Quality Improvements Vital In Todays Car In nunmmm an Tlu ma nlr rnmlillonmu Mrmununl In mum4 um Inmllr leh Innpunhlm In lhc mlnu nynlrm nl lmlnyl lulmnolrlln luurnu KIM unh Irml ullh pungwr mrllonlnl of he mnuumrnl mm HI toolinl mum llw Wnlfl pump Ill IKnIn wluhu rlm rr rnnhnl nl mmlny an all WW Wrainz rt MM Ihc ml am hi purl Llonhulll wnm pump hull lvwlnl 11ml mull In Iml nrmenl nrw lrdmlqnu or lvlmllnl and llnlflmm ullmrn ManI and Imu In wanna Incrmcd ntrd or Mulclfl llon Ind rcsponm lmm lmlnyl lulamobllo nro rrqulml nu ma rnnd Many llmu lhn Inlcly nl lhn drlvlnu and Ham puhllc nqulm IM ln nrdcr In pm Vldc he llulbllfly In hivan be nhIn mm lrnlnc pm lam Mm wlll ircnml nrnl ernllon or mullnn II Irqulnd 17m nrcclrrnllon mu nu um lmdo nvnllnblu hy orlninnl nmnulnuum In lhu dollar ol Um tuzlnn any pllm cnmponrnla Ilka hwl pump Imer mully lnumml Inn qunllly In llulr pwducl lo meal mu nwnllnn nquhw munla Alllnmnllvn turl nu 311an no nnw nlm uuuplylnz umllho nrw Inch um mm mman mm wally In Hm Ir mnmh ha umHun nuhr mohllo llnn lar Top ï¬nned long hard lurnplkn drivan requlrcn the componcnl pans to rcslsl ucnr suslnlncd hlnh Ipecd or long period 01 lime Yum nxo mnnulnclurcrn could plan or nn nrernxe sport lhu nulomohlln tonshlcrnhly below lhu lop nprcd Todny wllh lurnplkc drlvlng the nv4 crnn planning tpccd nl ll vclultle min loner lo Iha lop lptcd Th plncu Kman Ind lmflcr mm on muvlnu component mm In urn Ml requer mnltr qunllly lhnn IVIM In In wmponnnl mm mpnt lhm cnndlllnnn In lhll mspccl lhn enzlncer can select nol only mun cw nomlcnl new than hcrclalore but col um can Insure Um high quality wcnrlnx churnc lcrlsllu necessary or endur Ince requlrcmcnls of he mod ern Inlnmobfle These quallly lmprmemmls would nnl be possible wllhaul major contribullon In tho mos bnslc mulcrlal la all com ponents lam rclcninz hero lo lhe new space age lcchnal cry appllcd la the metallurgy and pruducUan lltornlly hundred ol types nl slutls In lulccl tho exam type of Heel taAull like appllcnllon iew oi lhesa requirements In tho lung cxicnding iurn pike driving endurance in creased engine horsepower acceleration inunductiun oi exotic high lest iueis ire Ipansei air conditioning icom ioni and higher operating cooling system temperatures engine eiiiclcncyi and de creasing ihe numbcr oi lubri cation periods economy Ail of those require incrcnsed qual ity of production on the part oi ihe monuinciurcr The Inmaslng publlc nu today of automoblles In this pace an require Increased quality awareness and quality impmvemcnl on me pm manuhcturerx nulomobllel and Component part suppllcrs No matter what look like truck engines walling to In assembly plant In snuflwm tth In picture 01 powerlul stalled in motor car at the Ontr10 BEPBESENTS TBEMENDOUS POWER SUI anoher rcqulrcmenl lo lodaya autnmoflve use lhl movo by manulaclurera to re duce the number at luhrlca ion requlrcd by lhn cnr own er To Inch this klndo chal lenge the automotive compoï¬ hem puns designer ls able lo build the qualin lnlo his units to enable lhcse parts to with mm much longer harder wear and use wilh less Iuh ri callnn lhnn ever below era ha Youll have an opportunity to mac tho Vundon Plnl Watch for Your Invitation TIMI sum Dlllvlbutau or MORRIS WOLSELEV RILIY M0 SIMCOE MOTORS Ltd Authorlm hrvlu lor AUSYIN ï¬incrss Last your average than loo pounds of the zinc coated steel wllh some models using more lhnn zoo paundl In 1954 Ule average was only pounds cm awn superior auxlacs Inth and spednl heat maimed to increase hardmxs auflacu liryshcs are necessary Incénslng use gnlvanlzed steel one reason modern cars erg more durable and rcllnhle lhnlo Mr Reinhurl formu de Ilgner who developed Imong other model the nowlama 1056 Mark II Continenul pnlnled out The automoblla ï¬ve year old Johnny drive when comes of we may have no wheels he Jetpropelled and mm be designed for me on another planet Whatever It shnpe or equlp ment Steel warklnl new In make me In exactly lhn right type of steel will Ivnllnhle to build Steel recently unvelled or Detroits lop aulomuuva styllsl Ind engineer an may of advance design Idea repro unllnu emsauction of auto Ind ruck that may be on the markeï¬ 10 lo year ham now John Reinharl US Sicelr design representative in the lulu industry reminded them ihai lira evoiuliun oi lhl Iulo mobiia into the dream clr oi Iha lutura depend on class relationship between he aulo motive engineer and the penplc who supply him with hir ma lerili liwuei on