Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1963, p. 9

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hifié 30351 NEW YOIIK MIlThr nndfin Irmnhh Mer hunk Inn Sonny Llnlrm and Floyd lllmun lnr llu unrlll lmwr wellhl lmlnl lulu In nn nunn ln Vunl Nun June 21 lJlunl nthlur Jnrk Nllnu Im umxl In he dnu and ma wllh rrlurlnma Ilo Inltl ll hll hnmu Mnndny In hnlrn ln lluwuIr under Um umlml lar lha III AM In uhlrh Lla In 01ka the um 11 lIMlmlnll Iumclnul IAllrnrm hm KM ylnhl In NH lhu dull and IN 01 In nnulw Illlxl llvv Illlo llihl nlnx la luv Lu VII Juno I1 Ilulml wauml mmm Inmlm Tun MM In rnm nhL lhlnn nluy In IvInn nal Mullah lnr rnmmrnt Nllnu Ianl mll uul llln lmlnnch lml Ihu Imnru lllll Il mmlrd hr liuhl hnld In llalllmm ulwu Im II IllIHM nnmnlmu mm MAY MEET IN JUNE NEW YORK WNWSonny LIIInn And llnyd lnuman muy 1th lhclr ofldelnycd hrnvy wclzhl IilIa nmnlch In Ln chu Jun 21 Ofllclnll Championth Spam Incnrpo mnd who hold lha relum bout comm hcern lhu champ And he mun he delhmmd ml 5ch 15 um rrpurlrd en mule In his Vows in lnnk our lhu CnmcnUun Ilall pusllblo Ill nm Hut My lnlernnunnnl lmlmlmml rnclnx Mckn um clnlly Drum hm lumlny wllh lunu mm our nullum mnh pcllnl In mlu mundrvbln nch In lHuol dlnnhlu lnr lho PLAY FIVE HOURS MOSCOW AP Tha lfllh nme cl lhe Hiamn Mrld chm championship loumnmunl belwun wand chumpion Mlk hall Bolvlnnlk and chullmxcr Timn Pclronlnn was adjournud an the 4m mnvn Monday nizm Iller flvo haun ol plny MAY MEET IN JUNE IRISH OUSTED DUBLIN AlJGrccce ellm inalcd Ireland 32 mm Ihe Dnvh Cup tennis lournnmenl Monday when Nicola Knluxnn enoulns defeated Allahqu Hirkcy In Ihc Hun ainglns mnlrh he prtllmlnnry round mics Grcuo nnw mm 11mm ln thnl next month Heavy Fight Goes On Again OFFERS SUPPORT DETEROIT AP Coach Guam Vllxon makan hlx Hm puhllc llaltment llncc Commlb lloncr Pele Rozelle dnclslon Iuspcndlnx Alex Karrns and mm olhcr DulNll Llons ln the Nullonal Football Leaguen beltan probe has Eromlud ha punllhed player In lullcsl luppun Second was the Ford Falcon Paul Mnchnnan and Art Dnmpsey Tammn Thlrd wu lhs Peugeot 404 01 Frank Cur Dcspila laugh section wflh tricky navlzallnn and onu hll mudhole the Chevy II chk Dayan and Clay Gibb WI lmadam held on lo the overall ea In the private loam class British Columbia moved lnln he lead wlih Peuvnlrcuo see and IndEcuxjig Ago hhjd mfiflalliwlnisfifi Frldiy in Montreal The same five cm which had led mm the start in Vancouver last Saturday stlll held their lead And than had been only ana clung In tho class lender any REGINA CPIThere were 14 cm on the startan Inn to day or the third legla Winni pelo the 60mmlle pros Canada Hilly RACING mm om HAMIme Hrrmuvln up BOB MOLLMAN Ecdford Helghtl Michixan who wllh Stony levty Dearbarn mm driving Chrysler Few Car Changes In Rally So Far SCISSORED SPORT Illlo llihl Lu Vila umuml MM In Tvxl lhreo hlnnm wlll nhm H000 In pleo nmney In Illuw lhem In Iprml wreh an le UK NM wlnlcr lour Tho lnur Mllunl nwn lu nnalmn rvnrcullunnll 10 year vld Ind undrr TORONTO CPITh IHNII MANIIUIMUI llrunku llm my ml lnurmumnl all In wkl un llw