Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1963, p. 5

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If Gem 0n lhc branches of lhe Nona wmgn mm on the Fourth llne south and can Killylcuh past nlllce am Ihown lwo mllls one In silt and lhe olhtr inw mlll The nearcsl Mm nhnwn occuplcd ll lo mm and named as occupltd by Jnhn Klnlz ln Ihe Churchill mu ll Donnelly and Roxana am uhnwn ml lhe lnrm In tho Thlrd cancmlun wilh Anbclla Todd and Henry Gross on lnrml at Lclray nwmlll Just north Lclmy and an Lot 70 ol the lh tonmslan lho Vm Cronnn hum nppcan lnmu llnlslnn lluxlm Chm Grose Thom McCullough and Jlm llnld um Ahown lnlho 51h concnsslan cm ol lha pmcnl ll hlzhwny In tho elh contusion Good lellaw ll lha only name on Ihu call Ildo ol lhu Iuwmhlp wllh Black Ihnwn lcnnnl an lho weal Ildu 01 that road In lhu mh cancuslun mrno Pru cork Georn Nclson and John llnbblnn are won ol lho rand wllh Jam Black on lho ml ll Maul ml nl lho Ildc mml and lhn Orange llnll and nchml nro Ihawn nl lhe comm Kl lhompwn wan an lhu him now occurltd by anon Char lu Sprou and Jnmu llnlml atlas is dalcd 1381 and is cl he who of Canada with maps of must of the nnal mun clpnlillcs Ontario and Out bec Gemu back to Innisfll there are only lhrcc plnccs shown along Lake Slmcna shnro Grasses Palnl Belle Ewart and Cedar Pulnl Shown along the north shore are Bear Paint Mckcnlfl Point Allen Poinl Tollendal Mane Point and Allnndnle The Norlhern Rall way and he and NW Hallway meet but cam lnln Allandnla ovtr snpnrale rlghls way to proceed wcst Alon am line In Innlslll Thom are names several ofllccs which now are un nown Innlsnl post ofllce at the curncr lhe Blh no and Pent anguishcnc Road Bramley P0 near the WI no at lhe rallway Vlclorln nnd Slroud um bolh nhnwn one In each concession Vine annwn fll nygst Thls marlAan we are greeted with apcn water out from and many ducks are enjoylng the luxu or qulc Iurmundlnxx The no drifted out on lhe bay mlerday our vlsltma are the blag and whlla variety of he nor CONGRATULATIONS Gordon Toddwhohasbeennp painted in tho position oi sec retary for tho Simcoo County chcruilnn of Agriculture look over his new post this week Illa qualifications for tha wurk aru excellent His experience asslsuni in the AlRep in South Simeon make him the ideal per Inn to take over from Juhn Hughes who for some years did very commendable job in keeping lliu Ind purpose in ed oruilan work in the county sunrim as er reader who had been ralscd In Innisnl and many years ago hnd scan map of the county which showed the name of lhe farm owners ask ed 11 anyona could ndvlse where one 01 these nlluscs mth bu obtained So tar we have had no olfm ot the book or sole However we did have look at one whlch the property of John Coleman county treasurer and through the asslslance of the rulstm Art Kneeshaw we were enabled to get photo ntat ot the Inntsm page How ever the small print used in the type ls such that the scantgraph used to make prlnt of pic turn would not bring out the de halls for use newspaper plcture The llrnllxhlcrr lrom Slmud were called Bell Ewan on hresdny alternonn when lire broke an In grass and swamp area north ol Illa village look aomo last work on the part lbs volunteer llremen In to llm blaze under control Pollca lnvnsllgntlun has morlalncd lhu nlabrlnes nl the children respon OLD lNNlSlIL MAP INNISPIL NOTES Old Map Show Names find Places ILEASE IIEIEII TO THE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN TODAYS ISSUE THE T0 IIONTO STA OIl TELEGIIAIII FOIL LIST OI THE MANY IIAIIGAINS AVAILABLE 33323 ST TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 525531 REXALL ONE CENT SALE STARTS TOMORROW APRIL 18th TAMBLYN OVER 300 ITEMS AT SPECIAL PRICES The problem not Ihu qual lly the mod but ha mclhod ol closlnz the Jan Dr Mar xell said son at Cralgvale place now extinct 0n the nth lino east oi the main road Jan Patterson shephen Fixman 01 pla Joe Reid Thoma Web Rob Booth George Armstrong Wm Fruit Salim Wm Mctcali Jim Thompson Rob Vllkinzson Tom Shannon Robt Melcnli Warnlcn Jno Sibhnld Jno Dobson are the name in the Big Bay Point area and west to the rallway Around Painswick Jan Booih hnd sawmlll on his larm IL ilowson Wml Hunter McDonald are shown along the creek which also has grist mlll in the Tollendal area In Huggurd had the arm east oi the Hamilton tracks whlla Wm leon was an the west olden On 10 Sidoroad in the name con