Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1963, p. 9

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BOWinngmtemiftyIIqs as Expensive Prqbkm ftomise Fine Weather For PanAm Athletes Wynn Is Waiting Hor Job Offer ST CATHARINES OnL CP The St Calharincs rowing fra uetolly has an expensive only lem on its hands In fact it runs In tho neighborhood of $50 The crux the prnblcm la the Calder Cleland Mcmnrlal Troéhy that magnificent Omar Khayynm wine jug awarded each summer to the crew that wins the high school elghl men the Royal Canadlan Henley Regatta here my F0 years the ancient gold Ind gilvcr trophy has canled prlce tag anywhere upa 510000 on it But now posfllve evalualion the anllque Jug has heen made And on todays market it has value In excess of 50 an vaI The authority fnr lhls whop ping figure is John McCall Tornnto nxperl in gold and lllv ver Myl eyu pretty nearly hugged out of my head he said when he to his first look 5A0 PAULO Emil CPvAP Promise or line womhcr came Friday or Ihe opening today of lhe PanAmcrlcan Games which have brought nearly 2000 Alh leles and omcials here from 7A countries fur the Inurlh them North and South American alh lelfi cnmpemin alure soared to 79 degrees Friday alter chilly 62 he dny hem and spirit he athletes rose tum as they build about he spanking new Olympic type village When In re youst hlelcs prupared for todays hlg opcnhu parade hefnre an expected 70000 In Pncaambu Stadium the Pigl American Sporl Organlwlinn kept delegation from Winni peg wailing in suspense over it hggflto stage the inn Games in klulx he Job could lead lo Vynnl witchng hls mm win placing im in an elite clrcle with lha pllchers whn have achieved Ills coveted son dawn lhrouzh muball hislary me Vynn ndmiucdly nervnul and somewhat im lllan auld like lo get my game but ill kind hard to work hard without direct lnccnuvo Ilraincd middle klnd lhlng when lhcrcl naming dol ln hp said In nn Hutuflew ynn as been working as ircc agcnl wilh he hlle Sax arm club In Surusmn flu rgilchu balling practice emy aay 43 Wynn wan the oldest active plnycr in major INK husthnll Iml my he hlill ha ha uld llcnm In Win his 3001 Ind poulMy In mom VENICE Fla AWEarly lynn is like the guy In the ownslairs apartment wailing If the other shot to drop That dine would be an alter It In job mm major leaqu AD In EIRINU had bdlcr Maxim Ill yur than hml In lhe Inst muplc yum Vynn MM lhrew ham pllclml plclly Klnm filly an Ymk Hulllmnm Chick Dtlmll llullnn lcwlnnd 1m Annch Minimum Wmhluglnn Fm llnnlll Drllnll Il Hum 15 New mk VuMnnlon Minimum Chlcnnu iluvrlnul IIIIHIIInIa In Allzrlu Kunml Ily fin organizallnn tabled llnnl II THE CANADIAN le TMIJI Inhnhlu Ilklun Nrw mk hlnllnul 1H ll WELLINGTON IT Nan ImMI rallallnu if AnnaI EIIHINO haul m1 Tum rm Mumm um um nl Iqukumnl rm II Hun Emunay lervlu My IM llmulml Ffi£lu HEATING on BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS hunkn 135w PEACOCK PEIROLEUMS BASEBALL RECORD mu Bum Putnek Announce the big rophy Not oniy is it made of sterling gold and silver but the workmanship aiane is magnificent The min ute saw ii knew this was authentic You cnnl disguise qualin when it camps to hand wrpuuiii Enid Ind silver arti mes was presenlcd lo rowing In 1945 by the late wll liam Clcland In mummy of his youngest son Calder who was kllled over Slcily while serving wh lhe RCAF IN MEMO Mr CI in ihe winemaking business here is though to have mind the Omar Khnyynm wine jug during his way lnlo antique shops while on one his numerous trips