Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1963, p. 2

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mnmign Inhn Mum lopmllm 70 Imdrr Nnvu WI lmk yinupynlly Inkhnw Ally pmlmor In In dunle mm Sllvlc Ilmllrl nl lhl Unlvmlly of Tmmln Grrnlell Rusk Dr Til flrlrkrr Mn mu Innk and llckl moduli In In ma And 1m Oly Ic 05m lllltl my nmp chm DI II um Vim an ranbxmn mm Albmel Ahulm Allom Mm Alumlnlum Album on It Mm Ann IM Mlu 5m nm at Mnnk um Ml mu TtL firmm ac rum Can mu Cam Cdn umm mm Comm Chmlul cum Poul gun Mn 5n wononm not Ixcmmll mnlx Indulll In dawn 10 now mm II Muh up hymn ll TIIE ANADMN PRESS Barrie is fortunately locat ed the speaker said In an area whkh pcrmtts not only short mMay cruises but also access to the Trentchnrn Cnn nl System whluh connect us to the Great Lakes It ls not un common through UK summer months to meet yachts ram those 13ch bordering om ha nanla Pawn Squndron Imu gated by Cpl Ted Giddcns the OH received iLs chmer LII 1936 with member 1111 continued to grow unlJ now ll approaching 100 GOOD LOCATION It was In 1935 Dr Boledmw sky related that members of the Windsor Yacht Club with the help Unitui State Power Squadronv members passed the piloting examination and ounded the Windsor Power Squadron This was the nucleus at what was to become the CPS now encompasstng more than 70 squadmm with mmhershlp at better than 6000 coast Ia coast in Canada An intermalive address on Eame Power Squadron and the Canadian Power Squadrons was given by Llcut Comman der Dr Alex Bolechawsky naming officer to Barrie K1 wnnls Club at the weekly dln net meeting In Community House SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE HIGHWAY 27 PA M377 GRAND OPENING Slmtoo CounIyI Moll Modm Lawn Ami 0an Equipmln Ccnln FRIDAY SAT APR 2627 THE LATEST IN REEL AND ROTARY MOWER FRI IllTS TO THE CHILDREN Squadron Leader Scoulnmr ter Dave Reid Acling District Commissioner for Kempen ell Dktrlcl Boy Scouts Jen Barrie Power Squadron Combines Science Fun TODAYS STOCK PRICES Campllrd hy Flynntu Dunlap nlnle nvl Mn Ann Imcl tut Mm Kn Nonml Nomvm NouMl nnwmnu NI you Avll all lfldlllllllll nv mm up umm dawn AI DEATHS 1M ml IOU LI 92 DISPLAYS QUEENS SCOUT BADGE INDUIIMAL Dll Ball mun round Dam sham Dam Tn 0L leu rum rm Paw lludu run In mum Ham on Ilud mm mm 1n Imp 01v Ind Mer Inlmd N11 lulu Nlrkl lnlu unuuu lnlflwov IIM Jorlry Club Llhlll raw lllv Mun Yul numm Ilnllxnnr Kn uh dnr IAII Duhull Linn mm Annn Imnull loud my MumI MINING Pan ol the pledge lnkcn by every cmdldnle upon admission lo membership Is as follows To mama and opersle my boat legally and ln manner that will not cause dnmazo or dlseomloxt lo others In under asslslance whenever msslbls to anyone whose boat ls dlsnhlcd In keeping with IL purpose to encourage the study ol the science of navlgnuon Cnnadlan Power Squndmm provide for its member carcfully planned courses in Scamnnshlp Pilollng Dead Reckoning and Celestial Navlgnlion and various other course more advanced MEMBERS PLEDGE Day weekend 16 boats took part In ends to Fox Island and Couchlchlng Pulnl For those tercslcd in lurlherlng their skills as pllMs pradlcud log cruises are organized lhesa are rough ly mmpnrnbla to spanLu car rally Dr Bolechowsky said he most popular summer acflvity or members rnmllles and guest for days ouung the Sum mer Mndezwus and SallpasL primarily mm but the education phase also am phaskcd with dmmuallons Imflghunz equipment and weaving lakgs and also mm Florida while mm Barrie m3 Scout Keith Carson displays hls Queenl Scout Badge In and Cub Laurie Caldwell 1m Mun ui on 6mm uan arrlck MalL 5mm mu 1w 13 mi 11 Ian lui Im PERMANENTS $E99 OIEN nvznmm PHONE PA mu All In nu nvnnm IIAIION 7M9 Aniun iennn NIH llmra Ntwnunh Iqul llolmrlnn Imvo mu Allnm hhvnll Amp Hock mum on wmm wnluy MaMnIl he Nor on no Mob Lorp tin lnrc lltfllb rm Pun mu they nhnmlun or Cm Inr um BL Tum Tnnl Ml TM rm rum union cu MW 1H mi in The meeting was nrrnnnod by Kiwaninn John Ough The speaker introduced by Dr Dnle Hodgu nnd Unmkcd by Chmcg Rggcru narrla Pour Sqnndron 10 cnlrd In one ha 10 dlslrlcu Cnnadlnn Power Squadrons no new msma Commander In Chink Read unrrlr During pas wm er nnrrln had lho aromas rcglslrnllnn in tho districl among the 174 Alu dcms lor pilminx count And 115 or ndvnnccd and clcctron In Ladits may