Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1963, p. 4

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Tha state is community peo 1e whose membership requires them to lve under the same code of behsvlor To make this 5105511110 they choose the kind quality an uantlty of government that host serves eh needs today and glves Lem hope for tpmgrrow This Is an Mmductlon study about government in the Royal Bank of Can I1ng Monthly Letter The letter warns we live in an age when shabby Ideologies promlse short cuts They take the undramatie realities of society and sculpture them into im nges then fervently stlr followers They marry selfishness an ignorance and breed conflict between races creede Individuals and countries History is in the main the story mans eiforls to attain the best he can imagine lite to hold for him and to maintain order so enrichment oi living may proceed generation alter genome tion it is the purpose of overnment to provide the environment which this advancement will be possible As 50 mnny people hnve warned de mocracy is not an easy system to main lain and develop it must bring togetir er under one real two different can The Idea the slate shouid rovide scope and opportunity for ind Vidunl enter prise and the idea the state should be collection oi public services satisfying peoples needs by subsidies subvenlions and the like is not possible or government to ruin without curtailing some individual irccdoms but ii is contrnry to the can ops or good administration that It should seek to compensate tor restrictions by providlng clrcuscs well as ore Is Our Democracy Taken As Too Much For Granted fine csscrillal largovornmcin mm the latter in Integrity The strength x1 Owen Sound SunTlmcx ZTho mass lndlgnlllc bclng Inrccd upon colored people In Alabama II the present Mme munl cauno wlxles rem concern lhmugh that 1an of lllo rec the name time it wlll chum grout MI tloubl 1n nnqtln In our nblll lo llvo more closely lo tho people to lllo snulh Whlln ll wnuld he lnll lo deny that ion II rnrlnl llsrrlmlnn lnn In Cmmlln lllo Ilmuuhl nl pollen olllcm uxlnu do rm In Imha vi null mm in walla unn durum In mu Annth ml nu mu lml nm 7mm 0min mummya mm um mu rm 0m IM My ml pm lull Mum and Illlfllavy alm Inman lul rmlm mun Iumm II MIIIIIIIHN cm mum In null muon Ilblfflpflul nu In my mm Walls pubushe The Barrie Examiner RESENTED BY CANADIANS Ifiarrin Publlshed by Canadian Newspapgré Limited 18 Bayfleld Stréql Dame ammo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Ushér Emislalght General Mahagor THURSDAY 1an 1m 4m THE HOLDOUT government lies in the hellef of the people It rules that it tntlexlbly open and truthful There ls saying tn the law of equity whlch mlght be para phrased He who comes to govern must come vlth clean hands Ideaiifi once representative is elect ed by People be becomes part or governmen not politics The purpose of political party is to bring together people who believe alike about certain things so they may carry their princi log into practice When member is ect ed to ariiament it is his duty to form his op nion atter hearing all sides in debate and to lend his intluence toward governing in the interests at all the mono States the letter We are inclined to take or granted and to condemn other Eeople for abandoning it But we should generous in our jud menis and watch iul for our own stabllty Countries on other continents have lived closer to the mm In oi survival economically and politcnlly than Canada has We have not been aubiected to the test of econ omic collnpso which destroyed the Vel mar Republic or the civic disruption of Kenya or Rhodesia or Algeria at our our The tmpnrlnnt question is not wheth cr or not democratic term of govern ment exists but whether or not the people at Canada accept and care deep about the principles upon which de mocratic government is based The tu ture of democracy said tmh century writer