Since then he has captivated audlences In China Malay Ja Ipan England United Slams and Canada and with the help thn Contreras caused small do In Californln TermsiiWreSfling Contrgversid 0031s mu final report an the opera inn ol cily ouldnor xknllnl rlnks during lhe as season was made In nghvn meet in of he Barrio Recreation Commiuoe Chulmmn his annual pro ject Jack Garner repamd he lell thin had been the most suc ecsslul year In dale lnr lhu rinks prvxram The empiny menl ol supervisors his year or skullnx period had contributed grenlly towards its lureess he mid nnd made lor lnrizu increase In lho number children and adull using tha lee surlnces lle also eummend edlhe Park Board lorlls mark in mnlnlulnlnx excellent sur laeu nil rinks 111059 are Just some or lb 11 experiences Muller zoes thrmh In Illa he said Who looks serious at the ume may not be so many ycnn law when you look back on your cmer and see how many closo shave youve had conovEnsmL belong to the mosl con tmversinl profession in tho world Lord Layton added Shoruy after he said ths he addcd that sports In general were clmlfled ns nnlorlnln Zmenl and probably the mom will amu lhe suhjcct to grout extent He said mas the buys in wrestling an intelligent He said after the expmo Km For the as rec yells he has been keeper oi the audi encwtinrpe on TV on Salut dax afternoons providing iuicy bin at mmmeninry on wresi ling bouts He occasionally aka fling at bout ortwo wkecp in shgpefl QMMITTEE AGREES POT ALWAYS WRESTLER Lord Layton wasnt always wrestler The 2601mm man zradnwd mm the Agtl cultural College In Australl and In INNS hall wonJhc heavywelght boxlng champ shlp way davm Him He urn ed pm vresllcr In new He Is also Ambassador of anesc anle In nmnta Io all Eastern and Northern Onli rlo Shrine Clubs He spoke or moretimn an hourand bmughtitha house doyn yunmzhler ring Kraut and oumandlnz wrai an no mm 100 Shrlnm md Imam Ozlumbm at the Community House In Banla last mm BARBIE EXAMINERVTEURSDAY APRIL 138 Rink Program Is Successful urn consi Mary Lou Eugleshnn Gunlph Ar Hurvuxlk Sudhury Fm Heuunk Ilnnlo Donn Knluru Knpuskuslnu 00 rxo llufl llrnnuurd Lloyd King Ha cuvllln chm Wlnlnl Arm Prior and George Charles Pun lope Sevenlton carom le llnul Ink II gm 12 student nl Cm m1 Collozlnlc Thu sludvnls all about 17 yum nld and In grades and 12 were chosen mm mm mm 150 nppllcnnl or their Annual uxcellcuco and their exccpllnnnl Incllnnllnn or sclcnce Dr David FowXu dlrcclnr the school mid Those thoun tn nllcnd he nlxwcck mum lncludo Thu names at 83 sluduan rom ncmsx Canada chosen to allcnd ho Hrs summer scicnm school sponsored by the Royal Canadian Insulule were an nounccd Wednesday visors and lemmlng Instruc tor and Ilfcflunrda were re vkwcd with summer rccrcmian dimdor Ronald Massop on 50 yuung Indies and men will hired for lulHlme work duran the summer wilh slx pmllme mblanu Several or the positions park super But ha dld say that wrcslllng has many grunt effects on and lenccs and snld Ottawa was riot clty No and London Ont wns riot own No lL not who you are its what you do And lo polnl out how cynlcnl people can be he noted about an accldcnt that Occurred tn Yukon Eric at the lllonlmnl Forum Klller Kowalskl cllmb ed tho mpes whllo lhe his man from Alaska was on Into an the rlng floor Jumped and mlssml hls dlsumce and lapped Yukms em all When Yukon plcktd up hls Um nudlenm yelled Named To Attend Science School was amazed at he wom ens rencflon to American wmstflng In the ring saw muss confusion and chaos in the 12000 Inns saw Dlrly Dick Rain and Chief Little Voll gn thmugh unlnld ngonlLs and lm III me wrong busi mash And DIM did it He asked his audience thought it was tough to becomo Shrine or Knlght men try and become wrestler lhe Apprenticeship Ls rugged What ï¬nrlcd he great bold Alhol an In his wrestling enr cor Way back in Australia he look his wlle in wrcslllna maldm Hesald there was deï¬nite psychology pmlesslonnl wresulna not only from Illa wrestlers viewpoint but also 39 theiaudlpnces side Giving examples oi money drawing color