wluuhnn Dun Val lry lull mum Aug luv lh Clllklliln lmlmlnnnl Gnu Aumlnllnn nnnnuncul Pun Mnndn Funrhwrnkln Clrmux le rmed kl Ihu CADIIIIIII till rurllrr Im yrnr nllrr prulonml conlrncl hnuln ml In mm In chumplunMp houu wllh anunlumnn icnrn Innuln nul ho II III Inkrd N0 ununl wmlrl heavyweight In lhu UM mum nlm llnlmxl nm the llnl conmtl cnmo Monday nlnht nlm Iho plmldtnu but paMriul Clmux and lelhlround knorkoul over lllbhy Tony Hum 01 Clnvclnnd In mini bout Inn Illmd II hm lo jurlng fouryum cnnlncl human lhn pnlir uplm My 1a Ndm uylhc mm mm cunnm II When nplnlnn an pmmononll commlb menu lluhmnn qurrlul lnltr About mm or nu luucd no dc ml Nu uld ha ould mnkl linemen on lhl mnllcr UP MONTREAL CF breakup nppcarcd lmmlntnI hr day In lhe rlnn pmncnhlp he uccn ManlnAll Bub Clcmux and the New Yorker who neared him to lha Candin hcnvywelghl llllu and Immu Iinlml rnnklnga For mm Ilma lhéro hnru hm lmflcnllnns that Ill not well helwnn he maullnl huvywzlnh Ind hll Humid mnnnn Al nnchmnn Annual Tourney 30 For August world championship The de iendlnz gunmien Cumin iI expecllnl some All compelh Ion mm the British team 11 Cnnndllns won lilo iiiio in 1961 at Tomnio and in use ni Cowcs Eng Ward McKlmm Ottawa who was on the mu winning loam the Canadian team captain DOUHTFUL F011 DFJllIY MIAMI ilu CPiCnnndinn bred lhrceyonroid Jci Trniiic is doubiiul mm or lilo Knniucky Derby lrnlncr Del Carroll any lilo horse wont linri ii he has hi my and tumor Russell Ii Firestone Jr said lhn hum prababiy will run in he Quccnx Plate at New Wundhino in Toroniu Jung Ralph Reid and Jim Manhuwa ol Spokane Wash spent 40 mlnulu mired 1n mudhulo norlh of Kelslcrn Sask Than Reid walked hall mlla or lruclor In lllh poslllun were Jlm Cal Ian and Glenn Ferluson Saul Ste Marla OnL Volkswngan Ill and lltrberl Fulton and David Nddlck Saul Slo Mn rleo Onl Volvo 12 wllh 18 penalty polnlll Breakup Imminent In Cleroux Camp John Jones and Lou Lnlonda of Emma last years winners missed turn and wen 44 mile course They were 70 min uIe lake In reparllng at we end lheday here MISS TURN ran Ind Ron Carney Toronto lhe leadan privnlu enlry Falcon led the manufactur Izam standings Rnnaull an Chryalor wen llcd or sec on 300 In tho Shell 4000 cu rally sprint or prnlrle check polnl Cm ln Ihe tmmllo craannadl rally ware to Clomux meinuhllu wnl Mill IHMIEIT umldn lamml and mm rah cur lynlrm clmhl lmlll DJAHMK MHMA In IMZIL fool Im undo In uuuurl LIIHa Columbul Allnnll Indlnnnpnlll chklonvillo Monafl llnulll Errcu chhnnvllln nlchmund Cnlumhul nurhum Alllnln lndlnnnpulln ll Banla ppd MM Toronto ll um flnrk fllmrl Tuudny nullnlo ll Columhnl Illchmnnd ll lmlllnnmm Syrncuna Ilnchrslet nuflnla nlchmond Turunlo llauslnn 10 45 Mnmlnyl new New ank Phllndllphll St Louis Houston Mllwaukre La Anxnlu Chicago Piushumh Cincinnnll San Frnncixcn Probable lllchm Indy Chlcnxo Juckmn 12 Plllahumh Cnrdwall lll St Louis llrugllu 10 at lluuslon Farrell 12 or Drnll 00L Mllwaukw 1Shaw 01 at La Amulch lfioflax 21 nlxhl Plllshurgh Sun lranclsco Lou Mllwaukte Philadelphia Lu Angulu ClnclnnaLl Chlcmzo New York Hauslnn Clncinnall