Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1963, p. 1

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PREMIER Im In Quchnc City Ircmicr Jun Luau nnld polka atom lo Mk duvm lhn lmorlm INIle all my munurnncmrnl nml lhul nI lhn nllurnoy urncrnl Gtamt annme MONTREAL CPiiiiontrenl police vowing to wipe out he exiremlsi bamMossing wing oi ianhecs separatist movement inoncd oui over lhe city on non stop duly Iodoy An elderly Janitor Willinm ONnill was Idlibd Salurdm 11 when bomb exploded in ruhhish heap behind an mmy recruiting oiiice Squads oi RCMP pmvincini nnd muni cipoi police begun raid of known haunl oi mommists and Communist symmlhizcu in an eiion in irack down ihe mem bers of Le Front do lecmilon Quchccois which cioims iolhnvu commilicd ilscli policy oi vioicnw and noboinge to iron Queth mm Cnnudo To hmrlll DruZr wmdrn hul Irmqul MI nulrvlty and mkaly nuqu hln cllmh lo hum rlmlar and wlllrr am In Illa Uhnlmx In IN umlrnrrd 1M wmmllnnl lho pmmmu 1m when hi INIIHy In ullrll ll KL lmln by thl mumqu mum 9t lorlnllgl Zlnnllm 971 lvj tracinvpifl and helm Tum the labor movrmml In all mum Ihc mull Jun In rmnmtmlly um Wm lhc himAnt hml The lnll hrspedmlul uhulnr mu lmunm or llm maxim but no Hwyl In In more Ihnn 51 In Him lnlrr lmnmo nnl ul lrvumlnuu maul nlllluhnNI yulnulgl 11 um Ilnlo radio inlm funkd In lllflfllknlll an nunle Hrnlvl xkMh nml all lrlmlulrd program we cnn NIINI llmZvl MI xlmlm II rnnll Irmml mnldrnl In 11151 mmull nflrr Ilrnhlrnl Lhnlm grinnnnnn dull In rr nkclcd lnr tho mum llnm lnnl Drrrmhcr JERUSALEM lllrlxlrrll Imldtnl Ylhhnc licnvlvl dlcd cnnrnr lndny Nunzlnu Innul Ink Mllnnnl mournth lln mu 7n Vn wrm proud of our French Mrllnxc she nah the wth Mondny After what has happcncd am ashamed or my IrnnchCnnndlnn blood Although he FLQ clulms la bu lluhnng AngloSaxon dum Innllun lhv bomb vlcllm wnl mum French lhnn EnglishACm nadinn Ill father was Irish dcscml um his number Frcnclh Canadian Ills wile lhu lormcr llclcn lmcsquc nl New Ich mand Qua FrenchCunn dlnn Pulim rector Adrien Rob ert said every policeman in on exlm duly unlil lhu Job done ONeil 65 vclcran of two world wars Is to be buried Wednvsdny nl suburban Polnla Clnlrc Israeli President Dies Rt 73 Country Goes Into Mourning PRIME MINISTER Pearson tries out his new desk In the Privy Council chamber of tha East Block on Parliament Hill as his newlyformed cab Montreal Police Go on Extra Duty 99th Year Na 95 Foy Examlner Wan Adi Telm phone PA 32414 The telephnno number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept PA 86537 Qur Telephones hurlll he mmm do lll uurw llrn Zvl mu mmdvr llw lmwul FMmllnn Jewhh Labor lllllldml Ila Illa hulpml mm mm In lonrmmrr llullnnh In Ilmllrlmund Ilén Irvva ululrh anlhOmlIl llm nuuulu or In Imlqwnvlrnl Julh A1 Thu plomnl nnld lhnl when Klimter llral dcmnndtd um he lulled occurmllon ul Iho my be ended ho propuscd Hunt Wm Dcrlln become dcmllllnrlxcd en Whrn he Allin rojrcttd MI ho Savch murncd HmIr do mnndn and Inld Imam could mnln Ile Unllwl NIHOH mmmnnd BERLIN AWInst Dcrlln nnd Mllcd oIHcInl dismlsscd lo dny Sovch Prcmlcr Khrush chcv suggcsflan um West ncnm be men nculml alums simllnr