ll lmnqurl lor llm 1m mullin Inn nlmlrnlu nnrvlo Nnrm Collenlnlo will he hclll nl HII Em and lnubylurlnn Church Hall Innlnhl nl Mn nclnrk 11 MN ll unrlcrmlllrn hy procmll mm Illa numml qu Chrlnlmnl card and am In llm lnltr5cllrnl Clxrlnllun ln Iawlhlu Gum Imnker will lm luv ll wk 1v IArry Round lunl Iowan nl ï¬lmml linden anm llm llnynl Conrrvn my lllmlc III llm Ilnlvrnlly Tvmnln wlll lm llw nut anIAL An npcn mcoun wlll be held In he Library all on Aprll ul pm uhcre rho Hm Wo TIM Mentally Ill MI be nhown panel dlmuslon will Ionlurn Dr Snnks psychln um the Ontario Ilmpnnl Pcmlnna Mn lnuIIn man warkvr IIan Inck Ian Director he hlldrrnl Md Soclbly or mm and Sim cou Counly Thnro Ml In humikunz from up nmr mud lmhmtnu wlll he man Another pans of uprm Ill Operation Friendshlp will he Jmllmlcd Tuesday and Wednnr my 01 next week 1L5 he Ontario llospllnx Pcnclnng open It door vim as pan Cnnndlnn Mcnlw Hmllh Week April 28 May Mra IL Adam of mm II In charuo ol arranging group 10 um tho hoxpllnl She may polonch at PA 00372 Sacidy hm scheduled two Mumtlonnl proud to all pm 910 about lho Kark ho Mm gal llcalUI Amoclntlon Hold Banquet For Graduates PERMANENiS $599 Joan arrlck Malt Sfuflsts shnw 19 Camp Burden wn prescmcd wIIh urndualian diploma by he cummnndlng Have Projects On Mental Health MEMBERS Air Cadet Squadron 102 Banlo who will rcnrescnl thelr unit In the On tarltrwldo competition for the 0er zvimmixi Napln Amnn PHONE FA lml For The SALON ll hum4 Ian mm WM 51 0mm mumI um CANADA uTRUST ulnu IIII mm my um 452 Tho Lulhrrnn church at lhn Guml Blmmrrd In and lhq can armHon hclng nlxlul by Hm plan In the Unllrd mm nml Thu moncy wnn mmln nvnll able by In 500 Pin The lmrlrr memhm nl Um plnn In 51 InkIm prnyrr and penny my and Huron nnlu on Sunday In my lho In My Irnr Inn now mlulnn llrld tunnan new lIuplllfllllf and uxcd elmrlv typewrllcr haw bun nurthnml by llus lyulhcran Church 01 lhn Good Shrnhrrd llnrm lhrmmh Iran from lhgl nullnnnl lulhcrlxnguz Mn crnllon Frlcmlshlp wlll ï¬lm the general publlc nn upporlunlly lo no mo ndvnncu llml nra lan made In lho cm the mentally John Brown Dlmlor the Wnrrcndalo Treatment Centre and Mral James Kelly Family Service Supervisor for lluo Chl dronl Md Society at Barrie and Slmcoo Counly wlIl lpcnk NCO Owen will ad modch or me Me mm patients In mmml hospllnla In Onlnrlo than Inï¬ll ogwr hufpflnla mmblnod present 11m Story the Frighlcncd Chlld on Channel April 18 nl 330 pm Church Purchases New Equipment Inbr Phala RCAF Trophy are from left Leading Mr Cadet Kerry Slm Flight Sergeant Peter Murdock Warrant ofliccr Sec dualid mlnlmm mm 51 and munI um 45 FIGIIT CANCER uflth checkup anda cheque giveVIM Pullco Ihll mornlnz wow In vullullnu brtnk and mm and Hull lncldml lhul ntcumd yenlrnlay ll lha ham Doua lu Wnllon lnwn El wmh ho mu nwny ul work Thu flower Ind In no on he ground the aervlco Itnllon on Clnpperlon and Colllcr llrccll have been plnnlcd Soclcly II mnducllng Cleanup Ind Palmup Cnmpulzn which um ed yulerdny and will hut unlil May 10 Th nurrlo Board work wlll pick up dchrl pllrd nonlly on tho boulevard arm can of Dnyllcld Illcfl on Mny and war Bnyllcld on May IIIEMHH DRIVE Thu mtmbcrlhlp drive in lull area Luxl yearl mnmbnr Ihlp mu and tho obkcllvu thll ycnr hm been not All 1000 Mcmhmhlp mu only UI and the ytnrbook II Included In Hm CANADIIM GANG other buildings In Bunla to no Ihe lrcalrncnz are Commun Ky llmeJmllizolhe grass and rcsncd in wnrmur weather Pnllco buildlmz this mulch will be sludlcd lhornunhly Mrs Jenn Gable secretary ol lhn aoclelysn1d It was on lhnl um comer should hr mm lrncllva lo corrcspond to lhu ml the public hulldlngl in the area It has bum decldedto neck lesslnnal guldnnce ln Iandacnp lnglho front of the Royal Vic orla llospltal plant or he Llhrnry wlll he ordered and planted along wllh the usunl window boxu tho mm on tho properly he Federnmulldlng will be rescodcd hem ncccw ng and tho Ihrubs wlll bu prun Investigating