7m max isxf lohgpsgon Out 01 European Rings B99519 Loo Marries In Nashville TALLL MI An unlluuualhn Mk whldv rmlrvl In d4th nr Mnlyhmd ponlman hull bun lnld ll Inlï¬l II In mmplelml Ivy memhm clvll mm mm 11 n5 lmmhl in nnw wnlul nml IIIAMIhmDM 1mm Imldml mmdr Alabama Unrrllmr 1mm Walla umlm toning men Ind pmlnlramlon numullum MWKMOI IM lnnmnr lnhununn Im lmn Imml hmn nuvnwm 1mm rim to uvmlh nHrr Mn lnntrh Mm llrlun Landau hm ml Rummy nml unlll hl mun Ivan lwn minimd lml mmva by Ml mm nomnlnzlnr Tlv drciflnn mu MIun lnl Monday Ivy 11w pmlmhll mmmuhm ol Iho mum hum Allmlnnnn II am not lllcluml Imlil lmlny In In use In Ihlrll hur lrr Illa nllormyflmrrnl mlul Mr Ilnwn had mlldllhd 1mm Imnl nmnlm lhn Iran pm mslau and lmd cnnlllllrd wflh their ndvlm Al Hm him he llxmd nn mum ncwmpnny Inn Um Invlmr nppllcnlhm ll WM III hmml Iullrl llml llw mu Mnlrd lhrrlin wm lruo NASHVILLE Trnn IAIN Slxmr nrrmln In mu nmllnl Wuinmlny In 1va Nuunlll Mthf II III II Almlvlo rmlmny III lllvllk Mm IAI lap UH lrmldlnl Mar III III mu mnmrd mum Ivrr Irul name llrrwla Mao anploy TORONTO CPI Mlornry Genera fuss ahlul ruml in Um loglslnlurc dentin Unmvluml lioner Dcsiznnlc Burl flown my impropriety In rcvlvlnz Huno dï¬rmnnl mum mum to Inhllsh Vimlwr lurcwny Mr Inn old Hm House lhnl Ippllcnllnm lo levivu Wu Ilm hm Lhnrlcu wrrc cnrrrcl In arm and law and Um lnrnrmn llnn 1anan hmIn Nu cor rrgl In Inc Dealh Hike To Bo Completed WOOD right got him in his sndlumlnz duties Iho new Stevenson Memor lnl lospllul Inc from lnmk Rowe Is Cleared In Racing Issue years snvlca on mohambilnl board Wood 10 re Nm mum buimhi Mai 990hYur No 97 As memento at his NEWS BRIEFS For ExamlnerWnnt Ad My phone PA mum lelephnnu lumbar to can or he Buslneu or Editorial Dept 13 PA 8W7 Our Telephones HOSPITAL SOD TURNED IN ALLISTON In mmrl on nn Innnuan Ilml of Ir nllcuulltms Mr CM mhl All lhu mmlnu whlch um lInerI la have lmn hrhl In lhu mnIrrlnl IllnI wlII Iha pnwlncinl Ircrrlnryl ulIlc mm In Incl Ilm nnrl ll lho Irqulrrmrnls under lIm flnmh IIIImu Act and drpnrluwnlnl runcure wm IImYIINI wllh In rumcl In Um nmvlcnlluu lhn nflldmll wnl lulu In llml no nlmreholdrrn mman had lmn held In clect Mr Iluwn and MI sun Lennnx ï¬lm ho rlnuhy humany Donnld lmd charged In llama mlrllrr lhh session that Mn Row luld Ahmed II also mldnvll In npplylng or rcvlvnl at tho commute powm of flu Grlmshy Hecronllnn Cnmpnny rncinl ussoclnuon Incorpor nlcd In IML Hacde Mr Market seem lary4muurcr of the hospital hoard Tho ceremony was hcld in Alllswn Wnlncsdny uncr nnnn Hxnmintr Phnlns ccived miniature replica the shovel used In the sodlurn in ceremony from the hospit 112 flarrï¬ Examimr Whnl In ynu lhlnl III Ihnuloa lumull dirt Ann ll my man lhlu llull ueqom hut do Ila Ilullmml MI Wednwlny ullrr nwlnclnl mum nlllml Inlrwluml nl Mildran IN lulrmrnll lnkrn hum llvo kill nm err um lhnlr lrllnw um lulnlly Ilml whm llwy Ilumml ml Iflllfliflllknl Irl llul cnnw urnr lwm Frb ll Mulllqu Ulrdnrr mun lwhlm lllmly uml Inhle nu mo mu mum lumlt Mum llw lrlnl II Mu mmlmwlllurnlrlml lo um mum Illvr wilt up plans hrni nul Ihm VIIIrn um llllnl In ldrmlly mu