Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1963, p. 11

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t5 TOTTENHAM By MRS ETIIEL WICE Congratulations to Joan Bol ioid grade is student at Bant ing Memorial High School Last Thursday night in Barrie she won the girls district so divis ion at the Lions Club public speaking contest and will now go to Buckingham Quebec on May or the Ontario Quebec floats John Martin died at his home in Tnttenham April 13 lie was 85 years old and hadiived here ior many years lie leavesn sis ter Margaret Mrs Munroe Tot St Pauls Minnesota and Abrother Russet Martin oi Allis ton The tunerai was held rpm the Andclson Funeral Home April 15 interment was in United Cemetery Beeton Mr and Mrs William Elliot accompanied by Mr and Mrs LBill Prest oi Vuodhridge spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ai ired Oliver in Quflflnsvillc Mr and Mrs Anderson yand Mr and Mrs Joseph Bel iord were guests Friday even ing at Mr and Mrs Ander son Toronto Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson motored to Boston to spend the holidays wlih their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs llop wood They accompanied TELEVISION by their grandson Michael Wil son at Dutton Nancy Sandra and Steven Geovanilla Thistletown are hot idaying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Barnett Mr and Mrs John Ciartdge Vernon and Cameron at Windsor spent Easter with Mrs Ciaridgc iioiiday visitors with Wilmer Palmers were Jack Palmer and family at Burlington Mr and Mrs Andy Chapman and daugh ters oi Klelnberg ndMr and Mrs Cari Fieer oi Bolton Vith Mrs Wiee over the hall day were Vernon Wtee and daughters of Smithviiie Mr and Mrs Paul Graham and Paula of Weston and Creighton and Mrs Wind at Pcnctamt Mr and Mrs Blake Hamilton and family at chhwood Ontt spent Fridaywlth Mr and Elliot Blake as many will remember went to school here His lather George Hamilton operated htrlchnrshop where Ab Entry is now located Mrs Robbins oi Shanty Bay is visiting her father Walter Phillips Mrs Lancaster and tamliy are spending the holidays with her parents at ingleside Mr arid Mrs Robert Thomson and daughters spentd Sunday in Owen Sound with Mrs Thomr sons sister and iamliy Mr and Mrs Donald Aberoeihy PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE lAltilthY litnil zo 41 uowlinc see itinrtlshrr Cove Bill nanny Teena Time The Lucy Show novel1r illilaiiliu Candid Camera To Tell The Truth llm Gun Will Travel crut Movlu tAnuInin tho outfield Juliette cue TV News Weather News Sports Movie Help the was Wine UNDAV Arnll Teri Patient Church 5min Wide Worid Crossroad Davey and Goilrrh the country Calendar liiotle tunitie all zero and New rota century Citizens Forum Firing Doctor Luvs it To 11m Father noon lint itarii Ilmhhnrk 141 Sulitun lTonlnn Clounp Quest Cncnv New truthnr Nrwr Snort Jim Column Show Movie tni Oracle MUNIMY Iirnrt moo Test rtmn 11315 Good hlornlnl In Sittdln PIN loss Nm lira Romper nooin CFTO CHANNEL IATURDAV Alltll wrutilol IiiTim Wllon rrtn stonrr ours Audrmr ieriormlnrl lThr hinrrylnr Kind Metro News Sport Aniwerlnl Enrica UN News Amuler 5min IUNiMY Arttlt 1t 1100 mt lmrnt Illit Spectrum lloo Itelistt Theatre 115 hmna thl Vnrin zoo Junior ear Hockey Di Itffll no mauled our son trnorlr lsirhutkl illoxnphy Denni liolnl Mr hing Alulrl wilt itltrh Andy irlfllth ahow novmo If someone you know IS moving It lrlentllv not the rItumnWon union will help them tut at home Join In rnrrylnl on our ntliltlttllrlvlirritllllnllhl Iilit ullltt itnlltyilell nlcumt VA on till lllliiln lllll Irlt run of lmllll ytul hm Illa nitrvinl PA 66302 wrtceMI waoou Jason 1209 11 we Fopeyel emv Noandl Report Movie Devil rns Mlis Jones alnn atnr Around Friendly Giant Loretta Voting shun rm Thirty Scarlett ililt Popeyul Party itluie Dull Ibis Lirlnl world it ry anr tvuther Sportl nlorrrphy Don routers Jubilee Danny Thoma Show Othello In View talc TV News vuther soortr Nevis sound E3 E= lets I1oo Jo rucsuav Arron icon Test Pattern rots Good Morning into stnaio errtr New Romper null Popeyel rrty Noonday Report Movrr tTony om Horse National Schools