he mentioned the Big Mahoviieh whos hlnn if he doem snort 50 goals in seasonyd the read workhon are Kcon and Dulli PSYCHOLOGY Backlnn sialement about wmulng as sport being cl titled as entertainment he said kam are alsn business men and have an an to learn Mosto the money in color $60000 question wusulnx was 095 hem Buy Development Anoclnllon conlercnno tom of buslncss at last nights meeting Law was nnmcd In rcpmcnt the Barrie Recreational Commlum at the annual Ontario Recreation Assodnlion commence being held In Pelerhorouzh on May An cmn expanded pmgmm of swimming inslmclian and parks acllviucs planned or his summer applicants are to be lnlervlew ed by Mr Mossnp In the nenr Mute lo complete this persnn MI 151 uuu Dr Raymond Asquith noted as moderator of the panel mem bers Dr sauks psyChin Iris at the Ontario Huspllal Penclang Ms Paulin soda worker and Jack son Dirndur of the Childrens Md Soclely Barrie and sim one Caumy They discussml the ï¬lm We the Mentally Ill and answcmd qucslluns from he floor The challenges providing adequate Ircntmenl and hair Ilimlnn Incllmes for the men tally 11 were discussed hy panel of specialists last nights Seventylive adults mended he public meeting of the Cnnndlan Mcnlul Heunh Associnllan Bur rlo Branch In he Library Hullt BUY TICKET or else Publkher The Barrie Er umlner Ken Walls llnds him sell In sort of predicament as Don Ame Layton noted professional wrestler and Iele lsion Nmmenlatnr perform Feels Public Apathy Need Shock Treatment FRED EUTINK Dr Sunk mid that the com stant no we llko cocktail party MLhnd been gnlng on an hour The anly way of zlvlnu lho patienu relief was Iha unwary expcdchs shock malment and drug scdnUon Now thanks lo dlscomiu In research new dmgs some Hmm wlpo away hulluclmllmu mllrcly Dr Snuka and mm inch development glvo the nursing Man chance to do vow mom mo the palicnu tmoflonnl mix Mrs Paulln Armed he r01 ho mum by volunteer Speaking ha advances that ham been made over the last decade in rsldcmlal fac Hiucs for menu pawn Dr Sanka sald Overuowdlng was great pmhlem In 1951 The situation at Penman was prel tough There were sup erlnundenl his mislm two sin doctors and seven mgls cred nunes to mlnlfler lo 620 patients Dr Swim sad that puhiic npnihy ls parin explained by our failure in be honest about ourselves about nur problem and about our inciiiiie ior treatment Public apathy needs shock trenimeni hr snid and on way in which it may b0 administered is or people in take advanuge the Open House being held at the On inrio iiospiini Penetang on hmday and Wednwdw nl next week Ho wen on lo say pm our nature but not an excuse that tho polnl will only be put across by people screaming loud enough and long enough NEED BE HONEST Commenting on the role public apathy In barrier to treatment Mr Jackson said Compared to ciiies 50 miles away we are 25 years behind in the developmeni and reiim meni oi communin services Compared to some other area on the continent we are 50 to no your mind different function an unbassador ol the Ramses Temple Ill TOEle to Shring 12612 PENETANG 51 Ar ST VINCENT TO DISPOSE OF IT IN HURRY NOW YOU CAN BUY AT WAY BELOW WHOLESALE PRIC ES SO COMEARUNNIN AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE LAST MINUTE BARGAINS EVERYTHING MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT GENUINE SACRIFICE PRICES TO MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW TENANT COME BUY COME SAVEI Clubs In Ontarin he managed In convlnm Mr Wall that he should buy ticket or the Shrine Circus coming to Enr rle in June Mr Walls prol DURING THESE FINAL DAYS THE BAlANCE OFHARDWARE HOUSEWARES PATNT ETC APRIL 30 DEFINITELY THE LAST DAY DEAGLE HARDWARE HALF PRICE THIS IS ITFNAl DAYS In lho past your 536 mups were nddrmed by pmlcxslonal and lay weaken Six mksth Ior clot1y wem hold brie was submlued the Royal Com mlsxlon on Health Services me our nlms of the branches are lo ranch lhls end through wcln action service cducmlon and mearch Mrs Moorby presidcni oi ha Barrie Brunch prescnmi veran report on lhu meeting oi