Owens 04 Sun Frnnclm Mnrichnl Ht Only unmu uhcduled Gmu Vednudy Pitllhurxh nl Phllndrlphla New York Chlclxu Mllwnukcu nl llouswn Clnclnnnll In AnnIn St LouII San antlxco lnlernlllnnl Lulu Northern DIVIIInn Lu Angela Bellnsky 01 at Washlnxlon Rudolph 02 Mlnnesoln Stigmln 11 It Baltlmaro Pnppns 14 nizhL Huston Wilson 11 at New York Wllllam Ln Only game xcheduled Mondayn nuulll Detroit Kansas City Chicago at Cleveland ppd nln Lo Anneles Vashlngtnn Only xnmel scheduled ProbNB Pitch Tudny Delrnll Kevan 11 at Kama Clly nakow ll Baltimore Chlcngo New York Kama Cily Boston Delrolt Loo Angelo Cleveland Washington Mlnnesnla mnly iumu chomlnlérl Ilap over In Regina Monday nllht and then continua their haul Across the prnlrle mu day momlng CF Wirephnm By THE CANADIAN PRES Gnmn Wednndly Lo Angela at Delroll Buslnn at Cleveland Minnesota at Vaxhlnzlnn Knnm Clly at Balllmore Chlcago at New York Chrrk uur Nnv mm Mllnmrnl Ivhul nutmu mm mm TAKE CARE WINTER WEAR MURDOCK Ivhul mm Mmth umlu rumplm mu taumum mmm mmmn 82201 gaulhem Dlvlnlon Amerlcnn Lennie Pcl 6314 are 638 NIIonll BASEBALL RECORDS HARRY Id Gm 714 029 375 Cu For many at he plnycrs It vrlll be lhclr In look TM arm and lhrlr new ham Mn pla Lu Slldlum Toronto Wu Ireseason vorila to win lhu Northern Divi tlnn pennnnl In the lnlcrmh anal Lenxue Hui golnl lno lhulr hams upcnu Iheyn In In place The lemon hnwevcr only elghl nnmc old and flu Lenin hue some ucumpnor pllch In and our plnycn on the ml with anurlu But even Ihough theyre last he Lcnls wlll ho xlvdn myul lrulmenl Wtdncsdny complnln wllh llckorlnm pnrmle nn om clnl wtltamn from 1h clly and police extort 130 pm EST theyll lrnl out Ixnlnsl Jnckmnvma Sum drlcmlln thnmpl who ln Pinch Hitter Lynch Keeps Record Intact TORONTO CP Buscball fans here an thelr Hrs look al the UN Toromn anlu Leafs Wednesdayhut nro lhcsu Hue Leaf theyve heard In much nhoul The righthander who made lillll coming Inin his own ilsl Ioasqn when ha uiruck an Baltimore Orioles in iiiinn ing game won his Iccond slrnixhl Monday night with inurhllier as slick HI the lap oi his shiny fliycamld bald head Ln Annie Anni were the vlgllgm Only In unearned nm ken Chenry from chalking up hls second nlralxhl shutout Ha flopped Boston on one In In hl olherrsml in the nnly other game in Ihe American League Kansas Clly Alhlelicl bullied buck in 65 decision over the Ilumplng De iralt Tilers wnu have ins our oi ihelr last five Cicvninnd at Chicago in only olher gums Lynchn key In aannst San Iord the Glanls uzama wln nor was III 72nd In 245 aIbaIs an emergency swlnlcr or ha Reds and Inked his plnch 1m average In 294 Beside Illa home he hu collected ulna double and two IrIplea thIe driving In 60 runs But It looks as Will be while belara ha turn in tha Wuhlngton Senatorl lull he in wgrlngfipw year old Iefl lmnded swinger whnsa amazlnz ability to connect as plnch hlller en has kept Mm from laying regularly Lynch Is any lwo IWBY from In record 14 hom ers pinch MI by Gwrga mea with the Braves Red and Car dlnaln almost wary do he was Mld he had almost lull mlled po enllalJus before lhzy handed