Loretta chnl Show Take Thirty Scarlett tlili Fancy Purl Rants null link llmury Amos Andy News Vuthll 5P0 mm min on st Perry Mason rmnt em cniiirnr The Monarch auntry inncilon CIIC Nttll Weather Sports Mws Markham TORONTO Dr Kiidm Daria Iliinhlryl Journal ch Newl 1045 Humor 11 1Yi llao Mail rruentr MONDAY Aron zr roe Kiddo one amino MUG htnrrrinl iiiurine 1100 Meta lmenu that Our iioun Noonlay ittport Kiddo llurnr no Itilrn Ieopl In Contltrl thnnnnl Tilutrl 0n mnvmi you isszsssssss rare 83 mourn lmlusorl ltidunu Th uwmrn athrr Sports out Thuln 1n Ii lhlnrl To Tell Titl Truth TV News stntm rlnrl itmr onion Tlthl Iirrtil ii Ktsao tiamlno Morntnl sinrin Irnirmir our Itoun Ntmlrdu nrnort lthiiio Ilutrtl ieopl Connifl Shannt mnir Ihppntntmni ror to rimr Inollnl At You irntuwrr lliduny Kiddo lrrrlutorl Ills rur Th tatnun tin Wuthu Ioortl lint our 11 fliinul sirlo not 11 nth Ilour 222= Itiim thII llrllun our tutti 1111 in WOODS TENTS 10 OFF ON ALL TENTSI ttttlrmtlzo now We tnny eurytitinl tor the camper ht MANS bllOI BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS Dunlnp can CARRIER MISS YOU it your unir has not sired by am pinto the PA 82433 AM ury wnt ll thurma to Your tinn THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK saanrilaiiv By MRS WORTLEY Tho Shanty BayHome and School meeting will be held in the school April to at 115 pm Special guest speaker will be 11 itedges 13 Se Ma wdtcr of elementary school text books and also television personal ity on science shows for children and educational 1V tor schools In Toronto Mr Hedges topic will be Television and your child number at Ladies held cleaning bee Tuesday in the Community HaiLmaay thanks are extended to them tor their time and citort Several men at the village were busy Saturday afternoon burning the grass in the vacant lots BRODDEE HOUSE BURNS Fire destroyed broader house and pile at straw on the term at Charles Sanderson Tuesday HALL BOARD EUCIIRE Six tables at euchrc were play ed in the Community Hall Wed nesday night Winners were Mrs Bird Mrs Simpson Mrs Psekard Jack Martini Os Packard and Ralph ilirkling recently Visitors in the village over the Mrs Frank Dingman Mrs Mary man with her parents Mr and Rydati and Susan Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Frank Tuck spent few days in Burlington recently Visitors in the village over the weekend were Miss Judy Ding man with her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Dingman Mrs Mary Rydnll and Susan Mr and Mrs Gordon Wortley and Danny all at Tomato with Mrs Vortley and Mrs Betty Perry and children Syracuse NY with her parents Mr and Mrs Prissick Carol Locke oi Viiiowdaic Is spending Easter week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Ralph Hickiing Come and Spend day at Shanty Bay is an invitation AROUND IMCOE COUNTY from the Shanty Bay Womens institute which is holding display and demonstration on Choosing and Using oi Fabrics it will be held In the Community HailApri1 24 trim to am to Fm AILIadies are asked to hr at their lunch Sorry to report Mrs ilaroid Houston is patient in the hos pital EASTER SERVICES Easter services were held in both Zion United Church and St Thomas Anglican Church Sunday morning Both churches were decorated with Easter lilies At the 930 am service at Zion the intermediate Sunday school girls sang Children ot Jerusalem picture at the Last Supper painted by Mrs Betty Perry Syracuse NYt was presented to the church At St Thomas communion was held at 730 arn 1nd at 1115 am At the 1115 arn ser vice the choir sang an anthem entitled Jerusalem STBOUD PRESENTATION About 30 triends and neigh bours Irom 81h and 9th line gathered at the home at Mr and Mrs Parker Peacock in honour at Mrs Joseph Third who had lived in that vicinity or many veers and Is now going to Man ltouiln Island to make her home Euchre was enjoyed with Mrs Edgar Thompson and Mel Cook being the winners The address was read by Mrs Mel Cook and Mac Thompson presented Mrs Third with travel clock All wish her the best at luck and health IMLL IlOAItD EUCIIRE Over 10 tables at tans were out to the weekly cuchre in Stroud Community