the Oninrio Division oi CiiiilA held in Tomnio Mnmh 22 23 she said hm nru 130000 mem bers in H0 brnndlc living lend mhlp in Iho promotion oi boiler mental health In their mm muniiim Brucu Owen thanked the spench and remlndcd the nudlence that panel dixcusslon In connection with Mental llcallh Week will be broadcast over we vision on Sunday at 330 in Iho anernoon Dr Saulu elaborated by say lng that cluscd hospitals were no longer necessary or the best means of treating the mentally dlsturbcd Two hospllnh ln Dnmnto hnvn set up unit of 30 beds wlth two or three psyrhl nlrlsts psychologist soclnl worker and an occupatlonnl theraplsl to work wlth tho mon ully Ill wlthln tho framework of xcnernl hospltnll The establishment of outpn llenl cllnlu was endorsed by each panelist Mr Jackson slated Mental Illness ln mnny cases treatable and curable Mill Ihe patlcnl continues lo llve at home and lo carry on Ms dally employingl we are leaving some of them com um hnve dial and are very glad that we have been there Mrs Pnulln snld She mumde mm onelhlrd of the patient have nu visimrm may beneï¬t most from our efforts she said vlsllan who will ambush com net with Ihu patients Such mm shows am the math tally II have not been forgot ltn raring 1135 dollar manages to smile Meanwhfle Frank Light 1m Grand Knight of the Knight of Columbus pmlels two dollars ur two ticket to Sheba Shrine Club president Ken McAuley of Elmvale Examiner Photo Examiner Photo SLASHED IO lu the peifeci finishing tomi CAUSED MANY WRECKS North Carolinas Cnpe Hul terns region nflen culled the graveyardol the Allnnllc has claimedmore than 1200 ships panel of five Member dis cussed such topics as housing came leading methods and proper yenljlallnn Tilï¬rdllb lendm Allan Brown and Keith Clay told III pnr per names of the various parts of dairy and heel mule swine It sheepiu ï¬lm Gill be panel dlsucssA Inn on Herd Heallh at the May meeting The president Roy Campbell presldcd The meeting opened by members npenllng the LR pledge and mollo Minutes were read and businessman followed 0m Beef Cal Club had IL April meeting In Gulhrlu Coymunnx all Lord Alhol Layton TV wrest lIng commenlam In Toronto and onetime pmruslonnl Wrest er with an uccaslonni bout here and here lo keep In shape spoke in 100 Knights Columbus and Noble of the Sheba Shrine Banfe at the Community Bqusq lug night Hi spoke on two subleéti Vii mochonlmVersial pmfesslon In 43 can chm Hold PanelTalk spmxma T0KNIGHTS SHRINEBS anthts FINE CANADANWHeS SINCE 1974 EarWrestler StIeSsés UnithQBIQthWeeï¬Clubs MANOR ST DAVIDS SAUTERIIIEI Manor St Davids muhmo is whim table wine aged in Brights wine collars and made from blend ofspocinl grapes grown in the Niagara Poninauln Ila stringb urged in greater unity and fellowship In ampera ung between the two clubs lhe world and ihelulnmmlmua1 1h mean lha Knight cl and thejhrlnm Bill Tolion formerly Owen Sound has been appointed dealer in the Barrie area Massey Ferguson Limited under the nnme of Toilan Equipment Limited Mr Toi ton is Kraduuie in agricul tural engineerlng mm the Ontario Agricultural College and has heen ussoeinledwilh farm and industrial equip ment or nuts HI wllo and three children will move loBnrrlu early next month DEALER Since then he added ovprt 300000 chlldrcn have been lrcat ed and returned to normal lltaf again The Shrlnars hnvg l7 hospltnl under Shrine care ecu rass Canada and Illa United St ales Tha two In Canada at in lWinnings and Montreal flut our future ranks hava lo be enlarged and he askedI that Sheba Shrine secure new candidatesto guarantee healA Ihi future for ourselves and our woik He said um when the 11m Shrlner club was lounded In New agk In 1573 Shriners beams knuWn or Mr extensive Eenent oslty but It wasnt until 19 when one Shriner had the tdenv la dn sumnlhlng other than merrymnklng dosomeullnzt constructive eél proud our background In the Shrine and the wonder ul work achlevcd by the Knight and ourselves Fm Courteous Eunice CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 lhdla Equipped Clh mm Bngï¬ts