luv nu pmhlml ll you ill 34 llm Allmuu and down mmvlu rad mm ll ynu do not lmuw how lu url yuur mum on ho hum lnlk Wlll your rhyllul tlurnllnn llnrllrr nlmul IL Mk or In Ilmw ml Mule tmrlm la mml ynur pmlllu lnulln llm In nerd In Mum wnyvlmrk Hr rm hack kum rnl Inlr nl lrrl flnl on llmr law cinn out Ilimlllllf lnrl lllcn lmul rllnovrl and ml lmwml an Hour In 1mm ll lrlllr Ill Mulm nmr should 11w um mlnn II nlmnly IIy HM JEAN KMN Teennun lmw dn you Ionk In lllm Inu and In Ilrulkhl mm TM uainxnwny vIcw In mollnn the lrxl lln nol nI Inucllm mullcr aI Mp ur hell Swayback nol nnly Crnluulc ynnr xmslrtlnr but cnuxu you In more nwkwnmly Tul your puxluref Slnml IIIIcwnnln In lull Icnulh mlr Mr or he 11Han lnhlc mlr Inf ulll In Slnml In cnrrlru poslure our Imrk unynl Inl AluImmn prnlrllllinll renr hlpl lrnllmz Now pmlndmnun full nu null In slmnuly wllh ynur nlulnmlnnl musclu and nl luv anmr Ilnm rumlrncl llrmly wllh lmllrwk Inluclrl pulling ylpl lIuhlly Inn and umlrr llrnr Mu Ixlhl me Iml Juwl in Iil on My nrv mumnhla nr lrrplml llw pelvlc alnllc Iuhrvl lnrwmd dimlly Ilmlrr he lnl ul no lmdy mu will If Youre Partial To Sliï¬l Iims Improve GoingAway View KEEP IN THE TRIM vunlfl wally Ion Whrn ynu In dmlr wllh hArk nl hlpu nlnlml rhnlr lurk vacr lull way em on rlmlr ml nbdumrn umlmdA In In rlnlnf mm chllr make lhl Rh mmdu llllx whrn wn dunl plop aim one lhlxhv me hnrk Arron Mp1 lo llu olher lhllhllnm Anln rnll uh ml vlly 21 taunln Atllnn flu vhyllvlmlcnlly nrruu hlp nprrnd uxhlna wklh rmu hnml and brat nu Mlh llm all Mnkn NI nlaw4 hrnvy mIL nham 21 tnunll Tn km on lhm nnnnylng plncunhlun In on llm nldo hlpllnr lwnd yuur knrr nlld mll mm Hml From lhu Inmo yoluon hux your hum Io your chul Ind hold or ltw Iacnndl To Illm Mm mll lmlllnm 51 on floor lenlnu Illzhlly luck 1m Ilrmhl out kneel mum Hlvv nrmI out Ildu Illuhlly Duck Inlml on oar la pm ynur lownr bark firmly unlnsl the our old mu muula comrncllnn lo Alow count at nlx Cuunl wllh word plclurel one llnnmllnu two lvtlll lhreo Illm etc Repeal lho rouune hue llmu enum lug on land brulhlng freely Holding the ronlrmlnn In mate llm mmclu lone MN nun nu mill mun mwmmu M4 Iltmam huh lm mum Ia mvumn ul um mmnnm man mum mummvm 55ml magmas Fnrxrl Mrrylhinu you know nhnul llm nlllro vrrmmlrl winn you no horn mm Aml lur lll uhM wrnl on hnmu vhrn you lrnvn lnr In Dulce 1n lhu momlnn IIUITH Nrm bun ynur mu Ivy In llnl numr Knp II on ll Mr has nll llmn And mhlmu III olhrr cxccullvrl by lhrlr lml mnm lua uumlyvhrlyavvdlm Km lho 111Ip and smnll urlpcs In yourull Your hm him enough to lhink nhuul wlllloul becoming onmnhod In pcuy Wife problem Awld hrcnmhlk rhummy with mnrrlcd mwnrkcrs Dmll Mk mm In plck you up or In dr on llnmr Donlrlnol nvm um you are rompclrnl and produc llvu chvrryqpo will know ll Farm your lcmlnlnc wilos during olIlco hours Youll ud vnnce lnslrr by conccnlrnllnz on your Ipccflic nxsmnmcnl Dvnl try In lake over he ofllcc llasxy people are unled ywclnlly wnmrn II DIJCKIHINANM Dear Ann Lander As he iIc of pcrsannnl manannr Ive burn fmrly close In allicv prohlcms mry type May alter some sugncslluns tar wnmcn cmployncg Dur Friend Your molhcr has given you sound advice hope you lake ll Theres big dillcrnncc bclwcen cherishing memory and nllnmnllng to hang on In somclhlng which no longer Hills Time heals The pain will gradually diminish and one day ll will disappear ll this worn nut incl life would he unbearablel GOOD ADVICE No one else can ever take Timmya place will never fall in love again Vnuld It be wrong to continue In wom his engagement ring My mothu has bun pleading with me to put ll away and forch She says Im lorluring myscll