nucnd than mum and write llm exnmin nllon However may may not In mcmbcn powrr Iriundmn hut nrc tlnasflltd as my nxsoclnlr Dinner gum Includcdzluaur Ice Bum Commodoro Barrio Yacht Club and Bo Clinon Commander Ban Power Squadron or In dishes and at all lmos to conde mysel in manner that will add prestige honor and mpect lo the organization whose flag now am privileg ed 19 owci Squndmna Inn shown by the speaker ll davld red maple In on field of five blue Wmmal wipes allemnllng wxlh mu horizonlal whim shlpos CLUB GUESTS DR ALEX BOLECHOWSKY his mnlhar and father Mr and Mrs Carsnn alter father and son banquet last night Exumlner Photo Smut lo servo Wlso lo buy quuu lbw mu It II on firm nv nrom MOII GINGER ALE Demipllon he boy 57 150 pounds mcdium brown hair blue eyes last seen Marin blnck lrouscu black lonlm whit sucks blue and whllo rcverslblc Jacket and was rld In red bicycle Anyona min youlh uns wcrlmz 1N dcscrlpllnn asked to call any onion he OPP or guy Clgy Police Department am Hawk has been mlss In from his homo or week SgL Andrew the Barrie OPP laid According In MIL Hawk her son Md lnld Ichool friends he was headm Inward tho Georgian Bny ma las week DIRECTORS The Banl Agricultural Soc eiy will hold diredora meet Jng at pm today In ha office of the Dapaflmenl Agricul ture on Dollie street Buflnlo woman Mrs Ber nlce Hawk Englcwnod Ave culled Binnie OPP last night to report he laycnrold xon miss lng Ho 15 reported to be head lng toward he Georghm Bay dlstfld Area pollen me keepan an eye out or two more missing pom Russ Wllllmu hm ilnl bnard vlcechalrman lnlr need Mr Wood He said Mr Wood was born In Tosmranllo Township and moved to Alllslon when he was year old He was cdu cated In Alliston and started lrocery business here Jan 1900 On his clue friends at this lime was Frcd Murrow whose donations helped build an aregnlmlxospitgl Mr Wood the eldest member at the hospital board still ac tive has served on the board about 20 years In rccognitinn at his interest In huspitai ni lnirs board dlairman Lorne Whiteslde presented Mr Wood with miniature xeptlca oi the shovel using in the and turning Veteran member nl ills Siev enson Memorial Hospital Board wood dug in with1h brightly polished silver shovel Assiaicd by Frank Hacknil sec retaryum oi the hospital board the and turning Ceremony was to pad Mr Whiteslde also 2quan the Icape or preparnllons over the past five years lending up galhch ed oh the lawn hehlnd the has pllal near Ihe edge the ex cavauom being dug or lhu new hulldlnz Warkmcn look time at In ha urembnu But am noon the last announcement came over Ihe microphonelhh dinnl machinery lined the alr mas IN ALLISTON Slam Sud turn Inzgceremanies at the new Slgvgnsdn Momnrlal Hospital hare Wednesday allernonn look only half an hour olflclals hurriedlo let the cruwd get In out ol the cold Glands pillng up baton the pmgrgm started at 230 pm added lhe threat nf raln the chllllnl wnd Halvevenjq rgin fell Mcnnwhlle 15yEnrn Vcndy Police Are Told Youths Missing Buildingg BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION LINES NOW AVAILABLE FOR PINE EASTER SEAVIEE PLEASE WRITE THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBERIN OR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE NEW PHONE NUMBER Antonia 311 Oxford Sl0rllll has been missing Irom her home since nmsdax Her ducripllon 51 105 pounds blond halt slim bulld brown eyes When last seen ill waswclrlng plnld Iprtng and tau cont whlle sneakm my um Most the firm she wean glam Anyone seeing perm thx dcscrlpflon If asked also lo call my police department The Board of Dlreclon III YMYWCA held Its mgulu meet Ing In the Red Cross Room on DunlOp street east lhll week be cause the second floor of the bulldlnl In being used for campalgu headquanen Chanman Gordon Falter son and the 25memher board dlspnscd of 19 item on the agenda Nauonal Oonfmnce YM YWCA will he held June 13 at Geneva Park and local del egales la nllend will appolnl ed at this May meeting Six speakers are avallable to speak In group lnlexcsted In the work ollhe and the en larged program In be available whul ha new building cam plated Thlrlcen churches are co ap BAYFIILD IT IARRII oa slur onlhe hospitals conI nlnlcllon He thanked all the Mum and Individuals who hELQCd the jab 1m These Included 3ng Irene Shaw hosplul