3393 ft KFII THE WM HIMHWEIL Huxlmvd UP The nlnmlc pour nlnum Iwm nu mm mm mman pl lhelr nylln mpplvl ml yonr WhIIo Lb mljmlly km omor all were wiped on hy llu hlller klnur warm waln wnumi lmmthe alnnnn lnln Hun 11m much lufl lind ullbvdu In hrllur rnhlnm It dud rumn nnllrl plm or wnml whim am no mnrrhrtwrrn lhl drum mu hm Ihmlld ha 11m lnnzun ml mine lwo of Inmlmhlnu Muh ha IquHuL and Hm muvlnq mm flrlwrrl ml tho lmn My plrro Ihlllhl nvnr rntily Anylhlnu hluhly luruurml mm mm Imqurlrrl lillhhu Ml MINI rmnunllnuluz pour um mumps Tn mrxrumr llan mul rou mmrnl wuplm Numl by cm Iml hrnllnu xnlunx mnnulnr luxm me running unlm nl wmd In In Illw plywuml mu III II me umnl lll snlld wood Mr Wnlmn DINIJKIIS IMQll lnurqunllly vmd ll uulully lllllul lLuk rnlur mul llvrn lnrqurvul ulwrnl umlqunllly nnlurnl mull urn ullml and have lull nullnn mlhrr llmn lxlnh mlhh Flnldl Julnrry nnrl conduit llwu nn ind Impnrmm he unml llxvll hrï¬uxil Yes lhls has happened to pltnly cl diulnrs 0n CIUC in dial llw milial weight loss varies widely Anything can happen It Impormm to un derstand that he hady cells have areal mpachy fnr star ing wmer This temporary shift In wnm Imlnnrn is rusxmnsihlo lnr lhc wide Miulion during he ï¬rst law mcks ll Ls dIHiculL to understand hnw wright can munln un lungcd vun lhnuah you hurt do 1ch boner BUTI havan lost one ounce in lull days Please lull me has his ever hnppcncd to My olhnr dialer Mask he dieters say Ins numhqr pound tho ï¬rst wcr am 100 pounds overweight have just hnd physical and been prnnaunccd 0K cxccpl for this excess poundage am willing to diet but reducing pills nreoul for mu Here Is my problem have been dieting by counting cal ories fur two full weeks luday callng about 1200 calories per day which is about hull ur less lhnn haw bccn caling Also have kept my diet Mgh in protein The must baffled dieters are hose who all In lose at the beginning 01 reducing regime One mnscicnlious diclor who signed horse Losing Interval reports Details Of Construction Mark Of Quality Furniture Mrs Valy Smith who as 15yearold aniJa Deirls led her native Latvia in 1913 in Iron advancing Russians After spending years In Eur opean camps gm came to Canada In 1949 and now is model in London Ont She bought her parents and si54 er had died during he war KEEP IN THE TRIM Losing Interest In Dieting Because Weight Is Unchanged By IDA JEAN KAIN REUNITED WITH SISTER Fumllurn Iv mmpallhlo one Nrtr durml Mum mil len yuu wmk Inln mm Im Inn mum mm luluf IIItII rnlluInrl llnu nr nu ml wk lnlrnllolmllx 11w ml Ilul In ml lurnllurr rllrc lrly Hm plrrrl mull Im com Inï¬lvlt thlUifl NHTIZH sinulliliml Irmllllonul willmuk Hm lrï¬l 1an pmxxlu nrv mlx hut fumilurn dillnrul nlylu nml wrfudl lnr more mluy Hum cur hrluw my Mr Wnlmn WIUI lndnyl nhmnlun living nrrnl nnlnn Myer nml dinlnn mm Inhln nvr mml uflm Imuuhl lnr Ion lnrutn 11m rmm mm In the lfmlillmull llxrnllureï¬ mil nmml Hula dusl um 10 LLIWI lho drnwm Ilmluhl In and nut vilhuul null dmw trn whlch are not pulled straight In and out vol slurk Vhrn buying lurnnum wade nllm um rumidrr luncl nn In good plrco lurnllurc he hntk would he Hnlslml Hm II olnz alnnd ngnlna hr wnllv mlul invlllu In mom bum nvnuml la hope you dAd not give up at the 9nd Ihc two week pe riod Ir yuu stayed with the dial toward the and n1 lhn third was you cxpcrlcnccd dun mulic wright drop perhaps or more pounds Dieters it important mm the smndpoinl 01 your morals be aware that once or many llmes or cw ohmnny days lhe nmunnl wxnlcr In mu lmdy may hommc nhnnrmnl Stay with your dml You will loan the rich amnun In lhn lung run The water balnnlo nlwny adjuslm Talk rwlirh nwn