Thett Attempt variety planting prajncls were discussed metlug of flu Barrio Hardcullural Soclcly In City 1311 Noting that all lhs cadcis are volunteers blwcen the ages at and 19 Flight Lieutenant Hugh Riddcll Commanding 0i icnr oi he squadron said that he nim the insuuctors was to foster among the boys in sense of responsible citizenship Through emphasillng hahiis oi dressing sharply moving sharp ly and thinking sharply lhc cadets are encouraged iowardl sellimprovement Wing Commander Yul lowleu Training Ofï¬cer at IlCAF Camp Borden will be lhn Inspecting Officer Fortyfour Air Cadets oi 102 Squadron Barrio were busy drilling in tile Armoury inst night in preparalian ior their annual Inspection May OCIIIV mil IM Dllllkl Unl Huan II Knl Society DiscuSses Planting Areas and Class Brian Weslgarlhk Taylor and Corporal Davo Youni Air Cadets Preparing For Annual Inspection PA bIOJI Councll nlxn nrnnud rcquut lrom Um noynl Cnnudlan Sen lecll Calpl mm In hold pnradn on Inqu cl Allunlln Sun dny May The week 01 May to II wlll ha Nnvy Week In nurrlo Clly Councll hul nlghl volcd hllllll maust In nmnl lhu mwul mm the Royal Cunndlnn Sen Cadet Cnrpl Ir narrle TM Provinclol Secretary Gommu wlll vlsil ho Vespm So ciety on May 14 and weak on Hu work lho horllcullurnl l0 ciclLu lq Ontario mAll Iocleilc am asked Io al cnd Ulll meeting to be hcld In Iho Forcury all In Mldhunl ll pm Th Midland micLy has lent an invitation in Barrie mem ber la allcnd May 13 meeting In Midland when Di iiw Mid inmi member will prmnl 993 horucullurnl iaclcly an my 24 and Parry Sound will dn llke wlin on 25 The society again this year plan to hnva full schedula of meetings 11m May meeting will deal with lnlormullan on how In Ignaw plum under artiï¬cial It was announced at the med ngghui Ccllnzuood willrgormr price Over 1000 books ware printed Anyone wishing Iniurmllinn about membership in the lucier is asked in call Mn Gabi PA 3454 Navy Week May 511 Four boys aged and 15 who hnvo joined he Squadron within the has two weeks were Intelflawed on hair reasons or Volunteerhm for training Al though hlslathar ls stationed at Camp Borden Peter Fallchild 14 asserl my own lderaflr Leonard Bulfo salt that ho fld pretty well made up his mhtd Alter night drill the cadets were addressed by FL Dou ccltu oi the Mobile Recruiting Unit on the varluns career op portunitiu in serving with Can adas armed torccr GIVE REASONS Naturally we hops that our boys through their mlnlng here will seriously consider the 511 area career will FL Ridden xiï¬e Unlvcrslty In Anugnnxsh NS 1n the all and to main his career in the RCAF Flllhl Lieutenant Hugh Rid dcll Commanding Ofï¬cer of 102 Squadron presumed the embos sed acroll FSgt Bradshaw won his prl vale pllou lirawe during last uummer while ukudylng under schohrshlp awarded by the On mlo Provincial Committee as Mr Cede beagua of Can Flight Sergeant John Brad shaw 19 Grade 13 student at Camp Borden High School was last night presented with grad nation diploma in recognition at hil outstanding achievumcntn on nmembcr ot MAP 102 Squld ran Barrio lnvllhl mendlnl dam IIcol ulllnl an chum nloh Imuc can or do load can llMllc mm or lidylnl Ind dividing tluwm Any mmhnnl whhlnl lo bimbo lhc flmlo mum lmlco In all 01L BARN EXan TUESDAY APRIL 1m VHq pigs to gm Franc cadet Givén Scroll FIIH Bonk pmlw ed loul bun llrm uh IUIVWIII flu umpllll numm hy tho cum hu nmmnm Wllfllllï¬ï¬‚llflfllMIIII nmndq half WNMIHK Inu Illnor re Illwml Hull tooth hnnh hold WANTED FOUND llnlllc ulumpoo lnl tar rhlld Humunh lIATONS Shopping Service By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tel AvlvImlcll President 11her DcnZvl 7a vlnnlpexAlr VicaMnnhal Richard II Collard 7a dlmlnr warks nnd bulkllngs or the IVCAF durlnl lhu Second World nr ChmHa Barker 14 said that his wish to loin the RCAF ran second only to his dream of be coming mnmber Iho Tor ongmhium Loot hockey All members squadronnwlll wick pipe band