Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1963, p. 8

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lOrlHRnHVlI Ind Hlmlol um um HI MmuII Cup Edmnnlon Illnmlnn Edmnnlnn land hubM mm Wulun final Olllll Junhvr II St Mary Klnzlhm ml Mum ludl hulnluvrn ml Onlluio Intmmdul erllnd Bmllnrd Wollnnd load lmlvllevvn final ll Onlulo Inlflmfdll Sulurth llxbrldu ISQIIMIII Ind lmldvuun final ml InlumodIh Fumhhlxr loansfiling If they would call the we could start compil Jng list of some sort and it enough people show in terest we could get it going this summer Say to gram consisting of two evenings week inclu ing instruction leading up to local track meet Possibly we could arrange intenc visits ml yrurn prizewlnnlnu llnh Wm Inch llnlnhaw Traul ntlnhlnu ll pound ll ounte 15 inch brown lnml wrluh Inn Icvrn poundl Ind Spuk 1rd Trout mmurlnu ms lnchu To In nllumlu In prlm Hm Huh munl ha mlnltrrd weluhrl uni menxund at tho Judm 11mm MIII nltn II Imk dulw nprn In all lltlmnun Iri Mrrlnx lhclr cnlch Ilm hul nu hunlh WMLII III he found nn Vlrlmlu tlhully ncrull mm the Irclc Thenlm Thu day will be hlz one mucclnlly or ml imcrmrn wllh nnsh prim hclnx nwardcd lur lhu lnnml brown or rum haw mm the Imnvlm hmwn ur lnlnhnw lmul lunursl upcck led rum nml In hc nuvlco clnu 1H yum nnd under lhu Innu ul llsh Anyone culchlnu fish II II Inlhlc fur the second annual Ishlnu Duhy Ipnnlund by Ina Chnmbcr nl Commute which Ill he held lhlx Saturday In Allislun Hus npcnluu day the IIJISUH SMALL CHATTER Toronto Maple Leafs ol the international Baseball League seem to have struck pay dirt once again in their catching ranks Its only amatter of time before some major league team snatches away Rico Carty This guy is demon with the bat and theres talk that hes better right now than Elston Howard was at the same stage oi his career lm sure all Leaf tans recall when Howard wore To tonto uniiorm beiore being grabbed up by the New York Yankees lngemar Johansson former heavy weight king pin or the universe had better think twice before attem ting to take on Sonny Liston in his most recent attle go with Brian London Ingo al most ended up with his third knockout loss tagged on to his record In the latter seconds of close affair London bounced right hand off the Swedes dimplcd chin and Ingo was down tor what would have been the full count it not for tho ilnai bell Johnnsson won the decision Anyone looking for good baseball book to dig intoI puck up cony of Veeck Its in Wreck story of baseball czar ll Veeck real enjoyable novel So anyone requiring further information or wish lng to garlicipatc or help either contact Russ Davey at the MCA or the sports department at The Barrie Examiner and well see what we can do WHAT ABOUT TRACK AND FIELD Russ has polnt there and as mentioned above its tlme something was done about this If there 15 proper support we could get to work as soon as pos slthie Glrls as well as boys could get great deal out By THE CANADIAN IIIEM BEING COMPARATIVE newcomer to Barrle 3only llve months yours truly was lune surprlsed at nthe poor support given to track and old in thls area Merely matter of 50 some odd miles away from Toronto where such track stars as Bruce Kidd and Bill Crothers were raised one would thlnk Barrio would go for the sport in blg way think ltsan individual kind of thing where theres always opportunities to better oneself con tinued Russ Its sort of man against the elements terrllically appealing and Id like to see something done about it HOCKEY RECORD Its not necessary that the participants be world boaters just as long as they show interest In it and take good part in helping out Its truly sport to enjoy both from ectators view and from com petitlon Groups ranging from say the age of eight and up nto the adultstqgle coulgtatte part Alliston Chamber Of Commerce Sponsor Annual Fishing Derby Well num er eope have been inquiring about it he stated an the is quite interested We would be glad to receive names of pen 1e wishing to participate or help in some aspect sung as coach ng Some fellowu are accomplished in events during their school