doctor about the ndvisnhilil of using lcss sall liHIc or no sugar and having prolrin more Irequcnl Intervals From lhc ongoing explana lion you can readily see it impnsxible to 1050 last nl Um slarl did wlml you are storing wnlcr Du lake hmn the longest period on record or water ymmlon Iszl days cul ynur calories in half or to less than hall 0n hat calorie nrilhmclic yuu should have last at least pounds Each pound ol bndy lal yields 3500 cal nrics So why is lhe weight loss nut moved by lhc scales Obvl nusly he lndivldual cells In slcad of releasing the water along with he slorcd lnl havu rclalnud more wnlcr In some use lhe lat cells become so dnslcmlcd Ihe scales register gain PalmbSï¬le figurfl Amm Joanrvérrivék aim 3mm PERMANENTS 599 hm on Friday Mrs SmILh learned she was on list of mlssing parsnns the Red Cross thought might be In Ca nadn Her sisterMm Vella Nnmnicks of Kalamazoo Mich only 150 miles from Londonhad asked he Red Cam In 100 or her CF Virephnm 1m hr The BUDGET HALON Mumer um um ENIan erlar Ind Ile wu nlrmlmr he Inna erh hmo lho nwml plfctl lho Cnnudlnn Furnlmn Mm hm Jan Dumpnm new hum plea of ammo Jull lhu rylnl llulnl And 1qu now hlvn hem dcvclapcd whim an lmpervl mm In drylnl cmud by ccnlul henlinm mlnlmum link nhuuld In um on my pen heruuu It Accumulnlu on lho Iutlnu and mu fly his all TIW EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um The April meeting of St Marys PTA will he hid in St Joscph Auditorium lomnrmw evtnlnl cammenclnu at 830 The program will include gymnastic dixplay by undem nljl Marys uhgol Tho lhrce nudenu winntrl of SL Jolcphl High who or lnrical conlcsl will each live short speech Mnny sample no uvcr clu llnu wlm lhclr furniture be cause most pleccl lodny In lmpervloux And Mcd mu can rxcepl with humldlly my Mr thnn Why cant neighbor mind their own business That Hula brala loose lip wreck In our Inm11y Can you helmMOTHER AND STEP MOTHER Dear Mnlhu It would be very nlca Indeed neighbor kept lheir noses out olher peoples businuu But lhi isnt the way the world wnrks Anyone who cauuls on hl clnscd mum at ncighbnrs or ricndl is leaning on under med lee dont heap In the blame an he moulhy llllle neighbor kid Thu mau lold His youngster was very young whe we married and mm were too We law nu rea son lo tell Ihem they were step brulhcr and sisters Everything was ï¬ne until few weeks ago when our nu clear nclghborl son told our children they are slop brothers and 51211 Now my husbands children gang up against my lwa and the our an jforever quarrellng and light ng nu Ann an en need advice and fast This 5M ond marriage or both my hus band and me lm raising my husbands two childrzn by his first wiier have we children by my rim husbandr II are still trying to over on ms and pa The poor gu ls case ol arrcsled de veopmenl He needs pram sinnal help NOSEY NEIGHBORS Pleas Iell me why he ii like lhls and what can do about ll MARRIED To NUI Den errlcd The Nut has emotional problem whlch go back many years People who delight In breakingmm Just In see It cap gag away with All this is maddening but when he hunks tram regula lion an an of my mlnd Hes been stopped for speeding our times this year He makes game out ol lying lo the otliccr and lrlc to talk his way out chat St Marys PTA View Gymnastics ll heres sign Ihnt Inyl Na Smoking he lights up at once Keep on The Grass in an Invitation Ive seen him Llep right over sign and stompon the newly seeded lawn just for the devil oi It When nlgn say nub Dont Blot he bluish Recently bnuaht mittens which had aliabel on it IngDont remove label He got scissors cut all Dm Ann mam What is wrong with my husband Hes