4b There will be guided tours through both buildings Friday and Saturday GRAND OPENING ROSES For The ladies FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY All lounges Coffee Shop and Units Were Designed by Simpson Contract Division of Toronto Canada OPEN HOUSE ihu ulmicru umicl uuils have electric lrcallug giving you Individual heal control iclevislml in every room air coudiiloned and dcep hiumllumu iur milled luxury The lulnre plnns for the nnllncnlni Inn in Harrie an in conslrncl an other sovunly moms hullll nine hole pllcil and pull gull course and curling rink in lilu ninlur The Inn features accommodations for any simi parly There is the Starlight Lounge vilh accommodation for cigth people with its truly Canadian decorations on ihe wall large painllng of each province from ihe west coast in the east coast gives feeling of inllmacy or small groups If the party is really big there is the Dining Lounge lhai is set up for 2H pcopici if you plan wedding reception banquei cnnvuniinn or meeting there is the Canadian Room which holds up to 400 people lhcrlclighiful coffee shop boasts red and blue seats lcrram flonra creum walls hroun fables brass light fixtures and will give fasi courlcous service in ii people The building is air conditioned lhruughuui and soil muslc ls piped through all rooms for added en jnynienl Outside there is large healed swimming pool finished in bunulliul blue and gold llle The parking facilities will accommodan over do ears This weekend make it point ta drop out to the new Continental Inn and see one of Canadas most modern Motor Hotels APRIL 26 27 and 28 und Highway 400unlop Cloverleaf STARLIGHT LOUNGE DINING LOUNGE COFFEE SHOP