Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1963, p. 17

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Miss Sheila Russell ol Burling ton spent the holidays with her grandparents Dr and Mrs iiurvie Miss Margaret Vatsnn and Mrs John Watson at he llrsl of the week Iclt Melton by plane or Calgary Later they will go by train to Vancnuvcr and visil relatlvos éxmo 1m mo DJfl JIKI TI Show mn cwv Nm nu Mum Hull 00 mm umon nmu vlumuv Mllll inc Kmdn arm nanmu um Momml uln nwnslm umu 25 4m 5mm mu an Pam Pm mm Von many mm LNm wmmr spam churnm The Delendm Illydllo umoucmblu Cuc TV New Wthu Spam New anle Th Lon Ann rmuAY lull 10 Ten rumn was mad Mornlnl mo sumo Im ms Nm um nompu nonm ropcye mm Noundv mun mu me smx lung Amund rrknaly Glml luau leul Show WEN Kellsman of Rochellera Sidney Jones Phoenix Arlznna Mr and Mrs Timwell and children or Scarborough Mr and Mrs Timmln and children pent Good Friday and lefl tar lzona Mn Albert Bevan realm remained for lhe week Mrs Agnew oi Graven hurst Mrs Tannahill and sans of Kcswick were Frldny guests Mrs IL Gassllng Mr and Mrs Black hnve returned from an Easter njunsmv APRIL 25 gm rmvmm Inamy Mo Kiddo Mo Imlwun mamy Lavmm Wunm Nun Tu num Gummon Lutllll mu Jm rm Show cwv Nm yum rul MISS Shawn Grant Guelph returned annr spending he hol ldays wilh her grandparents Mr and Mrs Dr and Mrs Lnldlnw and children Toronto vlsilud or few days wilh the lalter pnrcnls Mr and Mrs Tipping Mrs Lloncl Player spent couple at days with ncv and Mrs Don French Shayna Mrs Howard Spring 15 spend the week with Mr and Mrs if Sprlng at Highland Creek In and Mrs Lloyd Fleming London spent the weekend gglh Mr and Mrs Malcom Mc Inn ML and Mrs Wilmur Giltcn Tammi spent the weekend with lhr farmers parents Mn and Nfs Gordan Gincm ubwnan mums BalhuréL 5509 United Church the swing Saturday April Hg or the wedding Miss was mo ms pa un AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By TERRY Guests of Bun Graham for haldyswcrc Mrang Mrs your uni bu limed It mm pic phnn THLuE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE gained yin row mm mm wm tho Tnmbllvm renunq TELEVISION PROGRAMS ELMVALE DRIVEVOURSELI CAR AND TRUCKS fan Ill no Denvan VIII 0m CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Nancy Elizabeth Cakes daugh ter 01 Mr and Mn Chmlei Dukes to Sidney Stewart Bow Yer mu Mr and Mn Homer Toronto Rev 011 Flth calcified The bride given in marriage by her lather was attended by her cousin Miss Linda Lee Gnsnling oi Eimvale rnaid oi honor Danny Eowyar hrolher ni lhe groom was groomsman Following the wedding re ception was given or no bridal angle and guest at the ham nl brides parents On return irom weddlng trip they will reside at Wynhwnod Avenue Oulmlwwn guests included Mrs Martin saiil Eimvnie grandmother oi the bride Mr and Mn it Gassiing and Bobby oi Eimvnie Mr and Mrsi William Donaldson Midland EASTER TEA United Church Women ni St Johns Church held their small Easier Tea April 17 There wns very good Iiiendance but rain caused many people in be absent The wioisi was Miss Simud Wanna Headr Rev Roberl Lindsey Victoria Har bor was the speaker Ho mid many oi his experience and the life oi the indian In weslem Cnnnda Dainiy rcireshrnenls were served Lona 50cm Friday mm mm were ulna lablu In euchre play High scores Mrs Edgar Beardsall Mrs William Terry men James Pain Harry Valterl lucky chair Jon Baker box choco lates Mrs Pain Lunch was served and he prlles or ha season were given leh Edna McQuarrie high man Manning lone hands Edna Mc Quarrie THANK OFFEIUNG usler hank arming