Automobiles and steel are Iwo of our nnllonn vllnl Indus lrle whnsa destinlcs are to grent degree Interdepnndnnl Cnnsldcring that about one liflh at our huge annual eel nulpul goes inlo car produo llnn ha Impunnnce of on Steel Is Vital To Cat Industry Prclly Mary Cnpik shows ransmissioll unil looks like nlumlnum case which wnll bl whal complelcd Automatic Unit weigh 90 lbs including oust In Canada 55w DRIVEAaCAR AND TRAVEL SERVICE BUY NEW CAR BEFORE YOU CONSIDER LEASING Why Ilo Up your capital Why suffer honvy ropalr 9051 Why gomblo on depreciation For tho comploto leasing Ilory mo Warren Trlm DONT SHOWS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION business lo the cum becomes sellevidenL Upward on steel goo lnlo ho produdlon or modem Inlamabila Th cun lists of more lhnnflyw dlsunct vnrlclic IlEEL probarcd In more than thnusnnd cnmbln nllnns of form slzc quality and campesfllon Not only Is 51ch the hnsic material in antes but it ha only one the more than 01 DUNLOP ST 18000 Items that go lnlo cm which can perlarm dual and Irlple functions Slccl ulvcs slruclure and month In um aummuhile nnd Ii the same time help insure reliability and dunhiliiy it lonns an excellent base or paint and the mulling colored componeni becomes conrdl mind part althe cars demr Vinyl coming ll ircqucnlly up plltd in IloeL giving it tolor PA £6414 romance that began almost seven decadcs ago between tha Canadian and his automobile show every alln of lmwlng At llrat only the adventurous were attracted by the newcomer but lt rapldly becama cynosura and ban rtmalned ao Tho automobile hna been dc cribed In prosaic ï¬rms nsnmh In more lhan marvelous cum blnallun Meal and glass wlra and Amhlgerï¬nq Inhrlc 35 mp lyric prose lrom other who have called uymmg mans wings and an old mans mm house wflen mall carpet or shopp Ins and the dacmru molar SW Storekccpm depend on lo sallsly customer quickly and wllhl 1h sportsman and VA winning family can ï¬nd new adventure In place at or he began yqlh auwmabllel four wheels hrinl distant part of lhe na llon closer together and be cause of Amerlca hus he most extensive syskcm of high wgyg the wgrld has cut knowp Whoever has pad in mnk lug It nr selling or using It at mvidnu Mn an lnllmale cunflnuln Interest In It Auto DiToday magicCarpet Shop Tha New Ticks Way Its Fun Its Exciting 50 Nearly Indestructible Its Replaced FREEif it Blows out Learn how mlaxed driving can be Thanks to SuporLmic Saion 99 xuminnd high spoodx your cu iccli so my to Inndlo Youll cuioy MW mummy of comfort quiet and riding om Call it Premium Tire Luxury Tim ov what you will Iim high3M SuperLutic Slinky 99 High Speed Nylon Tim pun Saiuty Fimi BONUS COUPONS CASH and CARRY Becausa ii is so much pan of our llvel the automoblls has made more money for more EIapia than my olhcrpraduci our history it hn created millionaires braughl prosperily In thousands and has kept mil lion emplayad No smile prod not has so rearranged our lives nur geography and mu mode or living lt has been llbernlor In many ways Without the lntrr nal cambustlnn englne most vncatlons would be quite 1m practlcul How else can doll vacallcalt Haw also can dogs babies ndult and thclr sundry possesslons ha muved or weekend or long vacatllm wlth snma orderly cantuslnn to he sure but without worry about traln or plane schedules not to mentlon that carrying lullluad cl passengers does nt add penny in the arlc transportutlon charges Whlch is one big reason why some as per cent at all plrasura travrl la the family car The automobile likewise has enlarged Canadas economic horlznn Immeasurnbly The Dawenu to has been me vow ur to grow One out of every alx Ask Canadian Tim about Safety 99 will mean GOOD DEAL for You FREE INSTALLATION andWHEEL BALANCING WHITE 0R BLACKWALL TUBELESS TUBE TYPE ALL SAME PRICE huslnesmis related to the automotivu field onn job in seven in in hlxhwny transpor tailonl Thu automobile use more than unelllih oi thé na tlona steel and occouniu or major volume oi all lheruh her petroleum ï¬lm zluc Ind lead produced Steel play landing part In road construc tlon Out oi ovary million dol lars of contract construction cost about two miles in rural mam sometimes as lillio onatanlh oi mile through his allies about 600 ions 01 Itgel are uscd Last year Amerlcan spent morn than 57 hllllon dollars lo buy enema and maintaln lhnlr molar vehicles This about three llmuas much As they spent on all other form uansponation combined Aulomohllc and pan ac count or can of lh con Iumers dollar annther cent 02 or gas and ML me yuan n10 consumers paid les than blllnn dollars or Ill lyyn gflravel cilles he automobllo accounu or £5 per cent of all urhnn lmvcl an usunlly the damr lnnm arm or lranspnrlujlqn SAVE NYLQN TIRES COMVVAC all SJANADAID CAI IUDII EDDI 500 010 6001M YOl 15014 luvu NEW Not Rolroudl FIRSTS Not Syconds om HIV VI 92 An mo 09 SI In hhlm UIIO i°== cm Cmy nouus couroNs INSTALLATION Use the Cash BONUS COUPONS for Yc Canadian Tito put price on this supertile but no iiighnr than other for their oldinarv ionnude Hm Nam any brand you with BUT your mdo diicount ind ipltini aid Nu mdoIn allow Inco am like money in the bank when you compm YOUR FINAL TIRE COST It Canndian Tin ONLY 688 KALUO HO HO DUNLOP ST mm cuu An II BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 25 SEE us TODAY FOR LUBRICATION TIRES TIRES CHANGED MUFFLERS sou AND INSTALLED COMPLETE TUNEMP We carry complete line of Goodyear Tires Firestone Tires and Exlde Batteries TIFFIN AT INNISFIL JOES TExAco SERVICE STATION 150 mm OWN All Mn 01km WI Ilu CAI PHONE PA 8530 ONLY 999