mu 11ml nllrr lllln In the mm wnunm Muxlnuns llrlvnml lnmlun 7l nnunmi Nnvlll nrk Knish hm Dolmll llwrlmm nnxl Krnr Ixml by Wm Snu Imu lanl anln Fault Ma Mnrle deluded Kilrllrvm Mill Pull mun ML Ilnwnml llmnlllan 1M7 In ahull Innnlnuwn and Vulcrloo wcru Ilvd 11 nl lhu cud nl one rind Morn Itlrrn MUlfd ur lmnmlnulun and Mike Rear Incll lnr anrlllm Klrk 110w Innn mm lmmhmlm mid III Hm MMnd Inn Bclmr lnth Ilml Dmlvl Jnhmnu Imml In lhu thd Wnllrlm lluml lnlu IpulL In rcu nodnnr mm or crmcr Tomnlu Lea smr Gus nndnnr liml home Ulrcc Lindsayl murkm ln lhc chumplonship mum Duun Killflbflmlfllh col Icclvd the other Lindsay ï¬nal and Larry Anle counlcd Wn lcrloou lone anal Thu lllle was he lrsl of live In be decided In Um vlghlday knotknul laurnumcnl which 9nd Sulludfly niuhL The AA scrim rrown will be dccldcd lo nlghl Lcaminglan rll tarlicr Thurs day In Its semifinal wih Water Inc by XI 32 scorn Llndmy uninud lllc finals wllh dc cislnn over GnlL say Ont nflcr lrying for six Years to win title at the Young Cnnndn Vcck Pccwce Hockey lournamenl downed Waterloo 0n Thursday night to cap lure Um suits champlonshlp It would he nlce if the dates would be set proper ly early Sportsmen take for granted opening day is going to be tho Saturday closest May Why not so hard fast rule so theroll be no more confusion Fishlng in Ontario is one of the biggest tourist attractions as well And everyone knows how the government is after the tourist dollar He also mentioned that May has been tradition ally lhe opening day and thats why it was set in the first place mldFebruary However dont have to tell any trout fishermen that the season across the province opened last year on April 28 was out taking pictures on that par tlcular morning and did manage to see few small ï¬sh caught When called the ofï¬ce the ï¬rst reason was given by the gentleman was Theres no biological reason note release already had that one and didnt and dont think its good enough Then he said it was public pressure that forced the change That was more to my satis faction The preceding was in the and new release Volume XVI Number 15 The announcement was made Irln told by gentleman in Mr Roberts office Apnl But now opening day is changed Holiday time will also have to be changed if possible The change of opening dates Iron Wednesday to at Sat urday is the direct cause for the angry excitement And its because of this announcement that many fishermen and probably many outfitters are none too happy For two months prior to this announcement they believed the season opened May Many of them Eat made reservations at fish camps for opening ay Lindsay Ends Long Famine The season for angling for brook or speckled anq brown trout opened on March 15 in the following counties in southeastern Ontario Carleton Dundas Frontenac Glengarry Grenville Hastings Lanark Leeds Lennox and Addington Prescott Renfrew Russell and Stormont TORONTO Lands and Forests Minister the Hon Kelso Roberts QC has announced that the angl lng séason for brook or speckled trout brown Aurora and rainbow trout which has opened in the past on May will open this year on Satulday AprilV27th Department biologists say there is no biological reason why the opening date this year should not be advanced to April 27th and it is on the basis of their recommendations that the earlier opening is announc ed It will apply throughout the province GODEILICH Onl CHLIM Fishermen Angry At Date changes GREAT OUTDOORS DANGERFIELD MOTORS ynnr family out fur ml an In mChvvnm oull lily flu mum TAKE By STEVE JONESCU THE BARRIE EXAMINER nub APRIL 19 1931 Seagrams Star Rated Best Plommm kflm amomllor MH Donutmuting that more nntinfying milk gonumoly no whmky popular prion an In tout nftnr mu unor luat ngninnt the three landing bmudu prtco olnnu Cnnndlnnn liked 11m mum of Sonï¬rumn mar bout ann you lrlnd thlu grant whlnky ynl notdo no anon Sun you dont ngmn with tho vnrdlut of tlmunnmln of mnnr Cnnndlnnu nnd mm It bunt rm1 um mumm umvmnn luau tummu omnluflon 15mm Room Innnge QUEENS HOTEL SEAGRAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN nvn wHIaKv llulflflnl VISIT kkkk Coal weather and cream puns were prime topics of conversa Ilnn as record