Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1963, p. 3

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Thlully nvw In clnlhm arc mm mu mw nunm mrnl hm hva Iurmcll ml HM IIxnmmrr WHI mlfl lmm Hum In llrml lo 4er lNWflIM Mall and In Um Emu Flu luml cull nnulv In quhr Hum tml Jrll Ilnvrin Tum mn nl hln my MM nn Hmllu mm lwrr llw Hm all holltlny Willie Mill and Jnlm llvlslnw Ir Malay nml can hark WMuvnlny John Minnirn nrvl len lrlllmnn Ir Thursday much hv mm ram lmrk In rlnlnnllun Why mun drenchm Inn nm llmn Mum Wm ulll he rman Fly THD MMUIIOIN Enmlnrr NI llrnmlrr Flru All mum mmnly nlonrr Mnjm Wall Ilruhl II Imk Immunrkomc luuk nlr hull npml some llmr Sun nylxroui military hunpilnl And now Humming rum th my Ulrm Sbrnndly mm on lmliduy Munlnul Unlurmnnlrly didnt Pm nu ulvwxllmlly In lll Qurlvcr firnul Humlqunr Inn nm llmv nrnulul Mr mm nlddcl lllclr Inn nnd daughter who rc sldn an Rodney Slrrrl In hurls will lu lnklnu up rcsldcnre In Toronto nt Um cm of June Hi Mr Illddnl nus UK llrsl cc Iar Inc ncw SI Gilrs Churuh Imamd In OcIobcr 1057 and was nthu in building sulMcqmnl nddiIinn ha church ImIl scrrrnl yrnrs nun His nppuInlmcnl My Hep Inrwnrd SI lcmcnls Ia ruled on Ilrlnrilxll nvcnuc nl lhc mrncr oI Duplex one he Imam Anglicnn churches In Tomnlo with more lhnn 1500 InmIIIH This iniormalion was given by Mr Ridch ycsizniny mm In to his congrcnulion oi 5L Gila Anglican Church Conk Slran Iii surccsmr hcrc has nol yet been nmmunccd The Reverend John Rlddcl of Harrie gncs Toronto July to become senior Msislnnl lo Archdeacon Crnsxhwnil at the Church or $1 Clcmcnl Egv man SCOUTING AROUND or rwas John ifomer Onlann Credit Union League Dircclnr of Education and Organlmliun The The Chaplet classes were held in he Lalonlainn High Schuol and lhey were in lour divisions Family Counselling was the rgcsl this and lhc inslrucl This school was organized and sponsoer by he Gemgain Bny Chamer and II purpose was to train those men and women who are nmcms ln Ihe chapters member credit unions so that hey may be able du their work wilh more eflccuvcnnss and Efficiency FOUR DIVISIONS Credit Union ommrs from the Gearglan Bay and Blue Water Chapters attended outday school at Lnfonlaine on Satur day REV JOHN BIDDEL on to Bad Bellamys back were two the cslimaled 500 kiddies who Iumcd m1 at Credit Union Officers Attend 1Day School Commissioner Back In Barrie BROOK PARKER hanging Prominent In Barrie Minister Accepts Call FUNfiBND cums ATfTYLEBSTER 1Tnnixsiifit15HUNT 11w puxruh lmul Ilw lvlvr In nxIl Qurnl Smull Mllu lllerM Nh llflrrlrl nml Warnn Law In Ilanio an Ihrir in to were un Kmul Wmlx Jmubmre 1W WM an nrrllrnl mm on In hnll III III 5mm nml rnmfll ulm look pm In llm drive II Inlll In NH llunla Troop Ilml Hum mu NIH uul mum illlylhe fimlll Mr Ir mlul znlhmml mm cm mu ll kill cry numxlul drivr II whl ml hunk MI llm Ynflmll mmmnlu who Innnlrll lurkup nulu myl mm Min Wm mm mm Inlmllu qulurduy Hm 5mm of narrlo nmlcd In ulhrr prer In In main map drlvr nml cu ornl Inalnr lnlm Vinchmlrr norm My Thde lhmlr mm mm 1er mmmtl llml IN mm 011 lmilrr mm um Ila Thin mxnplflu lhrlr Hul rlnu Scout ma qul may an haw rllaihh or KIM 11 Seoul hnnam Srmllnwler onk any Illix ulll Inku plum Ihorlly He Is prrsidml his ymr the Kiwanis Club cl name and he Harrie and Disrlcl Minlatcr Inl Associmlon membnr ol nur ric Publlc Lllvrary Board and chairman the new huildlnx unmmlllcc vlccprcsldcnl of Raul nmnch Cnnndmn Red Cross Snricly chairman he llumcmnkcr Scrvlcc he rd Crau and lnslrumcnlnl In hnv Ina ml vulunhlu scrvlLe immu nralml In thll My member lho Man or dircchm oi Inan Vltlnria llaspilnl member ho hoard nI dinclan Slmcoe Counly Chlldrrnn Md Sovlcly lnsl Dlxlrlcl Chnplnln kor glun Dlshlcl llm Mnsonlc lrdcr Chaplnln Kcmpcnlrll Mnsnnlc Md Grand hur mm Ilnrrln 14111 of lcrlcc Nuw hw Muunn Bcwum Rev John nlddcl