Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1963, p. 13

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lftrourm Mp 4m maru mm Indflanlm Gamma mum mun mom Ammo IWmWMr mum vmmm BARRIE nnd BEETON IIV Dunlap SI Em lhnlo 69 Johnon SI SHURGMN Turf AVAIIMI NEW YORK AP Evan gelist Billy Graham broke gruund Wednesday or New York Worlds lair uxhibil Grn ham expressed high hopes abnul i1 and also about he lanhcnming marriage his daughlcrufirgina l7 Billy llpproves Wedding Plans lelUHII nonpa your lawn nulfAcoumo moon lLllUKH tho lmt job of nllfcrlillwm of mlixm tho mtan nluwly nml thorougth over long wrile Lawn cnw upmlll know thin which ln why mlprrinlmulrnln of mnny of Cmmdnn lith an wunwnIummmummmmuanN immonomicnlloo lwcnuuu Hinglu 40 lmg will fiNl 4000 It at lawnFollowHumuuMuINannnmlGnnlunCnropm 3mm Jul mluILCAINlurISpcrlnl orynur lnwn today This robin appamnlly is moamlruck with his own line spring figure He found that shiny hubcap gave him Your Ourdun Hoadquar lur SHUROAIN mumMm Turf Hpncinl kncpn your lawn nulfn firm uum iLtlms lhu bent ioh of nll fr He Is 511 ravnr olfilhc mar THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 1363 PARSQNS SEED co BEZZANT NURSERIES guunnnm MOONSTRUCK Burl nAnnmarrclAL IV mlmm hm um mu CMIICMICK INJIWVII rvmrlum mum Amfm mm mm umnwmuw Ind ynwllu nvh 1mm Inn In 00AM Graham recovnred mm recent illness is leaving by ship today or Europe or gcllcgelher with Ihc Tchivid jxans The wedding is be in May lie culled ynung Tchivid an dedicated Christian The husbandlohe is ZnAyenr old Slephen Tchividjiun son of wiss financier riu hang saidhallhgugh mu unnuugn 1w usuallv hdvisus against Icon age weddings In his case he sand xls line mulch cleari somewhat curved reneclion and returned In 11 day alter day despch harass ment of children CP Wire phmu PA MOW PA 50247 0rd 270 Gum Special qn for 295 CHOICE OF ELEVEN FINISHES ALMATEX Weather Tested House and Trim Paint Ordinarily 880 gal EATON gl am Spatial for Price ALMAIEX Continues John Hodge president Hndge Tobacco Company of Canada Limited attributed part of the blame for disintegra Iinn in Ontario leaf lo grnwers attempts Io get maximum yield at the expense of quality John Allen of Canadian Leal Tobinch Cumpaay Limited pm posed changes in the marketing Rvstem to rid lhe tobacco ex gas of 1211 which cannon Sam Lnssitcr of Brillsh Leaf Tobacco Company Canada Limited pointed to slovenly surfing the Ontario crop by growers and inconsistent grad ing Ithr marketing ex changes or nnsnle pools of leaf and sales at minimum grade prices Reece way 11an Leaf president called or new sysa lem of prnducllon control and more rnalislic mlnimum price structure in rcslare competi lion Simone Leaf Tobacco Com pany Limited in its brief sold the indushy has tremendous potential In the world market if growers concentrako on qual ity WANTS SYSTEM Thu committee received brim from growers last Febru ary during sitting In Port Hape Delhi and St Thomas Five tobacco companies in briels submiilcd Wednesday blamed artificial supports and controls for downward trend in the quality of Ontario tobacco in Ihe last iew years They urged the Ontario Fluecured ilobncco Growers Marketing Board in exercise close super vision handling of crops SIMCOE CPbA rovlnclul Inquiry cnmmitlee slu ying 0n tarlos tumbled fluHured to baccq lnduslry mnllnues to celve brlels from processing campanlcs here Iaday Wdrk HClidOfi Quality Todecb Growers Told SAVE 40 to 50 Americans he said should realize that Canada is no longer nation or snowslmers and said US campanlns should give Mr Macaulay snld Ihc crux at the matter Is not antiAmer icanism but whether or not Can ndn increase cxportspnrflcu Iarly tn Ihe Uniled States He told the group that will Amerlcnnlsm ln Canada Is made up ol the our brlng culturally swamped gull about Cnnndlans luck at enterprise and entrepreneurship and in dignation Inward the home officefirs nullude of some United Slales subsidiaries He made the suggestion joinlJuncheon meeting of he Lo Angel Wurld Affairs Council and the Chamber of Commerce here as part at stingredlcnt prescription or the cure ol weaned andAmer lcnnism in Canada LOS ANGELES CHRobert Macaulay Ontario economic and deveiapmen minister said Wednesday ma Canadian busi ncssmcn should stop carping about tile American economic takeover and take iheir maney nui oi the bank and put ii to work of Imperial Deaf Tobacco Cmn party oi Canada Limited pro posed establishment oi min imum average price system similar In that which operated under the marketing associa tion which preceded the mar kellng hoard The brief mm the other pro cessing companies supported Mr Holloway criliclsm of the Make Your Money Work Macaulay Thurs Fri and Sat 0101i PHONE PA 86983 The dlllerchce belwenn be ing nunAmerican he sald and meunndinn Is very lhIn Ilne Indeed You can rest assured um we are no antl American or