Hk INN AVI DVIMM IIMIH Mnl 11m mu nu doom mm mm um yuma mm mm my run uhnjlm TM Clllldlll rIlI Ind II Aid Em Illum In Clllfl ID tlflnfllll Mull In rm puma nu um lumen In In mmrnson lumn aim rnmu no lull Mm mu mum mu sunmmm nu my III In nnunn um Wm mu nonlm ml munln mum mm Immn wannun vnv In lunlm mm It Inner lIllIc dllfrrcnvc whether or uol wages would he held at he mun lcv vl for 35hour week as or 40hour week The rflccl of rulucluu the wit work more mmlly men If vnur Irn lkuwlw whim numnHuJy The hull vldunl hax unechghlh 1m rmym puncr hm onecl Mh mlucllun swath uul scrvlm prm ml nnd rvrrymuv not slung on oImclulllh 1M5 wages are hold at Um same lcvnl lnr 35 lmum nu Autnomm mm um mu 7th UUIU lllemvL IIII um mum mu Iu mu mum ma Iummn at um IA rumIn The citys parks are not yet ready for the usual summer activities with the result that many of the children are play ing on the city streets some of them on busy thoroughfares It Is llxturblng lhcrnfnrc to hmr scr lnus lulk Ihuul cullhm llu work week in the Unllcd Slnlcs mm 40 In 15 lmlms In uwncr Ihs means onon hlh cu in llm gomls and services nvnllnlï¬c lo lho pwplu 011 he olhur side of the coin the more Uml Is produced the mare here Is to runsumm 0r pulling anolllcr way nolhing can he mnsumcdullkh has no first been produced Accordingly the way In nmru goods and wnlcus fur more people higher slnndnrd livlng ls lhrouuh more production This is good news and it is to be hoped that the city fathers will be able to fril glow through on Mr Herseys prediction Low taxation which Barrie enjoys is an incentive both to business and indus try Industry especially will not come to high tax town as rule Barrie Council has been well aware or this fact and through the years has endeavored to keep residential commer cial and industrial taxes within reason able limils Morris Minn Tribune The ss man wurks the less he pmA hlLLS The more man mrks the more he produces Since our nnllun is made up of millions nl people the same non crnhzntlun can he NLth The more peo ple work the more nallon produces Ald Hefsey chairman of the civic finance committee indicates there will be no appreciable Increase In the Barrie tax 13th this yang as Barrie Examiner April 15 1948 Pro perty amounting to tens of thousands of dollars being bought in vicinity of Bar rie by official of Ontario Department of Highways it is being acquired as right nfway for new super tourlane highway which will skirt Barrier Director Allen Fisher took his BCl Concert Band all to Detroit by bus to play at lllusic Educators National Conference of Am ericas Programs were also scheduled for Woodstock Windsor and radio from London Barrie Flyers beat ltlon treal Nationales 33 in Eastern Canada Junior hockey finals Top plzyer lor ltlontreal was Bernie Boom Boom Geotirion Almost 2000 Barrie ans tra velled by car train and bus to lllaple Leaf Gardens for game llowever same night at Barrie Arena some 800 fans turned out to watch Stroud Bruins beat Centreville in overtime to win the provin al rural hockey intermediate title Miss Louise Colley county rec reation director elected to Ontario llee reation Council Barrie Lawn Bowl ing Club held annual meeting at Club 10 with Judge Duncan lllcCuaig presid ing Drl Spiers was elected presid ent of mens section ltlrs Amy Vair of So this is week When the parents should issue special warning to their YEARS AGO IN TOWN SHORTER HOURS LESS PRODUCED Wilh all of Barries school children tree from their classrooms motorists must be more cautious than ever Warn School Children