Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1963, p. 3

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Tells Students Explore Spiritual Dimensions ML Foul In um nullm book on wmlml gulan Ind mllllmln lo luullonnl mar ulna IIII npon on lodmlul nml vmallmnl rducnllon In In In In Ia llhmlu he llnfla anlonn UNEMO Ind lha In llule ul lulnmle Bludln ll M€ Ill nlvmlly He II wul pmldml ml honour mldenl John Mn Fuul wnu helm rrllro mrnl DIrcdar nlVnullnnnl IItlucnllvn of II Dvpnflmml Ihhunllllfl of Nova mun lls hm lmvcllid widely IM mm pm An nlllnrlnl mm or vmlmu nmpupm In an Marl mm Mr Foul been Hohrlm Allin ma III II IM vmlv lit at llm Ilolmy fluh oi all In Mu hn mm lloury In lrmnllounl Al dllrlrt Invrmor nml mnmnlu mrmlm lihlon imr rlmlrmnn oi lho Inlrrcfly Commlllro mum ml 110 lo member an ex le In Mlem mm nnrrlo YIIHIA Mllllnnd Mllulnn Auh anI lelnny nnd uruvnnhuru llunluvllle lml lnrry Sound thn The lIxnmincr reporter dlullcd her number In error and asked If It was he Publlc Ulll llics Mu Bowen Inspld Oh no no ngnln To rcpEnt 113ruhnc mm flu Cummlulon Numhcr ll Mini Edwln Fnrd anmoulh N52 dimlnr nl Ilolnry Inlet mllannl will address An Inter my mmlnl um Mary CIuh nl lnlllar filml United Much on l1mrulny at Ma Inn Cnunly Co went slang with an Essa Township request made by Reeve Sanford Pngc Monday special cauncll mael Ing Reeve Page asked lo hnvu lhc calmly Finance Commlune cunsidcr mounn to help Essa In appeal to the Supreme Court Canada lira Enrl Bowen oi Minds Polni hn bran run rugged uns werimz her telephone ever since lhc Public Uliiilicn Commission changed its nu er Acvcrni wcuka no in PA 51325 Mrs iuwcnl numbur in PLOins and pcnpin Cnillnl lha Puhiic Uiiiiilcs Commission have men dialling Mrs Bowens number by mistake lhn llmo the number wnl changed mm wna nn Hum In The DunIo Exnmlncr noUIylnl he while Apparenlly mm pcnnlo who mud ll prnmplly lor Kol nnoul II or hnvn been Innk lnn an error In dlnllfnl Mrs Ilchn mm Im unlnn lo llrhone lhe Pu 1c Utlllllu In In rlnhl gyny He was guest speaker at ban qua or the graduatlng student of Norlh Collegiate held in tho Essa Road Presbyterian Church The dinner was sponsored by the Imm School ChristianFellow Mr Cmoks wamcd the 5111 denls lhal hey rejected lhu basic promise Christianity they would have nothing to gain and everything to lose has youge backing jam he said It man lsni lies hnnnlmal with an nblllly or rational dc duclion then he churches are ISSUES WARNING Rotary International Director To Address Meeting In Barrie Seventy five gruduallng slu dents their teachers and guests were old Inst night by Rev 11 Crooks of Parry Sound that they must endeavour to explu the splrilual dimenslon to lile Wrong Number Run Her Bagged ToHelp TOWnship In Court Appeal 111115015011 concerns lnxc nn REV CROOKS of Pur chaLs with Grade sludcm ry Sound second tom left mmNorth Collcuime Jerry llmvnni society Novn Ha In mnnlmunn mm In hnhllllallon of relmnl Mum ll Durlnl thl Wu II MLTrmI thclpulal In the chmnmnlp nlnlnu rmxnm In mu hdum III III lrmred Yunnan Wm Mum Cnnnllnn unlly Im lhn Wnr lnlmmllnn Bond Maple Lea Scrvlrc nl Cnmg Borden legal battle whic Reeve Page lnld council had been going on or several years Thlx had been longdmwn out fight The and these houses 9nd stores accupy wn nrlgiqnl 1y pm of km nnd we eel they should pay taxes in ma township $1200 worlh an M1 Involved They are lwu