antiany nthcr wkxlch haxlgmdesuch Bmwnridge president oi Americnn Mntors Canada Limited representing Ontario secondary manuincmrera laid Ihe group Iha CanadianAUS relationships are tan strong to be adversely aliected by polit ical inlkr are disagreements Mr Macaulay said election campaign criticilm of he United Stale has been vastly exaggeraicd and that even he iween ills closest friends here Mr Macaulay was lnvlled by the World Allulrs Council and the Chamber of Commerce to speak on lhc truth about ankL Americaulsm In Canada Pre viuus speakers have been In dian ane Mlnlsler Nehm So viel Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Dl Elsenhower their subsidiaries more aulonnmy in expan pol icies MEI rnuuuunlvll wn lrol Holloway suggested will result In the loss oi export business when lorrlgn mnnulac seek umer sources of Warcent rnducllon In the 1963 acreage being 1m on grower by the marketlng bran because tobacco sur at Suchua sexefie pmductlnn can 80 BOTH INTERIOR and EXTERIOR NT ATO C9 The Peter Fenluns were nt lending dance Inst Prldny on Lard Howe Island while an world crulse when two men stnle he Fenlnn yacht named Cylheml SYDNEY Auslrnlla AP The crew or the French relghlcr Colorado de Mar hurled bottles and potatoes ln battle Norfolk Island In the Pnclllc Wednesday and helped mlum slolen ynchl to its own EYE dcncy lo label Inner cent people Communist or had security risks wihoul any opportunity for them In be heard has gone Inr enough red to recent issue at Macleans maguine which reported that Regina woman was interrogated periodically by the RCMP Commitslancr iiarvlson labelled the report at the Incident pure fabrication Said liirt Douglas am prepared in pruduce this woman as witness heiore parliamentary committee or any other body el competent juriidlction Help Return Stolen Yacht medal cummluee of lhe House of Commons lo look Into the security Investigations of lhgRCM In statement Issued from his home here Mr Dnuglus sald recent statement by Com missioner Harvlsan of the RCMP in up the need for VANCOUVER CF Cr Douglas national leader of tinl New Democratic Parly said Wednesday he wouici ask the justice minister for select committee ni Ihe House oi Commons to inoi into security invesigatlon procedures the Drum Tommy Wants To Investigate RCMP Moves wnhnhh low odour palm for WI nnd ullln Oukk dylng nudn no Hxlnnlng uul and lpp SUPER SATIN latex Paint 01d 840 gal Spodll INTERIOR FINISHES IN MATCHlNO COLOURS EATONS Hudwuo Dapl lineman The mnstltullon gives lhe Ca nadian body power to deal with the Canadian guvcmment hr amm Canndinn aulharlues Io negotiate or work with olher Lulheran groups on Its own be half and to am at any limo separate and nutonamous Lu lhernn Church In Canada The basic Canadlnn nrguniza llannl structure remains the same except that direction now will come from Canadian headquarters ralher than from the United States The three existing Camdlan aynndseastcrn central and westerncomprised at about 120000 baptized members in 360 congregations will jointly con stitute the Canadian section of the church Upon adoption at new con sulutlon or the Cansdlau sec llan he LCA relinquished all power to soyem church activ ltles In Canada 1112 constitu tiun also paved the way or pos sible formnuun In the luture of completely aulonomuus Lu lhcrnn Church in Canada TORONTO CPDCanadian membem of Ih Lutheran Church in America have be come master their own at aIrs with the creation of new Lulhetan Church In America Cansdn section at founding convention that ended here Wednesday Become Mastars Our Own Affairs 431W SHAMPOO AND SET gallon lor $119 PHONE PA H661 ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON IMITID 40 as Lumémis The LCA represents ghoul third ai he 9000M0North America Lutherans and most ui the remainder belong to ihe Amarican Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synodr The LCA congregations in Canada make up nhoul quarter of the 563000 Canadi ans who describe iimmseivas nunIa or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St ClaerVenue East Toronto Ontario The 3200000memher LCA ilscl created from merger oi the Finnish Swedish Danish and United Lutheran Churches In North America is only our mnnths old In lwuycar the number of mint Lnlheran churches InNorth America has been reduced to three from efgfi The LCA has delegaled ll powers to elect oflicefl In pub Lish Canadian church p299 and lo advise and make recommendations an disflnclive Canndlnn interest In any other fields of work the Lutheran Church In America Realize the highest reluth or your wool by patronizing your own Organization SHIP COLLECT To Our Reyslarcd Warehouse No1 Waslon Onlarla Obtain sacks and twine without charge mm SPENCER Thamlon 11105 BOWMAN Slmnd SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE SERVICES W001 éhlrinfgg

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