days but when it comes timeto leave they have nothing to look iorward to There is no in struction or facilities available and its big lei duwn Its high tinie something was lone ahout this asked Rigs What he thoughtIchiuld be done to re vlve interest In track and field Yesterday afternoon contacted Russ Davey at the YMCA track lover from way back to get hls views on the subjeul Iwas blt mlfled at the small amount of track and field found in these here parts ngh schools have their seasonal track competitions while public school meets are more of oneday stand Once the garliclpant leaves school he would have much trou le furtherlng his track pursulls SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN 111E BURKE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 136 Fishcrmnn are expected null ram lnnll n1 dlslnnl II nrnmmun Tarnnlu Cnlnrntl Onmxovlllu nnd Ernrrnhum luhcrmcn hrin Ilnnl your cnlclm Ihd 1y your luck pnlnlx oul lhnl Iho dcclslnn lhu judm in rm and um an mlry acccpln hlndlnu nnd loo lhnl hum wlll nnly ha unn prlxo lo pmnn bunh mmcllma during lha day hclwccn Io ILIn um pm In whlch Imu lucky druw will he mods nnd the prlm nwnrdcd MIA Ill ml mum MIMI Human of action aka map lnnurod you chum anl ollnw Artfully he Imlmcllvm Md ol Ihl Cunn ula IAymml 1on 10 whkh yuur noun In xcqulm in you Winn nll mm your Ill hmhhy you onolunmuvnunuyynmxuunh cue Inth unnuly whhn 1th dun lo hep lmnml lolml nvnllublu hmpluh bum AMI Com mlulan 0mm IAR HOSPITAL INSURANCE Wk ymx mun lha Funny pumlum mml in MM lo com huubml Ill Ind ellflbla denndlnu TH your mu OR you ply tilled Ml Illa Commlu ONTARIO IIOIHTAL lllVluB DOMMIIIION llnxrr naurbnnnnls pawl Ed monlon wllh Him nnnli Sirv nlu wtnl la Mulch Pnul Jlm Hugh oh Falkcnlml and Glrn Enlhmr Wednesday nn ur ay nighu 1th and levcnlh II necessary will ha in Hdmnnlon Saturday and next Monday Thu Kings wealnm Mcm mlnl Cup rcpmcnlallvc or he lml three years led nllcr Iho firs purlod Thu Icon was 55 mar Ihe xccnnd and at lhe and mzulnuon llme Brnndon picked up lwn In overllml Jerry Knm led lhl Brnndan comeback helm 31 an by uorlnu Ihrco onln Dnve Jnnn way an lwo and single went lo Donny chmu Iahhy men Imn Gnrlnnr And nob Sloykn BRANDON Man CP thnl Kings ought mm be hind Monday night lo upscl Ed monton Oil Kings In over time Inc lhlrd game of 1112 best ol seven wcslem junlor hockey championship Edmon lon leads the Memorial mp semifirm series IIdmanlnn look the firs two game on home ice belore mov lnx to Brnndun It was 73 FrIA day and In overtime Satur day aroons losl he first game 54 Friday then dropped 12 decision to the Bulldogs Sunday aflernoon game they might have won by Hum goal had It not been or lhe sensational play 01 rooklc Waynn Rutledge in Ihe Vlndsor ncl Tha series cnnllnuc lunlghl and Wednesdny night Further games all to be 11151de In Windsor are chcdulcd or Fri Dont forget we Irallcd Sas kalnun Quakers In lhe Western Canada final by two games on lwn occnsluns yet still beat hum KL The Mamns are out to dump Windsor Bulldogs who now lead the bestofseven serius 20 Sure Were down 241 but the boys arent down It you know what mean sald mannzcr Bud Hyloflan Monday WINDSOR CF Winnlpeg Maroons their splriL high dc spile lwn anegaal losses in the opening games of um 1963 Allan Cup final are confident tonight the night Brandon Upsets Oil Kings 97 The draw will be held on Sat urdny June at an All star game between team from the Intermediate league and one ram the Senior loop The wln wings would amount lo 390 wllh $50 for first prize and the ra malner or second Among lhe proposed lmprava ments and changes or Queens Park ware the llghls being lo Snnball representatives from Bnrrla leauucs gathered at Dan gerfield car lot last Illth ta dis cuss changes lmpmvemcnls and In Iran out difficulties far the coming scasnn It was aisn agreed that draw again this year wauid be must in ciiorts to improve diamonds cit Jack Kemey was appaint ed overall chairman oi the draw with the understanding that re presentatives wnuld be chosen from each league to collect the ticket boalu and turn them in to him Much of III