cession west was Jas Leslie and Wm ltllller At Holly we lee lhu names oi John Harri and Srlgley Chas Polling Jas Bmwnand WmCampbell 0n the nth mnccsslon west L1 shown che and Colllng Quanlz Jnu Glhblns Jnn Lockhart anman Reynolds Mlnnlken and Glllesple Wm Summers Henry Wm Armstrong and Joe Slmpsun East of Thornton we see tho name Wm Grey And Thompson Want Geo Mnrlln Jun Scott Wm Allen Scmxgln The only nccn pants shown In the Cookstown corner an Wallace and Ayersk any at lhese name are itlli connected with the sum inrm as when the map was made The was contained mnuy engrav ings oi farmer men who had occupied ositians throughout the tuwush and detailed history at innlsiii take int column at print which we may use later OTTAWA CPIThe chcral health depaflmcn II Invcsllm ing complnlnu pmnla who say their children bccumu 111 atm enllnz boulcd baby loadl Dr Mortal chlcl II Food and Drug Dircclamtc said Tucsdny that pmduLls nl lens hrcc mnnulncluml are bclnz sampled In laden Inbarnlorics They the Jan wmcllmcl 0pm and mould torml USED SEAWEED Flve lhouxnnd yum axn Chin can boilcd unwccd lo gel null or lhclr conklni ELMVALE 15pcclalsaurl me recently at lha home Mn Graham Altar the openan xerclscs the presld cnl Mrs lnglcton rend an article from Illa Observer lhe orlgln ol the Mary Slawan Collect The nwllo lnr lhls meet lng was Scrvlce ll doing what wu can and dnlng ll wllllngly when asked The roll call WEI answered by payment ol lees flm 4H girls club achlcvcment Baby Food Is Blamed For Sickness Mrs Gordon Ingleton Heads Saurin Womens Institute rul CourlcouI Emlu CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 main Equipprd Clhl Thn District Annual to be 5505315th May Officer or my 1964 are Honorary presldcnIMrl George Dickznmn presidentMn Gord mI lnglclon first vlce wald enera Arthur Spenu no end vlcuvpreddenlMrs Tam McMnnn secretarytreasur Mn Hugh Ritchie assistant ecrelarylreusurchn on French district directorMn Gnome Dickensnn allernma dls rlct directorMu Gordon Ingle on Standing cvmmllloc Include public relations and press secre wryMn Menard Bentdsnll allemnlean Donald Jacnbs azrlcultum and Canadlnn ln duslrlesMrl Murvyn Graham clllzcnshlp and cducnllonMn George Grnhnm historical rc lurch and current uvenlaMrn Cccll Frunch and home econo Lnlu and heallhdllm 1an Gm nm Makovilch is an Austrian cl tizen who ha lived in Milan since lha war businessman under tin name oi Rain litter the Austrian government began its investigation he want to Switzerlmd Switzerland expelled him last week and lie went tn Munich purportedly on his way to Vi Erma to give hlmsell up But he disappeared in Munich and did not coma tn light again until he arrived today at lilo Vlennn court building The WI decided to send me secretary the branch secre urlcs nonletence at Guelph June 1920 Slmdlnl mmmllm reports and the nominating com mittee were heard VIENNA neuter Erich Rajnkovllch alleged side ex ecuted Nazi muss murderer Adel Elchmunn was Arrested an reportan Io nulhaflllel hm today Invesununl Magistrate Kurt Foxmar um Rajakovltch was ordered held alter questioning Former rcluxed to disclwsa what Nakovnch Illd Ha uld he Would have to quuatlon Ra Jukovltch thomuxhly baton can get clear pletureJ The Justice mlnlslry luv timing to detoxmin whether Rajakovhch aided and nbelted In In murdcr Dutch and Austrian Jews during Eh Sec ond World War No chum hnvo been med unlm hlm Th9 wearold former Vienna llwyer was allegedly held re tponslbla for tho dull of mom than 0000 Viennese Jawn sent to concentration camp and many thousands more DulCh Jaws Including Anne Frank the keenage girl whose diary be came world amous The Nelhcflnnd 1m week asked other countries to send any evidence they might have which could be used against Ra Jukovltch day for the pmjccl Se males for Summer will be herd my In Elmvala Alleged Ride Of Eichmann Is Arrested HELP KIN KINSMEN Thurs Apr 188 pm ODD FELLOWS HALL 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES VJACKPOT $27000 $1500 Consolilrlunwlrrln Every Thursday Nighl ll Kinsman Bingo Night REXALL noydMnrun 751fm Hean Amcrlcnn mollun plclure critics dlqd nlcsénx 01 cancer Thu party was sponsored by their lhm daughters Mrs Jo anna Irwin Easement Mn San dra Brendon Loxem and Lin dn Rosamonl Tho olher guesls Included Mn Ferrls sister Mn Knlpe Villowdnlo Mr and Mn Hth and family Fem ough Nahum Schmnberi and other mm Roscmonl Ev erett and