mm nurzwry plum mm lbe llmc Hwy Iruu lhc nnrmy cnn mum the Ullcrrnue bclwcrn hmllhy Nam mu dead one 11 first min In nmrmbcr Hm nursvry nlork Ill nml YIIIWIHIIH nllrnlium When ll nr Hm plum III III wnmncnl Igcnllvm lhlx pnsslhlr Thtsc flu warm days of spring nul dxtlmm urges ln xllllrrrnl pmplu Those pcoplc ml the grccn lhumhcd vnrlely have Imnun in this regard which rcsulls In lmamlml wrln buxlncss or local plum numrlcs From nursery gar don lmwcwr in nllrn longer llly llmn llm nmnlcur gunlcntr nnlllu Ollnn llm ummxwrml II wurlam qursllnu ls What hloslwyoung Intmars enter lnrming gradually Somo are not willing to accept this They cilun think that father who has usually spent his lilellme on tho him should relinquish owner ship and management luster than he is willing tn du it may not be ccnnomlcally suund to turn user the arm business to the sun until he has the experi eécc to successfully manage the farm business However son who has helpnd build up arm is entitled to some tamin nsa sistanee tu slur on his own or an ngrccmlnl that will give him some security and equity in the home arm If he desire in arm sl home One of the big pmh lcms In getting established as peclnlly on the home tnrm is the intlinl step oi discussing an The conditions under which young people enter farming and the adequacy with which they make their start will have large influence on the success they will Main The kind at start they make can also de termine whether their begln ning lurm operations will lead to establishment on efficient site arms or will lead to years at economic sacriï¬ce on units that are too small or inadequate in other respects The import nhce ot an adequate size arm that will yield an adequate vï¬iume oi business is essential Low income is one of the main reasons given agalnsl arming study oi 50 Ontarlo arms as summer Mill in total farm Investment at less than $30000 per mm lndicnlcd an average per farm not worth in excess 553000 Few groups at people can show such substantial net v42th at 42 years of age Farm income may appear law and as such may actually be low but alsizeuble portion of farm in come appears as Increased as sets and increased equity in the farm business The financial res wards associnled with arming need not deter people from Ihlx profession mnll do Irmévï¬llrml Ive mi lhc lhlngn ltm97lnpgr Ingl Mar than 11m head mu lhnull Min herded Hnlr mman mum on luc llrnlhm Murh mm mm Mu Thu overlllan Some inrm youths will be but let all ï¬nancially and happier too in non farm occupations Some do nollllkc inrm iiie or are not capable oivmanaging dynamic husincss alike iarmo lug Others preicr regular hours huiidays dciinile pay checks lack oi respansibilily etc Many young farm pople consider that ihc obstacles associated with starting arming are al mnsl insurmountable that the pripe to pay is too gh Follow This Simple Procedure To Protect New Nursery Stock Ahodnl Agricullurh Representw Solh Simone men are no legal obstacles on pecamlnq urnAer Anyone who wlshesrnay try However substanllal barriers to an other wise free entry do exist Fame ing rcqulm land machinery cquipmentliveslock and other capital requirements plus man agcrlal ability to put than to gether Into an efidentnnd pro iuijle operating nnlt Em mum EXAMINER WEDNESDAY mm mi THE FARM PAGE EYoung Farmers gBegin Slowly 5fo cm ll Ilmy can lu plnnlcd wllhln no huural nhudm lmll Irw nhrub rum cm Ilmuld be put in cool place The bundln should be opened molslcncd nud covered with bur lup 1mm Illll nonk he plnnlx In mil nr luh at wnlcr lur In 30 hourl Than Jukl be low Tlnnllnz Ionk he root tar ls mnulu In Vllnmln lll ml ullan Thll wlll nal only xlvc Hm plnnl good xlnrl but wlll help In produce good gentral re nullu lnlcr on mum he heeled 11 m1 Howevur he around In men or loo wet or he mo Isnt canvenlcnl then nrc cu lnln altp whlch must be fallow II plnnlinl drlnycd more llymutq hquu IMIhI cm II the unth In llll mulhml em mm the pmvlncu II lmlul flu lam rim on Ihp MilerI pnlrlu mh mm lcr Wllephoto As arms grow larger more mechanized and more specie ed the problem of getting started and established ls large ly one meeting hlgher rc quiremenu In Innd capital and management However une bo comel