Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1963, p. 10

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By MR5 COLE Umll further notice Sunday School will he held as usual at nun with church scrvlce Sunday visitors wllh Craw lord and Hugh wggu Rev Will Angus Mr and Mrs Elhs oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jennell of Thornton Sympathy of lhe community goes to the nmily the late William McFadden Barrie Winners at euchre high scores Mrsn Payne and Frank Holmes lone hands Ruth Har ris and Lornnz low scores Bela Harris and Garry Ander Mr and Mrs Mllls Allan and Danny ol Toronln spent the weekend with Mrs Mills ma lhcr Mrs Sulley Allan re malnnd to spend the holiday wlth his musi issllelen llplmes Mr and Mrs Dan Deschamp and Dlannu spent the weekend with Mr Duchamps parents at Field 04 ring the weekend wilh Mr and Mrs Dab son Included Mr and Mrs Ken Dunsmore and IamiXy Prince tun Mr and Mrs Ray Dobson and daughter Blg Bay Point and Mn and Mrs George Nixon and hame Tomnla Congratulations Mr and Mrs Victor Howard on the birth of son Miss Cheryl Cole attended the sunrise service and breakfast held in Comm Church Barrie Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Charles Cole and nmiiy visited recently with Mr and Mrs Villnughby Shimty nay By MRS DUNSMDRE Mr and Mrs Spallcr and family Delrnil lsilcd Mr and Mrs Gerald Kcnny on tho weekend mi Mrs Gerald Kcnny attended the 5001 wedding nn niversary of their cuusin at Hampton on Monday By MRS KEN BUS During the spring and summer months Sunday School at Georges Church will he held at 11 am fullnwnd by church service 1130 am Mr and Mrs nub Parr have moved from Darrin to their new homo Inst week Mr and Mrs Jack llimns and lamlly Scarborough spent the weekend with Mrs llirons par nls Mr and Mrs John Ellis Mr and Mm firucc Miller called on Mr and Mrs John Jenncl rcccnlly Mn Excll and lnmily nnd MIL Villlnm Gallop and him My visilcd Mr nnd Mrs Arm alronx and II Johnstone ut Culley on Friday Mrs Arlhur Dohsnns many frimd were sorry to hear her unlorlunnle nccldcnl last Mundny She is now in Royal Vklnrln Hospital and everyone wishes her speedy rrcnvcry Mr MrCnnn nnd Mrs Ken Bush won Thursday allcr noun wllh Mrs Miller In name AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY William Gallup nllcmlml CROWN HILL BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PLEASE WRIYE THE ABOVEPHONE NUMBER IN OR ON YOUR 1ELEPHONE BOOK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE GRENFEL UTOPIA LINES NOW AVAILABLE EDA EINEA EASTER SEAVIEE NEW PHONE NUMBER lhe KLEL banquet in Banla nlesday evening Mrs Cackwen nndson Fred die of Hamilton spent Goad Fr day wllh Mr and Mrs John Mason Mr and Mrs Ed Parker Collingwood visited the Bush and mum Iamlllel Friday aller Mn and Mrs Albert Dawson Barrie spent Sunday aller naun at the ham at their daugh ler Mrs Jack McCann Mrs Arthur Dnhmn pat lent ln Royal Viclorla Hospital Iollnwlng painful accident last Monday She 011 and has double lraclure ol the rlghl leg llme writing she is more comfortable hut wlll be in hos pilal for some time Mrs Albert Mum mrnbull are home pilal Congratulations to he Glenn McCanns and Connie upon um arrival of baby boy Thomas Edward Freeman McCann Sun day April ML and Mrs Roy Lister and family Sudhury were home for Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs McConn Miss June Brunskill Hamlllon wns 113 home In spend Easier with the Vivian Mchms Mrs McMasler and Miller are humc again Mr