Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1963, p. 5

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Cass Denies wormm cmm Ontr10 overnmm Introduced 1mm Inn Monday that would allow Innurine la colon2d duper undo yollow than htlar RV 01mm mp Toronto switched to cm 1mm lnmlna In lecrnl cnblncl rcprmnlw log Monday Toronto Politicians Do Well In Cabinet The nzrlcultun or old pron conference enrlltr that whlla bumr would mlrldod ma LMMM mm min uempllnnl would be necomry or mnnulntlumu at why but ler prodncl whlch umnlly hnn In 10 Index Amendment to the Mn 11 duslry Act Introduced along with lhl nununan blll provide um butler mu bl nurlctod to In traditionl color run more than 10 dam Ind 1m than 10 degrm Arrlcullun Mlnlller Slewm laid 10 luurm Mr Sluwnrt IBM ha leuan cl the we dlulncllve color nnm wlll make my misrep menlnllon lmpanlbln and will Illaw each product In bl aold with In nccoyflbll lot on llI awn mcrlll Till amendment would not lllccl In ullllnl pmvlllan lho Olmmnrnrlm Act which Allow ha llll of mnmnnn ln Iha color mm under dl lrcu ho nld WM DE EXEMPTION MHCMlun dtpmmenl dnlry pull lald lhu pm maltr 1h b111 Imendlnl lhe 1m aleomnrgnrinn act would ro um ha color rum 10 dame And duker on sland Ird tlnlammr lulu to mm urine ML 6513 alumni followed question In ha Iezlslamra by Lendur Dnnald Mac Donald who quoted new ltory rum in Thundlyl It Inc of the Tlmllkmlnz TORONTO CHAttorney Genurnl Can denied Monday that local Progressive Conserv ative party organlzaflnnl act recrultlnu agency In llll Munch post that sher PETERBOROUGH CDTM bodlea two men were found noallng 1n Klee Lake 10 mile aaulh here ggrly Munguy Deld are Vernon Joseph Heath of nonrby lndlun film and his brotherMaw Ross Edgar Dlllman 21 P9 lerborough Rackeleller mmmuled he mutants of Francisca Mollnn Del Rio now 51 who had been fifintenced lo serve 10 yearn ALBANY NY ADGover nnr Nelsnn Rockefeller Mnndny nlxh reed Cuban sentenced la In New York State prison ln lhu slnylng of nlnuycnrnld glrl The governor anld ho hnd den 50 upon Iho assurance the lcdernl government he mnve would help ohlaln the re lease of 21 Amerlcnns impri loned in mm During the Zyeni Liberal admlnlslrnuon which ended In 1357 only um Turanlu MP mndc unblncl rnnk Thu Mr Hellyer who was named anclnlc defencn mlnlsler Just alxwcuka before ho govern ment was defeated 1n lhe 1957 elecllon porllnllua wen In Toronlu MPsaFlnnnco Mlnis tor Wnllcr linrdun Davenport Trade Mlnlslcr Mllchcll Shnry Enllnlon and Menu Mlnlsler Pnyl ellygr Trinity HURON DRIVEIN Govt May llllow Margarine To Be Colored Dark Yellow Cuban Released Two Drown CAPSULE NEWS THEATRE WED THURS FRI LASI sum comn mu DAY mu mun CAUGHT nu xLus CARTOON LAST TIMI TONIGHT Euler lhll mum Mound Rollly PCTatum Euflnlnn urm thy lovtmmml la Allow the ale premlorrd mama mid ha would Inim rlvm mcmborl hllI ho nvpmmnl The znvommunl loamUna will becomn ell91M lmmedl Ilely It rocalvu myll alum Mr Stewart old the pun con erenu 1111 mm he would be law when lhl current mllnn pmrozuu ponlhly by many dld mg Ihy nu Wot lho cumnl unlai OTTAWA CWD Mc Crnckcn Cmadlan trad com missioner 1n Slngapore said In day creation of he Mnlayllnn Federation could run in higher lulu by member coun irks Izalnsl toms Cnnadlan goodl and la oompm now ll Iuwed wlar or maxulna In um bulhr MildII uld bul ler mm some dairy cam bmdl would Ippmnchlnz lho color mman by Jum Naluu bullet color my deepen can med an man lummer puma Poinllnl to of butler and 105 or mnmrlnn mnnuhclumd In Manllobl Mr Stewart