III loner KMUSKMING On 71 Crnwn Allnmcy 7Itlhlck Tlmmlns wnl uvrclul In cnd hll um lmlny nunlnll long flmnml wllh unhmlul uurmhly dulan Inlllll Ihlko In In nyvllwn mlnu Amulhrr Ill mlomrnln wlll he unrulyl nnrl hr lrlnl mlll Mlly pawl In rml lmlny my nnw er unlll Snlunlny In nmlrl nn mljajlmmml The hush nr ncxl ycurn GT hnrunlninu wlll bu lnld tho Gnnnvn mulan my IMI mlrllbcrl he icncml Mrctmrm on 111th and Truth Thls will he prcccdcd May lJIC by mecllnu llm Cnnmmnwculm Hconnmlc Cnn nulmllvc Commlllw Mulch wlll dcnl with poslllnm nl lha vnrl mu Commonwcnllh counlllu Um GMT nlkl Cannd role In nunml hrr lrmllnn Mxllinn wllh lml llrlllln and be US Tnnndn loll Ilnluln lwolhlnh morn In vnluu Hum AM thI lhllt And Chic elements In Hm world lrmflng plclure me the rum nllons or round of mu hnr xnlnlnx nmnng must he counlrlex nl lhc Ice world nnd plum In the Unltcd 5mm In make use lhe lnrlflArrduuan pnwcra Ircsldanl Kennedyl Trude Expanslon Acl nImLd chmly European Com mon Mmkn Defence problems will ha an nlher Important loplc tar din cusslnn at Ihe meetings whnse dam Mr Paarmn nnnnnuncrd WednesdayMm day what the prime mlnislcr hnl cullld he 50 day decision 01 Ml guvcrnmcnl His prcvlouslyIndlulcd View In fnvnr nl rm world rude and lower mm harrlm wlll ha put lorwnrd In Landnn and fly nnnis Port Man an Impor lnnl uncluro In world lmding dcvtlupment OTTAWA CWPrime Mlnls er Pearsnn will he laying the groundwork for Improvement in Canadas lradc Imbalancu with Brllaln and the United Slam whcn he vlsils Primu Mlnlnlcr MlcmlllanMay 23 and Pres den Kennedy May mu CORNWALL CWRev John Verkuylcn Dulch prlosl who Iravcllcd all the why from The Nelhurlnnds to march for his 17 ynamld nlccc missing mm her home in nearby Lancaster or lhrnc months said May he has received elephone call rem the glrl OPP Offer Statements As Evidence In Trial Pearson Macmillan To Discuss Trade And Deience Problems Missing Girl Phones Uncle al board Seen here presenflna 1H Lorne theslde board chairman Huh Unlor up Maybe ynur mother will kl yam wllhom one mm In Twrmr InlllrrIIndnwmlcnl 1mm mvo Imn nnlrml la mum lrlnl ml llllrxu n1 nnn curllnl nmnlor allu hry pu ml wllll lunflve Iho mhl ml llm Val HIIII aopornllm Al Hrtmr Hltllnl J1 mlln well of mm Tm Illnrk tllmnml church erkl by um mrm hm Hnwmlll ml laumlwr mvrkru Unlnn CUT llllllll Mumn Fall lnwrr ml lnwr mupnny 1M mum lhn WM In Imrnl lhlwmnl Ion In Smut Falln mill Im Hm ml mt nllhl Canadas problem Is In he nhla In hu man ram Britain without In urinz the melh he mnrkcll here or Cunndlnn and and to sell more to he us Wilhom réstrlctlng Ameri ï¬nn am Canadian mar all rmlnnln will he clLurrll mm llw MIILIKKIII anlnlrnlu Gnnlnrr hm enr lln wnmcd Ihrm would IN no lrpollllou Tundnyl Imnk lug p0 1111kaqu nml Wmdnrlnl uhlln In murl mu In lrlllnn for evcry $170 worth of goods Canada to the us he lmgoru 430 wgrlh Despite their hit orrlvnl groups 01 local people walled In the darkness along the route In welcome the newlyweds wllh Iusly cheers Alexandra and An nus lurned in for flu nlghl nirkhall 20 mnmed whnu mansion on the royal eslnla loaned to Ihem by Queen