wrong to cling lo wundcrful Please Ann help ILBLACK BLACK BLACK Dnr mu an Inan Some things at too good to be me and maybe this Is the way It was with Timmy and me He was killed in an acci denl 1ch week ago When our mlnlsler came to the hnuse to tell me lhc lerrible news bn came hysterical and they had to call the doctor was in bed orlhrce days spent our wcckcnds look ing for lltuo home to buy and we had some furniture picked out Tim was never on of my hang and Im sure it was lhe gamer with hlm Dear Ann Landerl Six onhs ago Timmy gave me an ngngcmcm ring was he hap lest girl in In world We went ogclher two years and he was the klndcsl most considerale peron had ever known VIAfl ANN LANDERS All over the mrld the skim mer being grabbed up by eager wearers The lashion able are created with diiierenl klnds oi seaming and an in ï¬nitely cunning use iahrlc Cherish His Memory Dont Cling To It COOL DESIGN FOR WARM DAYS THE BARRIE EXAMINER lllylllld MINI IA Mm To km new wring Ilml Mu or 1mm newImkllm run Hnm WM clenr pnsln wu Andy Mn mm ulu 0110 cloth When dry rub will dean dry clam or 1m 11 MM MI Snmlrn Shhr 1HK Tumnln nnd Ormlu was brldal only nucndnnl Tho muld honor worn Mun bouclu um lecn in mnrrlnno by Mr lnlhrr he brldo was alllred In pink bouclo mlt wlh whllo nccusorlu She Cllfllld bow qucl whllo mum and pink rnsu The bride lb dnuahlcr of Mr and Mn John Itnnrsky IICAF Slnllon Uplands Otlnwn The bridegroom Is lhc son Mr and Mrs Chum Gmmm on Hnrrlslon Clear Paste Wax Preserves Leather Thu 50101 mi In bridge umoma brother Dauqum of spran flowers ndnrncd Vcslmlnislcr Unit ad Church or he wedding of M15 Jonnnfln Lolx Pennrsky Rez Toronto and Gnome Donnld C914 In Grummclt Burlington Rev Mr McKcnzlo ofllclnlud at he nllcmonn ccrcmany April but In Enough the gm and gumu Tell them you want In know when lhny can begin lo repay ha loan they make no effortslop seeing Ulcm 30 daily 11 Impossible lo cal lrlcndly under the condition you describe so why pretend We see lhcsa maple several time week Should we tell lhem how we cal and probably lose their friendshim Were ï¬red acting pleasant to halt am nnd eellng resent ment Inslde Thank youTw0 FACED RVH Graduate Wed In Toronto LOAN PAYMENT and pattern Above cool Arne creation In tumor ahle nonstop pullover drama tized with blackand deal or travel and the hot summer ahead ANNOUNCEMKNTS INFORMAL Accmumzs 11w lnldo and her numdnul urmhmlcd Ixul Imw nun Um hflfll Nunlnl llnynl Vlrlnr Howllnl llarrle haul nllcndrd nun nmll Ion Hurllnxlun Ollnwn llnrrly Inn Slnyncr Crmnam And Dar rlr Following he mum from the wnddlng Irlp lo Flarldn Hun newlywrdu wlll ruldu In Dur llnglun Imllllnx he brldczroaml mother wurv bulge dnu wllh bluu accessorch Ind comm yellow mums on was lunld flu Wedgwood llcslnurnnk Receiv lnu he brldcl mnlher was at llrcd In mums comple mented wilh whllo Icmsorlcl nnd comm at yrllow muml 44 DUNLOP ET EA FA Hi OPIN THURSDAY UNTIL 900 PM luau ME Grumle ol Hnrrmon Prnmky Toronto and Art was the groomlmnn Deunh Hammond Duriinzlan were HIMIL will bake ncccswrlcl Shn car rlcd bouquet ogy qu roses ECLPTION Dusty Ronda Amnflcan Mr Hnu 5cwardess who Is 35 ha Joined other stewardess In hung clanse in mmmct ich sou axe limlt ol 32 year or Ilcwardesses Miss Roads exempt because aha was Ilylng or Amcrlcun he oro age embargo went nlo ledIn ma AP thpholol Out of town guests allendlng the WebbMcQuay wedding ln lrlnlly Unlled Church Thom tan llrl altarnoon lnclude Mrs Samerr Mra Victor Thorn lan both ul Weston Mr and Mrs Orville 50mm Mr and Mrs James Black Mr and Mrs Ron Whilesldc Mrsr Mabel llerrell Mr and Mrs lame Forbes all of Toronto Mn and Mrs Terry