Egglaqd an as It hlstnry he discav ered that it had been made by lhe gold and Silversmith of England for presentation to the Empress Eugenie upon her acllon on 1967 site sclccllon unlll Monday when ll will des lgnale Sanllago Chlle arr gararas Venezuela Meanwhllc spokesman for the Canadian team 134 alh lam9 men and 37 Woman repoer several Canadian bas kelhal players with mild load poisnning believed caused by cream pulls caen during night here from Punan Inca had recovered nscovmw puglollmp Mem Is Pueno nican delegation on the same flight also were reported racovered Friday vzrley Coward 14year nld mm from Vancouver and member the Canadian glrls huskclhall cam who was the most seriously ill ma enacted group was released mm Sun HI hiépllal That somebody could be any 01 several clubs Wynn says hi has had conlact with during the last few Treks good my last four limes lhlnk could pitch every mu day or mmcbndy No club are believed Ia hnld mumr Interest In Wynn They are Louls Cardinal and lhc Houston Calls have talked wilh ham couple of limes Wynn said but We havent come to any kind of Izrccmenl Working out wllh lhn arm clubs lxnl Inklnu up all of Vynnp lime llls rcslnumnl buwllng nllcy occupies much he llmLI no spcnl In reading and nnswcrln load at mnll Mosl lo lcllera lsh Wynn good luck in his bid or No llc salt Inns ram New York who used In MI and was me out no nnw wrilimg and lhey mm lo be pulling for me Wynn wm dropped mm the th Sax maltr his wnml ntlnr lhe mnnuxcmml decided ln go with young pilchvrs lle Wm men nml lost 15 wnh llm While Sox Inn Man nnd Ihrn draw his mlrnnc lu make Ilcnl or hllmcll lhls lcnspn Vuhlnnon Slrnhnum 00 lm Anxtlu Chuncn Illl Knmns Clly Sruul Ml Mlnncwll Knnl MI nl tun lmlrn Cleveland rnnl HM llmnnx hIanIIy 10m Drlmil nunnhu 101 mu Ilarehud um NI at Icon ls mm 1m Angrlrl nl Knan ny New 1111 Al umhilmlon llrlmll Illulnn Mllmrmln hlcuu ll Icullnd It lllImnrl Mudy 0mm IMHIII Ill Kama III mama Cluelnml Nv lm Anulu II wnhlngmn luMIyl 1mm llnl nl manlag mask to mm Nu an pun p5 the Sec ond French Em ire In 1m she fled to Enzlnn wlth her 14 year ald um um whatever househnlc treasure she could salvnge The win jug was 3min he Paoplg llke Ihla sold their treasures anaby one to ohtaln ennugh money In maintain the kind of life they were used to McCall explained Thats hnw lhls Jug probably got an lhc market all has taken phnto the trophy mm every posslble angle Theyre pin to England and than youll have letters ccrtificalian Item the gold and silversmllhs over there to posl livng backup thls eva inn trunhics or the Canndlan As suclallan of Amateur Oanmen has arranged to Increase he 1n surnnce on Iho jug whlch until remnlly was covered for $1000 Both 12 mens and wnmena basketball team mm Canada the mens made up basically of the Lelhhridge Alla Cana dian champions and the wam ens centred round Ihe Van cnuver Maldshad llxhl work uuls wilhnul ill cflccla In the alhleles village Albas alhlclns allirad ln red sweat sung allracled consldernble at when several squad mem hers thumped banga drums and held an impromptu calypsn comm Alhlelea rum Cnnudl Venez uela and Uruguay clustered amund Modesln Modem Cuban high jumper nah chanted to the accompaniment at he drums PunAmerican Sports or anizauon met 10 miles from he village and pnstpuncd until Monday ll declslon on lbs 1967 sited Gan Jase Clark ol Mexico organlzallon president appointed lhreeman commit tee In study Ihc propnsals and qualificallonl oi the bidding cilics REPORT MONDAY The mmmillce will