Council Deserves Praise If It Keeps qu Rates Down The Barrie Examiner nun lulum munI Mum km nu mu him In In AmiIn nu mm gal um um um 13am Emmimr Walls Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWs Puhushéd by Cangdlar Newspaper limited 16 Hayfield Street Dame Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Llsher Brian Slalght Geï¬eral Manager SATURDAY Arm 19s um mm In nlécpf mllrc however lhal hm In no mo hyImiv make vlrluu out at Wak no nr lyulug In bed All an In In In am out 1mm wholhlru my mum ouml an unex acted on In the In xry plxllunnphur lelmho ll no small an In alccp ho pwclllmu To Ichlew ll om mmt my ï¬ll day Silllfllll hnlccd 1x man praised or III capacity ur slow One those rare hulnncrn cnme lo my cyu In whilunrv nollcu ul lhr Idol ut Hm Spanish bull Illlf Juan llolumnlu He was described Nova lmllull Iho nrls raw er ollvcx player lcnnll and pok or wan grral wealth and lover of marry Illnuhmn In lho Mulsvlllc uurlcrJuurnnh There Is no nruumcnl about lhn moral and Inlcllcclunl superiority 1050 who now only INV Imurs slurp In llwy nru he dam of Ihhq llllfll fl llm ï¬lmp ralrrnlly mny nut cvnn jllï¬lly claim In Ihu ln mars Al any rule It would be honllhy sil unllnn ll here were noncrnl rcnllzallon lhnl we mnl have our cake and cal ll lou Short work weeks produce more lolsure llmc and loss xumln and sorvlcca 10x prmluctlnn moanx law avxlllnhlc nr consumplimi Haslmlly It Is 15 simple 11L In light the experience of West Ger many in the years since the Scwmi World War serious consideration might well be given to increasing rather than decreasing the work week it is obvious that such move would make more goods and services nvaiinhle for consumption by individuals in this country Whether or nut people ilCSirD more goods and ser vices in preference in additional leisure time may he meet question for 40 hours after crlod of disloca tion lhc rcsull would be same The szunc numller of dollars chasing fewer goods and services would drlvc prlccs up accordingly Wrwwu 3qu mill at Elmvate destroyed by fire Snpdrlntendent Adamson reported of 14 million trees to be distributed this spring from provincial nurseries nearly five million would go from itlidhurst 0r cslry station Civil Servants war vet erans hraneh organized at Camp Borden with Joe Tonllcr oi Orillia as president Joe Longtin secretary Bob Platt trea surer Barries new air raid siren on top iirc hall get first workout Earl Hnin elected president and Jack Nixon secretary Barrie Motorcycle Club Jack Little eldest son of ExMayor John Little of llnrrie named general manager or Labrador Mining and Explor ntirm rn ation CB ladies So great was attendance first two nights third performance Central United Glee Club directed by lllrs Lenover was given in church hall Guest artists were Miss Sylvia Fisher violinist and Miss Joan Fisher pianist The twin daughters of Mr and lllrs Fisher played piano duet as well as sales Roy Stewart resident Barrie Tanning Company elec ud president Tanners Association of Canada Womens llospltal Aid an nual bridge held at home of Mrs Stewart Toronto St Copelands saw mill at Elmvale destrnvcd hv urn As the weatherman ls becoming kind er to the City many more cars are now in use and the traffic conditions are be coming more hazardous even or the motorists While watching other motor vehicles it becomes morerdiiiicult for them to keep lookout lor youngsters playing around parked cars the cause at many accidents At time when most district muni cipalities are finding it nerd to impos sible to hold