yLnr lichln Mn Page painted on mu slmuar allunllon mm at Camp Petuwnwn whent Pctnwnwu Township Is suing the Maple Leaf Scrvlccs lhcrc or lnxcs évllh Ihu IuHiupporl nf Ronlrcw are in ihls ioncihcr ilnnn clnlly Mr Page iold council li we win boih lhc township And counly will xnlnl li we 1050 he tori will be assessed in bolh oi us Our lawyer illinka we have good case Thai in why WILEniertd he ngpeql The counly would shy equul ly In grunt ln llou mm larlhmmlnz Esau Towmhlpa nrpcnl Is uphcld Mr Page ex nlncd The Central Onlnrln Snlu and Advmlnlnx Cluh will lmld ll annual lndIcI nlxh Snlurdny 090 pm at Um Cnmmunily House Olllccrl nl Ihn club or 1mm will he Installrd There wll lm finnflrjg la the Mile cl Nell llurlubfm unlversal holurfiusu He iddcd ml the great est era of reIlgioN scholarshlp that the world hrN ever seen waver here Is dimcn sInn well wonh exploring that shall rldu out history you could lose an eternity he warned There is blue print drawn by God belure Ilnner 011 that through proclamation demon slrnflnn and exuminnllan has lost nothing at it vitallty and eternity ovgr 2000 years he added Mr Crooks warned that men pcrmillod called inlellnclunl lam lo lake flu plnce wk Hun revelation In the years aller World Varonc result the world eacd sell him Sales And Ad To Host Ladies monstroslflcs to the gullabiluy of human belugst said Mr Crooks HIMIN In The Cnnndlnn Assaclnfion Real Eslmc Boards at whlch Dnrrle Real Eslale Board mcmhcr nnnounccd lhnl Mulll plc Llsnng Salas rcnrhcd rc curd Hrsl qunrlcr wllh £11315 galnAavcr wnz Sales firsl Ihrcc mnnlhx 01 1963 worn $1187m775 com pared l0 811113IJMI or he ana pgriod In 1962 an Assoc Hon ml Eslnw Unards cxcculivc scarc nry Follows lllld lhnt March Mulliplc Llsllng Snlu were MGM compnrcd l0 2377935 or March 1W2 Wllh MIDI ll Mud of 1962 lccl cvrlnln lhnt we wlll have no dmirully In rcarhmg our qualu or am 3500000900 In 1061 Mr Fullnwa mld Representatives at the students delivered short speeches extull lug the Virtue at their teach Forty bears an eye in someone pocket Queen Dido and nnukcs llgurcd in the partce All of them ended on serious note by expressing the students gratitude tor the skill and dedication with which the tcacherahnd helped them in their studies John Colon member at lho execuuvo tlm muSchool Christian Fclowshlp gave box chocolnlcs lhthe lpdlu he church who had prepared the menL Gordon an of Slroud slu dcnl of voice at he Royn Com snrvnlory of Music In Tomnlo wns guest soloist He was ac companied by June Stanley at the piano He sang Climb Ev ngxd fBn Thou ii is becoming easier inlelinci uniiy to bcmme Christian but hardnr sncially The sludcnls must examine their conscienm before culling themselves an ram his historical surge iiir Crooks counselled Mlss Gay Ellis prcsldent of he Norlh Collegimc Branch of the InterSchool Chrlsllan Fell owship presented an new Bible dictionary In memory Mm Imille Jones the principal CBrydgns Multiple Sales fit Becord High McClelland Beverley Bald win and mm Money Ex New YolkPaul Man 66 onfllmc lIuIlywand movle dhtc lnr who turned la nnlhmpology and was rupumlbla or devcl nplnz lho use carbon14 dut Ing Inulln Kelly was convlclcd ob slmcllng nnd nsxnulllng Du Sgt William Qucnncll ol lhu Tnmnlo pallco form The Inc dcnt occurred while Quenncll was quosllonlng Mary Charla hais cllcnt at Kelly Evidence ho lrin was lhnl Kelly was nusod perm slnn to