Inld filer II vm am In In dame ol fellow but In tho mlrnflno new nlnly yellow arm th mrrml Mot run for buuer IVIMKOI lbw le dc nm on flu colormound flnwmmr lmtmment Al Another mkapnbon om elm uld the worm color 01 cheddar chem would about 13 dome on th tlnlommr lull However he lald In an lnlcr vlaw um lhll could he ofllel by concerted an In educate businessmen 1n thin area 01 Iautheau Ash of hi lvnllnhll 5qu mum IIde NunBunk above was charged In Seattle Monday with grand larceny Thu Ottawa Can ada mun II accused nI bllklnz elderly women In men clues out at 15an mm Thm othm behaved In on thn wham wIIh Nesrdllnh also known Barry Gough are ha lnz lDthI In Canada Spenker weekly ncwaunpcr puhlllhcd at Ngw Linkeufd Thu Ilory Mr MacDonald InId read Prolruslve Con servative delegnlen me In En xlehnn last Tuudny cienlnz to consider appllcnllon for the post of Iherlfl of Tlmlsknmlnz dialrchJ Tariffs Up Mull HUBIIY OWNER Ill IIKLIN IIIAIIRO FLU lot Clflm Canadian Held ADIP NESRALLAII ink hm today Prlmu Minlllcr PealIon win GovernorGeneral Vlnler will be 75 OnceIn ms and lmlho worked lo Mhrr In nternnl III AIM at and Mann In Lon don Lu Wednrsdny when Gen Vlnler lnvllcd Mr Pcnh Ion lo arm new lovcmmcnt KIRKLAND LAKE Ont CF John Bud Cuihberiaon or dered by Lin Ontario Hospital Servim Camminian In izava Kirkland District Hospital Mon day luiitrad lovers aiiack ol bleeding uicerl Balurda and will remain in hospiia or Inalment 110 ha kepi in liia activa alien ward unlii hi condition mpmvas laid Dr Egg chiai oi Iiali at iiu ima BEE mm CHNo who luv seen lot On Western Canadian weep from MI Windsor on hand qunrlerl Ron Todglum laid hm Monday the next decade wlll ace quite revalutlon in IIBVIHOUI mode 01 pmpul on OTTAWA CPiClnude Jo doin prexidnni oi in Canadian Labor Congml Iuid In mlev mun Monday he CLC impel or excellent relations with the new Liberal labor minister lla laid the lx0000member congreu wlll make representa llanl to tha llon Allan lllnc Enchen In Lln hope um they wlll be well received He received long Itnndlnu nvullon rum 6000 Savlel Cam munlsl party lullhlul on Ilm public appenrnncn 1n Moa cow Ilnce Febmury Hu hnd been on vncullon Iva weeks VANCOUVER CPD The president of Chryalur Corpora llon Canada Inyl automobiles could be powered by nuclear energy ylthln 10 ynnrg iaglcal Mr Chlnn lcr Pearson said Monday that he will make an announcement shortly on who he will nominate 01 Common Enenycr Current simulnllan that lho post wll go in Alan Muc nnuihton member for Momma Mount Royal PM Pearson GovGen Vanier Both Celebrate Birthdays Today MOSCOW APchrlnz vacation tan Premier Khrush chov celebrallon unlnl 03rd birthday Monday and fired few mum rounds In his Ideo lly In Cunudn hlflhqunllly products which Ihc cheraflan wlll rcqulre or future develop ment Suffers Ulcers Hopgiul Nuclear Cars Who IS Speaker Celebrates OTTAWA CHPym Mlpla RAFFLE ORIU ISM Iu nhmy anu HIA WIN TEMITATION rANl0NIO RICH IN MKHI 10m Luvmu with Communist men each uh FEATURE SHOWN no 630 and 910 WOULD BCARE BIRDS GLASGOW Scotland CF Invonwr John Cameron claim that mm corn ruled ah would her nircral runway clear 01 hrds ml Idea In to place tank air at regular In tervals beslde Ihe lundlnz Iulps Ind rclule air qu lmm tho cemrnl lownr Flock ol bird on mnwayn conlldered muor hmrd for airline Mr Penmn worklnl In his mond any In Ind planned manna man thingy ufilly mm iodiy nhéuld in In the paper tomorrow shay nmlnlscai Abnullhon Nilthlr calebranl manned II niemlvo birthday IM Gun Vnnlcr Inflated mlld hem nllnck