mainly depends on the willing ness of the Omnipotent people to be led by highly trained and cunscicnllous statesmen and on the willingness of those statesmen to serve the people up on such terms or democracy will accept dlmrcnt nkln plgmcnlnllon In repugnant ngnlnsl pcopiu hccnnw they mm of how Such open Icnlnl fellow humnn hclngn rlghla nml grnu dlarcunrd or humnn dignity must Ahock cvon how innmllnnn who close certIn door In their prlvntn live on the haul of color me nnd rullglon Prnbnbl most 115 cnnccrllng least Cnnndlnn Thrlsunnx In the rnnk d5crln1nnllnn llspln ml by most 01 the while churcm THE WORTH 0F SPACE Vnnmuvcr Sun man vlnllnr In Vancouver from tho US National Armnnullcn nml fipnco Admlnlalrnllon made the Mnrlllnpf mm llllllt that more than half the rllldrrn In clmnrnlary nrhoull today will bu llr Ina wnrk conmclcll In mnw wny wllll warn lochnnlngy when they nrnw up bpncu ex lorlllun ll mulnu Inlu opt ulnr logem In nuiumnllcnll and Thin wmuwhnl on with he Nor man Con um And all lnvanllon or In uldc plum In 71111 lypléil In Alvhlgh Mao and handwmc statemenu bclng mmlu About Ipnm lhm dlym flul Illllo mull Informallon nu ma llrnvllcll uncrulnm space vnmum Algvnllnbh go Inn mimic Dean Sir méenuy you wrote thought provoking edlturm baud an the comments of Robert men Branu who wan Ipnklng In the Throne Debate in the Ontr10 Leghlature In you asked 15 Grlde Ihlmen NeededY and your answer named to Im ply hut nwal not Ihava my own opinion to the validity oi your conclusion but inniegd will qnnia mm the 1962 Report oilho President oi the Univeroiiy oi ioanzo Dr Claude Himii Haxpenkl oi the prononi lo oiiminnle Grad XIII and nnyl system oi junior WHIRLWOUH immedlaleiy ni irncl nil ihe good teacher in he secondary schools the school would become hopeless iy paverlyuricken Even now the scarcity and the mnldixiri bulloo oi quniiiied secondary teachers that in teacher with Type or endorsed oer tiiicnies must give rise to the Invest concern Oi secondary schools in Ontario than were In 196162 157 with no qualliind mathematn in teachers and 115 with no quoliiierl English teachers and these or not Just very small schools many of them have iromsw to 1000 pupilsu Thus high school pupils outside this lurxu urban centres oro under privileged now and the client at taking nway lrom them the few ounlllicd leuchera they now hovu an opportunity to encounter would be disoxlraus ANSWER IS NO You may ask whether our Irlendr In the PraIrIe Provinces Quebec and the Mantlme re coIve In twelve years an edu cntIon equivalent to that thch we receive In lhlrtecn years My answer No am not snyIng that these students do not rcchve more In twelve year than our students receive In twelve years but am most cmphntlcnlly ruyinx lhnt lhey do not mere as much In twelve your an we do In lhlrieen years For five years have taught Mathemallca In puplls from all puns at Canada and Iram cx pcrIence haw learned lhnl in he laid of Mathematics at least my Endeman are cor rect 0m has only lo look at LIw courses study allowed In ha final year secondary lchool cducallnn In each at the provIn ea In convIncc nncsLII Iurlher lh Supcrflclnlly they aImIInr huI lhe course dlflcr markedly In the depth requxmd RECTORS OPINION However nnco again do not accept my npinlnn but dn llatcn tn the oplnlnns themer the Unlvmlty 01 Ottawa Ind Professor Psychology lrnm Carleton University Bath of tho unlverslllu Accept llgnitl LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GRADE ll NEEDED Pkafééffiflkiczg Slnrt bulldlng garage from the Ball now Dollyourself or we can do It for you labour and matcrlal lt wlll cost less than you think and will be an excellent place to store blcyclcs and lawn mower as wall as protect the car next wlntcr DIVIHION 07 Ill MIL PIANan MI 701 lndlvldull Dulun Ouhlnndlng Valvo CHOOSE GARAGE THAT BLENDS WITH YOUR HOME NO DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS Plr FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Month the twelve yurlyuems Indm invahad to compare yr wml rather oareiuiiy In an dimion ihese mm can cluded that thc lother mienm not doing in twin year what we do in hinunyem Comequentiy Mich universities require lizniiicmiy higher math irum graduates of waiveo yearystema or University en trance aim numbei oljyIduam trqm Plenum do not misundermnd the latent of Hill letter quite freely admit that in Mathemat tea at least our friend In the other provinces do more 1n twelve yean than do In twelvn yem also admit that our concept ol Grads XIII must be drnatlcnlly overhauled to al low or more dupth 1w breadth more emphasis on critical anni yuis and en on the memarlzlnz of acts will not hnweveh LONDON The governments schnme whereby men In the nrmyl navy and nlr force who tried use the medlum of be caman election candldates to secure tholr discharge had to sullst spectnl committee that they were serious In their de rlm for polltlcal career has served It purpose It has cut down the number at pmspectlva candidate or the Colne Valley and Ratherhnm byelectlons lrom over 650 to mere handtul nnd all of these but tour were ellm lnnlcd and were retust thelr dlscharxcs One was ranted permlsslnn Io became candl dnle ln Rothnrhnm and was arthwlth dlsclmrzed rum the army In three case or Royal Mr Force personnel the dch ann of the committee was held am or further conslderatlon The one man whn was grnnlcd his discharge within two days altar rcccivinl decided that in did not want In he can dldaie after all and renounced his willical aspirnllom THOROUGH J0 Although In all only 73 men were serlous enough In lhclr ln lcnllnm lo Kn before the gov crnmnnll llvcman luvesllgal Inn panel they were all glven lull opporlmlly ol lrylnz to tslabllsh hclr cases an ho Hut day at Ill silllmz only ll men were lnlervewcd 0n the second day were an by the panel lhm only one man Sergeant John Melvin El llnghnm who had been 11 Lhu REPORT FROM UK By McINIYRE HOOD 00 Change Their Minds 0n Discharge Scheme Call ha Ball or lhe 1m catalogue and lho many Mylu nvullablo to blend IIlh your house Wllh no down payment and mm In lull your budget why not nor lodny 48 Anne St Birth LENNOXVILLE Que CF same am student defied raln Ind cold hmdly night to mnrchln tnrchlight parade to Bishobs Unlvenlty and demand Iha tho unlvmlty rudnd ecenllyInnounced lnmuel In 295 Dr Olden Gleam principal or the unlvenlty alga dolled Iha rain and addressed the protest marchers mm the iron Itep the unlverrlty He told them Mr request would get every mmlderm on but should not land you to Inter um your requem will bummed Alter the parade about 25 lludenu pllched tent on tha saggy campul and bedded down or the night admit um Grad XIII not needed Royal Enslners or to yam and reached the rank of techni cnt sergcnnt was oonsldercd to In genulne asplrant for parliamentary duly One RAF man had the dcctslon held over On the lhtrd day flvo more men came before the pan el They wore turned dam and thecommitloe deterred N1 lnE in the other lyvo ICESCI Students Protest Increased Fees But the investigaling panel has served its purpose 0n nearly 700 rv cemen who sought to escape from the ser vlces by becoming eandldnte unly mm 28 stuck to their guns and appllcd far hearing below the panel The other just ladcd may and largo All about their grandiase schema or III easy exit from the arm ed forces Sergeant Ellingham when giv en the goahcud to become candidate in in Roihcrhnm by elccllon in which he said he would run as an lndcpcndcnt waalnlnrmcd by his command ing nllicer that his application for discharge had been grnnind So In grey lounge suit he walked oui oi the gate oi Arbor iicld Camp Berkshire an In Civvy Street The army had last wellquallllcd echnlclan and Rolherham had acquired ll most independent parliamentary candldnlr Modernizing Sorvlces Vflhln 45 haurs howaver Sergeant Ellingham hnd