Miss Chnrlcbols and usml om to do so Qucnncll nuHcrcd Cut In lhc Inca which required nlx lulchu OTTAWA CP Gerard Kelly an Orlllln lawyer last hla last chnncc Tuesday In up pcal ngnlnsl hla convlcllnn on charge nbslrucllng and anultlnz police nlflccr Kelly was convlch on Iha two charges at Orllhn Ins July 25 and fined $250 or two months In Jail He lost an appeal lo lllu Ontario Appyal Conn and lhe Suprcme Court Canada Tues day rejected his mollun or leave to appeal 140 pm another call came asking for help by the mother of Klm Gillespie three yearold daughter of Vern Gllle splc Lakelnnds an the all llne She had consumed quan lly nl Juvcx ller slumnch was pumped out after her arrlvaL Bolh pallems are dolng well No calls to gel patlenu to tho hosplml were handled by lnnlsm pallet on Monday 11 mm call cam asklnl or police escort by Mrs Hurry Chnppel Lefrn who said her husband was Inferlng from heart nnnck Pnllce rushed to Lcrroy and nlckcd up Iho mm Slmud on the way back they picked up the lnhnllnlnr and Clerk Rlchnrd Grnh who accompanied the pollce cm and operated the ma chine 11w patient was revived nt the hospital By THE CANADIAN PRESS Orillia Lawyer Loses Appeal Innisfil Police On The Job nmlner Photo DEATHS LOCAL GENERAL N0 RES Barrio Fire Down1mm as am today hasnt ro cclved In all llnco pm last Friday when ll mpondcd lo an darm mm MVch om um The audience wu lmpreswi with the mull uld Mn Tar Bush Thu prlnl vmduoed we of nightly dillerenl color than the orlllnnl Color ll then Added lo Illa plate with lha dnrkut color hemmurcd an Hm they wlll All In tha deepest cmlces They In thin wlped all And ad dltlonal colon Ire rubbed an wily Illq galgstloneg adde lpsl The plain ll than healed plac ed ngnlnsl well moistened paper and put between layer landm on the press and roll 2d gmth muchlnp Mr Harnynnsky nld Art ha been crazy 51m 1956 The mt When the add him the capp er llny bba occur Careful timing wry Important at lhln point said Mrs Tuflnsh As each groove for cvlor and shade mqulns dmerm timing to be Iuccmfull Composition of he actne was In etched in wax on chrom lum plated piece copper plum Then the pine was placed In rosln box sealed am Pu Ucle of min were forced on the plate nllrlé Add added and dust 191 1ng tarmac His work hni been exhibited lnlhnny place throughout the world and In many American cities she said Mr Hornynn sky brought revere of his etch Inn with him Mrs TarBush unld me Iudlence wu cepLIv mud by he ethereal quality of each etching Although each of of the whim was recognizab ly taken lrom nature they were executed In most Interesung progressive And rymbollc style He bmughl lo the meeting small hand priming machine or this demonstration The subject was small winter landscape mm mx One 01 the moat ludnmng demomrnflom ol the year look lace last evening Ihe meet our An Club said Mrs TurnushNlcholu Homyln sky the wellknown painter and alcher demutrnled hhafl simultaneous head palnllng or gum mum lo lug lud ence Him studied In Budapest Paris Amsterdam and Antwerp berm nomlnl to Canada In 1929 OVER WORLD depuufilon Irom Emu bib trlclqulegma Board appeared at Councils request to give ywn 1mbnd1d Ina Collegian Hoard Robert SM jelmt chadman ofthe conga aurflnunce commmee and Ernest Burton secretary ol the board anxwmd councils queu Uon concarnlnl the budget ANNUAL Annual dlnner medan tho Fascinating Displdy GiVen By NotedPainter