April and hu been conllnld to but Illhouxh Inth In hand lha cannu lullmul dullu memmem chnngeovlr npecla meeting councll last Fridny night some the pmpcrty owners concem ed came to protest nbnul allow Inu the Jam track in the dll mu mentioned The prospec tlvn owner were aha on hand and hnd received two Ilsnnlum Two young men who are op erator oi uokart track at Wlltllfl Bench had decided to exfnnd their business by devel op ng in track on the nth lino on the approach to innletli Park Jack Reid oi Melton and Rob ert Croil nfpenrcd before mun cli It the Art regular meetlnz to uk about lend to the pro geny on plan 1303 where they mi taken an option on lot to renting on the 8th line about opposite Handy iinrdwnre Thcyyroposed toyphnit an oval track there and operate the gov karte seven dnye week during the rummer months They told council thnt the machines were not the Ipeedy and noisy kind and that no annoyance could be attributed to the operation They would require permite or bulldlnl And be able to net tretiic or their operation into me property Reeve Cochran muested they let pallllon mm the pro perty owner In the viclnlty approval the rack and bdlll thlo lo council Why wall to bo canvassed Espcclally him In lho hardll reach areas Your chequo mall ed to tho Cancer lund wlll nld llm battle and may eventually be lhe mean at prevenllnu un olher casually from lhls klller Winn111mm kl1n um mfimcown AQEIIANCI TADTQ M05 us how hurl dear one sullcr lhroIIgh cancer Wu know mm It dollar could hnve helped nothan would have been spared The drlve or lund to help cancer research In now on but It ls nu recelvlnx the sup port necessary In out It over the top ln our men Childrens Comer To Run Tomorrow N0 GOKAM THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL INNISFIL NOTES 111g Chudrenn Come yhlgh LAST TIMES TODAY HITS THE SCARFACE MOB plul GANG WAR Cancer Fight On In InniSiil Area Three stories ho aexessomewha¢ dmcrent somewhat daring somewhat delicious ny RGS TOMORROW GEES PONTI ELSIMWCOIDR The answers 10 ha advertls In uklng or nppllcallans fur auperlnlcnden lnnlsfll Park were not given cunxldcrallan II It wn found 113 lb ndvutlm mcnt had not bean properly wnrdui the me of pay should not havo appeared ndverllllni will appear ulnln Two npplluuam wcra rcczlved The park refreshment concu rlanl are open for bid azlln lhll year as the party open Inl the concesllon Int ymr does no dulm to continue Clerk Gran wu lmtmcled to have advermlnz lppear ukinz or bid for the lwo booth whlch mnka up Ibo commercial con casslon calm to he public cumin to Ihe park No illums were reached on tho an0 oi the budget which was the purpose ior which the lpeclnl muting who called It was decidcd that another meet ing would ba held this week to endeavor to get tho roads mm mm rounded up and propnled projects determined so that In estimato could be made of font how much can be expanded or the coming year Once the road expenditure are decided other general operation will be nominal with the exception oi the police commission which budget has been sent back or revision owing to iha increas ed Imount which would mean the raising of odditional mills The commission is heinl ukcd to pore thin budget CONCESSiONS OPEN Councll gave some discuslnn to lhe auzzestlons made the rezualr meellng at new up lupervlsed recrentlunal spam arcrnllona on the beaches In cuding Innlsm Park It was fleede to obtain more Interm Allan about the party makan the proposal who clalmed he had been dolnx similar wurk lorgha Township