that Auslrln Swllz or Snnr Mmlno We no nbsolulcly nnlhlnn new In ML nnld one New diplomat In Incl ho mm in bcuolnx hnckwnrd he was lnklng special prncnulluns since lhe nnnounce men of thy terror wave Mr Luau said can look atm mysell Tho FLQ has named ll cur rentvwnve bumblnga Open llon Jean Lounge having branded ho Quebec premier mllnbomlor Mr usage snld Ihc puhllclly belng slvcn lo sepnrnlls lead Ilka Dr lllarccl Chnpul and Guy Poullot va rllable on coumzemenl Io terrorism Ala anld Imvupnpcn ydavnuxi space In alalumcnls by lheso lender thnx nncournxcd acts lcmrlsm especially ilnlemcnls as the luollshnesu cred by My Chapul yester dnyl LSyndnyl He to confer today with Mr 312mm Says Khrushchev Going Backwards Incl ymem for Ihe first me Im prlmc minimr and Ms cabinet were sworn in yester day analnoon at Government House CF Wirepholo IZIIAK HENIV 112 flarrir Examinmi Lllmnl Cunmvnllvo In Tulnl Na nlher parllu onlulrd lhn elmlun Wllh poll ullll unrrporlrvl ll wnl nmmnnl llw nlo lnlnl wnuld he wrll Mow mm nnl 711399 11 ml mm 1331 Law polln wan mum at whkh Llhornln rmlwd 31206 Ind PCI 135771 Mil MULTIPLE 111m guru dn nnl lepre unl Ibo number at vulm time nulmwltkn vhlmu mlllllrle ml and In mloclnr may run mm um All mcmlpgn In hll ton FREDERICTON CW1mm nohklmud lhu younx Arn dlnn whn rrnllml nn mnblllnn by bmwnlnn urcmlcr New Hrumwlrk lmlnm lm Wu an In Himl unvernmrnl buck Into your In Mondayl prmin clnl elccllnn nu Ifmll ulrclnl In um oml lmn lutromd lhclr mn Jorlly In the Iculllnluru hy carrying the lrnuvmhvl Tun urvnllvo Ilrmuhnld nl Salnl John my Erhnnl In credited wllh hclnu lhu man must rcsponslhln or Wat Germanyn mnnmlc rcvlvnl Ior ho rnvnm of ha Second World War Adcnmxcr hm imlnlcd Erhard II nol 1km In rnaunh polmcnlly or the job chancellor but wul xen crnlly bellucd the old mnnl Informant whu Intended cloud mslnn ol Chrlxuan Dem ocrnllc pnrllumnnlary lender Monday Inld Adumutr naked them they though who mm an economm Appnrcnlly lhcy decided wax It was blllcr blow or hu 37yearold head at West Ger man pollllu who ought Er hnadl dcflgnullun almost the BDNN AP West German Chancellor Adenaucr moved re iucianily inward ihn political sideline ioday as his Christian Democratic party gathered to nnma ViceChancellor Ludwia Erhard Adanaucrl mecca Ontario whlch Provided the huge number Liberal learn In the commons was awarded ha largest bloc of portfolio 10 Includan Mr Pearson and heronly woman minister Judy La Marsh MrPenra paigned on promise that in 60 days at decision Liberal gov emmenl would do man than any government Linea conicdnr niion redeemed one election pied Parliament will meet lhurs day May 16 he rald One In first tasks will be to provide two naw cnblnel Jobsa department of industry and an euslem ugrlculture mln liter Both were pmmlsed In the Aprll gbmpnlxnwhlch brought Mr Pearson the naunnr top pollllcal olllno and son John Dlelcnbakcr In lead the Pnr gresslvu Conscrvnllvc as oppo slllon lender HAS ONLY WOMAN The record zlrmem cabl net took oaths ol nfllce Monday at the bedside of GovemurGen era Vnnler and then held minute cabinet session Aller wnrds Mr Pearson produced sweeping outline and reorganl