mccllnzs time was devotcho park nllolmenu but no solullon was reached The Inn ngrncmenl to write letter In the Parks Board ex plaining the problem In hopes they could come up with some thing The ncxl lwo znmgs 3r 1ng Despite Defeats Winnipeg Ready Leagues Gather For Annual Meet Vow IL MHII Unhle Aldcorn who scored 21 call fur Den01¢ Red Wings just three lLnwns nun II walllng nxnmln nllon In premcd mum he Unlverxily of Mnnlloba Ho expccled lo fly In Wlndsar Wed nesday nflcmoan and no acIIon In tho lourlh game KINGSTON CP Klngslon Junlar Frontenac lmmplrd St Mary Mandny night In my In Ilm mnulnz or lho Onlnrlo Hockey Association Junior chumplnmhlp Thu mm mm will be Slrnllam Frldny mu uvcnm name necmnry will be back It Kingllan nu Mendy Maroon reported law bruise but no serious Injuflu Juzdn wlll employ Ihe lama lineup n5 thc Hnl two nmcs For Vcdncsdnyl ourlh content ha expect In have Gary Ald corn available JeanMarc Assclln wlll re place Walker and Bcgln doesnt play mu Prlng scl dnm used arwnrd delcnce man will take his place Bulldog coach Hurry Valxon said ankcr is definitely out or lonluhts and Wednesdays gums and probably for the se rlcs Bcgln possible but no probable slurler Ionlghl Lenwinger Tommy Walker and defenceman Jacques Begin bolh sclcclcd lo the Ontario Hockey Association Scnlor almar team this season were he CJSHGHIEL ankcr uflarcd lnrn knee ligaments when thcckcd by Juzda In he first period Sunday chln rclnllhcd gimpy right ankle Thé VWii sar cub was Vex peeled to be without two Its lnp plnycra for the Ihird game Holohnn said that Blll play ingcoach Juzdat and the hay couldnt hnve played much bet ter Sunday It was Just ens or putting the puck tn the not Then wo made couple at mis takes and you cant do that agalnst the Bulldogs and get away with tt Joe Klukay Hearold Inr mcr National Hockey League star scored the winning goal late In the second contest after he stole the puck trnm Winn pega Chuck Lumsden LOE TWO PLAYERS Frontenacs Topi St Marys 83 day night Sunday afternoon and next Monday afternoon it ncc essary The manner In which Steve Hhms handled the meeting should give some ludlcallon successful softball neasnn all amuud Only 19 teams will llll blll this year wllh slx In the Senior league slxln the lnlermedlale loop fnur 1n the glxls clrcult and three In the Church league This dmp lromlast your Two locations to place the system portable tub with two speakers were brought up One was bchlnd home plate where the bleachers are or all to the sldc near the visltlng teams dugout ll lonk some the In work an lhc Idea ol the public address system as to who wauld run it and where ll would he placed So far hum nothlng definlle on tho opmlnr but It would have In he man whn can be avallable every nlght Otherwlse summne else would have to be pruvldeq cussed agaln annular blencher added pnbllc ndrlren system and additional keys andlocks There was alsn suggcsllnn mnvlng Illa bleachers away lrom home plale Most were agreed on Illls mutter ALUMINUM EDGAR ONTARIO PA MAI WINDOW NEEDS BUILDING THIS YEAR FOR ALL YOUR FOII run EHHMAYK WIHIDUT OHHHAIION on WHITE MITCHELLAIRE SIDESLIDERS DOUBLE HUNG SEALED UNITS Wlndnor OnLGmru Club valn 206 Detroit Iloppnd Jlmmy Vnkenrkl Mull leIe Mondlyl Ilfllll MannedDob Clcmx Manlrcul knocked out Tony no Clovclnnd Hui here was measure nod new lnr um Illmember Canadian icnm when Winnipeg was picked al the silt oi the 1961 Games The nnnnuncemcni oi ihl citation iiianduy nilur naon lei he Winnipeg dcienm dun liicnily Jumplnz or Joy Wnn vary vary happy In it he Gnmel mld Alderman Mnrk Dnnzkur Ipokuman hm or Mayor Stephen Jul 01 Wln ll wffinlpeu won out over hldl mm Cnmcns thezueln Ind SnnlJnun lle THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Miss Sicwnri in world roc ordAhnidur bids ior iho chum pionship in Iho lentre butter fly and her performance in quailiying Sunday when she lled lha Games record placed bar in the invorilca position Ali 14 Canodian eniries in ma Eight swimming pruiimlnnrie heid Sunday and Monday ad vancrd the iinols and may figure to pick up lhelr shim oi medal against the