mlddlwged sellmade man But ha ham rule and regula tions and breaks them when ever he can BNN LANDERS Apply The Brakes To This Law Breaker man ll Wul and DUNLOP WEST ll DUNLOP EAST ï¬ihca muslc wns provlded hy Mn Mnbel Knlman All Shop MIMI Pucy and Grow The annual Corinthinn budge ladies night was held on Friday evcnlng th Masonic Temple on Owen SL The evening cum mcnced wilh dinner puriy held at 630 oclock Ind concluded yilhAnn evening of cards and with an dapclna Dnnce prim winnm were Ill Shlrluy Campbell Mn Fred Cnuller Mn Lloyd Chur chlll Mrs llerl Crass Mn Frank Caldwell Mrs Jack Mc Cube Convener of tie Even was Mm Ernest Boll axiald Horn arrangement of pink enlpdmzom And while mums lanktd by pink candelabra udorncd the tea lame he an nual Spring Tea held at he OIflcm Mess of Squadmn Grey and Simeon Foresters Regimegl ynslerday nmmp ledaégame Inn mm ware Mrs Charles Scagrnm am Mn Jan 9mm recuy and early by you and our husband could have pre Delu Nolhlnx To Say Four kids In the family and you think the majority should rule Well remember Sydney Hooks fam uus words Majority rule is not reasonable in prison an lnslltullon for the lack mlnded or in family of small dflIdre And Instead of hanging around the IMMIle every night Id like recommend an olMush Ioned pattime 11 called read in Think yéu very much NOTIHNG TO SAY Every night there an lights at our hous because of TV Mam wanls ln walch same gooey lava story and pa mm to see wrestling or gun my There are wur of us kids Ind we dont gel say ward aqu which channel an Plenty at nights nolhlng hul junk Dont you Ihink In tree country the majority should rule Den Ann Lander Im boy 11 years 01 age am wrlllm nbnul and problem hope You will prln Win the paper because lotof kid know have the same trouble Mihls pointy can suggest only pqugncz fairness and al lection In each child in turn Ladies Night Held By Lodge READING Spring Tea Held At Barrie Armoury My mlml low ml wilt lww IprrIl Sanllnm dryrlrnniu mu Hi qlmnl Im nol MW in ml Hill feel ll Ihlnh la Smilonl 80beth vrofmionnl Inin flnlII lhu Imp uenlm like mo mil and min chain In tluuin rum WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD nu mama Ex NER MONDAY mm 22 PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Im an old sdftie Thanks to Protcsslqnal Sanitone Drycleaning Anoihoï¬ulm wllgxmr mlqulqnni SANITONE Dryclianlna Guaranteed MOTHPRUOFING Mimi Robertson Joyce Kidd and Toni Nagcl ni Lisle Esther Taylor Dunedin Teresa Mc Quay ol Brenlwoud Elaine Kerr and Linda Noble oi Avmlnz Catherine Sage of Clearvlcw Lynda Cnihnm and France Munro oi Sunnldale Corners Audrey Shields and Marjorie shields nl Clnverlen and Karen Fisher and Dorothy bong of Zion Jubilee were each presen ind with County llnnaur cartil ignie and pin on complelion Six Receiving guests were om ccr Commanding Major Howard and Mn Howard and Cumin Hams such and Mn Sitelm Among those mending were ndlve honorary and Associate mgmbm ol the mess Gut51 Included Mr and Mrs Brim Underhill Mr and Mrs Gordon Spencer Mr and Mrs Ining Robertson Mr and Mn James MacDonald Mr Ind Mrs Tom Howlelt Mn Dick Slcele Dr William Little Jr Mrs Vauerworu mt Mr Ind Mn Empko by Mrs WK Walls and Mn John Woods Alnrgl number of WI mem bers friends and parent the club members were present during the anemoan to see the demonstration sklts and fashion parade which were pre rented by the club members The display of record hooks and club exhibits also proved be of interest to the visitors Al conclullnn of lhls par Uon ol the program number or certiï¬cates and pins were presented Mrs Wllllam Kane recelved leadership ward In rewlnillcn