the tax line it is refresh ing to learn that Barrie expects tn carry on without burdening the ratepayers with an increase in their taxes children to watch where hey play and to cergginly aypid the squet areas The citys growth has been help course This year for example the in crease in total assessment through new construction will produce an additional $90000 on the basis of the 1962 tax rates In other words with the same rate as before council will have more money to meet increasing demands or public services THE ART OF SLEEPING lulud nlmul llult Amulm ulme min by rrnnu My uni young mw muinr IICMI nlllrlnl up palnl oul IIIl wflnim hum lrulnl NMIHIM ul lbs And lar lawentorremcm Mb an not helped by lrnlml mum hem handed dvnn lry me hunky No may one III slur In In Ir rnl In lccrnl Inn pf Ihe 1umnhleA1rlmuph fll Quolwc Ill MN IAIN In on mnluun dnyn humwnlniu In Uml my llw Hul hrmlllnc Iclcrml In mmmnmlnIyw rnlrl by 70 yaulh lrnnwmlu rlpzm llllumnlvllrx mu urmrd MHI lhnl lnvmlln vrnpan lmml 1mm blcyrla clmilu This In Insular nuny llmw In mmhy luwn Alllck luur ullmr ynulhu hnl Il Inlrlulnl vir Ill urn umlrlnrd hr mm In allck nml wm Mr In muxlrr InIr nun gun to mrrl Aunllmm TIIl dcnll Imy wnl Um Â¥Ic Iim rrrrhrnl Ilrmnnlmgr rmllwl Huh Mlll sllmul nmumnhnu 11w II lbnl mllo nmnlmml In In alumni of dduualun and K0 ll uplunlw WM 01 Inullvvr in In Ills lllhulflll Amtrit 11 AT HOME Dynnmllc bmnh lune In cily Inqucsl on boyl dmlh The dclmls me even Mun hull he huullinu lollcc busy racking duwn bomb mm 15h CONT llT Fl LAW Th dun II 131er up conlnvsl la the plucidily 0Jawn the Canadian placidily Ouuwn nnc mizhl suy Jul Imagine how duugcmus life is clscwhzrc lnld ynu nbuul InulM ursml held up at Natalpoint lelo plxulanruplllng lhl lcw MW consider hm nchpupcr hrudllncs chn ngq nun terrnrizc pedestrians Ullnwu was severely shurkcd In learn this lnulcs misnd wnlurc Installing the ML knlmn oumva Judgc Such lhiugs cuuld nucr happen hlrc nodded lhe old wise TM may sound odd but Jmgc lerson was mlnlslcr In Mr Mackemic Klnns cabi nct more than 20 your one and mm compulsory mslgnm llun lrom Hm bench nypronch ing wilh his 75lh birthdny he Innclcd sligmly premature mircmcnl and rccnlry inln he polilical ray PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAlion Joseph Thor arinn llmrson the 74vycnrod president of the Exchequer Court was recently held up by bandits while holidaying in lur bulent South America He was fonlish enough to resist the highwny robbers and or his courage rcccivnd wound svrA lnus enough to prevent him finm plunging into our recent election as candidate OTTAWA REPORT olice pmbegnng Iirm It Can Happen Here Evidence Indicates THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH lllll Illlllrllll Hull WWII The mom um nm mu Mrlrn IN mm NI Hm1rd Imam llmu In nn Hui any Iv mm at ll In ulww in Hunt IIlvrs dullny Il willrrlwmlrnh Amnwnlmu mlmmnlr mu wll Iur MI numu nnr lmnlwnn nr unurn unruly Ilnre run mum nllwr Inml tnlI lhnl nlm rllmllw rumm recwlly Irvuan urn mm wrmm 1m plnllc bowl In whkh In IZull V4 vu Ivnenu Irrnl vvunl ll plll Mlle or per mm In lmwnm Hm IINII Hum Imam Hu lunlullun rrlnllve II will rumlml lama ruman hm nut alum hm umhuL mlr nun nlwlnmly In hlnhly mum He doesnt mlly lvrrak an In by Mini Mar Ivy TI nlirky juice kan nr alum mm lrnchlml hlm or um mm It may rllnl In lhn Mr Anlmnll only In mhlml all on hlm nr rm hmhru whlm llc may luurll Alum Inmn on110 hunk null null 1mm of Hm In mm Ivy lullnanIm Illmlu rnulrl Ibo pulmn Your raxumrnl lhnl ynur Iun hm bun inkln