Webb Mr and Mrs Earl Waters all of Bracebridge Mr and Mrs Arthur Hexlmer ii returned mm skiing holiday at Mnunl Mansï¬eld Stowe Vermont where she was guest at The Alpine Motor Ladle mu Har ris is now yisiiing with her par enu Mr and Mrs Ji Har ris ni Valley Drive and will return Eiobicoke on Sqnday where she in on the leaching stall at Royal York Callczille wgnnwu Guam Note are handed to cover Iho enlnl Iochl Illa of flu cu and diam Weddlnl ln nhmmu birthdl bridge panflu comm In par llel visitor and traveller It llelfll of hum tq women reader 01 hi plle Ynnr help In Inpplylnl um Itll be neatly appro cubed Plenu phone The Bunlo Enmlner AI PA 531 and It fur Eileen Dlxon nr Audrey Cannon It the Wom enl Denfluent 5199mm VERMONT FIGHTS CLAUSE PM Eileen Dixon or Audrey Column PA Hm PEOPLE AND PLACES STRANSMAN OF BARRIE lelmlnd Pun Wool Tnmh Com Longlh Com All Wullm Com Jukm For Euler uhend dunno from dlvcrnlly nl tlylu nml unmlrrlul Mxlu and Id rnnn ol charm lnl colon When It Como To STRANSMANS SPRING COATS He prnrllcnl In hnmlllng Mon dlyl Nahum whlll you my Im nunr or Itcnmpllnhmrnl you may unllrrlnkl more lhnn ynu run rcnwnnhly llnlnh 11m rcnnd mlvmo Mmury Ilpccl 5mm horn on m1 day will he lnltlllxcnl and Imuinlllve but my Intlinrd ownnl mnlcrlnllnm DAY MTF TOMORROW Personal wll also bl under good vlbmllana durlnu mas lhu camlnx year with tmphllll on romance Indor mnnlnxn llll lhlx monlh In August or Dmmbcr nlc llllcr munlh should Illa nrnve excep llonnlly hnppy when Invnl and lnmllx mm am concerned ll Iomorrow ll your blnhduy your horoscope lndlcnles that job and Ilnnnclol mullcu wlll be under ucellcnl Influence or the hull our monllu AnA ollucr good pcrlnd prcxnued ln Seplzmber and pnrllcularly excellent one htxlnnlnu In Do camber will lul lhmugh March 1064 Dont speculate however elpcclully durlnu he lnllcr lhln month and hi Ocln or You cannot bolxlcr Income in MI mannerand you could oll ML lolnsconaldcuh um um nmnmu hlg muman day Highly Invorcd than 1n mn Hve Ind Artistic ï¬elds exam lives and premolars also Ipflll sored are outdoor Interests group activllles nnd pcrmnal relnlionships FOR TOMORROW 60 women Attended Day at Recollection stated Mrs Pld Held splrttual convener She II no reported that guard at honor was armed or each de ceased member Eduialion dï¬vcner Mn Mncdonald reported that Blble were pregnlcd for catechism Mrs Brennan reported Iha Redcmptorisllne Tea was held and also Una parcel had been sent 19 the Mission in leria West Alrica Mrs Jerry Coughlln allar care canvener reported 24 sales religious arllcles involving tolaln work hourl Included In Ihe repm the Glrl Guide convencr er Sriglcy was Mother and Guide banquet and luccesslul began and Vbake sale Reports read the annual meellng of St Marys Catholic Womenl League Barriehshw ed busy and umslnl year haq bean completed Come To in roioum Shim will get equal wear If you number each on the wide the npckbnnd and wea than St Marys CWL Executive Announced At Annual Meeting MIA Cathy McVicm Call Ier 51 has weekend guest Miss Chrisllne Hackhofu of Tax 0mm Easter holiday mum at the home Mr and Mn Robert Smith of Shanty Bay Road no their grandchildren CatlinInc and Bill Robertson BunHux lon Falls Mn James McGhee nf Guelph Mr and Mrsdack Crlllenden of Slmud Mr and Mrs Willlam Hunter 01 AIM ton Mu Roger Irma Les lle Wand all of Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Torrance Hunter Mr and Mn Ray McKnight Mr and Mn Jack Morrll Mrs Bert McQuay and M15 laxrain Saunders Curtla Gem1e all of Bank of Pen Credit Mr and Mn 3111 Webb Markham Mr and Mn Wflllam Wilson Oak vllle Mr and Mrs John Mc Ghee Mr and Mrs Bill