lllm hlnrnew travel orders In ll year In baseball Tom Cheney changed unllorms limes It was good wood he applied In Jack Sanford pllch Monday night belting um mh pinchhil hnmar oi his National League career and touching nli live Iun eighth inning rally lhal gave Cincinnati Red 74 vic turyovnr San Frnnpigco Giants By mu BECKER Amnlnted Preu Sport erler Jerry Lynch who altson lt max the tlme can tell you all about good wood By MIKE RATIIET Anacth Pm porla erlu The Smooth MOVO mm lllllmmll Leafs Head Home Holding Last Spot Balding Hurler Chéney Finally Appears Set tlvml IMnl la pumliun lhm In in may bmlnm WI ml wllnd IN 011mm IH Asnnln AMII vn mu Intnmnhnm movlnl Hill the Muva but bmuu land lhm pmbllm luv 71 null mull of mm Il Mm CMMII Imnl mom worm dwrlndmc 1mm up nun In mid CIII PA 66503 Munnu mu wavm nlll movu you on you lul Hill the Muvai mull Lynchs homer against the Giants tied the score 0n out later Frank Robinson hit lwo run homer that put the Reds ahead In stay on night when ihu his bala put the rap on iiw leagues mightiesi arms With mn 10 And rhzhls no wyurold CI 11an nluzlcr lent the former 05 Army thumplon held 15 mm wdgm ndv Inn II 220 pound lawn or the count of mm twirl In lhe lillh round hi 10round comm Bill Adnlr Toronlal new nmnnxrr 1511 making any rash prcdlcllbnshm he does expect his Lon lo Improve WINDSOR Ont 4C Honvywcllhl George Chuvnlu Iormcrly anonla nnw boxinx nul 01 Damn acorn TKO vlclory ovcr Jimmy Wakcllald of lnulsvllle In the maln event proltnlonul Hm Ihnw at Windsor Hull Monday nllhl beInre B00 hum xchcdulnd was postponed by poor weather ddcnlally are In plan In he Soulhern Divlsion New York Yankees made some new on he exhlhltlon gums from Mickey Mantle up neared In lha alnrllng lineup at West Point or he annual Kama Meanwhile Pinshurghs Victory over Chicago Cubs cou pled wlih tho Ginnu loss ieil in Pirates in first place by per centage points San Francine and St Innis Cardinals who deieaied Houston Cniu 52 are Lied or the runnerup spoL in the alhcr game Philadelphin Phillie ended New York Mela winning streak at our gamel Hank Aaron collected the 100 nm batted in oi his cu leer with thirdinning single and joined Eddie Matthews and Dennis Menko as homer hitters in Milwaukee Braver 1M wai iaplng oi Lo Angela Dodgers and wznmewinner Don Dry nie Chuvalo Scores TKO Victory IlyLESIONE FOR AARON The Glanls led 31 going Into MICKEY MANTLE League Headed Toward Final By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Weslern Hockey League headed lownrd nn allAAmerlcan innl today after Vancouver Can nucks were eliminated by Se allla Totem In the WI Northv erg Dixhlnnl wlpdup unmet Thu Cnnuckl dropped whop plnz declsion Monday helarn 5500 dlsappolnlud Vancouver Ian the Totem look lha ne rles 43 Blll MucIIrlnnd nnd Gard mum and two goals ench Ind Jlm Pawcrl Guyle Fielder Gerry Loonrd and Rob Burlaw zoLlhe tuherllar Scnlllcu baby cask8E and Dan Dukn IEOIld or Vancouver Gino Clmol and Norm Sle hem drove homa run in the tomb Wnyna Clusey timed lwn across In lhe nevcnlh and Jerry Lumpe drove Sn the lying run In the