Rdisfe Schdol4Budget cgPrjtt ghalgngm Minn 0mm nmbwadar nil nonhurn Shrincrs Clubs Loni Mimi Lnylon mm wolwionnl wrmflcr from Tomnlo win be he nuts1 awake at ha Shflnera dinner meclinu tonight at tho Communr lly House Member ho Knlfluu Columbus have Mn mm to attend thl dinner Bani and Dlstrm Home and School Council will be held May It at Central Unllcd Church MNHnK Ilnrll at the new year was presented Fresh dent wlll be Mrs HelenCox pm president Llew Beaver vicepresldent Mrs Mabel Mar shall secretary Mrs Jenn Na He also laid contact between the artist and the one vlnwlng tho subject should be the Impar tant consideratinn He should create mrk for the sake do In it for 5ell expression the mile gylvldugfllmfl led in havexone An artist nhnuld ba ablp to expresx In mlor thntwhlch cannot beexpressed In print or music to carry hth or feeling from one per Ion to another Mr SaxJenn said the budget 11 beenlncreaslnx and the In uease In prlmfirlly due to lea chers salaries He sald our acale mparesflavorahly with other Ichoolslln the area Ald Roberts asked about the flank and Mr Brallsnd The grhnt structure 15 very complicated pnd Iam mtable Explain NICHOLAS HORNYANSKY guest speaker at 111 nights rt9nexplalned that Lhu BARRIE PUBLIC unums omnssgou FLAI RAIE menu WATER HEATER MNK mm ONLY MonIh 15 BAYFIELD STREET GUARANTEED All THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH United Chum Tlckeulnrlhe bmque can be bulged AffomMrs Marion Bell land treasurer Mia Kay Freud pmgram secretary Mrs Mary Cralx Board member will be Mrs Sndie Whgrton MrsHelen Mb Velgh Gordon Reeve Mrs Mar lon Bell Mrs Mnlsle Quinn and Mrs TaxBush The Inn evento mo season will be lhu Mny banquet and an qxhjhltlon at the Central Featured as guest speaker wlll be Allnn Collier who wlll give an illustrated talk fAxtlst wllh lrnller Warsley Street Residential and Farm School Ar sisinncc Gmnris based on 550 or the average daily mendA apco academic pupils and ior vocation pupils based on th 1962 attendance My FOR BEST Regurdlng teachersI salarle Mr SaxJeans we dont meet lhn Toronwrnhedme we an the hell and get whats meeting of the Barrie 1m arxaxumuon Examiner PM Club dlsplayn 11 mm In Mrs 10 Helen 00x President of the 1qu mpgitamunyx rm Column Benin CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 Rldlo Equlyned Cub ddesnt aka long at fhlcl 10 aka car once we dcclsinn made to do 90 Yesterday momlng when Swnln camu downtown mm hln rcsldcnce on 25 SunnIdala mt he parkcd his car outside real estate ulflco ThLu was about eight oclock Fillyseven minim later 113 came an of an office only to discover his car missing in and Illununn wq arr without goodleachcra so Ih only way we can combat this to la our Ichcdules Torontalalndes its got an the board long er interviews lhu wachcr Th teacher interview we hoaxdd Jim Bnnia District Collegi Me Board 1003 estimates sai nriex Nanteaching total is 9320933 Teachen sainrics 14613230 Supply Teacher 500000 Girls PT any Piunisi 15000 you could I09 the baraalng that goes on In the Park Plaza 121 hiring high schoo Rachel5 yuud ntu have your eyes opennd Thief Ads In Hurry For the lIneIIn Euro pean Ind lmpoded man Cindi clc The urry qnllu food II compell un prkn OIEN ALL DAY WED OPEN FRIDAY Ill Mn Attendnicfomm Call it PA um Cloud All my Honda BARRIE DELICATESSEN DROP IN SOON PA Mans 2450513

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