Nut uh Imi ll mm mm should run no um Ill IN mum raw or lhlu wamnn Ind all her cuumrnuru you your II Inc one hm rounlcr pnm wha wunu In duvrlop your nllrncllrcntn Add la Um htnllh rnuline dimmed In lhe pwvl om mluxnn lhc mend pm lhu TIM Nun1mm rejuvennm yuur groom Ing nwrnrnnu Ind pcnonnl know In my man lhl Imp pm because donl really Mk1 rumI whrn Im omd In mm mm myscll la lho women mm mm Hnd nllrnrlhe wnnl In du Iomdhlnx nboul lhll be low It nu too my line hear my hm or huxhnnd durribe oodlook In employ by saying Sho really known how to Inks cm mull ndmlucdly rod and gram eyed All nl once In ll unmm tumu lk IVES BEAUTY SHOPPE In It AllaInk Here manch note Hm darted lhl TGC0YFL plan om By ROBERTA ROHCH 111050 you who rend our pre vious cnlumn disruulnz Illa op portunllle TnkcGoodCnre DIYourscIIFor Lira plan know um our render hnvo bran Ill lnu our mall with quulionl on how lo dcvclap lhomsclm more erudlvoly fur lhclr Job nnd keep lhcmsclvc up for Him MI 14 Marsh was an 01 our women elccged 10 um um Parliament In this monthl vote Three lhe cur are le era Min Ln Marsh eletlcd In Nluau Falh Mn Mnrnrel Konnnlz widow In The bayeamld Hamlllon Ic counnml was one flu Con mvnllve mlnlnen delealed in Ihe April ledml election Flrat womnn ever appointed to federal cablnet In Canada was Mu Ellen Falrclough who became secretary status when Mr Dlefenbnkcr formed hll llnt government In 1957 Later the moved to the poruollo ol lmmluallon and postmaster general Judy La Marsh yearold lawyer mm Niagara Falls was named mlnhter of bealkh and welfare OTTAWA icPiA precedent by inrmer prime minister Dieienbaker when he appoinkeri wamnn In his cabinet wan continued Monday by Prime Minister Pearson Organization Is The Secret To Develop Own Beauty Plan II In In WATER l1 Amm my Marsh all kiss ram Llun cl Chevrler who we turned Jmucc Minmur Min LI PERMANENIS Lady Adds Charm To Cabinet Post min nun IA ym 550 Flnnlly nm mm lhnl your mlnd ll alive by dalng Ind Slmllnr Um pmonnh lly In your volm It you nerd when Hull up bit mnh nur elovlnlanumu op rlun lyllme by Inklnu olce men mo of chmxu mm mo perm In you vlcw As you proht dntlde hnl lrnlu lo nmphuxizo and what to deemphnxm Then main sum hot lowing churmlnz Irlvndly Inner pcnonnlny xhuwn nnmllvcly In your In by Ina youmll no wilh Imllu or bath your man Ind em vqy mums You huvo he by yuuuel la do Ihh and lo gel lo know youruU tool so do It durlnl your daily bnlh ll lhnls ha 0M llm In your II you In ha Alone Scrullnha your halrdo Could you do namclhlnz butler Check the ï¬ery wur male ll Lnler check your pzmnullly regularly by problnx DH lhu cou lhnl mnko up You oumop IT Iiir PA Hm om mum UNTIL mo bycltcllun and rclnlncd the It lhawn Kennll em Hon face med Miss Ln art was lhn Lib eral cmlc on lmmlzrallon de partment mnllm durlnz Mn Falrclougha cm In that port follo lendan to the In Cam mam debates buwaen two women nullve Chnlham Ont the new health minister at lended lhn vaersny cum and graduated mm In Oxzauda Hmlan Schonl Dress For The mm For Thu Brldclmnld For The Mollie of lho Bride Only woman MP on the Con servalhe benches will he Mrl Jenn Cusselrnnn 12 hat held GrenvilleDundnllnca Iho sumcdcd her lulu husband an MP 101 that Eastern Onlnrlo In 1958 her late 50 elected or the in lime In Winnipeg South and Mlu Pauline JawelL 40 an other newcnmcr who won th Onlarlo ridlng Nurthumbnr land IS ONLY TORY TRANSMAN Fashions For Your Beautiful JUNE WEDDING Choose From Our Wldn Selection of Barrio The an of unlflnl women Ill llrl nhud at Ann Wnrd Imcluy lo bonm nld TORONTO CF Membnr hip or 260le In lhl United Church Women 1H Ihnrl whnl It wu exptcled to ba allcr Iha orunnlznllnnl um ym onenuon delualu in Ibo llnl nnnunl mecllni of MI gourd women won told Mom 1y Sho really know how lo kncp haul up Ind lnku good cm