has bctn ex lrcmtly prnmlnvm and active In he community life Harris He cnlnrcd the minlslr alter serving In Wurld War Two In lhc ranks farewell scrvlrcs Giles wxll be on Sunday June The ladies at Lafontainc Pur lsh provided the lunch and dinn nr or those allonding and in cluded rash maple symp ram the nan gmvcg OK llegislr began at am at the Lnlon lulne High School and classes conlinuev until pm when at that lim all the students and instructors gathered tagcthcr In 10mm Io discuss and ex change ldeas on their school work Gene Rooney league Ca crdinalor Fleld Services led he forum other three classes were also directed by members at lh league and the subject present cd were the duties and the pro blcms ot crcdtt unton treasurer the supervisory committee and the bqard at dircclm Untorlunhleuly Jlm Wilson pro Queena Park on Saturday allemaan In an Ealer Egg Hunt sponsored by the YM YWCA Over 2500 mulli Cnnlllllll Hull Smut nml Irmlru ma pnpmlng In lnku pm In Hm Glh Jumborvum Um Mr flue wrrkrml on In 211 film In hrlp mnntrur mtllo thm owrnlarn 5cqu human out Hm unvhl urlmnnn nut in an um omnlrvn vln tho dual wan rndlo mule 51 II ll Gallcn former Scommnnlnr 1mm Winnlptx Mnnllobn nnd Surlhmy Onl un Unllul Nnnm InnIce prnrnl ed he ptnnnnl nml nn nllxlm Main And nuloxrnplu of Hm Vlnnhvrx Culn In Srmillnmlrr Vldnr Ndnyn Um lml Dul Inllnn IMmru anlnmul nn mvlnlxr lea an Unilrd anhml urvlcr ill Kmnmmrtho firmer mum two In lhn Soqu Congo 51 II ll Gallcn former Scommn lnr 1mm Winnlptx an from my Stoul Head quartcn In Ounwn Ion Smlllxh mm and Chnlr man llm Iinrrle Cummllluo or World blunts anr Canadian Scout pcnnnnl gill lmm Voll Cubs the am Winnlprg Park Nu rcceully rt la Buy Smut Trqvp Among those attending 1mm Barrie and vlclnily were Roy Lenncx and Lloyd Cumming Innlslil Farmers Credit Union and Reynolds and Colllns of SL Marys Parish Credit Un lon and Bud Watson ClAa as iislnnl manager In Barrie mini 19 Um as first ofllc lal duty that newlyelected Loa xuu Director Bill Acres Mea Ioni had In perlorm and he at ended with Blue Water Chapt erviceprcsidenl Dart Ward 01 Callingwnod In sldenl the Georgaln Bay Chapter was not able lo allend thls school because he Is still patient at Royal Vlclnrla Ilnspl lal He was seriously burned an the lace and both hands In week ago However vicepre sldenl John Woodcock wk slggg qu up able hast orcd quarlcr Inch squares substituted or tho trndfllonal eggs and prizes wen award ed to lhosn uho managed to ind the most REV JOHN nlDDEL tarry ovrrylhlnl or ramp ml THE MANS BIIOI BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS 5m mu WOODS TENTS OFF ON ALL TENTSI mnznnn an NEWI nrn Will Mm rurnlakcr tharlnl Park lnr Hm Hm ficusom Lloyd Cun rud mu nwnnlcd the mnlruct In no the pulnllnz nccdcd nl lhu park Several ltllm were proscle ed 1mm Communin thnlnc ranch with mpccl dunk Sung in Wish with HICIIAHD CASSILLY in Ilm lilla ruin IlDNA KUMBnlNK Desdcmona lUUlS UUILICO as Iago Dvnl min Ihi mtluulu Mr amino muxiul pmduzflan Smlunuul mmmlnl Illml low Ind WYin WI lhlnll yvull Inlay mvy mlnulv EL Council nurch to Do Into pcliuan presumed by IL 50mm Hu nskcd lhul the Hun btlwccn IConcesslome and south of Ida OTHELLOH 0R0 SpcclaI Oro Town Ehlp council nt ils mldAprll meeting melwd rcquisillm rum on School nm tnlnll lnx $18761536 or 1961 eslimat ed nxpcnses The 1062 collector mll was returned lo council and accept ad Arrears were ordered return ed he counly Ircnsurerl al ice thrc cerlnln lnx arrcnra are not returnable nuninsl lho property lhe clerk wnx nstruc led In scnd oul nnllm or pay menL GrccnIcy Conslrucl Ian wilhlhe lowest lcndcr go he cunlmcl tar gravel crushing pending ummvnl mm lhe 0nl nrlo uvcmmcm Nino lender wcm aplcncd by countll ml amount nranls Include 30384 and 390680 Total In be mind by lnxalion $65 32775 iiirHBmwn said h€ had seen sialion wagon