at ï¬ve years as 4H Humemaklng Club member Interest in 4H Hnmemaklna Club work seem In bu Increas lnx as evidenced by um large numbzr ol club mambm In West Slmcoe total at 135 girls mm he Townships at Nollawasaza and Sunnidale campluled the project Separh are far Summer at heir Ach levemcnt Dny which was held In New Lowell Community Hall on April 17 naczgvas macoanmon AWCtdS Highlight Achievement Day Farihiine Royal Dunedin lndow shldu Sllp Coven Dupery lllrdwm Venetlln Bllnfll Dnmlm anel Robert Duncan PA 64777 FREE ESTIMATES CALL TODAY PA 85531 DRAPERIES Dowmvlew Mrs Peter nson To onlu Prcsldeul of the Nallonal Chapm Canada lODE will brlng grading and wlll ad drm 019 upenlng mucllnx The Ill llon Vlscounl Amory GCMG lllgh Commisloncr or Brilaln will be the guest speak er at the dlnncr be held on lllulsdngfl Aprll Avcnln Nn Mrs Ellen Whllley Brenlwnnd Mrs stls Kellman Mrs Wm Sahel Calns CornersMrsWm Kane Mrs Clsude Flemlngl ClurvlewMrL Joe Paddlson Mrs Howard McFarlane Clov erlenAMrs Frank Glllen Mrs Stanley McArlhur Cream Mrs Lnulsc Brawn Mrs lluby lmnslde DunedinMrs Orvllle Young Mrs Elton Melheral DunlrounMrs Don Henncssy Mrs Dean Daugheed Georgian Mrs Mae Burgess Mrs Inn Laugherd Jacks LakeMrs Roy McArlhur Mrs John Black LlslaMrs Peter Nngel Mrs Weatherall Llsle No Mr Dorothy Mbertson Mrs Galcnby Slngh Mars Llnyd Hurst Mrs Doneldn Lean StaynerMrs Archle Burk holder Mrs Malcolm Yuk Sun nldals Corner Mrs Willlum Pallerson Mrs Willlam Bales Zion JublleeMrs Murrsy Os burn Mrs Brillinger Allmdiï¬z imm Banle will he Mrs 11 Billion Mrs WestMn Sandbrook The artyvlhlrd annual meal lng of he PmVlnclal Chapter Ontarlo Imperial Order Daugh lm al the Emplre will be held on April 74 andvza at the ShermanContinuum Halal ln Hnmllton Ontario Mrs MorrisonProln cia Presldmt will pmldc at all sessions which will be open to all ODE members Ma Kane Cninl Corner and Mara Malina Avening Sepnr ale or Summer wan Hie iweliih 4H Homemaking Ciuo project and in recognition of this each girl was presented with Provincial Hnnnur Ceri iiicnte and pin and an Ency clopnedia Britannica Bonk oi the Year the club leaders deserve 1m deal at credit for their work with the girls The follow lng women were leaders for tha pro CLUB LEADERS Barrie Women Will Attend IODE Annual Heres Tip From The WALKER GIRL DAYS OF OUTSTANDING VALUES THURS APRIL 25 UNTIL SATI MAY See THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 WAlKERS 8PAGE CIRCULAR Springs Most Sensational MoneySaving Event Featuring Delivered To Your Door uendln The Somali tribesmen who northern Kenya an mostly Ha Yemen lymvrneilln mflnywwwrm V5 DESCEND FROM AIMEE 45 ANNEhsEumTwï¬Emmma Ina24 IllIl II VUnJlll lilllc uJJJIUmomMy N9 DOWN PAYMENT IDW MONIHLY PAYMINTS STEP STEP STEP Theres Prccï¬xmBuiIt cottage plan or way Igmily You can choue ram widafrulga of am in conventional 0r ultramodem deny law 5650 complete Sm money by gambling your own mum with plrbnllt xmlem horn ow mary wm Ilhn mow ni flu with of bullding some In an Inn and mmyl wm Ihu hnlp am or Me Mind you an Immbl KM hul mm In wulmd Ilmply by equ mm Iddlng 0h roof punch ml ihm you In undu Wu ludy lor mum Mm mum tummy ynu md In dullvmd 9o yum an In mph mmm puhgl Indy lo Iuy qultk Immhly wlrhm lpnlll IHIII or uxmnllvo Molt and uh lo puma Vwll ualom window uni dullvu Ill mmmh to your You unmbln the union an dn It for you You choc on of our funny PudllenIufll cm phm or pmldl yovr own phn Su how my In and Plldtlonululll coma In domonmm lho Produlonlullt tymrn lo you Vhlt our show rroom or all for Illummd llllonlun mlllcln arlgln with noma de scendlnn rum 7h ccniury Am ho cmssad Into Attica tram