superintendent Mrs RchnrdzHunplom 10m Whlleslde Frank Hacketl Run Williams AllanCorrun Jos eph Mchnoll RalphHunler John Bawerman John Lewis and Austin RutledZeL and Dr Ruben Baxlcurepruenunz the doctors AM John Small repre senting Slmoca Caunw council Rev James Shllton mlnlspér st Johnl United Church regiked the m3 Inglpnyer Master of ceremnlefiszt Mccamll chairman of the building commlllee Alliston To hcgln the program Hosp lal board mumbeuv and othr 1723111 léliesta gersllnmoduced can ence urphy putchnlnnun 1115 board Gymnastic Display Is Planned For May 11 48 Ann St 401 Start Hbsbital Sea hn Imperial Icllhclp home being constructed on our lot mperl no Walch or the Open Haus rnrly In May BAll PLANING Mlll TD WE HAVE WATCH IT GROW Low hnlght llKh Frldu Wlndsor London Kllchoncr Wlnghnm Hnmlllnn SI Catharina Tomato Pelcrhorouxh 40 35 40 10 40 35 NIuarn Lake Ontario Geor gian Bay llnlibuxlon realm Hamillon Toronto Varlable claudlnu with occasional xhow era nnd not much chnnze hamperalum Friday wind eralmg In the promotion Youth Sunday BPECMI EVENTS Russ Davey cxccuflva direct or re rlcd on our successful epoch Easter evcnu boya swim trip and glrls awlm trip to Orlllln realma hunt held Sn Quecnl Park 500 mudren pamdpntinl New York lbur sponsored by the with 81 ilu dams our paying adults and our chupemne making the Irip thaYa Mens Confer ence hdd In Barrie during Eas ter week with mmaflves mm Mldland Orillin and Owen Sound Synomll weak disturhnnce over South Dakota will bring wme showers lo southern On taflg Innlghg and Friday Russ Davey said it was the best mnference he had ever ab 36 rd mamber Ralph Hunter Introduced the visiting novel and deputy reeves Them In cluded John Darling Alllston roevey John Small Adlaln reeve Van Loree Tamronlln rem Gnrnel Breedon Tecum nth reeve Sanlord Page leave and George DnvIs deputy new Bsa Township Ira Wilson Conkskown reeve Earle Ernwn Beelon move and Fred Mac Lun Tnltenham reeve playaflnck Mitchel spakekirk If mves III the credit for doing the wnrk needed In Re this hos pllal Matted he said bmcm GUESTS Among the umclal gueslu were Ellwood Madill Grunge vlllenewlyelected MP for Dul IerlnSimcoe representaflm of counclls ram nearby munlcl palltle andAllIston town Qoun cll members WEATHER PA 81496 Candid Runham representa tive mmlhe YI Men report ed 100 per cent cl membership participating In the new bulldln campugm Variou administration com mittee chairmen 1m report and Mm Madmen asked for special attention by bond member to the annual nymnu ium display to be held on my 11 in Barrie Dish1d North Col legiate inamule beginning 630 pm YlllYWCA omcials lay this will he showcue ior um live Kym classes which hive been conducted All year In the public schools on Saturday momingl and the senior cinsu held in North Collegiate on Nudly nighls Also giving dcmomln Ilonx will be the IUD mm mm the judo and waluhllminl The has norm wprommn under It wing and mo lheso will be demonaunud Special exhlhfls ol lha cull clam will In on display TED BARRIE EXAMINER IIIURSDAY APRIL Is no Eldon Greer was elected Max Vlse Sovmign Spry ChapmRase Cwlx Seollhh mm last night xucceedlnz Jack Butler Officers were In stalled by Del Cale Pant MWS the chapter Christie Other ofllcers elected and In stalled were First Gencrll Ill fred Shepherd Secund Gurus Jamzs Poppleton Palate Amulrunlz Ruphnel Georu Nnrthway Grand Marshal Marcellus Rezlslrnr Tupllnz Treasurer Chrlslle Almonur sin clalr Orxnnlst Lloyd Tu lo Capaln ol Guardqm Leighlan Guard my Blahop Auditors Elflck Mlchle anlc Tompla Rem Ienmlve Chrlsfle Mll ler Wudxoba Hum Trusleu Alflson Camuan registrar Ilnce me Chllllck Felt 5er Chapter RoseCroix Elects Eldon Gréér MWS No deduction for aaleafioommissimi Enquire about CANADA TRUST EWESTMENT FUND CANADA TR UST 91 Dunlop 59 Blrrlc Mon Thuu 95 Frl 94 1344 Modem dulgn can pol lh Mo mad molal 5mm bullv 71 Id Ihadn ln blown and WM tonu buvl Indlvl dual wooden szIchu Mlulfld lo ullhna NonMd nylon lfldl Adjustable bulbs not Included Special Price BRENNANS ESSO Conly Hoovms Eéso Brlrflnrd and 11h SII PA um CARSONS E550 Blyfleld and Run su PA 7851 Dunlap Ind Anne Slx PA 6078 ELDON GREEK QuIIIIy Produm Mm hr the shopping Mnlorm ATLAS TIRES Firl um MllePlk 670 15 Tuna Type 1295 Ns

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