rzrmrl lo lhe general meeting Monday morning Then represenlalire of me three cilia wlll make presentations and Gen Clark said lie hope lhi sclecllon will be clcnned up by nizhllnll Mark Dnnzker Ipokuman lor he Winnipeg delegation here lo push the Manitoba cilys bid said he was dlsapA pninlcd nvcr lhe delay but added will my hm no mallcr haw lam It takes unlil lhe lccllnn made We still are very hnpnlul clung the Games momm Adhzmnr dc Barn Sun Pnuln xlnle will open the Gnmns nlllclnlly at 150 pm EST lodey an haur nfltr alum planu Ilrmmiug smoke mvt dnrlcd nvnr the stadium nnd mllilnry hand have plnytd mnnlul mm PARADE SCHEDULED or he xovernar nrrhes tnmcl Hm parade nlhlelu and nlllclnls which will rcqulre so mlnults nrnxillnn nmnrr Jose Ttllu dJI Conccirnnx will carry the Olympic lurch lulu llm Iuullum Ill pm EST In llxhl Ill Hm uhIch lmrm until the Game and Mly Flrsl mmptlllinn hrgln lo mm wlm he Uniml sum cxpoclrd Llomlnm lhu aver nll Games mrrllnx Cuba In mtccr and null inriuk Ptru Fin and Mn mulch ma slnrl lnudn 1m rm rnlrlu In hm compclllinm Amunl um Cnnndlnm In ndlnn Mll ha Irnnlx player Dun Innlnnn 31 Tornnln mu llmry meulrr an nnln ulm face Ilrnlillnn and Uruguayan nppunrnln In lha openlnl rnund he mrnn Iinlln Sumhy Allrrnnon The Cnnndlnn mrnn rnllryhnll lum lhn ll ICIIldulfd lo plly ll nprnln mmh Sundny You an mlurr he chum Arridrnl Ivy Mn ulu unlul mil hm In an ynu fin Pl In rnlm In In Icrldml and Mn In mk Inn yum hum Mp la Mm yml Illml ml ll MI Alllnmulllll In An humnu you mm will 52 Nowion PA 000 CIA ONE DRIVER IN EVERY 15 WILEUR WALTON Wu lnvolml In an nuldnm lm yur puhllr llalnhly dImIEO In your nun Inmy la youmll or nmnlml of yum lntu inInto Amhlhl TORONTO CPITwo rem nrds were set and Bnolhcr two equalled in this years National Hockey League Slanlcy Cup playoffs The semifinal series between Delmu Red Wlngs and Chicago Black Hawk produced hrce the marks The Winfis and Hawks in Ihelr mics whlch Detroit won our game In two were usesscd he most penalties in cup playofl series 98 and equalled he soulscoring mmk or two teams In scmllinal sorles with Hawks Bnbhy Hull ch Ihe mnrk must goals in mifinal wiLh eight Leafs chk Du chalkcd up he nlhcr record by scoring the lwn laslul goal crcr tlrcd at Ihe star of Slnnlcy Cup game in one minule And eight ICC onds Lioyd Swlndclll coach of Canadas track team or the 1961 PanAmerican Games keeps abreast ol devclnpmcnls Anoiher addin abnu lhv three pinyaiL 5c which ended with Lenis winning their second straight cupcimmpion ship by defeating Dciroll 1n the hesloiacvcn inn was that nil names ware decided in ulnllon ilmt Thla is the ilrxi your alnce lhu NHL gained lnli possessinn oi the Sinnicy Cup in 1927 um nn nrulimc game were nccded in Die piayoiis ONE F0 MOWER anonia finallcndnr Jnhnny Bow Mm gnu his club grunt clutch nclmindinz mcr he 10 xnmc against Mammal Cuna WingsHawks Set Had 98 Penalties PHONE LI lmk Hm It You Own By mm ANDREWS TORONTO CPITwo ONLY Wu wlll Inlp you build Ihll modern 3bcdroom horn on your lol or only Hundreds of lunulllul nuw mums have bccn hull nnd llnnnccrl by lhls nnllunl System by proud nwncln 5mm 1M We lnslnll 11 blocks HERES WHAT YOU GET HERES HOW YOU SAVE Excel lhn lmuxc all llnlslml oulsldc vllh wund nldlnu or rcxuly lo brick Vc mpply Hm cmylunpply Inslde mnlcrlnll far you In Inhh In nur ware limo WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Srml or llll CAIALOUUE today 711212111911 Wig full lmsvlncm on ynur lol hlgh s6700 KEEPING TRACK OI SPORT $250 dlcns and Detroit