establlshed 1n fanning Inc lnilinl ï¬nancing and the con Ilnuous financnl management of he Inrm business are critical lnclor ln dclcrmlnlnz linnnclnl success nnd persanll mlinlac tion in life beginning innner is usually short on capital lie is endeav ouring to muke the most eiiie lent use oi his most abundant essei labour with his limited capital Labour is must produc tive when used with adequate amounts oi capital in the iorm oi machinery equipment ierti inter and so on on an acreage and with volume oi livestock that provides iull employment Spreading the ï¬xed costs oi in terest nnd depreciation over more ucres or more productive units reduce these costs per unit The relums from limited amount ni capital will be great est when the cupitnl is invested in such wry that each dollar added is put where it will earn the most investing limited eap itnl in enterprises with rapid turnover will he more advantag eous especially to the beginning inrmer than slow ruum in vestments lheother general way to be come establlshed ln farming through partnershlp agreement whereby the young farmer grad ually develops an equlty tn the harm business This method al lows the older people to reter gradually it malntatn the prod uctlvlty at the arm and thus provldcs ecanamlc securlty or the partners and ll can mat erlally reduce the tax costs at trawlerrlng ownerdltp Any partnership mqulres an ability to get along among all par ties cancerncdr There must be sultilent lnccome or two famil lu Separate living quarters are essential for married tamlltes general has or an agree ment Is that each partner sham tn the business accordlnz to his equity and his coutrlbullan to lhe turm oporattnn agreement with lather All too citea ihla la sometth that put all with tindealrable result ior both ha father and son Statementa by lather such as were getting on fine now or youll get it all anyway when go are not very antialying la the sun and in iact are just plain poor business an arm with the large capital invest ment that bemming mmmon place today Part time farming is atent alive answer to ï¬nding an ad equate farm or fulltime em ployment and mamiating sub Iiclent operating capital One of the real problems is making the transition to full lime larmer and giving up tha regular non arm income TOMATO CATSIIP TOILET TISSUE MARGARINE BEANS with PORK 4W 49 AYLMER BOSTON BROWN FIG BARS ALL COLOURS PUREX REGULAR TYPE SOLO SAVE 20 TIDE AYLMER FRESH DELICIOUS HILLTOP CHIPSTEAK 442 100 DINNERS STRAWBERRY JAM PLAIN PIMENTO SWISS OLD ENGLISH KRAFT COFFEE CAKE 45 69 Cauliflower 31 89° ST WILLIAMS WITH PECTIN LIMEADE an 29 EXTRA SPECIAL AYLMER CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL SlllRRlIF TANGY POLAR KING DOMINO FANCY CHICKEN DR SHRIMP DRAGON COUNTRY FMR ONTARIO NO FANCY MINTOSH flSPflBflGUS ARIIONA NO SOLID TENDER LETTUCE FLORIDA NO FRESH TENDER 0R EEN CALIFORNIA N0 PRODUCE SPECIALS 14 ot My SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL mm HEM SPECIAL LII Ml GROUND CHUCK SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 55° PLATE BRISKET ROAST 45° MEATY WELL TRIMMED IDEAL FOR POT ROAST HOMELESS IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF LB 59c smzcmL SPECIAL SPECIAL mudnmllu told no your uni Suurdly Domlnhm Sum II uncondh APR 171961 lonlll nuunnlnd lo glvo DOMINION STORES you SATISFACTION LIMITED OMINION oz 43c SPECIAL 02 29¢ PKG Ln mm GIANT PKG ROLL IKGS LII PKG II OZ uum ll HN TOMATOES 14 45° OUR OWN DOMINO OUR OWN DOMINO CHOICE LIQUID DETERGENT 290 49° 63 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL mhchlndlu told no your Domlnlon Sm II uncondll Ionll guunnlnd in glvo ml an Arnnu OUR GUARANTEE TEA BAGS Corned BEEF SYRUP PEANUTS SOUPS CARROTS CAKE MIXES MUFFETS DOG FOOD SOUP HUSH CHOCOLATE ll lLlIOl NUTSNBOLTS AYLMEII TOMATO AYLMlIfl FANCY En CHOICE PEAS AND TUFFYS BEEF LIVE CIIUNKS SOCIETY 10 FLAVOURS MONABCH POUCH QUAKE Vahm Eullvnrln BARR until Suurduy APR 171963 DOMINION STORES LIMITED LB 59c 02 MR It OZ TIN NHL 01 Mi 01 PKG 10 ll TINS 10 oz nxc 15 OZ TINS 10 OZ TINS 15 OZ TIN SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL IIIATUIIE 49° 45¢ 49° SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 49° bllICML 49c