zaklongf mlnlslerial dullcs Robichaud Back In Power Again OHAWA CWPrime MinA Ism Pearson and his new cnbl not meet again Iodaysecond day the Liberal administra UOEI 60 day of declsjon German Party Meets To Name Erhard Bs Adenauers Successor lInnl Ilnndlnux Parliament To Meet May 16 Says New PM BARRIEWIll BUILD NEW POLICEFIREHAll 1M 60 Alumuxh mm had lvrm Illnulhl under tonlral Ill Ivmm Mum mm Mum lymk In We In Nrw Juny unu nl he Ilnln Ml lmnlrn Adm inv mmr VUIlam It 01ml xlh tlnml In rmumnry Mayor llnlml mer nl New Vulk Mlml Immm Kmnrdy In de lm Slum Mam mum um NICW YOIIK MW Fnrrll Hm Hm lunuam drnlh and dr Ilnlcunn In many Infll In rmhrn 115 turd lnr um lhlnl mmm day In lama Ircllunl Mnmlny Tim Llhnmll vlcktd up Hm lnur finlnl Julm City uni4 hold Ilnco Inn by PC hm In am In Hm Cunxrrvmlvu In Vlclnrln lnr an Hum Thu mnnlnhm I7 Wm un clunnuvd llllllrncy lhm wore npprnxl mnlcly 300000 cllllble vnlm MI rlrclloul More than pernans mm in Jurcd In lwo dunn villnuu hnt lny In lhu mmllewldu nwnlh lho lwlmr cu lhrmmh ml tonlrnl llllnola SPRINGFIELD lll MlA lornndopossibly lwo lnmndou loro pnlh destruction Monday rnm Sprinnneld anal wnrd or about 05 mum to the Indiana stnlo llno Chrlsunn Dcmocrnlic IOHTCH Inld Adcnnuor Ilnnlly agreed lo deslgnnllon Erhard so lhnt move In Iarcu mlxnnlion during lhu Iummnr would be nbundoncd Forest Fires Still Raging npposlllan resulted from the mspccl that Erhard would no cl Adcnnucx call the lum hrough hlm after the chancel lors rclircmnnl oi the Privy Cuuncil Lucian Cardin 44 luwynr associate do once minisicr JenMnul Dew chnlelets 50 lawyer public works Charm Drury so businessman defence prnduo lion Guy Favrenm inwycr immigration June Tmmbllyi 40 economist minisier without pariloliai No Quubec mlnlstcrl Mr Drury who is former deputy delcnco mlnlsler and Mr 1mm Two Tornadoes Rip Path In Illinois Acknowledging Lionel Chev rIcr Wynnmld Montrcnl lnw yer as his chlel Quebec llculen on by keeping him nl hls slda throughout the official commun Ica Mr Pearson picked eight Quebec ministers Besides Mr Chevricr new Justice minister they are Azal lu Denis 56 lawyer postmay er general Mnurlco Lamon I9 46 lecongmistlprgsldgnt other Ontario mlnlsterr Paul Martin 594 lawyer external ni inlrs Ross lilnchnuid Il lawyer government leader in the Senate lnul lleilyer 39 businessman nnllonnl deience anter Gordon 67 business consultant Mitch ell Sharp 51 businessman trade Georzu MCIilBiUI 54 lawyer transport Gar land 45 husinussmnn nntinnnl revenue and William Benldlck soul 52 lawyer mines The 33yearold Niagara Falls lawyer health mlnlslen Barrio Ontarlo Canada Tuudly Aprll 23 I963 unit or ink rm duruu human with bub Cunl mm wake would be hrnway will Der renl Mend 17 Mr rm vlnclnl And per III munlcl paL Ml amen would bu un Inc11 IVWIIIKI than Harri mu mm in am ho hw rmnmlmlllm in Ontario lhll In nul th hmlnl pro mm About communmu In yularlu new puma lhm mm AmnKu rrntnl on would bu mmm ho Inmlly lnrorm rvr ande prunlm Illmum and need ndcattd wnhln Hmlo lur lush pro Jul All llmrmhal uh lhnl Hm would xvrnlmhly only quln nlmul loo nnlUL HENIOII IIIIENR Wluuln m1 number Hum Mlu llnnrnlhnl lmllcnlul lllnl Almul 