Mother Elizabelh BALMORAL Scotland neulv cralSlghuenu And Aunahlnu grcclyd Britalns royal honey munners herejpday Scnrcs vnlora arrived ln Ihe highland vlllaxu nl Ballnlcr hoping lo calch gllmpsc of Princess Alexandra and her Seals huslncssmnn husband An gun Ogllvy lhey who hoped lor stroll around lhc royal Scat Ilsh estate ol Balmornl The Zflyuarnld princess Iha Queens causln and Ogllvy 11 nrrlvcd here wearlly at mld night Wednesday alter plane and car lnurney rum London follnwlng their colorful Wm mlnster Abbey wedding Mul Cnmm MP lnr Hull has born named chkl Mllp In lhn llmm Corn mom or lllo Ilernl llnrly Ila hm rrprumltd Hull In Hm Common linw 19514 CP Vlrephmn Nahum mum mm NAMED WHIP Laos Coul CaUSe Asi1nWarr JFK HERES ONE Barrio Onmlo Clnldl Thbrlaly Aprll 25 I963 Rom nl lho lollm IIM the Ilmollnl In over More Hwy mlml at mm mm uh llury Inlu an tmln whm wen ram an Mhm In My Iloy 0er url Will and pnllu ooh um name Mm hey Mlhnugh many nluml Io nulm Ilnlemcnll Innl In urnd lhl quenllnm Tm llll0 ment um um IIlnM but can Ilnled mm In mnnlnblu mlrlmh lnllm wllnnlu Inld IMI ll 11 mu lhrlr arm the lap Ken rm Eh Innnnl mm nl wiml Hm hum wan mu In Hum and vulml uhruwr Hwy wnMrd In main alnmnrnL mm In Him Imnllmu When lhry md Mn an In nlzhl at Feb 10 wlmm Hwy wm with how llny In to llrrulr Rldlnl they wrre Inluml and dld the lhmllnl nu nhjmlnn hy drlnnce thllll ul John llmuku Tumnln lhnl Ilw IlnIrmrnll wrc lummplrlu 61an um ullnlnrd by mum rrnu unmlnmlun Vaunll whn earned EM nbnul wrck an an ad mlmly clerk WI well hcynnd hl mums ullh thus help money pnld him by the nu Alnns Gnlbrnllh mlunad hl subse qucnl guvrrnmcnl pun onnL pnrllnmrnlnry undrrmrc my Ilnlo or Scollnnd nllcr Inlmmnlnly on muunn nml cmha had and In Vnmll were made nuhllc llowcrrr ha Illll hnldl Ml Icnl In Inrlm mrnl Tho lribunn 11 50000 word rcpan nlm Inld lhcrc wan no run In chum lhnl Navy Min mu Lord Cnrrlnxlnn and hln urvlcc chlch knew my mm In the udmirnlly month he fofc Vnuull vn nrmlcd The Icnndal wnl touched of by he tincu oi Willlnm Vas nll an admlrnlly clerk who man sentenced la la yoarl Im prisonment for sclllnx meta lo the fluulnm The lribu hemlan by um ncnl jurist Lard Rndcllfle rc Jeclcd completely baseless qucallona at an Improper re lullanxhlp hclwcm Vumll and Thomas Galbralth or mtr pnrllnmcnlnry undcmcre my lbe npmirnny LONDON fleulcrnA paw erful murily lrlhunul luday cleared lop xovcrnmcnl ofï¬cial or nllcuallons arhlng mm bi leggrily Icqntjnl Inn All PRINCESS Alexandra waves ax she and her husband AnA gus Ogilvy banrd plnne Clrrlnzlnn HIM II Int lmll Cleqr Ofï¬cials In UK Spy Case he um In flrmly Inlem lM lollhum mlnlel hywmn mm lulu menu Io lhmllgnymn Mulrr lornm Illomy mural Limit and haul mnldler Kaila Wm bmuht In Int 1341 bqok llpuse wmm Mr Cm lulll mum Wrd nmlny lhnl wlll make nlnlemanl on NONG mummy In knownIn lhn mu Inlun lndny mil emphmlud an lwn mulunl Ihnl lhq rur mul ullullnn amn1 mun may from tomplcllon TOIlUNIO 1lI11uv linlnlln kglulnluro Ilmuly luhl ml II wnn milled Ixy mum IIMF Iurntn In II WM Inqulry In In vrnr today mm Allornoyhn oral Fnd Cm Mm now In