quesllons that clnnul be Answered with cer tainty But us Sleell lulu motive design experls an lnn to some as close posab his to the answers What will the car nl amor row bu like Whlt kind or automobile will he roaring Icrosx the huh my of tomorrow How mus faster will they travel than todays cm Will they travel on the ground In the air or on water An aulamobilo was once rIch manl lay for more mun thin one Not only was ex to maintain agents and to pair Every pnssInI yearhow even the pressure the family car on that most unal IM of I11 nerves he pocket book nerve easlnl more Ind To begin with although the mount on the prlcn tag has gone up the modern car huyar gets more or his dallar ln dun Iblllty Ind rellabfllly DrasticChanges Hnï¬cipated In Autombbiles Of Tomorrow EASIER 0N POCKETBOOK dllllncflvu pronan Iulomohllo Burl llm Ihowlng ol Modern Car Buver Gets More For Dollar Today PA lMIT For each ni his design can cepis Iermed entirely within the realm oi possibility and compatible with puma pd Vance in Iechnoiogy he pre Icniud drawinus showing where Sleeil family ni turbo II highstrength coated and sialnieu ileell would be put in use Th world In moving on fast or us to wait until special steel needed balora we try to produce IL We must anllclpala the requirements he mum In nur meurch laboratories and Applicallnn research work nib bf the practicth per cc hum onlng tech 01 lha modem gulnmobfle 16000 It emx most or them made by lndependem parts luppllem who vie to produce better pull at lower cost Alllel In mum Achievement like these are Ihe result canllnuoua uarch and davflnpment by the ear mnmzlactmm and Lhelr lies producer of hash materials amti component parts 61 m1 lb flnstlmp Increase 13 made No Illa or any price olfm so many por oymuncqang soier alum The Fire atone Nylon 500 ip built on race tire principles with ShockFortiï¬ed Nylon cord It has been proved safe at speeds over 100 mph You wont likely drive that fast but its comforting to know you have an extra margin of safety The wider AllAction trends roll smoothly silently and long Steering is easier too And traction These ex cluaive treads grip the road as if they were tied down 27 MONTH 52ml UARA NTEE Nylonalro Samrfmlfllld Nylon 0ch IvbbuX mad In Him mlluago Pravud llb qud dulgn l5 Month Rold Hum Guarlnm Other Firestone tires priced from $1195 Get race ï¬re strength and safety Llldlml Gnun1 on Wuhmnlhln Ind Mutulll Wiï¬ NYLON 500 88 DUNlOP ST WEST Wmï¬m uwmon ermmom autumn calamimmaa lem Cos of car nwnckshlp ll being reduced constantly or car awn by number 215mm Including the Increase In relia Take or instance the qunuly control programs that manu nounera have Insututcd pm ducuan llnu Individual pam major components and ho en llra vehicle are checked conun Imufly to maka likely mm the buyer will hava lo make no ma jor repairs or part mplaccmcnt during the 1m that most new call byygn keep Wm ve ca to steel producers are in the ioreimnt oi automot iya research and daveiopmenl US Steel ior exnrnpie hal design and engineering special ists who have been Iralned in lhe automotive Industry 90 riunlly working with car mun uiaclnreuv and parts rupplim Imupzrade quniity reduco cosln and increase relllhlliiy Ind durahlliiy Ownenhip Colt Cnl And during the time that new car buyer keeg his pride and joy ho will Ipemiinl its in have it in lap runninl order and ilne IppenranceEv cry year lira iisi oi improve ments in this am get longer As result races 01 car own rship has bun Ileadily re ducedr an element Id automobiles upwards of Inninsz qp Kw SahlyFovflllld Nylon turd thlan blndcd mud dulun lung mallnu Filmont RubbuX 13 Monlh Rand Hlnyd GunMn 730x ILY TUBELEM IILACKWALL EXCHANGE Champion Nylon BARRIE TB BAE EXAMINER THURSDAY AlRllrfl 1M3 bully and durahlmy Somu cx amplas of factors um reduce cost car ownership arez momma lubricadam apwmile all changes nulladjusting brake aluminumcoated unwound wamlcumted the muffler Hill winidrs rough driving put your Maul out of no or waakened yqur Iprlng SEE PHONE TODAY 160 VESPRA PA PHILPOTT AND RICHARDSON Canadul No rcplaumlnllln Madam bladl vud duly SallyForllllnd Nylon cord 11 Moulh Road Hulavd Guarani SPRING SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPRING SERVICE Safely Champion Nylon FREE ESTIMATES longerlasunx lire longer llved batteries Impgoved ll be reqplrlnl Ins pollhing Ind wnxln increased use Italnlul lies with tlrength nnd um qualled resistant la cor mIon PA 68971 14 km all ughu