invorod Americans who smashed iive Game records and lied on other In Ihu championshlpa decided in date tho but Cnnndlnn mowing been llflh In both wnlxhllmlng and lhoollnl PICK WINNIPEG After two day at competition the Canadian team still was looan for It first medal Only glue swimmer have shone an ar Canadas first solid chance or gold mada In lho PanAmnr lcnn Games rests tonight on the month slrnkcs of Mary Stewart of Vancouver when she lands seven Canadians into four lemming finals Woodun anu Wu Em prepared Ilnco FIGHT RESULTS PHONE US In real sacral where we caught this une said Clnlt Run Barrie right when he landed thl 19 110 35 Inch lake tron last nlg finwevcr he wguld any It was Enuth in kcfipcnlelt Bay around 330 pm using SAO gAgLo awn CFA13 Canadas Chances Rest On Vancouvers Star KEMPENFELT BAY CATCH Cnnadlnn swimmers grabbed share the spoulgh Monday In our prellmlnarics qunlilylng seven men and women or the finals Thursday Tonight lhc seven Canadians hauling far medal are Miss Slewan and Sharon Pierce oi Prince Rupert 13qu la the melre hullcriiy heal winner Dan Sherry llamllion and Sandy Gilchrist of Ocean Falls no in lhe meaa women imeslyle John Kelsa 01 Ocean Falls in tho mens momma breaststroke and Ed Cazalel oi Vancouver and Ralph Button Ocean Falls in the mena 1w mcira backstroke Monday hllss Stewart almost was bounced out of he 100 melra freestyle alter aha lin lshzd moan Kathy Ellis 01 the Unltcd States who equalled the qup record of 1018 Thu Judges Ellsqinflled the 17 yearold Canadian liar clnlm 1959 and nnw well go ahead and Ell the Game on the way Danzkcr said We cal confident we will do Inc Job and help cement relationships bolween Canada and lhe rest the Amcrlcas Yourtaste lest light line When the My taker struck he did not hnva gal hook or landing net with him In the furor that tnllnwed Clairs Mend Bob Furyk jumped In Ihe watcr grabbed the fish and pulled it Intn share Calvert 01d Rye quality oonlrol chocku boronn Ionvlng our dlntlllory Your luulo In tho 91th chock Try light Imomh Cnlvort Old nyo Evnry drop of Cnlvon Old nyo must pass 90 rigid is the 97kbcheck Th5 has time however wax umcd In by American Terri Lee Slicklcs who no Game record at 12033 Ina she had lulled to touch the poolside at he Wmelre turn But they later reversed lhlm selves and let her clocking 01 10415 and knew he was big one rc lnled Bob as he exclledly tnld the story later but didnt Ihlnk ho would be lhk blz CaIr plans to enter the fish In any fish derby that are starting hr the fishing season BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS WELLINGTON 31 PA Clunlnl Ind IQHi Fm Mid8mm lmpw on uunlpmrm Fm 24 lluur Emcrnnq Senlcc an PNVHI The hlIowln Free Annull Funca Cullomtr Plyl Only For Full Required PEACOCK PETROLEUMS Brut Pucock Announce Exprcsn3 Sfiie Off Eli mlo Dalenccman Ed Hazlett and righlwlngcr Bill Forhnn mrcd two gnnls nplecn or the win ners Singles were by Lloyd Bayer Don Glbson Pllll Nlch olns George Davis and Bob linssnrd Vanco Mlllnr paced Merchnnu with pair and singles were by Jimmy Robertson Cheater Watchol and Eric Unger TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu Pour gnrillcndlng nnd defence soured about 10m runs on plnyofl hackcy The game was at flrndlurd nndlhc host Mclx Expruss ouuumbled Velhmd In the filth Runny lhc Inrio lnlcrmudlnlu lln Sixth game Is scheduled for land Wednesday and Ihc press can sluy alive the null will he Bradford ncxl Sunqu algalnon we uclock ll wué lhe goeonu siuppy cf lorl in succession The previous duLWcljpnd Wyn byn lH count The first shul the gum gnvn Bradford 10 land We usccnnd mark Then from 540 to 80 Um same sunnzn lllrcu mom gnxllg warp scored Brndlord came but the lira period leading 52 The Exprcsb men upped lhu count to 93 IL 0le qurlqu Referee malhe an Gard Fevercau assessed 17 pom alties The penalties didnt curb the chlppy play hut rather just made the game more wldc open than ever Welland drew ntnc the sentench WellnnH Ilrcii the only lwa gonls of he xhlrd period but MEN dld nppgnrjo he threat HEATING OH PA

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