mum of the Presbyterian WMS was held In the mhoolxoom Friday evenlng April 19 with large allnndance Mrs Don McGulre president opened he meeting MTURDAV Arm 21 1115151 Plum 1130 Papa Mull lhl Room 100 Wtumn no munI Guru 01 Wm anllnl loo murmur Con nu nun Ilunny Mo Tum nm rn Lury arm lllllellu xn Clnflld Clnurl ou To ml Trth 30 Hle Gun Wm Tu no Gm Movlu Isomgbwy Up Thur um Mel ma Junem HM Cnc TV New lllo Wu nu Nam Sum ll Nov Thu Mljor Ind Lh Minor WNW no mm mm 11 II TORONTO Traluwrl Cnle Dur mu Naomi Kldda llurnl Ind Allu ram Conflict Chnnul Thun mz mud AllIr Ir lpounl Al hm lmlrnall Indium Kiddo Promor Inn rumour 5mm mln NIWI mu Hind Upon NM mv Nam inaxu Mum 71 Nu Dillon our Tummy Amhmu mm Iunnuey cm Nun Wulhcr my mm By BARRIE Nu wmhu 5pm Dr KHdIre geunuv modemn 5pm NltM Mrs Fred Ritchie read Scrip ture lesson and Mrs McLean led in prayer speaker or this special meeting was Mlu Veal formerly ol Omemce and now medlcnl missionary in Ethopll Miss Veal was inlroduced by her lrlend hlra Ken Cooper She spoke of her work and stated Ethopia ls very beauti lul country and the climate qulte pleasant and healthlulr It is very backward as or as development and Imitation is eoneemed The people are anxious lor educa llons Miss Veal had many pic ture ln color to show and lrorn them gave very accurate ple ture of her work Eye trouble seems to be the worst prevalent disease and mm lack ol sani tatian it in spread from person to person even to babies This work Is one phase Miss Veall ministry and her lame has spread bringing many people to the hospital or clinlc where they are ministered to both physical ly and spiritually Mrsl Frcd Stephenson thanked the speaker The musleal part of the pro gram was duet hy the Misses Cooper The ladlcs of the MS served relrcshmenls and with people present ram local groups and Wyevale many happy rc pmons were held and pleasant social tlme enjoyed DlSCUSS HOME LIFE The April Home and School meetan was well attended in Elmvaie public school as par ents and children participated in ieneral discussion on home life with specific emphasis on allowances homework and other common family life No skit were presented Juninr and His Homework and Teen Time Trouhles Taking part were as mother ltlrs Chester Baker lather Res Hutchinson and Karen McLean and John Kidd under direction oi MrsuF liab erts took place Oi particular interest was the discussion of home work The pupils lelt or the most part parental help along this line hindered rather than aided them Oplnion were given by pnrenLr pupils and teachers lilrs Guthrie pre sided in the absence oi Mrs Fleming She thanked those whn helped at the euchrc party which was success hlrr la The most lnlmsflng hands lo play are me when he ls suo is In doubt The autumn may dcpcnd on luck lhnl Is the quullon ul whether lhvl np ponenls card are dlvldcd ln vnrably or not 0r may de pend on nklIL lhnt is whether dcclurer can overcome an un lucky Mn ol the cards ll cxlsls Fur example lake his humL South Ix In Hvu hcnrls nnl Weslltndl upnde Dcrlnrcr lake lhu m5 drnwn lwn rounds ol lrumpx and hen play AK and another club Unlorumulely Wu wins lh lhlrd club and mm In lhu Jack diamond Thls tlls dlm ler became he dc tnsu wln DAILY CROSSWORD mu wm North 30 by WEST Kl 14 9110681 +0 mam alcn lml Pull 20 Mk0 Manx mun LMHk nmua mum and lellcnu Iylum 6Ylwn 10 amp mm XLIML mm humlo 11 min mm unity Iulhar Ilomllly mo pruvlnco punllh Ind mtnl Hutnu Property 15 lloom or mnlrcll Mom of Jrlnl lllh Itlloll lnwulm uxnd 11 luvrm mm mil Mnnlalu IA of 303ku Nilli 4L rim rm an WI null