ljomqln VTth Airfwulnslihcted to write Ihe supervisor In that lgflgnlfimnlll llUDGEI mscussifi of approval 0n the slrenilh the oppaslllon xpreascd enun cll moved mum that any permlt be rejected unllI lhe nplnlan In nvnr was more un nnlmnus This brought lonh burn anger from ans the Pllllclpnls who suggested he wallld cogsu legal gplnlnn iééve Cochran puk anend to he dJscIlesan wllh loud hang of mg aw9L Mr Rgld had com pared their apcrnllnn to all links hall gamu gas itallnns lummer Ilores and other bus nesses which operate seven days wok RECREATION PEOJECT IN NUMBERI ll REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH D003 PRIZE WEDNESDAY Jackpot $310 lEGlON HA COLLIER ST STARTS BINGO LEGION EVERY VWNMY Seeing Weather Is Believing Only TCA flies daily Toronto to Europe No change of plane On May the Township 01 York will hold demunslrnflnn bl weed erndlcallon and spray In ncm Whltchurch to which other munlclpauuu have bun lnvllcd Innlslll cuuncll tel 10 departments wem now well quallned In handle these oper nllonl on 1mm the former Aupcm lendent nppalnlcd Clerk Richard Groh the tawnshlp olllce Sum of the peace will be morn al convenience to all nich nrd remarked when asked it would permit his hearing delalls persons arrested be fore they were alluwed bull or sent Mylar Ida ESQUIMALT Brc CPi Seven destroyer mom based at lhia Canadian navol centre near Victoria will bu iiiiod with now iacaimiia transmission equipment to provide visual mnp oi present and pmbnbia wenihar conditions The equipment will enabio lhipl oiiicm to deploy lumen and air unit to greater iicni advnniule by providing the charts and diagrams pro duced and used in weather oiiicc on iand The charts wlll he avalluble almost as soon Ihey are recelvedln lhe wealher olllce ashore Th shlps when filled wllh he equlpmcnl wlll be nblo to recelvo coplu or such charted weather In mullon 101 wide arena and Korean or up to 36 houn roman wanes So that peace will be under cnnlral In Innbfll llle legal parlmenl the province has appglnlgd C1qu Richard Groh Thll tummn Only TCA D003 dally Tornnlo la Pam In llllll houn 45 mlnuleu Only TCA 1m torn Toronla to farm Gummy Swllzulmd Ind Aumla wllhaut change of plum rm mnnecllom by olhov Ilvllnc com Pub Duucldorl Zurich and Vienna anlcwayl to all Europa Wuld WM Tn Invlu Dunlap In Imlo own Quay Hold mum In It 102 DUNLOP IT crum lllll YAIHIIJO All than TCAI fly NutPly hie Flu and with low Group hm am your In IIIl Nut1 ulnar KL romnn UUUIUIIIIUIUIIUUIIH IIUIIII IIIIIIUUI IIIUlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIUIIlllllIIIUIIIIIIUUU JM Economy lanrn Fare From Toronio Dusseldol Imls $5820 BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JanusouacbgliMIm For Information Infilmmvlonl For Your Rmrvfllom Call Now Billy Budd the most unforgettable character you ever met from the living pages of Herman Mel villes mighty classic of the sea Billy Budd with the face of saint and the guts of the devil boy who became man aboard ship of mutiny BILLY BUDD in CINEMASCOPE starring ROBERT RYAN PETER USTINOV MELVYN DOUGLAS and introducing TERRENCE STAMP as Billy Budd muku um©mwum Dr BullIn en route Fly lo lnndnn on JCA or BOAC lets Fm savings avallablo an BOAC whoplop BrllInnla flights in your luvol agent or 10L Ask almm TCAI mortalnlng new Mammy KM Ipnlu huh Iravnl HM You wont wanl lo mlu Mather rhyme Europe 63 $2344 STARTS WED TA um mm run It Last llmla Tnnlthl LOVE IS BALL Arduit Entertainment PA 66474

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