccmhcrl Those engaged In crcallvu onlemrlsu EDINBURGH lur vcy shows that 40 per cent of Scotlands work are luflm rheumatism and that lime tnkrn or treatment wul dauqu that lost by strikes FQR TOMORROW Job matter should rccelve good boasts In mld0clober and midDecember but dont expect too much In the mennllme Put 0th best efforts however or you wlll not cam the promised boosts Igmmmsm Mrs Purdy Mrs Gv Hynes and Mm Troxcll THE STARS SAY Pexm To 12 Mln Nnmnm Caldwell MIII Inl lrldhlm Formerly or Vaolwonhl Salon All STYLISTS IA H072 Elnn lcncock Prop BEAUTY SALON 11 Dunlop SI wm By ESTRELLITA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT KAYS Hare Pclcr Pnn mnlchn lhclr contour Hidden lrcmurc bra and long log panly girdle in lmulilul new cmhmidcrcd look The brn is in drip dry Zephnirc bulislc und girdle in 48 gauge lycxu power net for nmoolh brnuliiul cnnlml with nonroll comour wuislbnnd llmtwontpinch bind orcurl Bolh nrc mm our munun nzlmc lmxmlmm ml lccliom or nvcmuc nnd junior Iim figum By all mean come In lhln wcck or your you lrivulc fillinu rooms in ull Mom EVANGELINE BRINGS Hidden Troaluro bra Sxu 3136 In bludx of whllI long log punly girdle 5lxu SML In Hod at while In basic fashion beauty by PEIER PAN New Lamp for Old wal the title the very enjoyable and Intelmauve caoldnl demonst ration held in he Alllsmn Mem orial Arena on Mnnday nlght The appliance used in tho cooking demonstration were all operated by gay and pravIdcd for Ike thaw by the ansurnerl Gas Company No glrls mm Bully Brlflhll Kitchen handled lhedemonalr allon lllunmlnz by xkll the show went along just how much things have progremd lo the My ol kllchen convenlenm Ilnce the days our parents and grandparents For example clock controlled cookag even umpernturc ovens mllsserle cooklng aulomnllc clothe dry lng etc Some of the food prepared and cooked during the Ihow warn Tomato Cheese Bread cooked ln Ihe oven Sleek aln ambcrx brolled Cream Pulls on lop on slova and mulled Bock corn lsh Gama Hens cooked on an rnllsserle in elm ol Ihe prvgram all the prepared fonds were giv lon away to people from he andc encc All proceeds fmm MI show were donatzd to United lurch Women Alllslon Womens Aux iliary chlld burn on thJ day wlfl be practical and perseverng but may hnva In curb Inclina tion tuwnrd extrema lecredva ness Ifqu have an Illaraund good year llngodo COIIONY Hallow Spovltwoar Accouorlu Cooking Tips Told At School $400 $1200 Princess Beatrix Ihc NE hexlands lines up the we ball durlng stab at hllHnrds on visit todny to Lhe Nether lands Seamans Club in New York Touring princess le vlsn Mammal next AP erepholo EYES THE BALL YOU THE LOVELIEST LOOKS Barrie bowlers mhaugedionxiw Bob Orr Cyril Huey bowling ms for party mire at Bill Omr Ken Goodciliid Leo 0100in mixed bowiinmicagun Madman Howard Burbidge purty held In the Community Bill Dohson Special prizes were House given to Miss Glenna Doww uu hl and Murray Machan an ofuu hlghughu ol um evening wns the presentation of ugphlqs The lungue wlnnlng earn the Slmcoc Druughu was captained by Mn Llnlun Goodchlld wllll Icammmm Mrs Sam anley Mrs Doug McArthur Phil Marks George ullinalon Ell Goodchlld Playufl winners of Mockl Essa mum Included Blll Orscr cnpmln Mu Queenie Jury Mrs Dorothy Humphrey Mrs Lean Mchlllc Jahn Walsnn and mu Dobsun ATTENDANCE AWARDS Perfect men awards were presented to Mn Llnlvn Goodchild Mn Bob Orr Mrs Ken Goodchlm MraxBlll Orm Mrs Graham Taumull Sam Awards Presented At Bowling Party Your In New Colglun £15 Collier St Robert and Sams Now buy The family size PackageWA Excitement From The Lending llalr Styllitl ONE POUND ASSORTED CREAM biscuits Peek Freans Baked perfecton Wiappea lor platedon PA 01501 brPEEK FREAN In charming new sleepwear Maker of famou blewe Mrs Bill Ouer and John Wal son were high aveyaga whmen The high triple award went to Mrs Sam langley and Eric IAC Bldg Barrie Dnetors Prescriptions Accurately Filled Frenchmald made him sleepth mMch lovcly wnllz shill uownnnd baby doll pyjama nil in wnndctlul carclrcc blend ol cotton nylun and dncron Heres fine nil ldul for Mother loo nn Sunday May 12th We in vnc you lhcsc ddightlul additions to our new nummcr nkvacnr mllccunm nl yuur fim opportunlly ln plnk 0r blue aim mm mcdium nnd large Ihmughoul Mn molding Slupcoa lllwlmléd $698 Baby Doll pyluma Walu th gown $498 CLOSED wen AFTBRNOON 0pm nunw T0 SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS ll Calllur 5t PHONE PA 68891 of Toronto NEW OFFICE 9100 mm 00 600 pm 11 DUNLOP ST PHONE PA 6051 flan Hour $498 by Mrsmrahum analnull Ind mu Gdodchlld Thrkgnm captain wen Mn Bill 055 Thu Wellingtons Mu Ken Goodchlld Communlty Home Howrd Burhldge Davey Dipper Cyrll Huey Clifton Blowcnm zgcunva Wmfilflh singles wen capped by rahumTanemll Ind The eleculive members an Mm Lullnglop President Mrs Ggaham Tallcrsau semi 811 Mn Vern Dohsan Trer um Mn Dorothy Humphray CDIIVEHII Danca music was provldcd bx Mu Mabel Kosman Allan Per and All Sthherd with cheekup and cheque Wan0M CANADIAN CANCER soclm an Ind nunm bun ll Dunlap Bill PA 68032 um

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