spending lhe winter munth In Barrie and Mldhursl number from here allend ed he funeral snrviccs held lor William McFadden at Jennelt Funeral Home and exlcnd sym pathy In hls wile also Mrs George Ellis and mm mm bnrs ol the lamily Mr and Mrs Jack Hirnns and JaAnne Scarborough and the Vern Wellands Angus spent Easter Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Ten tables of euchre players met Thursday night In enjoy the wcckly euchre game had the following prize winners high score Mrs Jo Dickenson and Allan Robson lone hands Ed Sutton special prizesv Mrs Mc Girr and Bud Dungcy Mr and Mrs Jnhn Dcwney and family Failport Beach and Mrs Alex Dcwncy Thornton spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis The A115 besohs Allislan were with Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull Miss Agnes llnpklns Toronlu spent Easter with her brother lnAlaw and sislur Mr and Mrs Russel McElwnln Miss Mirna Bell is enjoying lrip Qfllgwa mg hjgnircnl Easter vlsilors with Mr and Mrs Barnes were Mlsa Jean Barnes and Mend Torcnlo Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper and family ShlHicld Mr and Mrs Mclbaumc Dams and sons SlnynLr hashr visilnrx with Mr nnd Mrs Jan annn were Mr and Mrs Dnlinc Klrklund Lake Mr and Mrs Jones and daughter Toronln Mr and Mm Harold Marlin Sn nnd Cnrylnn Harold Marlin Jr and Hand Fergus cnvaln Mrs Sum Allcn nnd Mrs Jnmcs Smilh Elmvnlc were Sunday gum cl Mr and Mrs Doll Reynolds Vycvnlc 15 BAYFIELD ST BARN By MRS ALLEN MILLER CROSSLAND By MRS ALLEN WE HAVE also Gary mm hos STEELES CORNERS it and Mrs Ernest Dales on Sunday were Mr and Mn Er Dales Mr and Mrs Dale and Inmin and Wil liam Kirkpatrick Toronto wil llarn Humer and Mrs Adam an familqucslag Mrs Liberty and family Montreal are spending he Ea ter holiday with Mrs Por family Mr and Mrs Ernest Knee shnw were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Don Slurgnon Ban1e Greg Brown of Dalston spending the Ensler vacatlnn with his grandparents ML and Mrs Ernest KneeghawV Mr and Mn Norman Davis and All were Sunday vlsltar with Jack Wilson and Mn qusle qukgown Mr an Ross Wilson Windsor are vislllng Mr and Mrs Norman Dale and All Monday guests the same home were Jack Wilson and M5 Tasgla Cook v51 Monday guests with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were nev Waller Johnson Mrs Johnson Brian and Elaine East Calednn On Sunday evenlng sum 20 young people met lhu parish hall panel of parents Mrs Whitfield Dr Jl Pulahell Frank Roberts and Rev Lcckie answered many ques Iions0ne al these wasWhy so much publlclly about he bad and so liltln said about the good in Ihe community This meet ing was lnlerdenominnlional Mr Lcckle will be me speaker or the meeting on Aprll 23 Helrcshmenls brought the eve nlng geHogclhe lo close ST JOHNS DINNER On April 10 the congregation at St Johns Unlted Church held congrcgntlonel dinner lnthe audilnrium at the churchbese ment which has Just been reno vatcd Following the dlnner Bruce Corbett lead the Surly ture and James Furlong oticr ed the prayer Wlth Mervyn Corbett at the plane Jack Whlt field led in the slnging ol sev eral hymns Ewart Thurlow out lined rcnovntlons and Ihenknd all who gnve thclr tlme John Bell Bill Robertson and John Lunghccd told at future plans Ewart Thurlow thanked the com mittees and Graham Chrlslla suggested acceptance of the pm posnl ol program Rev Higth complimth on work well done and closed the meet lng with prayer GOOD FRIDAY SEBYECE Alilam Gooaillriday serv lcc was held in