herself Itarnln new lhlnzl And relu lnrly lune up your Iplrllull fluords to be more In tuna with Ynull develop yourself at lrncllvely desplln tho ellofl ll lakes And youll IlIO pnva the happy way to hnvlnl Iomcbody My UCW Membership Falls Short 0f Goal Euler hulldny guests at the hum of Mn and Mrs Fmd Eleven anmanvlllu were lhelr arandson Teddy Ind Jnhn Topping strnbane Ave Mr and Mn Stevens matured to Barrio on Sunday to artnd lha day with IheIr mnlnnw Ind dlumer Mr And Mn Roy Topping OTTAWA CHMn Let er Yemen 11m Ioclll uncllan wile 01 Child new prime mlnlllur wu to hnva in Monday ll Govern mmt House She wu the guest of Mme Vanler wlfl ol the GuvernorGcnenl Following holiday at Day tnnn Bench Hedda Mr Mn Hnmld Duck and son Humid have returned to their Clslle Drhs mldenca Patrick Muantm sm Moniu California war In ha city to attend the wedding of MI daughter Min Dnriene Ruth Manmon io Willim Francis Siona Si Maryl Romn Cnih niic Church on Sniurdny morn inI Mr Manrnan was in iho ciiy fora week prior to he wedding guest at hll molher him Mr Arthur Conlun Cudrlnzion Sir EQLIDAY IN FLORIDA FIRST LADIES MEET FOR TEA Roy Topplnl mum of lha Banlo Brunch at Crown Life Insurance Cm ll recuperating his home on Strabanu Av enue lollowlnl xixweek Io Jaurn In Royal Victoria Hospital TEN mama Vlr zlnla Bench Vlrljnln Mr and Mn Alvin Rohlnson and child ren John Jon Jon Ind Jlm hava reiurned thu Codflnl on St residents other ohm ol Interest vlllted by the mic mveflera were Washlnmn DC and Gettysbm Pennsylvania RECUPEMIING SL ms nu Euler holldny um the home at her uncle and Aunt Mr Ind Mn Sandy Runs ell 5L Willlama Ont Anna ro lurned lo the city with Mr Ind Mu Russell who motored hero to lpend the weekend in home Mr IndMn Runny of Coddngkon St nqynn IN vmugm Terry have returned to the clly ulter lpendlnl law any vielt In In Guelph Ind Hamilton While in Hamilton Mn Dlule Iltended the Ontflu allitered Mnalc Tuchm Ame Allan nn nunl convention held at the Roy nl Connaulht HoleL RETURN 10 CITY Amman 90mm SPEAKING 971 PEOPLE AND PLACES he 44 DUNLOP WIIT ll DUNLOP IAST Attending the were Commodore and Mrs Mnurlcu Bune vlca Commodom and Mn All Housman rent Com modem and MIL Eric Mercer Ind member and gum Mr and Mn Harald Bren Mr and Mn my Mum Mr Ind Mn ll ansmnn lvnn Snronsy Mr and MIL Fair Mr nnd Mn SnrJtnnt Mr and Mn Amonl the new member In hodutcd were Peter Molnncy nnd Mn Mommy and Donald Graham and Mn Gnhnm Dlxllngulshed ward Honmry Commodnrn Col Lee nnd Mn Lee 01 Ihe Darth chht Club and Commodore and Mrs John Spencer ho ChnmA plain Yacht Club Orlllln mmodore Mnurlce Bune vlco Commod ore All Hangman llld relr Commodore Eric Mtrcer were on hand In ml membm and lhel lucsls The Ioclnl lesion at the Barrie Yacht Club opened on Snlurdny with reception In thn alternonn and dune In hc evening bath bolnl hlld in the lngnla of the clubhouse spring rummaga lulu will be held by member the Bur End Mothen Assoclnuan II the Odd Followa Hall Comer St on Sllurdly morning Con vtncr the even II Mrs Rummy assisted by Mn Charles Spenrn cocanvener Mn Jack Dyck pmldent and Mm Fuller honorary chrisienina ceremony was held at Westminster thytér inn Church on Sunday mnrnlnl when Min Chrirtlna Sernh Pal mer druzhler oi Mr and Mn Dennis Palmer was baptized by Rev Malmlm Summon On Sunday afternoon Mr and Mn Palmer entertained at tea at ihelr residence on Fuel Guam included Chrlxtlnln lode purenie Mr and Mn Stanley Edwnrdl oi Million Mr and Mn Palmer end Andy and Mr end Mrs Howell Ind Plul All oi Barrie SPRING BALE cummnma mm Canv er ni ha Trinity Guild Spring Bake Saie Mra Bimpv Ion upon that lha Iain wax mun lucceaaiui The Baku Saio wu held thin year in prcierenca lo the annuai Spring Tu and Bake Saia Mra SImplan wal assisted by coconvanor Mn Seal Jr Mr and Mn walls