Iahnu Ivy had Impcll mo In mld mm muHmL hr luvs tlllwr nrnl ur lnkclnl exlrnru lhll ulrlnl Ilmll IIIM nny ullwr mm Ilmllmllull wllhnul uur dnclorn murmnl Too much um cnuw lrcuhln Aurmnuwly ollur mmm run he xlnn lby humHan hul In lhnl le you mml uly yqur doclnr Iu urn nrruzlmllmu nu nmilnhlc In drug xlnm Follow the dlrccllan artfullymid mumhcr llml lnr maximum el In building up Imlrclon ngnlml Ivy one mmlllnrl Ink lm Hm trulymm Imro month lmlom tonlnd lb prrlcnl Illmuuh avoid lrudn names Innever posxihlc in his also lncnllnu hm with uhlrh Imppcn lo he luminnr Tuxirlms llquld cxlrnct and Aqua Ivy uMch comu In Inch lurm have hum cllmlu prricncc Douhllcu here are nlma um do not mm In leIl lhcnl cur Dr MInrr My 15year ohl son hm rmly to an Hour poi nn Ivy and he hrrukx ou uilh il vhcrc can buy pills lo pre wnl lhc rash llc hns hccn Pk hm poison ivy cxlmclMllh fly JOSEPH MDL 11 MJ re ct unemploymenl which is dispropnnionalely hcnvy amnng lecnagnrs and leaves them with nothing to do all day lung mud an urge to compensate by making lhcm selv appear Important Superimposed upon his situ mienwhich is nalianwido and by no means unusuai in Qua bec Citymere is also lhe vio lcncc being ailribuled lu FranchCanndian extremists In Uni nationalist movement T0YOURGOOD HEALTH melnmmuun mm mum Boy Is Susceptible To Poison Ivy Plant gujrm mumm WYEW In the mnllcr task yrs lhlnk dons should Ulvir mm miinu howls mil its gnml Imlninu or pct lo lmrn on From Ils nun dhh to UN qucsllun Irving unsani lnry no no urrul dmlucr Tm lune slum Hull human llmulh lmxhur many mare Klrrms In any rm llvlnk nu hm lnrllul llm Mt ucru lcrd hrr dnn figuring she should uxc il indlnd unc of our luhle dislu claim lIIl hvding pr rum our dishus is wry unsnniulry and nut in mm mm Am right AL selves are had Bul ur worse in he opinion at senior police uiiiccrs is the increasing mood at disrespecl for Ike law These old cnuugh in remember dis respect for his prohihilinn law in IL US also remember how lhni disrespect paved the way fur the advent of widespread or ganized crime Thnu shnlt not allow mu lflllde In do MI ntllller shall than speak In muse lo de clln aflcr many lo wrest Judg mumExodus 22 The path allowed by the mni nrity is unl nNcssarily always the right one oltcn the believ or must nnlcr in at the strait gale Mrlllrlnn all My BIBLL It could huppcn hero THOUGHT my nrtfini FULLY PREPARED FOR WEATHER Mllrins uphlly dmnglnu nnlhrr umimnm In llw lnsl In eh hnu mini dally Ilusil lkuum summy he Ruqu Cummixn uunuil ml Llumm lho Induslrinl Tr par Assorlallnn Inscribed the plan as realistic and Imam Wllh his coming an in mi Hm Hands CImxmign Coun cll has been as VIXIg Mm the mud will be fur additional main ruuds it and when the Brock mg phm goes inm cllucl has Irucxllcd ll nwn mud plan in Hue gmnmmenl nnd in it urgvs Zuyc plun In mlnp lml give llriluin I700 uddtliuu mile new lirsl cl mulls on lop Hue vxisung urouram or 1000 milr mulur way by me 1970 mu pmmm MIR lml would add summing hku mlllinn In the mal nf lllu cxlsling nmiomuus IIDKHHIL PLAN VITAL NOW By Mr MEINTYRE IOOD LONDON One of the major problems incing he minister ui lrnnspun in pulling inio ciicci lire rnilway slaliun and service clasurcs set 0th in the rear unnizaiion plan at Dr Richard leaching is Um ni mnking sure that lhcre nro nllcrnnlive means transport Obviously in he case passenger Irafllc this means lilnl ndcqunle hus scr icvs must he provided In serve the areas being deprived of rail way survlce And he key in pxuvldlnu such bus service is the cxislcncn 0i sysium