pupuh monotone East dealer NormSouth vulnerable Opening leadfour nf padcs JIM It Cllulllld MHNI IIJndvflnllo nud Imoo Mil nu AMOSS null CONTRACT BRIDGE K1108 NORTH um 0033 9x55 4xqu aoufii EAST 49m mum lellcnu Yum flJHlIlr DOWN LMuvir Inlmnlr alcn ltul munl uko lMHk By JAY BECKER Crown was lhe winner this month of the and magnum subscription and room again won the attendance pennant Numlnatlnn sheets wtre nupt ed by Mn M111 and any further sheetrrnay be Elven to Mrs tan Barron or mu as loan mulble Lunch war served at the conclusion of the meeting by the social commit tee cordial Invitation ex tended to all to attend the May meeting at whldr Mcomch mum ILDIglIph 21F at ylu Hull 23 Hulld llll lddfllan Jawrd Jul of Int lumul RTn Illhl mum lrlbuury ILWmmd muk DIES IN WEST Russell Ritchle of Klmsnck Sask dlcd very luddufly April 1a age 79 He Wu nullvo ol Elmvalel Surlequ are hlx two sons Jack and Slanduy Ind three daughters Ethel Mu Claude Parklmnl Elslo Mrs Cam Marguerlu Mrs Roy Brawn all ol lllu west Aim three slslm Mabel Mrs Rowan Ethel ern Walllca Clulel and Olive Mn Andy Benrdsalll nll of Elmvale 11 Crook 1L Ex eon WIT be chairman By MR8M HAYES GIVE GIFI Mr and Mrs Kellh Lee en tertained Hm Oro Girls Hockey lcam nl turkey luppel It their home Thursday avenlna Aprll re Seventeen players were present Pnyllll Fraser present ed Mr Leos manager of cam wlh human pen Mr Lees Ihanked the zlrls for then gin and Ihelr good Iportxmam 5111 during um season Ella Drury captain the team thanked Mr and Lee or lhelr hospltallry Mrs Lawrence Fmscr asslsled Mrs Lees In serving the supper Mr and Mrs McLean alien dcd tho lunernl of Mrs McLeanI uncle Mr Hucllon Saturday mu nMldl Mr and Mrs Hayes spent Sunday with Mn nkker Clawes Several from this dilLflcl nt lendcd the farm auction sale van Cnldwell Ivy Saturday lvm diamond and club to do on the hand trick 50th is unlucky ln two re apccls 11 East had had lhm clubs lnslud ol West he would have made Um contract Ilncl East could not sucmslully at lack ulumonds In that can And 11 Wes had had the ace ol dlnmond lnslend at East Soulh would also have made the com um What he should do play law spade tom dummy on lhe upenan load Th1 may look Ilke an odd thing lode but cannot cost dcclnrcr anything In make lhu play and ll HIV him an exln chance lo mak Ule contract Jim Clark spent few day In Markham visfllng hls ulster Ewart Johnson recently visit ed Richmond Hill However South can improve his chance cnnsldcrably and In Ihe ulna can maka lhl Mind by adapting lllxhlly ngllnq oqlly Hunt wins lho spade bul un nnl defeat the contract regard less whnl ho mum maucr or lacl he don not cash the ace of diamond n1 lhll polnL he uses NJ Suppose he mum Ipade Dcclnrcr discnrda club draw two rounds at lrumpn cl he Um AK ul clubs and run club Thil establishes lwo club lrickslor hlm Ind 1115 llm ple mailer lo enlcr dummy wllh trump and discard two month an tho clubu All Dull dicfldrcr ha dn really Ix think no right wny play at lrltk one Tommnwx Rupandlnl lo takeout double pftukm EDGAR Iuhdlyl Anni MAp¢num ank um an blueinky 411mm OrvII ml I7 rumn mud on BECAME dFmE nveoouan axLu LEFT on THE nmsaw LAST lewr awn WHAT BECAME dams nveoouan axLu LEFT on THE nmsaw LAST lewr Do you mow wr mm MA mm SNAVW wml must Hume RAzoRY NArunALLY binhnmiLV LIVES HEREI BARRIE EXAMINER THURIDAY APRIL 15 lm rzon ban 0250 MEGAkn Airwt Vwimovucz mam nv mu $33k mm mm umm ANTAYHLb on IN ONE FELL WOW WOW W5 vou MEAN x4 faséfllé n4 wmm WAS OVEN ANOTHE WIND BLEW IT In 3111

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