10 per cm would bu dae vnlrd In unlnr rilltrm In Hyh mpcrl wed hm uvrr lmckwnnh lullnhl Innd chunla aho Added ll Io pmvldo ndc mln hunting erre In llvo yulmaml la lhm who want but cannot word IL Tlmo would he manch ed ml with upturn hcnllnn Iynlrml and mu acnrtd lo lnmlly lntonm Twitl nbw lute mlnimum rtnl Iha Inld could 63150 wllhuul mv lm III nznln gemd la Inm Hy Inmmu our Inlervlewm wlll mum to mm out number peep wllhln 1m tlly Would be Inlerv and In Audi prnlocl Such millkl the aoclnl and own ulnlc tundillmu 211311le In nur rlo will bu nnnlyud nan with cconomlc mull Mm Rmcn nld wlmln low wetkm the dcpnrlmenl In conjuncllun wlu lho Federal Cunlrnl Mortgage and Homan Cnrpurnllon and um Clly of Barrie would built In exlmslvu mm or flu am Thu Inflly wlll mmura lhe mad and flu demand In Barrio ah anId Suma limo nza CH1 Countll muostml such lur Mls Zelda Rosenlhnl analyst ur thu Ontario Department Economics and Hanging anld laday Ihnl 2400 cnnnl Inmillu In Barrio will ho receivan post cards In the mall helium hr mormw 11m paupla are qucslcd ll nut Um cards lndIcnllng whether hay in lcrulcdhln uughl Jngch MEASURE NEED survey now underway to delumlne the demand and need of lowrental housan project nrllha git alrnnnle In the orziilzallonol mini lenal duties five Minister urgg vital asslamnenls Mr Lamunlngne who served as emnomic adviser in iarmer prime minister St Lauren and to Mr Pearson beioro winning election April for Munireal Oulrcmonl was charged wiih heavy rcsponslbiiliy including the sensitive task oi mnnaxinu iedernlyruvinciai reiniinns Mr Drury will become indus try mlnlstcr when Purflament sets up the new department combining the present defence productlnn department with he develnpment task In new min lstry will be nsslgned He also heads tha cabinet commltlca an research and atomic energy Mr lrcmblay wlll be the enstam agrlculture min lstcr whllu Harry Hays 53 Cal gary mayor named as agrlcul turn minister and Albcrlna cub lnet representatlve tend west cm agricultural matters Mr llaye la caltlo rancher ASIGMIENTS VITAL Ho nlEé wa given the Job duvelvplnfl rhmngupjllm m4 tha blay who former deputy minister industry for Quebec nre headed or okher llles Mlujloupmnl nu been In Housing Survey Held In Barrie the Inn would ml hm Al um and demand In lerln Int lumen hauvlnl Mlu llmntml Mid WId In In Ilnrlnbdnn 0w ml al tho ra the not housed adequnlely by wt ma Intmine EM mm mm tho do 1mm MI by Friday lo cal flu clly rlerk and km Ihelr mum ml om numben Thur mid MI MI we Wu hope prokrl MI alum would blend Into the munuully MM Ind 119 came lnllmled vllhmfl the populallnn mlly helnc nur al hem mm amulmman mm mum rlvlc omcinll And mhcr rill mu To dnlo II Inund nu ml ohjrctlon la the pro on huh no nllon alum ll mlm llhly lml ha cily rnuhl hrlp uppon IN this paramount issue among FrenchCanadians His Held action in addition will cover Implementing reconunen dntlons oi the Glassco royal commission on government or ganlznllan dealing with the na tlonnl centennial administration and the proposed Canndlnn eco nomlc council when it estab lished by Parliament egllfiervlco at time when Klnderxarlcn pupll may slng lhe