were In Toronto on Sunday or family dInnar with Ihtlr daugh ler Lynn and sonMaw and dluxhlor Mr and Mrs Keith Clmernn and Krunddaulhlcr Knren the Wu Mall Elohi coke The special accnslon was Mr Wnlll birthday April BAKE BALE Barrie Yacht Club Gala Dance Party 313mm ymNgfz mm My mluu law and spa Mum medal Bcnllom qlryrlunlnl lmll me Hm queenl Note In Intended to cum mull mlnl nln ol In oily nnd dlurlct dlnl In Ilnnnflu blnhdu brldn pull comm PM mum Ind lnnllm In nll Item lnleml Io women tender II pnu Your help In Illpplyhll lhll nm will In new Appre clmdn Nam nhonu mule Enmlner II um Ind III or Eileen Dixon or Andrey canlun the wom enl Deputmenl Im ol new hut look It um It IIIuh to Snnllom BoflSeW lha profmlnnul Marlo flnllh lhlt Imp llh and Ipvlnn clnnln Ifltr cleaning WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Im an old softie Thanks to Platesslonal Sanltone Drycleanlng Melba okra MEI0M Pmlonlonal SANITONE Dchlonnlna momenoorma Guaranteï¬ CAME FRO RUSSIA TM 000 Duukhobnrl In Cun Idn urn lha mllrnnu and lhelr ductndanu In In mm to cm pu lecullon Harold Brett chnlrmnn enm Inlumenl mlslcd by Mm Hnuxhton and Mn Powell ha Ladlu Oommilten wnl reapanxlbln or nrrnnncmenll for lho rlccpllun Ind dlnu McConkcy Mr and Mn Bouncy Mr nnd Mn Shaw Mn and Mn Fltuimons Mr Ind Mrs Mlchnmn Jr Mr and Mn Baker Mr Ind Mn Brunner Mr Ind Mrs Ros Rodgers Mr and Mn MacLun Mr And Mu Pow ell Mr And Manchuler Mr and Mn Hawklm Mr and Mrs Cnmemn Mr and Mn IL Hancock Mr and Mn Pulmmm Mr and MIL Brenncmnn Mr Ind Mn HawclI Mr Ind Mn Wallil Mr Ind Mn Mccurdy Mr and Mrs Gremo Mr and Mrs Lywblld Mr and Mn Poole Mm nun Grant Mr and Mn Hnrrll Mrs on 01 Pub dale Queen Attended the Gol den wedding Innlversnry cele hrnllon of Mr and Mm Hughex leo Worth FlmIdn held duran Easter wkond Later Mn Burton joined Mr Bumm or weeks vacation at Wuhinglon Ind Vlrzlnll Band Mr and Mrs Rohm CNel non nnd chlldmn Carol Brad and Pam all Highland Ave nue have nlumed by motor mm three weeks holldw lagoon Damn Beam Flor vlrsu WASHINGTON Ipednl flight which was arranged through Dutch KLM Airlines provided an opportun ity or Canadian la visit mvu of roialives who lost their lives during World War ii Densmoro oi Eugeni 51 wa among tho pustular who in vellcd rom Manon to Annm dnm Holland 1h purpose of Mr Donamoreu trip wu lo visli iha mvn of hi broer who was killed on Active duty And bmied at Groeaheek Holland During his nina days my in Holland Mr Densmore was nest the home oi iho family who have adopted the rm his bmlher soimmw noun Mr Sandermn of North Park Road has ntumed lo the city mu 1Myhon day the winter residence of her parenu Mr and Mn Stanley Harmer For Lauder dalq FlaxIda Mn Sandman was Incompnnlod by her ulster Mu Sybil Abba 01mm VISIT HOLLAND COMMUNITY CLUB Member the Knock Oom lmmny Club will meet Wednel day ovenlng at ha horn of Mn Dm Martin 67 SophJI Sims East aplrlmtnl FORT LAUDERDALE HOLIDAY Archdeacon and Mn Allan Read Ind lamlly of Clapperlan Street were Imam rmnt next at The Guild AH Am Scarbow pmldehlhwill also he Iullflnl The ulo commence oclock PA 8553 Sololsts partlclpnlng were Mm Norma Marcellus Min Gall Mick Min Dllmn Pratt Mn Beth Camemn Illvln Thompson Wally Runull Paul Dohmln and Donald Lllnson The choir under the dlrccflan and londcrshlp 01 organist and droirmuslu Ireland pre sented program at Easter musl Inmomsnndhymru Conna1 United Church senior choir iwmzyed to Penelang Sunday evening to entuiain mum at 03 man Ontario Hospiui WImkorEsxex Ohupter andu prosldenl of Dunct Ono well nethl on provnclnl common She has held her mum appointment since In rfl ML Mist Burr has been active in RNAO nflnlra at all loveb hav in mved at various lime Is eLarymd preside at The speaker Miss Laura Burr executive secretary of RNAO Toronta willnllendVIhu metMn as