parked nii Highway 103 which mrrcspond ed lo the descripiionofiiir Van Nunen car as given by police We werenc sure it was Lhu same car he said Mr Brawn hen called Barrio OPP and the scam sinrlcd Officers from Barrie Orillla Vlclnria Harbour and Graven hurst took part In leour search around the 4th and 51h Concessions of Mcdonte Town shlp min on lnlormation giv cn by Welder Brown 56 Parkslde Dr Banie no body oi 34yearold Wii lem Frederik Jan Van Nanen missing mm his home 111 Napier SL Barrie since Wed nesday was found Salurday afternoon by Ontario Provincial Police officers Oro School Board 9eks $18761836 Recover The Body Of Missing Man YOURTELEEHUNE COMPANY WWIA glamJ TELEVISION Thu CBC Fesllval Pmducuon Vurdia 0pm 830 till 1045 pm TONIGHT Audilnra statement from Town ship nudnm Grcer Mcnae ml Co were presented and ordered published In Barrie and Orllllu pnpcn nonnn MEETS 11m Harrle District Col lrgime Hoard ml hold in up ulm mcelin nnlght bcglnnlnx nl olghl oclock In the board mom Ccnlml Collcnlnlc Mr Van Nanom according in police had ieii his home Wed ncsday or Job in Brampton Coniirrmiion Ihat he had Ihu posiiion arrived Wed csday morning before he in He leaves his wile and three chiida and proposed plans of subdlvls Ions which had not been mm PM Mcmbnr Certificates for mun kipal employm in the Ontario Munlclpal Employees Railro mcnt system were presented ninon curd £qu uppolntcd lo the man Community Ccnln Board to ill vacancy An autopsy was held Sunday and the cause dcnlh was no dclcrmlncd Further lnvesflgnc lion will take place he Attorney Gcncrnl CrimeLab In Taronm today The auwpsy was performed by Dr Col pilu lrom Barrie and coroner Dr McFarland of Cook lawn about nur as east of Craig hurst shortly after live oclock Barrie OPP Investigations om cer Shepherd said The cause of death was not known at the lime 1m pofiy wasfiund in the bush lut Courlcaul Servic CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 flldln Equipped 29 weeks In the Prim ecu Margaret Hospital In Tm ronlu he went to he lodge and lived there for month coming hum on weekends It was Ihcn folawcd about 30 cabal lrenlmenls and these Mr Ball said lake about two minule and youd never know youhnd 1L Denney of Barrie operand and removed the can cemus tumor two days afler My ball was gospltallzed But found be CancerStr clcty Inoks aIIcr everything had known much about it Illen as do now wouldnt have had In worry all Beforefllfign cancer was never sick day In my life he said He had tumor an the main angry loadan he brain worried about expenses when knew had cancer A1 lhnugh had hospital lnsurance hsse was still worry he mam 5ch sald He sald social warker ex plained Ihe sltuallnn Io mm and loldrhim here was nothing In worry abouL And wasnt nervous About going down there think this could he dune In every case it would help and fewer pcoplcvwould be nervous b5le gain to the hospital he Today Eldon Ball healthy ookinl man and lives aper tardy normal life Except for lhln scar on his throat where an incision was made to oper ate there In no visible evidence of hs waving bgen nIck Mr ul Two years no last February Dr Hick ol Barrie put me in Royal Victoria Hnspilal alter went to see hlm because was having blackauLs Whan came out lhe hospital they laid ma had cancer and would have to 30 Toflnlo 1m and Mr BE can speak from personal experience More than two years ago doctors gave Mr Hall about our mouths to live Mrs Hall said my mm SCAR The Cancer hind drlve in Barrie has almost $7500 to so to reach ik objective 812960 Mrs Joan Elyd mm secmary laid lodaL Eldon Bail and his wile who live Sailings Skeet think it is unlorlunale lhe campaign is 1mm The former mmuucdon con tractor said think ll peopiu really knew Ihe Jlne work lhe Canadian Cancer Socier doe lhn campaign would be more lugccsslui FOOD MARKET I6 humor