probably rates mention in the record books too thorough march DI NHL record reveals that Bower In the semiinn agllnsl Montreal became the rat net minder to earn an mist In Stanley Cup playotll In the spark world by readA lug Frenchlanguage new papers The Vancouver sla lioncry salesman says inter The Wings and Hawks in their sixgame mics cclinsed the armor mark 87 pcnnlllu establishcd last years nix mime final between Toronto and Chlcnxo Detroit player rccelved ml of 52 pcnnllles including 43 minors two Iivemlnuln majors and two Wmlnule mlscanducts lnr total at 116 minutes Hawks were penalized with 46 minors two major and fine IZEI UlClIctk Yam Now Whtel Alllnmem Mm fllllnclul shogk Abmhu Service Camplrle FronI End Suspcmlon 0mm TAKEOFCARE WINTER WEAR MURDOCK 21 101103410 51 PA 82202 HARRY DOWN misconduct total or 108 mln ules The Inlal 232 minutes however mm In record or 241 mlnulen handed out In alxxame semiHull between Chlcago and Mnnlnal In 1961 Hulll eight goal against Wings tied the record set by Gordie we at Dclroit inlm es In track and field In Can ada ha taken an upward swing in the last five yam CF Photo ANN ST and when it comes to moving its tough to fill our shoes loo MOVERS fiLIJED VAN LINES lls nol because we all have blg feel or wear shoes slzcs loo large for us Its becnuso every llmc we move lamlly we put our hes not lurwnrll We feel that in nearly every nspccl of the movan and slorngc busl ncss we are one jump ahead our most compclcnl compelllor ur men mo com plclcly lrnlncd ln the arts ol packing and lmulllng your procloun belonglhgs Only the most modern packan cqulpmcnl In lemploy ed Our vans are Always kcpl In lopnolrh condlllon Because we are member of the world largo vnn llnea Alllcd Van Llnm you can cnunl on last cuurlcous lmv ml mvluc So wherever ln lllo uorld yourn gulng go wllh Cooke SATURDAY APRIL 20 155 fllE mum EXAM Prince Rupert man be peering into lhe Irlgld wach or the Early Seg nnd winking about gxr mégirl will he looklng down We the warm waler or awlmA 1an tank In Sao Paulo Bra The man Percy Pierce and he will he tendlnl hls halibut line when ht It ycar old daughter Shumn lines up with some of the host swimmer In the warld awuttlnz the atartera gun at the Fun American Gamcl April 10 to May Sharon was 11 chubby llltla ulrl who couldnt tell tha dog paddle from the butterfly stroke when she turned up at the Prince upm awtmmlnz pool and met coach Run 611 chrlsl fly at she and five oolanc and weigh 100 pounds In her tank mil She has clalm lo three agegroup swim rec ords one Canadian aenlar wom ens record and only the cum Cupadlan glrl lo Acangpele at he lmernaliofil level such tender age mum samon mug nnunry she smashed the Canadian ruc urds or 13 andMycarald gm In In 200 and 400 treaslylu and tumbled the senior womens lrggfiyle Hell Be As Lass or true in the we and 400 freestyle were 112 and 437 In that double assault she be temd regards set by Mary Sic art at Vancouver and Pattt Thumpsnn llllngntllnn Sharon demols ed the Can dlan trueslyle record of 514 set by Vancouvers Susan Elllnu by going the distance In TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lflll PRINCE RUPERT 30 IARRIE 5059 mm than eight lecnnds bellor than he old time Fishing Swims PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE CONSULT DONALD fiaxcnn AIIC SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY lem 49 Dunlan st 1mm All cum lnmnncc From An Experienctd And ngrmlvn orunmflon PIER

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