McGhee of Rammvllle New York Mr and Mrs Victor Hansen Mat haw we all of Niagara Number Shirts For Equal Wear WHAT THE STARS SAY ay zsrnaum Munduy ur hirlhdny your hornscnpe pmmlscs most canxlmctlvn year where unher lnl your gun concerned now with Salurn showing Hz helm side In your lilo you should ch gender In ucnlnil elfarls nndlhasc you put forth between now and midJuly should show lnnglhla mulls by Scplrmben BARR week suggest cnullun all written mullcrs my 1m mmme TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MIN 7m Im nny lur rtdylrnu Mr nu mlvlru or 11mm Mrs Sasa misled that sev en member had inhcn the St John Ambulance course span wred by he EMO She also re ported hat members had assisi ed Ihe Citizenship Court in Barrie and that 91 member Mrs Melinar announced tylal anrgberfhlp lo 760 Mn Corbett reported 113 visits made to newcnmm and shutins during me past year Hospital convener Mn Mamn reported um 22 women had made 502 Visit Lo Um Royal Victoria Hospital in siudenu Si Marys and Si Monicas 5610015 and ihai Communion breakfast ior sum mer school children was held public speaking comes spon sored by the Toronto Archdio cesan Council oi Ihe CWL was held and scholarship was awarded to grade 12 aludenl at Si Joasphn High School by our CounclL FREE OLAIINO FREE MINOR REPMR FREE PROMPT PICKUP AND DELIVERY DAY 0R EVENING mm Ina lréonmua Immu mu im The engagement has been announced 01 Miss Anlla lo nnne Wllklnson RegN daughter of Mrs Charles Pal mer Banlo and line lnte Harvey Wilkinson to WI llam Bruce While wn oi Mr and Mrs William Whlle Faitlield Comedian The wedding will lake place at nlhuu Ham mo All you name IMVF V0 FUHS CLEANED HEIMHEH HI Illi Mlllllv II AT 0U LOW HUMMER lllNTJ III AMIalum um PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 51er mum Enlrull ynur Inn Huh nummrr Iu llnnlnl me Mrlmln hmlrr Hm mm mm HI lulu only and kmwn lmw In air cm 01 your fun dur Inz mmuwr 550 Phon T0 WED HERE IN MAY WIGGINS FURS PHONE PA 84868 InnaIa DUNMP IT PHONE IA IM Wllh mu mvmï¬ wmoms Mn uacms of Mull Fun has mcnlly taken up re Ildcnte In Dan1c Mr Vlnlm well known urrler In bolh llnnln and Tomnlo cell um lhll chnnno mldcnco wlll cm lib lllm lo ulv hll rwnnl advice and urvlce ll cull amm ln lho nnrrlu area Mr Wlnlm wlll he lvpllubla every day It hll Horn or evenlnlu by nppolnlman llls mn Sheldon ll Inkan chnrgu ol the Toronla nuhllnhmenll After he meeting rchcsh mums were served by Mu wu am Donovan and committee was insiaiied Past President Mrs Coughiln President Mrs McCann First Vice Presideni Mrs Coleman Second Vice President Mn McCioskey Third Vice President Mrs Donovan iiccording Secretary Mrs Partridge Corresponding Sm reinry Mrs Gaids Trus urcr Mm Taylor Council iors Mrs Carbeii Mn 11 Ryan Mrs Saso Mrs Sione Mrs Lea McCann president lhnn lurncd In meellng over to Mrs Junrennnn clecllon 01 101 exegullva Mrs McClcskey gave successful financial project re pan $125091 was raised by rummage sales Inns bazaar and bake sale Mrs 11 Ryan presenlcd Mon sinnor Clair with chequ for $400 to unhcr parish work Social Ac on convener Mm Al Decalla said Ihnt lxnlttlug was done or the Childrenl Aid Society articles and gifts were sent to the Ontario Hospital at Penetnng and that seven car tons clothing had been sent to the Mission had pamcipnled in local fund raising canvassos Including tho 311111991 mum III llmlly In Central United Church Barrie on May ll at pm The brideelect is graduate of Western llaspllal Toronto and the bridegroom elect has hln Bachelor of Science and civil engineering degree mm the Unlvmily nl Cunnecticul The couple are residan Los Angela Californln TORONTO