ni maria capable ui carrying Inn nrcntly incrcnscd bus surviccs will have In he npq leIL In all the canlroverslul malA crs it seems he uuvcmmcm has been able to keep itsell well cmcrcd 0n lhl qucsllun swaralc school finance or inslnnce an cxplusivc Issue that could hav brought an lot of re it Hm the the session has none his doesnt appear too likply Migmcjgmg GAINS As Ihis ls lmmgwrillcn lhe debate on medicare still hasnt beep held some chance that the haul and NDP gruups cuulq Pick up some steam an it And It was good program covering wida ï¬eld of social and gmqolgnchmcasurcs And 1v lhcse measurcs lnA dlviduallycouId be crillclzed on detail and approachthure wasnt scape tar any dramatic nllack So lhat nearly all the mile age out of the sittings goes to Premier Roharls and his adA ministration mnomo nio opposition parties will gn lulu an election without having made any par tlculnr marks out or mix ses sion It has been damlnnnliy nigï¬v crime session Thevgavernmcn brought ina programIn contrast to last year when ltvmcrely marked limc They made no gains such as Liberal Leader Wintermcycr crime Inqulry of last year REPORT FROM ILK QUEENS PARK Will BeGreai Need For Moie Highways Mileage In House GoesvTo Premier BI DON OIIEARN with ule mummy vmlhr mm mm and mnw Numidrd nr all rmrrfluclu 1mm ICI Wheplmm This program is hascd cry largely nu rccvmnwmlniuns Much were made My he Coun ty Survtynu Sucfcly as far buck us 939 bu shamd he cnusc of the war In th viLw this Suciuly lhc cxl nu ml at mulnrwuy conslrucliun nhoul 50 miles your lnr rum unn lnkln the north gmwinx rah li Ring fur behind An lupnrlflnl vnlura the Hull ii Hull ll ho major purl umld he sunI by ulujnv hiuh cl mulls In umlmsl iilll the tulllcinl mulnnmy pnmram Ins rd on nn nppruxlnmle cos su5wun mllc ll unuld cnsl Jml uwr $2500 miIIioIL Broadly the basis Ike plnn is that every driwr excpr in Um mum sparselypupulalcd nr um almuld be able to much muluxwuy or expressway wilhln 23 milrs Hc shuuld I12 able to trawl ruminnuutly an ant mul cm rnmls In to within 25 milcs hi dcsunaflun FIIIST MADE IN I939 Scicral bodies have combined in producing tin plan It was drann up in detail wilh the propnsed network at principal and high standard roads by the Cnunly Surveyurs Society It was then adopted by the Brit is mad Federation illich cni ed upon the government to ac crpt it ic and said it was evcn more vilal MW in View of Dr Beech ings pluu cu down rail nor vice session the three parlle essentially are discussing gov ernment plaflonn And in an elnclinn they are pulling Inrv ward plnllorms of their own But hc marks that have bum made an ac session have been by the government There are certain brach pail 01 diflcrence an medicare which can be arguedshnuld it be compulsory should be handled by government agency or prlvnle vompnnies but lhc study bill nppmachis an Instrument which takes he sling out masl argumunl MEETINGS DIFFERENT husunus Will he dlncr on manor than the session at COMTSL oppnsillnn com plains or makes suggestions Ihe government lhus can say We will see about that We wlll may it This course eflecllvely lends In keep down dnbnlc You cant argue very much If you donl know what youre argulnz against TM Is In be studied or year helm any legislation brgqghl dqwn was notabluhal this pa lern was compllcated and that as yet practically nahody un ferélands Just what 15 gains In medicare there will be the same damper in that the gov ernmom ls bringing in only eglnlive bill cnnslcd through quill wally by bringing In new palmn grgnLq