Chang ed his mlnd and nnnnunccd Ihat he had decidcd no In bland or lhe flotherhnm byckmlon Mo added In lack may never uland or pnrllumcnl old the cam PA 60902 Your truly usage By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Du Dr Molnar have had athletes foot on and all or mlny ycam II there cum soul my Bet 1n epsom lulu thCh make them feel balm One word warning First be sure nthcI loo and not some amer akin allment Athletes on In fungus Inlecllnn It can he minrem and stubborn Soma skins are parllculnrly sensitive to this fungus mnybe we lhould any the tungl becme lhnre can be variations Getting rid of la twoold job First scrupulnul tool hy glcne Themmedlcallom By loot hygleno dont mean merely washing the feet but changing sacks daily Oltener may hely Since the fungus bunowe not only into the skin but into any thing warm and moisL you can be lairiy sure that it can linger in your shoes and slippers So make this mle Always wear cieani ironed mks even Imund the house in slippers 1111 will proicct you against reiniecllon iis helpful to ellernnte shoes so they can dry out 101 several days between wearing They should he sprinkled with one the many nntliungus footpaw dare Iran the sock The heat sterilize them Fungus whlch like malsture can necessarlly be dcslrnycd lust by washing mince mlghl exercise my right no to stand and am dnlng II but was not trying Ia ml the commlllcc was just trying Io establish he right 01 any serviceman to stand or parliamgnl hf want go dq so has been lhen rlght slnue 1689 The fact ma wanted get out the army anyway In neither here nor there Ahlawhmlwabflmnuhmwmdnmm Mflfim am WMIWME owns mm Soaklllfi Athletes Foot Can Be severe SHURGAIN 69 Johmon SI 74 BLAKE ST DARRIE Ind BEETON NP Dunlap So Em Eml munMm Turf chclnl keeps your lawn golfmum groan because ll doe lhu best job ullfcxlillzcm of coding tho Mll slowly and thoroughly over long period Lawn can export knaw this which in why nuperinkmlcnla of many Camdnn finest col wuma choose FINEGAIN mumme is economical too because single 4011 bag will food 4000 sq It at InwnFollaw thoBIIURMINannnndGnrdcn Cnrupro pmGot mummlhdflxxxinltnryourlnwn today Your Ondm Hudqwrhn or SNURGAIN the fool In epsom Owd Olrdonlng Alwyn Buglm PARSONS SEED CO BEZZANT NURSERIES FENDLEYS FLOWERS Tm anusmm Avnllubll IARRIE ulu nmy 1b mulhlnibut wont aim the fungus solution one pm In 5000 potassium permanganate la effeclva as ungusrkllllng foot bath but lcnves hrown slnln onkln wet and even the pm you use also puisnn and must be handled wllh care minus solution the loot bnth lsh tablespoon of borla acgd added to pinto watgr Buvlo In recent years drug called grlseomlvin whlch can be taken by mouth has proved very uccessful ln cuflng some al though not all klnds or lungul The dnlg must be prescribed by phyalclnn wllh the dung correctly calculnlcd For less severe cases he vnrlous ahaungal loot powders aniolnl rg helpful nnu mummun un nuuuuh When thlétus not keep re curring am span years the quickest and surest answer Is la hnvb dcrmnlologlsl skln spoolallsl outline the best lrenlmontvlnr your case and then lofulluw the prescribed mgtlna nylicggugly DcnrDr Molnar What mcnnl by cyclokhymic person ality have friend wha has been so described He Is also subject ta psychnuc cplsodes ll poxslhlc lo avarcnme ha prnhlcm without having shack lherapyifiwsl Cvclal vmir rmnnl lulle al Cyclathymic menu having lemale moods of clallon and depression Psychotlc episodes are periods mental Illness Whnlhnr shack therapy In re quired depends on Ihe severlly lheusc It Irequcmly is part of the lrcalment whnlsotvrr HI hand flndefll to do til with Ihy mlth Ectlcslnscl 9103 Put all that you have Into the Mk Ihal Um Lord give you to do BIBLE THOUGHT mm for JPNLG ntrda Inn MWKKDAWA intyaw nu um MW flAlDlNIrflIAL Imam1 mm luva mmbl muminn glgo muquul mum Imam PA 60147 PA 000 PA 95975

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