EAST BARRIE Cancel Patient Once Had Months To LiVe BUEHLERS FBHES TEA BAGS PEI NO TABLE CAKE MIXES LYONS DUNCAN HINES DELUXE STEAKS LEAN SHOULDER mg 13 LEAN TENDER WING VEAL CHOPS MON TUES WED The hésmlal haard has Invited the public to mend as well Mr Wood has been on the board about 20 yam the sec andlcngcst period nl any of the heart members Sodlum ng ccrcmonlcs II take place at the silt or the new hospital nurthwtst at he pre sent hospital ALLISTON SpoclalW Wood oneum team Essa Townyxip who the oldest member he Stevenson Mem urlal Hospllal board 5lll active will officials Ann at sod luming cemmonlca the me 01 lbs new hospflgl The Canadnan Cancer Society docs no term padenl cured until the growth has been ar rested or five years So Mr Ball present is In the cale gnry an arrested case FIGHT CANCER Both Mr indr Mrs Ball are eager to llnlp in any possible Mr Hall said The permi Iess and the millionaire are treated exactly the same Dr Rider senior radio lherapist at Princess Margaret Hospital was one the main doctors in Mr 3211 case and Dr Ciiliord Ash director oi Ihe Canadian Cancer institute was in charge Mr Bali goes lo Toronto every thrbe months now ior check over The Cancer Society pro vides transportation to Toronto ior patienls that require it Mr Hall himscil drove several pat ient to Torqnla ifs sumrnert are no line colnr race rcugion wealth sa cial position or anymflm else Its marvc aux me way they work Thaml nothing they wont do Ior you Anything to muralg PP Women get lhelr halt dune free and men get their hair cm ree More than 2500 peapla deviate lhelr services Barber take an donallng thelr services as do hair drau ers entgglainors and omen ExEssa Reeve To Turn Sod Ht Blliston Hospital Site luokthe cobalt Irealmcnh and was checked over In only for cancer but also for every mlnga complelc check over Hu slay tarthe lodge was pleasant experienm and he speaks enmuslasllcally about It the lodge they had lelevls lon enlarlalnmenl and shows and la better than any holel KE MORALE UP PVO OF 50 73c $2639 The new hospital to serve Al lislnn he surrounding on lnwnshlps and Camp Bordon will have beds several special guests lneso will be lnlmduccd lo the audib ucc but none will he requlmd lo mako medics lhe haspllal board sald Speclnl guests in clude Ellwood Madill Orange vllle DullerlnSlmcna MP Rev Wally Downer Dunlmn HP or Dufferlnsimcoe mves the our townshlps adhlnlng Illllslan and he warden DullcrlnSimcoe us well as same ol he prcvlous head nuise at the hqspjlal Rory ODonal publicity chair man or ihc Cancer Society said this morning Leiiers are going out by mail today This socier L1 doing wonderini inh under eximmo diiiicuiiics but they havo to have money for research Some mighi say that ii is great amount oi money in some balances for saving one liie But you cani look ni ii ihai way One lilo tho saved result oi science and research may open up whole new field and save hundreds oi lives uyoun sanvxca 24hnur sch vice In Barrie or pagienls who need help No numbers are listed under Cancer Society in lhe Harrie telephone directory lhe omce number and the resl deuce number or Mrs Joan Bird uni secnelarsft The Barrie unit of he Can adian Cancer Society now provlding transportation and service Inr 13 patient to To ronto About year an Dr Hick Have lecture on cancer to nurses at the Royal Victoria HospitaL He took Mr Hall along to answer questions about Ills case after the lecture Mr Ball says If anyone who has cancer would likeme lo visit them would be glad to talk tn them qnd ml them about my experience and that there may be nolhlng to wnrry about He has Ihl advice though or cancer pallenu went by the book and had all hl my dam and think his Ls ImA portanl while he waatlhelndga ho way they caan the fight Again 51 cancer FOR

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