rullullun min the dllpullllnn nl llnrk In Novlhun 0mm Natural In Company lllmlwr nnmllnn MUCH may he IIIHIHHNI by Illl nrHan llml rmrrnlhmn mhl II lmlmlrll In My MM quh In mlurr Ihc lmpncl on lmnlrrhno Inlhlnlllrl Farmtr Ilnlc Mercury Chris on Herlcr Kcnmdya clllr mm nnzollnlnr may cxplnru lhc MM whcn hr ronltu wllh fumullnn nulhnrllirl nllnwn Frldn Iln llkrly wlll ner 31mm Inn hullnncy mu rnnccrn or III ulrnnlw cull could hnrr Inmo lelullnn lmllllflltl In yrculcr Inumnlinnnl HIM llllvm lhnn mm Immuan cnn llnmllr WASHINGTON lCP The United Slates plans In mk Cm nndlnn caopnrnllnn nnd lupmrt Inr propuml to reduce Irlu nlly he nnllrc llnnsallnnUc lnr mumclum In one Ilrnke man lnr mm oxltnalvc nmn Hm nnlclpnlcd undrr Presl dcnl Krnncdyl Trude lixpnn Ilan Acl Prime Mlnhlcr Macmlllnn up ho lrlbunnl lnsl all In tho llme he accused opponiuan Ln hnr lcxlsluluru of conducting whlxpcrlna campaignn01 can ncclcd wllh Gnlbrnilhx cm clnnry but with hll moral char mar ul he admlrally ha would eel ll hl duly lo mlgn ll lhu ln quiry lnlo he Vnunll case nlwwLd culpable negllxnnce In his departments murin nys lcm US To Suggest To Canada Transatlantic Tariff Cuts Cass To On Gas London Allport yesterday or honeymoon at Birmll Sooiland AP Wirepholn New ulllmfl unrumvd In an lmullnllm luy lho numer mum dopmlnwnl nlnu lul Iumnm Indium um mall ll Ml mm NONG Hum In diurnal in Domm ll mm Cm lImnlnl Inmlmom Cmpmnllon umum In human m1 II prknmvrnl Imn Men mm pm Mr Men lam mtmbm llu uld 100w Ihnm ol Noun Mock IM Ippmnlly Ilflfllfl In Hm my urnl bend wllmul NIL vl cellIn mum and am In pndlmln who In In mJar pm In MM Ilium And who um rrllnln rnlaunl llmu nn rlrclvd nlllclnl munlrlpnllly dnlnl hunnm wlh lhl company lmnul Mrh IhIIHrII NONHI tlinlrlhulllm nl pramnllnml Ilnfk Ill I950 Sam at Ktnnedyn muclnm merer Ilm nu Indlrnlln Lunxmn npnmvnl llw ldrn pcrvrnlnku nun nvrr lhn rnllm MIN Ilrurlurowllh ctrlnln rc nrvnluml 11vn ll hum nrmulhahnnm llnrnr cull lnklnz llnlnnl um rnllre nlrut lun angllhnilni IthIflI amnion Ml Klvrs Kennmy nullnrlly In rc durc Amrrlrnn lnrln hy 60 per ml mer llvryrnr porhul mul In olimlnalo lurlfla ullouuhcr on name luvd Undrr ludillnnnl lnrlrl bar xnlulnu cvunlrlu umnlly ollmr mm rcducllunl on me product In rxchnmm or rcducllnm an nnnlhor The Kennle udmlnix lmllnn pcnundcd Conanu lo Mm he pmldrnt wllh nr Krculqr power In mlucc mun an nhnle afraid of Knuth rnlhrr lhnn Indlvldunl ems AUTHORITY Mean m1 Hnrrl man undenccrclary slain Ilar pnlillcnl mam conï¬ned in Moscow with Soxch Farclxn MInlsur Andre Grnmykn on the Modem hsue Kcnnndy Imld Hunlmnn carried prlvalu rejected nul rigm Kentlnzl coulemlon mat nusslan troop arriving In Cuba ln rccenl week haw about cqyyllcï¬ he nugnhcr wlhdmwn ll llmt 1000 or 5000 have Iell nlnce January Ind hat than has not been an equal numhtr come In In InclY much much less 500 or too tho mall Ihlprcsiflgnt ld WASHINGTON CF Pm denl Kcnned lay the enllre SnulheallAsa region Including Malaya my be tacked by vln Icnce ll pence not preacrvcd In Laos And except fur gain In war the president declarad It would seem to me that we have pretty much