Hall Monday evening The winners were Mary Ley Barrie Mrs Tordiii Barrie Mrs Ella Gibbons men Stewart Fisher Mr Hutchinson Harkley Allen Mr and Mrs Bowman and iamily at Toronto visited triends over the holiday CONTRACT BRIDGE Bv JAY BECKER North dealer EastWest vulnerable non11v c091 wean exam casr AKJMH no QM 4105 sourrt wanr aarooi yous 4mm XEHra euros +153 The hand was played In multipin team contest In Eng land At most tables the open ing bid with the North hand was either club or weak no irump 1210 ii pulntsi However at one table North chose heart as his opening bid and when South reasonably enough eventually cllmbrd to six hearts which went down one he heralctl himseit by say ing he should have known North would lose two trump tricksl This was the bliiding at another table North East 14 Pan NT Pu Ynl our The Jump to tour heart was slight uvcrhld but the clen tual contract was good one even though It did go down lit cause oi the unlucky trump division Well Ill PM PHI West tool diamond and do elarer took it in dummy and played heart to the ace to cover the possibility at single ton king in the West hand lie then entered dummy with club and 1rd another heart When East showed out South conceded down one thlcll the opponents accepted alter seeing his cards ltowever it West had piaved on he could have lleicated the contract another trick by win nlntt the heart and playing another club Since declarer would be barred trom taking club Iinnssr having made an lmpronrr claim West could also have made club trick At another table where the bidding went the West player doubled and collected 200 points but his teammates ottset this score when they bid on ioilows South Welt Pan NT Pu North East INT PM run This pair were using the Tex IIS convention under which the dlIectIuntp to our hearts rc qulred North to iranslrr the hid to tour spades South had inritaiten about the convention and remembered it only when North responded tour spades in on ctiort to get out tram under he used lllarkwoott passing the live diamond rrsponse which allowed one are North went down two in iitondrlyi Another Famous Hand In prerentrd by Mr little DAILY CROSSWORD Acnoss Lliuknuyed 00 In hour tttt iiJrurutcn ex rr mitt cl tntlnn Ylber innit illiolly Indlehut woodl Ahtrne DOWN ilortental Otitnlrwrty ntatlorm flight Period of Illntilm Illlltllfllll mulberry H0nn of flinlle Iinow Whllnl lrlmttl ll Autilurm fluid Tllrah romsrld rape Tl llllt mlllh will rorutlntiy 11Togatiter IV Tonllm pomn l0 Bu Ikmill ll Dependable ll High lhlll hul It Under world pd ILLopper ennrth bell An lion is rm 17 It Am ltlbvr quutiiilel CI Jordon Illlbll in Etmt to Vsltty of coil HAND nitimma Anltlnfltfll 19 Dil covers 20 cr Iv 11 In hnry 21 Picnic bever no uAtrlcut worm HJIIOlhl TlOthlnld 11 pm IDTmtrbIo some lllild as It ntut pie llrlt ruin of lDiicortlI unlilht all Molnu hveru II III carItal compotr l9 Dull LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDIE BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER Alia aterm 70 Rimsemf mlZITAII AND WHEN ACE SAID WERE ENGAGED WNWEA ALWH MITIKE CELINE TALK ABOUTA DREAM WING TRUE Mm BELLS om ANY EXPERIENCE NOPE HANDLINGA BUTLM EOATMAN PAL TIME5L THERES NOTHING TO FORGIVE EVE sue to THINK was SILLV EWTOXMAEINEWELL VWKNOWWMK ABflIYERBRAtN 1AMinus FORGIVE in ItDtrMolrfiwtrvl om rm HURPY HURRY HERES WR HAT AND CGAI HURRY NEVER wILL UNDERSTAND now ts mar WIVES LIVE LDNGER WAN wusamos WHEN 15 THE new MnM END was sucw TERDIFIC Moan tussrrca PM TAKE anymore or rr JUNE It 17 war we away Why no you wanr MONEY rat new oacss Now BOY awaits to 622 90 HOW WW Wit wt OMEBWY WAGE IN YUIIR WINDOW YOUD tffi NOf Bi MAP TIMTHI WI 001 ON TV WI Aim Got NO momma noon in 9M com amt rum rzgtr Lb stczr GEE TOLD OU Nor TDCOMPLWENT 131 traNoMA mo mica Auourlim umwh now we LL wt to rwr GOMULM LOAF 1115 at iY on mv mhmvmvtihifiut smrrotr Dllt or ms WALLOWS ttrtrius oti IIE toutstwr sxA my 72 tutor or most wv wrltr GAVE IOAY THAT WAS RtitiRtlD 051 WEIL FRO YIIEM 5DAE F000 MID on atmrlninr Position mm in tillttCUMii mum lll air If flml II II MAORI Whit

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