Wycliffe Angli By MRS ERNEST DALES My MRS TERRY 24 Hour Juvth 5m nunlnp mm All WATCH REPAIR BILL lEBOEUF ELMVHLE Scnln Work Gnnnlud Fur Full Yen can Chinch with large atten dance The mumgallons 1mm gt cw fresbgterlyh and Si Jo Uni ch were included The church was filled with worshippers Rev Leckie canducied the service with Rev McLean leading Ihe lesson The choir sung Come and Mann with Me Rev Higham preached the sermon 0n Golgothn The Emcceds oi the oiicring are in given in the Canadian Bible Society VISITORS Mrs Callandcr of Brad md spent Ihe Easter holiday with Mr and Mrs Bert Howley and other friends Howard Rowley reiurned home on Thursday Hr had been pfilllen gt Taronlo Gnncrnl Hos Miss Linda and Bobby Goss Iln visited at the weekend with their aunl and uncle Mr and Mrs Frgd 011m Tommy Mr and Mn Edgar Beard snll returned on Thursday ram vacallon in Flnrida Mr an Mrs Gussllng and Mrs Beardsail mended the wedding on Saturday of Mm Beardsalls granddaughter Mlss Nancy flakes and Sidney Bow nlhgl finrgllo Billie Slbbald Torunlo spent the Easter weekend with hls parents Mr and Mrs Phon Sibhald Mm Isabelo Preston Toronto mum at the home of Earl Drxsdale Mr and Mrs Finlay and bays Burlington spent the weekend with he lallcrs par ents Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pear son Mr and Mrs Roy Rownt son Phillip and daughwr Susnn Markham spent the holiday weekend with Mrs Rnwat Mr Ind Mrs Elwood Frost ALL GUARANTEED First QUALITY NYLONS at our lqwesf pricesever Every puffiofi Woolwbrthnglvonyslgdld 9t°9é99ndifienellxi good opportunity In alack up on Ms flno lop quullly how super nhoor with olamorouu appaamnco and good Malina qunllllu popular Inanonnl ohndu lul tango all Tnho advanluao lhll low low mm pain 00 SEAWEE Regular 50 PAIRS VOGUE Avallablo At Barrlos Downtown And Plaza Stores and non Gregory Calhnr lncs Mrs Kean Hespelar spent couple at dnyl with Mn wyggam rry Misses Nancy Palsy and Sally Campbell of Toronto were with their parenm Mr and Mrs Ed wip 13me Mr and Mn Petropulaun and Paul of Toronto warn wnh he lattcrl parents Mr and Mrs Tipth or the long weekend Harold Plan and Mn Kelly Toronto spent the Euler weekend 5th Mrs Jam Beard nll WEST PAKISTAN PDSTINO George Terry former Elm valu resident leit Montreal on Saturday by boat with stopuvcr at Rome and Calm He will fly then in Karachiaml to Sukkur West Pakistan where he will he Cnnstructinn Superintendent tin1 build power houses and trans mission lines lie lust campleted his recent lob It Honduran Central America PROPERTY CHANGES HANDS Mr and Mrs Garnet Grnhnm have purchased he properly Ihe late Mr and Mrs Robert Ritchla at the corner of Peter and Marla Sts Elvelark Gn ham has sold the home occupied by Yarwood to Mr and Mrs John Copeland St ns United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday morning or the Enster service which Rev Iliath con ducted Campbell gave short talk on the church and named many ol he pioneer families and the ministers who occupied the pulpit rpm 10194 1967 He told oi the many new active iamiiles in the church to day Mrs Ray Usher and ilrs John Thompson sang Remem ber Christ of Calvary Mr Highnms theme was Hear the Good News The lowers were in memory Mrs Simp sons mother Mrs Dnichcr and her sister Mrs Bishop Mr and Mrs Gordon Sprinz ST JOHNS EASTER SERVICE and Ian Freddie are vIsIllnu the larmera brnlher Lloyd $prlqgnd family Washlnm Guests with Mr and Mrs Manning over the holidays were Rex Mnnningi Taranto Mr and Mrs Oscar Srlgiey