SHIRLEY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Shirley Temple gets kick out ol ltcd Skeltonsantlcs yesterday during party cei ebratiag the former child stars 35th birthday In Holly wood Shirley now the wlic COUNTY COUNCIL BRIEFS Simcoe Manor and Georgian liinnor the countys two homes tor the aged are both tilled Ia capacity with waiting lists build ing up councillor Alired Cage reported to county council at its special meeting Monday Thought should be given to building third county home or the aged very soon he recom mended Council received letter from th town at Coilingwood rcguest ing that Coilingwood be named as the site oi third county home or the aged when the decision comes to build one The present two homes are so tar trorn here that relatives Iind it hard to visit Collingwood senior citizens liv ing In them This adds to the loneliness at our older ioiirs who are taken Iarthcr trom home than their counterparts else where In the county tho letter contended Council took no action on Georgian Bay development As sociation request tor county grant to help pay tor an advert ising campaign In Toronto newspaper Purpose oi the adver tising Is to attract industry to tho GBDA area Essa deputy reeva George Davis proposed tha mo tlnn alter Stayner reevo Vlliinm More pointed out one diiliculty Tire GlillA had tailed to specliy how much money It wanted coun cli to give Finance committee spokes man Albert Calvert lort hie NIcnII suggested committee should be named to study the quandary iaced this year by the county ealth committee Now that grant structure changes have cut into the health budget or that he wanted this comm Itlee to find out how council can We manage on the reduced in it will get The commit lr should go to Tomato and not he lowdown on this grant structure be raid Form iiir Cadets iii Elliston ALLISTDN tSpchnII lip proximately no parrots and rays attended the Inaugural mrcllng 01 the Aiilstmr Mr Co rlct Squadron In the arena on Thursday evening The mrotv tag was arranged by the Allis tnn branch at the itayai Cnnn dlnn ingion which is sponsoring lha Squadron tolor movies were shown II lurtratlng alr radrt training rand Smith Ontario manager ol the Air adct lragoo at nadn gave an latrrrruatlvo talk fan the subject giving irrIl par ticular oi iirrI artivltlu and my rttrniiier iar boys In alr radrl ralnlnf The meeting wnrr mn ulrirrrr very mrrreuiul with at boys rlgrmi up pending the arrival oi lira oIilrlaI rirartrr LII NIInllillN IIANT The tiny kingdom at tiikkim in the Himalayas Ilrr trapped ry geography Irrtwrrn irrdla and Ina BAY cm UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND at Charles Black oi Voodside Calii and the mother at three was in town to tape rr television showvwiih Skelton The big birthday cake was gtit irom Sireiton tAP Wire photot County clerkFred llunter read his letter at reply to Stayner appeal against Ilsequaiized as sessmont too 1963 ilr ilanter reminded Stayner clerk Cuiham that the appeal could not be contidercd bceause it was aotrec lved within the in day time lim Stayner contend ed its loan equalized assessment was uniaIr Were getting less and less Ior more and more its appeal complained Confirmation oi the provincial grant to the new hosptai being built at Allision was received by council it came In letter irom the Ontario ltlunicipal Board Council decldid to Ioirr the Ar sociatian oi Ontario Counties tor the $l0 annual lee Warden Ai bert do Conkey Is to namo dele gates tolattend the Associationl conlcrenca in Toronto May The Slrncoe County annual picnic will he held this year in 0riiltnsCnochiehing leach park on June Warden do Cankcy announcid SHANTY BAY forlab wuss30 ueuprurlr llotLtttctt monar Ilmilg array are hrinr rrnrrw mam ER ANGELI ertoat iLIURcElL It rrrcoor armsum urrrocoro Low 5m coma rrrrr All MW Ir Cdiok rroprrururr lemma GORDOMJSCOITm IYIIIIItlulltvallwtta errant arrow aroma ar