field of more Ihan 2500 athletes gathered or Saturday opening of the 16 dny event SAO PAULO Brazil CFAP delegation ram Wlnnlpeg pressed Its Md or the 1967 Pan Amerlcanr Games Thursday Athletes ram 14 cpuntrles warmed up for tha current Games upenan Saturday We are very optimistic we will get the 1961 Games said Mark Danzkcr spakcsmnn inr the Winnipeg delegation The site the iiilh Games was to he decided at meeting of the PanAmerican sports organiza iinn today Winnipeg Delegdtighv Optimisttic Oi Game 98104 DUNLOP ST H9 DUNLOP ST DUNLOP ST HARRY ON SALE NOW wherever you buy your lawn supplIu 28 ESSA ROAD 777 FERTILIZER CRAEGRASS PREVENTER WHITE GRUB KILLER WEED II FEED formulated by lawn care speciallam MW ARMSTRONG HARDWARE AllANDAlE HARDWARE ROBINSON HARDWARE PARSONS SEED LAWN CARE PRODUCTS SoGrun Avallahln at SoGrun Available Al BUY SOGREEN AT Avallnblo The cream pull were the suspected vlllplns in an nul break of mlld food poisoning sulfaed by soma 25 persons ln cludlng Canadlan basket ball players and the Puma Mean delegates on plane en mule 100 Games Wednesday night They became nnusenked ap parently as result eaung the cream puns on flight be tween Caracas Venezuela and Rh da Janelrn Beverly inward ziyeawld nurse from Vancnuver and member of the Canadian girls basketball team was taken to Thu ï¬nexpcclcd clllll had many shivering ll unirunns de signedlnr the Implcs PA 3244 PA 85000 PA 8143 FA 82422 RON NEW YEAR SEAHORSE WARRANTYTWICE AS LONG AS BEFORE For in size the Johnson SenHorse V7ï¬ gives you more power or your money than nny outboard going V75 cun have water skiers hanging on for dear life in nocondu It can push runny 1an to over 40 miles per hour And the V75 does it all nt un armygoing 4500 rpm 11 mmnrknhlyv low ï¬gure on big oulhrmrdn no The V76 hm enough sizzle to Hutiufy nnyonuphm lome of quiet nom mu lhspcmluhility no other outhonrd nny size can mulch You run hot hundred once you own V75 youll uovor lnulo Dr Osler ol the Cana dlan squad ordered the other lll players ta bed In the Olym plc village here It wasnt lm medlately known whether the hospital when Ihe zï¬membnr Canadian mens and wnmens baskelhafl group arrived here early Thursday AQUAUNG STAIION lhu V76 isntita best when teamed with Eimlm Dont la the quiet hum fool you Johnsons V75 gives you more economical powerperpound than any outboard any size JOHNION MOTOHIA DIVISION OF OUTBOARD MARINE CORPONMION OF CANADA LTD PETERDOROUOH CANADA DELANEY BOATS Ltd food polsbnin was serious enough In affect the Cunndiana play at the Games he Iemperamre was 62 about noon before the sun made he lamd appearance The competition hr the 1967 Games appealadj shnke dawn to choice between Winnipeg and Santiago Chile Banner was conndent the balance would Up Inward Ihe Canadian cily Hardest hll by lhe unscasonal thin were swimmer and divers and entrants ram the hnmld countries of Central America oulhlul spirits went down Fllmgllu Wood Aluminum Bom GovL Dock Hayfield 51 Burrlo Jahnsan mutic Drivelohnsons new electrieclutehThrough convenient ninule lever lilmtmnmtic Drive con tmIn huth throttle nnd tmnsr anion The drive is smooth nilcnt positive and mslunlnnmus No einnk no grind nu humps Another exclusive V7G feature in Juluuienn new ulteruntor generutor it produces full 20 umps twice the output of uny competitive out hnnrli nlternulnr Churuex the hut tery even nt idling upced nmurinn you hwteralurta Baler bunting Sec lth75 Illwlmmntimt ynurJnhnswn Dmlom nuw bcfuru another great hunting ncmum gum by GODERICH Ont CWThe worlds biggest little Mickey toumnment has come long way since 1950 when two hockey Enthusiasts gut together to nrganlze oneday tnurnny for peewee pncksters from my mundinglluron County commu limes Thls week 37 teams repre senting three provinces and the slate nl Michigan are compel Biggest Little Tournémenti Has Come Quite Long Way We started the Ihin mostly to give the local area klds day out with hockey says My thlslonc Gnderlch business man whn orlglnulcd the tomum men wilh Lorne Wnkelln lor meIly of Lindsay 0n and now bowllng alley opcram ln llurborGrnco Nlld mg or Hvé chumylonshlps he nth mm Young ganuda mcul Penwcï¬llockc Town MARINE SUFPUES $321