Juneami Billie ol Nurlh Bay Mn Lorne Manning Cathy and David at Markham Mrs Ron Butcher and daughter Erica at Don Mills are visiting al the home al Dnlcher PRESB EASTER SERVICES The Presbyterlun Church had en acilv attendance Sunday morn ng when Rev aniuce Mb Lean onmlucled the service basing his sermon on the theme The Bending oi the Veil The chair sang Lead me la Calvary and Unto llim he Glory The Easter lilies weru placed in iha church b1 Mr and Mrs Wllllam in memory oi Mrs Williams lather the evening scrvicu here were warshl per from the two olher local urches to hear the Easter ehural service Mrs Cooper and Whlilield were wlulsu The oilaring lor the evening will go lo the acrll ion fund WTHQS lb Sinnkinag Sale Easter vlsflars wilh Mr Bate were Mr and Mm Delmar Hale and girls Shelbumu Mr and Mrs Ivan Bales and daugh ters Turnnlo Mr and Mrs Ber Schlahl and family Barrie Mr and Mrs Dec Bently and family oily Mr and Mrs Willrcd GH cynnd lamyyBnrr Mr Jim bEelihtdn hns sister Mrs Wesley Brooks her for Easter week Two new lnmllles have pur chased homes here and have nl ready moved to the village They are lllr and Mrs Melvin Clark and lnmlly lram Trenton lo the lormer Lawrence Bum rcslden THORNTON By RITA CARR EWWMWS Stockings Sale her with 10 THE BARBIE EXMIINER THURSDAY APRIL 1m gt My Chgkin In lhe ngal Canadian Air Force Camp Bor den Mr and Mrs Jncub Miller moved tn the former Mrs Al rcd Spencer residence cominl mm Dalston when they farmed Mr and Mrs Ellis Guelph spent the weekend wkh Mr and Mm Jaynet and family They visited the form brother Crawford Ellis who Is In hospltal and also vi lted Mr and Mrs Ellis Barrie Tho Loyal Orange Lodge held their last weeks euchre In the hall wllh tablcalnplay Prim winners were ladle llrsl Mrs Domthy Roush second Mm Jean Olaskey law Mrs new son mens first Ralph Schand len second Hllllard Jamlqsou low Blll aniskl Mr and Mm Cane and sun Larry and Barry spent lhe weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Kemp Thomdnle EASTER SERVICE The special Easter morning sexvlce Mnlly Unlked wine will Rev Menard Wm In charge was well amended Both senior and inlet chair provid ed speclnl music wllh Mn nagd Wgrr as solalst June Sander was received into ull membershlp the church and was greeted as such by each member the sesslon There were 100 mmmunlcants mum SPRING INTO WARM WEATHER WITH E3 Hush Pumics BANLON TOP SERVICE HA Clapplrcn SO GOLDS SHOE AVAILABLE AT In attendance at the Sunday ichoBL Mr and Mrs Cccll Harris and Iumlly Mrs Vernon Jenneu and Mr and Mrs Curr attended the Miss Rebeca Carr uneral at Barrie qn Good Erlgy Recent visitors wllh Mrs Luck and Mrs Grant were Mr and Mrs An hulls Orilllu Fred Gmat Toronto nnd Mr and Mrs Donald Smllh al Brncebridge Easler vlsllurs were Mr and Mrs Ken Caldwell Hamllluu and MI and Mrs L2 Hope Onkvlllc Our sympalhy lscxlcndcd tn st Wlllred Hapklns In the sudden dcnlh of her brother John Frunklln Hlll April Sunnybroak llnspllal Toronto Mr lllll was war veteran and had returned mm Florida only le day before he and denly became ill The luncra was Apri 11 la nghland Meln or Gardens SKED CUDAN UPRISING L05 ANGELES APlAn up rising against Cubas Fldel Cas lm is scheduled ior May lender oi Cuban exile said Tuesday Joso Norman who say he revealed lhe location of Russinn missile in Cuba lwo days prlor in President Ken nedys announcement sald llu uprislng would he planned and Execulcd exclusively by Cu ans PA 84333 BY GREB

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