elghlh The other finalist will cflhcr San Franclsco or land ed in UM South Dlvlsionr hcsmhuvcn allIr Thu Kansax Ciky victory whlth movul Ihe Athletics within hall gum or he leagueleading Baltimore Orl oles was real hill balllz he Alhlellcsspole thq my ma run In the Hm inning but an Maul muldn hold 1L with the Military Academy alg nalin that he may be ready to resume his centre Held post Manda has been out or nlna days wllh pulled chest mus cle and wasnt upecled back unllljnexl wcek Cheney mended Ill score less Innlng streak to 14 belora lha Angel scored tha lelh Jim Fregasl slngled oll Che neyl nhln went to recond on an error by shortstop Ed Brink man and scored on Albia Pear son ringgp Chuck Hinton homered or the Senators In the rim and Brink man cantribuled twwrun llll ale to threeinn Senator fourlh lhal chased Angel starter Ken McBride Aaron drove in the am Bravu run with slngle to his 1000111 RBI and hit hll fourth homer of Ihe mm In the llml Menke conneglequ the glghlh1 Bob Hendley held ha Dodger to 31x hit as Iho Braves broke ourgame losing streak Mal thewa homer threerun shot In the lhlrd lnnlnz was tha first oil Drysdnla In 102 15 innlnx dnling baqk ta Isis A315 Gordy Coleman followed wllh nlnzla and Robinson hit one Into the left leld stands to give Jim OToole his Ihlrd vlctary agalnsl one defeat Marty Ke nugh also homered fur Cincln nnll while Tom Hnller and 01 Inndo Cepedn connected for the Glanu HENDLEY WINS the eighth and Snniord winner 01 Ml first three games was working on curhitter when Eddie Kuko walked Lynch killing for Don Elaslngame look hall Ihen hammered the next pitch over the rlzht Held fence Eaii irancll Bob Veala and You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS will be or Parl Soulhtrn Toronln Includad Lou Juk Ionl mud nllm homo hm among II hlu lnr one Ildcd vlclary over Arkanm Dcnnll mnam wncd 1n hur rlcdly In the llrll innlnl whzn lhe TunHm neared lwo rum huxled liveMum or ln ningl lor mu lclury Smith was one out Iwnyjmm nuhlulr Il JIcktonvllla whln Larry Brown doublzd Ind Casey Wis allowed with dam to 1m Jacksonvilla It Iona run Dow wm lhird hnma run in lwn lame and mundlr1pper by Jackie Moore hclpcd Smllh square Ms wasanyecnrd Il lL Rochcsm scored le unearned nms uhlle urelchlnz Ill vlclory nlrlnl to live The Red Wing Inked Inm Johnny Kuck Ind our Allnnla relch pllchm for 15 hits Includlnl men or nxlrn him 051 Vlufl on be 12 conmullve Ilmu lhc Vlnn up the threwme mlcl rapped lhm mm Icorcd win And drova In lwo runs Only 610 an lhawed up ll Columbus for the Cunningham extravaganza but my included clusler cl friend and rela tive and lb 21 year old hurlerl brldc 01 hnuu The vlclnry lined Cnlumbun Inn lle for tha Southern Dlvl slun lead with Arkansu Travel len lll vlcllma of Tomnlo Maple Leafs Syrmm Clllelx malnlalned lhelr Northern Dlvl clan lend wllll vluary over Jacksonvllle Sum nut nahlller for Chleh lzllvhander vmie Smith and Rochester Red Whigs flayed on Synculel heel with verdlm II lanla Indlanapolll lndlanl and Bullaln Blsom Wm ldlc be cause 01 cold weather ll Eul lnlo Pitching in cold