mswm person and will answer any penlnem qlxqgflolg Central United Senior Choir At Penetang to bo held at tho Laidan rul dcnco Inmormw evening The meeting open to all mislmd nurses In the ma commences at 745 pm The heme oi ihu Goiieza oi Nmes and Registered Nurses Association of Ontario will the topic discussion at tho 50313991111 goggh sumac Cholr mémbtrl Allendan In RNAO Secxetary Speaks At Annual M13 LAURA BUIlR Heres Tip From The WALKER GIRL THUR3 APRIL 25 UNTIL SAT MAY See THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 WALKERS 8PAGE CIRCULAR Delivered To Your Door Springs Most Sensational MoneySaving Even haturlng DAYS OF OUTSTANDING VALUES MnJWuuam mu Barrle and Mrs Ireland Mid land algemkg guest Fdllowlng fluepronam the group dined In Hus amoklea Go and Country 0112b ludlmd eluded Mr and Mrs Welllnzlon Dobson Mm Jean Pollock Mrs Eileen Russell Mrs Jean Mo My Mm Mnlon Black Mn Muriel Yorke Miss Mnrnret Baumman and Min Rumma He Green What ll 3nythlng hould be said to rues who In ch51 hnlnndnl Mmlell on Iha Dar Ann unden My wile and have lot of wmpnny Frlendn and relatives mm be here all the llmé Every me ccrlaIn mnn leave we hm an argument Maybe you caggnleule ll Dear Wrecked 17 Ihope your letter shakes up ha teen nzera who are behaving as you and Ted did during your dating days The only difference be lwecn them and you it they hm been luckier So In GyESTS HABITS Im not writing or advice too lat far that Im just writing In hope you will win In letter for the bone nlhor lccnaflcra who think they knnw It all Ilka did WRECKED AT 17 Thar are time when thlnk lhll In all bad dream and Ill wake up home In my own bed and get dressed Ind In Ichool with he kld liked an much But know too well that Ihoxe dlyl an over for me Ind lln stuck her wvw mu WWII In am halo my 1115 and tht have dons to Ted The baby crlu all the tlmo and gets an Tedl nerves He drink too much And cant blame hlm We Ilvo In dump nnd hm II no money lor amen or mnvIu or decent clothes Ted never nyl anything but know he mult halo ma Imam not him Into thla Im afraid ho hum tha baby too Ho never hold her or man attenunn to We bolh qult school and K0 married rim Away My folks lhouzm It would be but we mgveldout fawn no we dld Bur Ann Lllllllllx Im 17 and almdy my me mused uï¬ Ted and went new for monlhl and we began do things we had no Huh to do Ihgcamojrcrpam Teenagers Letter Relates Sad Story ANN LANDERS and nhv Qo rm BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL Inslst Ihey awlm ln alr nnd make sure an ndut ls Wllhln calling dlslancu all llmu ll wnuld he Ihama to fill ln Ihe pool and deprive your children llle fun 01 awlmmlnn nl homa when low almplu rulc could Insure mely um Den hr Yuk The sensiblu approach la in make turn 11 the children are good lem men and see It that hey 101 hp rules Our kids enjoy lhn pub and the lwo older ones are fairly good swlmmura The youngest lcnmlng Please 11 me what you lhlnk 9111 am wrong wish youd soMR YAK Last summer our nelshhnrl last louryenrold boy In nwlmmlnz pool nccldenl The pool belonlcd In Irlend In nlher clly and my wile hasnt been ma same since She keeps mung me she sure ane of our three will meet with the lame ale we dont ï¬ll up he Dur Ann lander My wllu has been nagzinx me for the past two months that this sum mer we must Ill nur swimming pool with dln so she can have page of mind lucsl shuuld break his neck In your homo you could be sued almple sentence would do IL Sample Hem dont all Ilka Ihat Yau make mo nen vaus SWIMMING LESSONS Id Ilka to tell him to flop banana makes no nervous My wile ya you cant tell an adult how chair disagree wlUI her whose sldo are you onIPUZZLED JOE nur Joe Im on your Ilde When ndulu behave llku kids my ghould he yealedjlkoklda lwo back lens as he lean the wall 45 r739