aka pm In Church Parade next Sunday Khdra Seguln 15 Volunteer ed thnl ha pay In the air force WE pfgtlygnpd loo Donald llmcy DA LLB 25 son 01 Mr and Mr Nancy 01 5a Vlnccnt 51 Barrie was called to ha Dnr at the Law Socloly cl Upper Cnnadn Convocation held tn the OKedc Centre lomnla Aprll 19 He Erndnnln Bunlo Ccnlrnl Collcllnle Trlnlly College ln ha Unlver ally Toronto nnd Osgood llnll on the RCA as career He like the prospects oi mnrcih ing shooting travelling sum mer camp and taking part in recreational activities But Han to iind out what in like rs The ynulh Allan Brandt Grade 10 student has since been hiking ram home in Thornton in Central Collegiate Eur ha used to walk hall the time anyway said Mr Bow man The boy has been suspended rum rldlng thu schaol Inn and will my be reinstated at Prin cipal Bowmann discre Ilan Members of the board discuss ed the Incident for two ham meeting in North Colleglalu last nlahl Hit By The mm And KépfFromfB An Hearold Central Callu Iale student was In the Inca by bu drlver on March 15 about two miles 1mm Thom Ion Lawrle Hnrker of Thom Ian told Barrie District Colleg inte Board last night BOARD HEVEALS STUDENT Ydung Brandt 11 our other lnl Calmom amlto CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 WENDY IllCKfl nlaln Equipped Cub Oflnulllhf DEATHS CALLED PM pres cnl of the board CllIK Lackhart Ins night pm posed mollon to rescind ho farmer mnllnn ll obvinus hut everyone here has amoked Hook thrco volts triple tho number hlermpllons and mnny lublle mile and out bunll of laughter to finally man lhu mallet once And or Member do smoke meet mu hey did make In xpllu ol mann presde In January um naked board member lrnin mm Imoklnl lumen Inl ho board To Imoke or not to smoke at Barrio Dillrlcl Colleglnle Board meollngl That II the qugslian Among other items pm used the meeting Abercmmb El ectric wal awarded contract or $3250 or Stage ni Elect rical work in the old colleiiaia buildlnzi second lender was received by the Esslee Elocirlc Company Ltd in Scarboro It was for $5300 Ceniinl Collegiate will lose our teachers The our teachers sent their letters of resignation to lhe District Collegiate Board last night Those rtsigning from Central ero Miss Ei DbSieinno who will go to California in Sepian her Mn LeGalinin Home Economics lucher who will take up tha position oi Homo Economic Head at Bendaio Vo cational School in Scarbora Robert Mitchell and Mrs Catherine Pile vSmnewhera slant the line It was pmpofled um chalk pleces were mhrwn nound Ihe inslde of ma bus along wiul other as aonod papaphernalla causing name annuyanca lo the driver the vahkle palm romc two rnllu from Thorntun driver Joe Len nnx stopped Ihe bus llld ace carding to Allan Brandt wank ed lo knnw who threw some thing Another at tho youth ed by the transportation com mittee at the board to the meet inz last night to be present when Mr Barker of Thornton read vldenca collected by Dan Icl Brandt tha youth lather The evidence noted The nchoul bus was loaded on Frldny anemnun 0L March 15 Younz Brandt Ind tho other student stated Ihat about eight or nlnc student wero standan and the Last rowlol seats held labgut ab person uqdlunuqnd gludemu were call nwy Imnkt Why tho original motion ne Namé Pehny Grieves To Head North Girls PE Department Okay To Smoke At Board Meets was decided to spend $311 BARRIE IPuaugï¬ g1 UTILITIES COMMISSION PLEASE WRITE THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER IN OR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LINES now mum run Hm FASTER 51mm NEW PHONE NUMBER mum 97 waif Thu enllm Incldcnl look about 15mlnulcs and provided lmlrkl and lnughlcr lhu only humour aux brcnk In III om4mm llIlconmlnulo meeting nu than alter rcallzcd whn had done took clgnr one am nonchnlnnuy pmmicd Io Imoku No one corrected me It was not unlll Inler real lzed the motion had becn push Mr Locklmfl explained why ha originally voted or llIe ma llon When