rrvarr lialLDIIIce by up Tomcat TIIUIamttJ rm no raarsrrr Noras Stroud Delegation Goes To Toronto By 105 Reeve Jae Cochrana withrllcps uty Reeve Campbell are accompanying members oi the Strand Hall Board Committee to Toronto today where an in terview has been arranged by Art Evans hIPP Simcoe Centre with the Ontario Department at Municipal Aliairs The discussion concerns Stroud rink debentures which altltough admitted as being necessity were turned down last winter at hearing under ViceAChairman Kennedy The delegation have gone In the department to ascertain how best to rctrama tho application to meet the approval oi the de partment and the ratepayers who will be asked to contribute to the assessment needed to re payvtha debentures BEACHES ROAD At the County Council meet ing this week one decision is oi special interest to lnnlsiil This is the approval oi the change in road signs on lllghway too at the Coolrstown cloverlcat and at the ath line now designated Thornton Road East and West Tho signs pointing east will now read Lake Simcae Bencheslhe will point out to drivers traveli ng north or south on this busy tourlano highway that they may reach numerous beaches along thatshorc Up to this time many on Highway 400 hove not realized until they reached Barrie that they were passing within low miles oi beautiiol shore line pnaosne aoa rouarsrs Readers at this column will realize that some credit tor the change in signs is due to sug gestions Irom this source it remains now tor local group to see that proper signs or tourist homes are erected to weieome the guests We need to start with aeleanup general ly ridding our roads and beach es oi durnps and car heaps do Ing away with weeds and one sightly vacant property and having signs to commercial op erations well painted and attrae tive it Is later than we think start could be made by put ting tlsh houses out of sight irey had their place last winter but need not be on view all summer Cars collected around repair garages should be limited to those currently being repair ed Gnsolino service stations should have clean and wellcar ed ior rest rooms SCHOOL SECTION lnnlsiil application to have the Glliord portion oi lnnlsiil now part the West Gwlllim bury Townshipschooi nrca re turned to the township was ruled out oi order by the board at arbitrators who convened last winter to hear the appeal This was because the application bod not been properly made new start was to be made and It was hoped that it could coma beiore County Council at the special meeting held this weeir llowever West Gwiillmbury had advised lnnlsiil that they were HURONIA DRIVEJN THEATRE Wort Thurs Fri Ami mw Iv WM NAMES alienationtrader mdï¬p Ed 5sz nnrï¬irun nib5 iii in nunrunn sturias cuunrn CttEtKlIlt and II on srrarrno area enur cmm rrtArunr srlrrwN are and no assault 33 not in accord with the area be ing returned from their Town ship school area even though lnnlsiil had agreedto assume theirsharo oi thadebeatura now in effect They also required that the other townships which are included in that school area signiiy their agreement or on position and this had not been received In time The whole matter wiilnow be leit over until the June ses sion oi County Council unless some mutual agreementean be reached We must do our ut most ter our ratepayers Iteeva Kneesbaw stated when the sub ject was mentioned to the West Gwilllmbury oliieials LINE NEEDS REPtilts when we droveirom 23 alde arrv tits road to the highway over the 91h line we realized why the roads department had signs ad vising that drivers use this road at their own risk It is soma years since we have driven over road which has as niany real ly bad places per little as this one There were times when we wera undecided whether we should turn back or continue The delegation which eame to Council sometime ago did not IMPERIAE THEATRE BIL exaggerate when it claimedtlds was one at the worst