done all at thuso thlngs that can be donela dcm onslrate hastllily In the cnnccpt Snvlet aatclllte In the Car lhbean ADDRESSES CfllTlCS Kennedy addms himself In two recent Republican critics Inrmer vicepresident nlchnrd Nixon and Senator Kenneth Kcnllnx New York the Cuban question vled wllh lhu louse Illuallun In Luna or pr cmlncnce at In conference Unleashan lhe exllu cannot do me Job oHopplinz Caslrm Kennedy said In reluct lnx proposal put larwnrd Inst Sngurgiay by ijon Making lastdllch up an to Soviet Premier Khrushc cv In hclp keep the peace Kennedy nld press canfertnce Vedneu da we all In Laov would thlnk the prospects for accords on mailers whlcll may be gcagraphlcally closer tn us wnudld be substantially leu en Kennedy challenged critics of his Cuban policy In any whelhor they advocate going lo war to Inpple Prcmlcr Fldcl Canlro llc mld than the quullnn bu lng aldeslepped by those who call or more mlmant policy ngnlnsl Cubas Communist re glme Report Scandal one hluw Appeals To Khrushchev To Help Keep The Peace No More Thln PH Copy14 Plan Occasionalshowera Low lov night as ngh omrow SJ For complela mummy please mm ma two Local Weather rm mat to 1km mm nu who mm In Illu 151va 10 mm unmatlm on hl my in ï¬lm It Mm mm 7W IN ManiM laidum 1k in wonlnl nun who loin owl bmk hlllmy mm mm urwm AMEBKX llnrrimnn ed Slnlu wants the Sovch leader In lake ucllon In quit lhe illu nllan In Luna and put back on he ralls nunln He Inld lho Communhd nccusnllan lhnl lho Unilcd ï¬lm mponslbln llmrnp In Imus ls mm In sulting and unifly lnrarrecl END SECRECATK Thu US undurscmlnry llalu was orderrd the Soviet capital by Presldcnl Kennedy who 1an Along mum mel sann l9 Framing Khrushchev Kennedy nald he has no plum lat aummll maelan wllh Khrushchev and see no pun blllly for such mecling duh lng the next few month unless nuclear lest ban treaty reached British and Us nm bauadorn ca nler re wllh Khruxhchev an the luu in Man cow Wednesday but Kennedy nald Im not mnxuln LONDON MUW Avmll linrrlmnn Inn by pine or May cow today In apncal la lhe Sa vlc Union In rcslnra yeace In Lana and hop the strategic Illllc Snulhcnat Asll klnzdnm mulra presidential message to Khrushchevi While central thin me use were not disclosed Ken ntdy emphasized that Khruxh ghev undcriaok responsihlliiies as cochalnnan of Geneva no card to maintain neuimiily an Laos and we would hope in the Sovlci Union would maka An effort in iuiilii ii mmmii mums From other sources it was learned Kennedy considers Luvs lasting ground to show wheiher lhc Kremlin has adopted Inughcr policy to wnrds lhe West This would lorce the us lo rnspand with toughness oi its nwn which would viriually eliminate hope or nuclear in ban Ircniy nr Miler agreements with the Communists 11 Laos all In lhe Commun 1515 he snld lhll would put Ad diHnnal pressure on Thnllnnd Cambodln and South VM Nam which In Ilse would put oddl llunnl pressure on Malaynf That one oi the reason why we are concerncdwlih maintaining the Geneva ac cards method oi maintaim in stability in Southeast Asia Hammah T6 Mk Poi Laotian Peace wuugnjfl mm mu MARCH ENDS 53 mu