song on the tunnlesl days but now really ls lnlling on HIV garden today Snow began falling over thecounty about 715 Mn Iodny and by noon almost an inch hnd tllen An omclnl Depart ment of Lands and Forest Angus said this was not laounusual Snow ell last you as lulu IL April 15 In m1 snow all here on May lhcn In 1W7 April was Ihe final spring maw dale ITS N0 TIME FOR SNOWTIME EELDA ROSENTIML All ll Jollm Ink curl to when lhm my tummy In Ihrowlnl me money like lunt In along with In In Mr and pollen and IMnk Urey lmmv mm hmlnen mink ol tho mm mm by lhl bulhflnl mm amount Milk WI belt hm hum mm prop nhn mumled than lhln ngwAmmde We wenllh Irenlvuprmn Io nnnvnlu WI lgulldlnl It would Mlle our pollcu lml In hudul or lhc nu ycnr Vu pull 80000 on lhll bulljflqn mullyly tuuld Mm wllh lhe In drpllllmnl nml pallet muvn nvrr 01m lam mm mild cnmlauo Muz ernlna Com 50le ovrr 1mm 0in really locmlon wa Ienl lovallon Id nu to hrs In mom bonus on but cant Alford It inn wo Aflonl Hull new build my Mm he pollcn cum IN wry Ilmnlly lhnl lhu mun Idmuld be nwny and In new main lmlldlnu at nwny mm ho ldcn Knnunmu Conn hm you Jun lead thcm down the hull lo mu court LEAVE 00 ha pollen drpnlhnenl moved om her onto lhu main floor It would lenvn the mom or uAmVIlru dqmfimmt wagon tho crnlre lvlly here In lhu lnduslrlnl are my have sprinkler gym cm and lhclr own Ire depart mrnll Dawnlown Ihu huildlnll an old nnd ll lhu Ilro dlpnrlmtnl got caught In 010 udock rush wu couM law our wnula dawn lown buxlnm mllon and our nnmmcnl Ald Reborn naked whclhcr his usa would bu pcrmmcd In lhla arm and when 11 ml other mnghlrnle cnmlng or ml by the way the mp0 vino NEAR FUTURE Mayor Cooke said mumbnr the pollen cnmmll Ian would my in the near Mum Ald Roberts Asked Du we nctd nnw pallco Milan and Hm hall or could wo rcnavnlo tho pmcnl qunrlcm Um bulldlnz sues ough Vcsnrn Street on In South slda ha General Electric plant bus mule will have to be open ed up or people who havent got rnnspnrlallan In his report we Am gelling ha In depaflmanl In an Mull lacnllun and he Pollen In no qullu flood location but cconornlcal We have In provide aullslnc cry magklralen quanm or no um 1a out and get his own and charge to Que clly ynu Ien it here hm would be the lure an additional ilro bail and pumping slntlnn will he requir ed but or Ihc present we are re mcndinx he one Ald Wllson said at Brnd ford and High and Bradford and Vespra land would cost $100000 lust for tho police building He wld In the present bulldlnz there would be the problems ul getting up and down three flight of stairs and parking About 2I000 would be need ed year In wage fur the add lllonnl help needed thn de pnryncql were separated We hive Lien onunata In the past but Illa handwriting is wauj Md Wilson um He snld The Flra Depart Mentx present location has been adequate but there has been no place fur the firemen to train and there no plans or the ncrlul ladder It ndvantngmus to have he Ire nd police department together since they walk togeth er In mmmunlcatlnns Harm W111 build combined police hulldlnz llre hull and mnglsuate court Veser and Innlsill streets at cost at $238000 Council argued the