my bedtime had passed mollon was pmposod and am up my hand Suxplcluu lhaksr and sneaky Imllc warn directed to hlm when he laid lhlx cause lhc board room at Central gal cloned up with ambke An offer mm IL Bernlck 01 SI Vincent St was read to board members mllng that ha ollnrcd to sell about in lo 15 acres on Um ml side 01 Nelson street between Steel and Will nwdnle llreell part 01 the Tuck Farm at an approximate cost 0111500 per acre The boaxd has until the end to non Ider his alien Miss Penny Grieve was ap pointed nciing bend oi the Girls Physical Education De arimeni at North Collegiate Till wan recommendation in the board by Norih Colleginie principai jamy 75 for mm ldenullcnllon lel km to he put ln Iron of the auditorlum ldcnlflylng Central Collegiate letter are Bum Ilnn class aluminum with In Lsh ol baked enamel palm and um blue with whlts trim roygd Illa cdaeg Allans hthcr said Allan was annulled humiliated wa pun lslled and la lull hclnz punhh ed Lennnx never found on who did the hmwlngfl Mr Harker read that 10 boy got all the bus alter the Incl cnl and walked home one th hqvlng to walk on miles Mr Barker also read Mr Lennox gava na wnrnlnxlha he Intended to lull Brandt and young Brand aflered na rulst nncc There are witnesses who said they nevemaw him hi the driver said We wera not lWBle anything because the bus was crowded One of lha board member said We undersimd there was chalk paper and napalm thruwn around before the youth nude the abgva sulcmem Whereupon another board mem ber and They all lrom the ranyduwan flu driver Bod Ms knee to WE HAVE Annex did not attend the meellnl but Inld laler In an In lcrvinw that he had mbmlllcd report on lho lncldcnl lle aald several ymmu were throw inx chalk and BB ahnl around lho bu him he put them 01 Ho aald ha tapped Brand on ha lace as dlaclplinary mena ura and WM lhcn assaulted and thrown lo the ground Since he incident occurrfii lilo unidonliiicd Iiudenu paid the other 14 boys had rcwived permission by allowing Wai ncsdny in Iravci on tho bus Mr Brandi mid Mr Bowman tailed me And mid line boy was mm from Irnvciilnz nln but until further no Ica Mr Hicknnl Inld Mr Mn nox admllted having hll the bay and also admitted he hauld hnva nwcr dann web thnl Mr Luckhart the close 01¢ union noted Mn Lennox said ha wnl evoked beyond humnn capncl cm and slnp pad aonlenca an that null One at the board member asked ML Bowman he wal awm that youn Brandt seems to have been getting along well with hk mark lately Ha apparently came second In his clan Mr Bowman replled he wasnt nwaro ot the duration but Tho boy has nnvcr been ion Io my oltlco ntnco he 1nd dent on March 15 Horace Fruit board chair man anld Weve nut to live with problum like than This an public body and we should not undermine iiir Bawmanl authority Past president 01 the board Mr Lockhnn aald the prnbiem sicmmcd from overcrowding oi our bases Than the basis the problem it is dmicuit one to face bui we must Inca it for in lulure iilckiinghchnirman at the lrnnspnrlnlinn commiilee said We precinla Mr anI mnna alien nnce the meet ing Mme we gathered our in formation and appreciate his remarks in this matter MARKS ARE GOOD Mr Brandt said he Interview ed eight or nlna the buyl who walked home In gathering his evidence in Chrsllo board membu mm think AL Ian bad boy hel noz uIar hay Ho mluhlevoul and has been dont Ilka to flu theï¬nger painted at him Ha capabla alhlclicper romance and uh along with Athletes autjl that me Indium portintly he Ls not bad You show me boy who hunt boen In trouble belnral hit him and hls out to klck at hlmp but layeamld Doug Blank tried to hold Mr Munoz back said Mn Hnrkcr The 45mlnute discussion wu held In camera and repoflm were asked Why down their pencils MAYBE NEXT YEAR Mr Bowman did any that the boy could be permitted to ride the has In the 169161 school your Board dumber Grim relired early mm ha meeting in order not to vote on ma Issue Bus