roads In the township It takes rs doable season to carryout the reconstruction program now undertaken on townshlproads The iirst year the culverts have to be length ened and the additional lands obtained to enable widening underbrash removed and the whole road prepared for the machines start on permanent now srrowrNo MAGNIFICENT THE N£W YORKER Moguln BEAUTIFUL AND TERRIFYING IME Anguilla SPLENDIDTAUT CHILLING TIMES $711i rrrorrrnrrseorr EVENING SHOWS AT 70 AND 900 Continuous Saturday tram pan PICK Piiiili HOIIIlIi CASH BONUS wardrobe allowancol $25000 pocket money and $10000 ran annrtm axeirmsa improvement oi this road should be part at thepresent road appropriations KINSMEN Thurs HELP KIN WIIH All EXPENSES PAID iliiil I8 ENCLAVE miles Every Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Eingo Night ODD FELLOWS HALL Apr 258 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $10000 $1500 Consolation Prlxa HELP KIDDIES LUXURIOUS CARSON RIVIERA LUGGAG Ea matched frpioco sell 20 PRIZES5pcmalchadselr otCsuonitlviaraiuggagei you pick from thisiist of exciting CANADIAN VACATIONS H01 DAYS HOLIDAY ANYTIME 63 Your White Ewan Holiday will in arranged lar your arrtut plururs saeroaunrsau b1 Plus and srrrlord In All Iccommodlllon Vim CIIII lurchwhul rim dolirlblo VII TIIM Could All LIMI xx 1173 5ng Your holiday host PAPER PRODUCTS courrzsr CLOSES MAY Stat 1963 ha iniml available mm volt moms Walls nun am ydu tartaric ro wrappers rum In ptodusll wlihyour noun Spsclsl 55 Homsrlc Cruiseembarking August and tar llrrt class cruise sin ds horn MontrealtoCharlottanwnRalurnto train delete Quaon Ellrsbrth Hotel ior1dsyr 2Wssk MontrealGsrpolmriiimll TourI comptstotirstciass Eastern Canada paeksgatour by CM Vouit onloy the tlnrrt hotels and all trains and motor trava lorry boat excursions and city sightseeing tours era arranged Ioryou lllgwln Ianan Island wonderland tn Morkokas baautltul talus at no Gothwotor Iforlo tennis and riding are lost row ol the activl IaI you can onloyor Ignore It you proiar raisxing In luxurious surroundings garb Citydiscovorlhouatguscalturooioid ranch Canada In Outboes charming Iurroundla Voull on oy catie comiort at tho distinguish dCbalaau rontonac Killracy Mountin led slururloul wilder nors ruort on Georgian a1 when lsly and Inlormsitty ralgn Sonora Franzh cuisia indoor tun water sports and unsurpassed tlrhlng MuskokaSoadoathrlliingcomblaslionoirustio buacazomaiagmoil lilhlng and rscioustodgo living In Ontarios mag cal northwoo an Rocks Innthe Lauronlian playground run one torgollla rldingandwatsrsportr Doluxs cabins stirdlnt Itroor along the literal oi lncompalabll Lac Ouimat St Andrews IlyThrASuorciuslro goll resort overlooking Now Bronwields cu gy shore lino Ealoy tins brschln In shattered nlyl Cove and are ting night lilo at Casino Salesman SrgusnoyCrulssdoiuracrulsaol 7sconlc ds rom Montroslto Lake St John and return Ios days in Montreals brautliul Ouaon Etlrsbo Hotel 10 2Wrsk Motor Touru I063 automobile Irom iltdsn rantscar lyour dlr oral to carry Eon to your hoarll dos rs Sound we wash on and highwaysail crrsrprnrro paldpiuo $50 day Ior rants lodging and tent Winners at the vacation may choose thI alternativo at 000 Cash Prtu plus the luggage honuol WHITE SWII Made In Canada by The Eddy Company ï¬r ï¬r Ni WHIIEJWAHQE wan Iarorr Bathroom sinsalt and walls tun rhoMme mu Am or Vowelsmm rm WEDNESDAYKAPRTL 1m Basutoland is so enclave In the Republic at South Airica and ma EXAMINER WANT ADS covers an area oi 11716 square PHONE PA ems MODERN WORK maulrnovvuhnundllmtr is out Mml Emmi Irlrrgrahnnomsosuumm Vltli rte twm Bdrm Mllltl sauna Mums illliii rrtnrro Nu pad itiifilii$ WWW haggard millionth ENTRY Forms AND run amiss AVAILABLE wrrarre YOLi8l9l SOIIIIAIIIIIEII ANITAIXBIRII HOIIISLIINIIIIIK nonton MINI nilvolhlld nil thsilltlltulln Illllflhl louse yrlarr and not rrarrrrrr liphoillulnl 0n and rm Net lull Wine Ilrre rutroman It runwsAmnu