matter for seven hours last night harm nppmvlng tho pmlm on re corded vote with Ald Hersey and Ald GF Robert vollng agnlns the mutlon Council Approves Project Expected To Cost $236000 Nov Moro Than Por Copyl4 PanI Cloudy with sunny Intervals Warmer on Wednesday bow to nlghl High tomorrow 45 For lull mmary turn page two Md 01mm in mud mu tho run on lu lulu tom down lol ll Inn In an ww lermhu when put am In hm Ihm ll mu In lhm goo Local Weatheir men In willch in Ilh Io think hal In nldarmnn dount pu hll um Ahead 01 nnomr pm ul flu clly m1 nu dlr nppolnled lo hm AM Emmi lhIL In mlulcnlnk Wm amundmenl wnulrl the dulled Somewhrru lhm mull b0 land that can he ohlnlned Iannhlc rum AL mm fin nlhrr mmrlfcd Id Immn nlm ohjccl my an lam rolorrlqllo um llulo leockcd whm lhlo llnl mm Io mum wlul mmnl lu mnnry think mml look Io ho lulum Ind ovrry ycnr pm It ll mu IEHCHyUIOUIMHII 10th Md Emlm oppmo um nmtndmenh lhlnk mm in Inn wllllrklng win an hm wlm mm Wnrd one and mud two nrrn Hpcuklnl pullco com mlulnncr he who In the ma nhlch nud lhu most canr COVERAGE Suuh n1 lhu out on man mendrd hy our IrnIllc cammlh law would seno about MW pcaplo wlll admit that out down luwn buslncu Iron flu hinyar Coolin hxéh Ml bun In nhoul canlrnl Iacnllnn lhlnk Ihn ccnlru from pollco and Hm palnl ol vluw mu la ho um centre of pollen Ind Hm prukcllun Md Honey The fnclxlllu alurI latul pollco ilnllon an let One the thing lhnt both cred mo wn lhn man may be Innocent and he may ha nub ml to xldlcule while being taken on lha mm cmln Md Mill Id Nenlyflvo yen ago was chairman of OommLsslon nnd Im certain no In nvor ol spending In more money on lhal old bufldlnl ONE 01 BEST hlnk we have onn III has pollcu area north of Tor cnlo and Wu would glvu them wmclhlng to work with Im in ho ncwbg ding There was some discuulon that Um Commltlco was thin consideration to he don one company of the Fim Depen mcnt and one pumper mam lnzn pmscfa locum Ald Newton Id Ilka to get some assurance that by muvlnz over than that wu ihall ut sumo reduction In our Ire Ind theft Immune Ald Wilson to the matter of having Lhe Magistrates wurt next to the police statiuu thl magistrate court upstairs fndlan completely ailment eve Tho rights Oth amused am being protected very wail think In this new buiidlnl dont think um having the ml gisirniea emui and police lu tion in the name building lead you flu conciusion that it uncgunriy Knmanroo Com The Old Halley in Widen England has lhh mm and danl think Mr Rabat would my that when It comm to Jus tice we have Iefl the Bridal bchlnd Aid Wilson he iira and trai ilc committee in ii we could renovate ma lire hall we could get aiang with or inea at our years but when we knew the police were considering new huliding the idea oi com binzd building became unmet ive Aid Nmmn think council has been extremely good to the firn deparunent but Id have lo an along with their thinking when this committee acid us on the idea or new pumpm and new ladder realize hey havent got the ladder ye bu may have goi the pumper and Kind that my rate are up his year DIFFERENT LEVEL Ald Hersey What about the silo

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