damp weather proved no handicap to rookie Phil Cunningham oi Cu lumhus Jets mu did it dlm the happy bridegraaml baitinz eyei mahthnnder Cunningham re stricted Richmand Virginians to our slnglu Monday night and hit wan numer Iha bmka scoreless win he mm Inning of he 1215 11 victory in their Iniernnllonal Lengue lame Bobkie Bridégraom Tops Virginians By VERNON EUTLER Aunclnltd Pm Spam Writer The Met streak came to an end with the lying and leadan runs on base in the ninth as Philiies relief ace Jack BnIdA echun got pinch hitter Rod Kn nehi to take uiied third slrike for the MI nut The Met had scored three runs in the inning two on Frank Thomas humor The Phillie put iogcther live mm In the Hill and nixlh innlnle with the aid at three balk and held on behind winner Rey Gel and Baidschun lance lor the lhlrd lime and hls lhlrd vlclory wllhnul Ins lor lho Cnrdlnals allowan lha Colts nnly seven hlls Carl 5a Walsh and Bill Vhlle homered oi the Cardinals Elnoy Faun mmbinod or fivehitter the Piralu used two unearned runs In but the Cubs and Glen Hohble in the sixth Bllly Williams dropped EHI Mucraskl two out lino drivel nabllng Vlllla Slargell and Donn Clendennn to learn Francis left In the elghlh Inninl W11 his nrm lightened Hunk Agulm Detroit Ina Jack Sanford ol Sm Fnncllca Ire the pitchan laden Elch hu won three games Ind Ion none Southpawn Sandy Koulu 01 Lo Anzrlen Dodger Ind Steve Barber Balxlmou hm complled the most luXkeoull Edwards Ind Demeter pm lhn Nationl League In rum lulled in wllll 11 Demeter Don Clandenon Pltlsburlh Ind McCavey and W111 May San Pnnchca are deadlocked or the hqrfle nm lepd with our Bob Alllaon ol hllnnesoll Nlnl hi RBI land ha Amcrlcan Anna and ll llzd will Elston Howard 01 he Yank or the most llama tuna our Johnny Edwards of Clnclnnau finds 254 halter last year 6p the National £81108 wllh A58 Then come Don Demeter Philadelphia 432 and Wllllt McCovey San Franclscn Am The average lncludo Sunday in Smith is sixth In the Amer lcan League buulng race wllh 375 mark Ward Ia hllung 250 WhileuSox when pp ashlngton ll lhlrd In balling with 885 Ma raga followed by Carl Ya lrzemskl Hosmn and Chuck Hlnlon Washington 37 each The leaders are based on mnmum9f filmy at but NEW YORK AP Luis Apnrlcln is all and runnimz in bid to prove in Chicago Whit Sox lhai they made mistake In trading him to Baltimore 01 ioies it at this season Since hm hes had in hit in 34 tries for 529 mark Aparicio who hit only 141 in 1961 was sent to the Oriole Blunl with outfielder Al Smith last Jan 14 tor pitcher Hafiz Wilhelm outfielder Dave Nic olson and third baseman Peter Ward 4175 while Wilhelm has pitched 11 scorelcs Innings In rellef and save The fleet shnrlslop Med far the American Lemme balllnl lead with Tom Trash New ank Yankees at 100 and ho solje ngeseglcr In Ml with NHL min with six Apmlclo 59mm In hll Int 111E BARR EXAhnNEflI TUESDAY APRIL 21 Ml Aparicio Proving Sox Trade Wrong Olllu Ill Dunlap RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE PA 61412 Clll Bill Mindley HANK AARON

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