Mllston The hnnomd guests had three llcrod square wedding cake trlmmcd with plnk and all ver Their amlly gave them alnlnloss steel flatwara set or slx other gm Included cups ROSEMONT Sp Friends neighbors and relative gathered at the Orange Hail here April is or community cuchre pariy honoring Mr and Mrs Gordon Ferris on thali 15th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrsi Ferris were married in Aiiision and have lived in the Aliislan Easement district since They Imw live an farm at Rosemani Bus or ran enablers Mr and Mn Fenis have five grandchildren Attending the cahbrnlinm Saturday night wen lhe meld of honnr the couplel wed dlng Mrs Jenn Service Beaten and lhe best mun Ferlu Kerr Allislon lhcalrlcnl direclar teacher and wrllnr ho was believed to have wrillnn tha Hrs movlu crillclsm ever prlnled In ncwspnpbr It was xevlew ol the Grant Train Robbery whlch Mgrlln cullcd unrranH Mnrnn was drama and movie critic far lhu CuminJournal Im so ycnrs directed morn than 400 plays at he Loulsvllle Llllln Thulrc and laugh Ennlhh or 40 can lho Unlvcrslly 14m vlllc SALE Movie Critic Died Tuesday RoSemont Couple Mark AnniverSarY LOU15VIILE Ky 4P MR AND MR5 GORDON FERRIS CUT CAKE HELP KIDDIES and saucers dish plaques Lrgya aim mum and lghlo 11 en wore navy llnen suit with beige accessorlc and red rose corsnsa for tho parly Look What YoullBe Missing IF YOU DONT SEE THIS MOVIE WALL priemumm inImp lnd cl 901m mlrm mvu an new Mum and will bill will wk RTWKRDOM vl fo Today Only MY SIX LOVES IECHNIGBWRYPANAVISION meommmfimwmmmi pryy 507 How Dow1M Her Money looa chbio Reynolds and plu MATINEE DAILY AT PJU ALL THIS WEEK GLYMWUHNSCMRUEnélMifiREGOOWflNWMBRUHL 7mm mu THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 17 106 LONDON AP Vladimir Ashkenmy Ihe Soviet Unions lending young concert pianist and his win were hiding lame where In Enaiand today alter announcing they had leit Russia indefinitely in live in Britain VHUIIMPIPIDII Bimini VMlImlllwlfllwlPlpl mmmtamgm The ziyeamld pianist hr slsied he was mi seeking polit ical asylum saying Am Russian and love my mum try But the impression here was that he had deiecied 14minng hniiei star Eudoli Nureer did in Paris in 1981 ALLISTON SpecialiPntrlcln Collins Larry Sand Bub Irwin and Denys Symons our nuns Eeninr student have given up their vacation in devote their time to swimminl Put Larry and Bob nra undergoing in instructlan or our days In Guelph while Deny Symon is daing tho name at the RCSIC in Toronto At the end of these course they will he tasted and ii successful will be qualified as lied Cm swimming instruc tors They intend in assist in the instruction oi swimming at the Alliston Rotary Swimming Pool Alliston Students Take Swim Course Top Red Pianist Hides In England GIéasgfi mumqu ISPIDIMSICIIWS AlPIDIbWIIanIMh mkllmmtwl if Delia mm In How THE CHAMPAGNE cnowo muss apusw IN accusm Ashktnnzy cnme lo Bfltain on concert tour Inst manlh and brought his wife and yearold son Vladimir He said the 50 vlel zovemmenl had givtn him permission for an indefinite stay but he luran to British numarule because we did not know when the Russian permis sion allowing us to my in Eng land might be revoked The home office said Ashkcn aue wile Dodie native at Iceland was residual oi Bril ain or 17 year bciore she mar fled and had asked to be allowed to inks up residence in Britain again home oliice spok In said this was granted and in acmrdance with normal cumin the same priv ilege was extended to her hus hand The spokesman empha sized lhal political asylum was not involved DOESNT LIKE THEM Mrs Ashkenazy told com spondenl the Icelandic newz paper Morgubladl she had naver liked Russia Russian hablu or Ihelr way we Ashkenuzya pre eminent among young Soviet plnnlsu was underflan last year when Shown bRIVi 730 pm Wm WW Starts Thursday All Color Chemumpe BOX OFFICE OPENS AT DRIVEIN SHANTY BAY nope IggFHALange IIIIOWN III pal mun STARTS TOMORROW 1ND HIT MARTIN HPOLl proaonlu Bfifiér FLEMING unaw WWW Mummy and Mmomlok mm tMllL Wll an WHO moon ILQUIS AHIUCMH Stewart GRANGER Rhonda mm maul Wtslimsl the Soviet zovunmenh plcked him to ante the mud Tchai kovsky companion The first lealkovsky pflze was won 1955 by in American Van IL burn and the ENIBM wnted Russian to get it Ashkenuy dlvlded the prize with John Oldon Briton Ashkenazy who is Jewilh made his debut in Moscow at i5 placed sewnd in the Chopin competition in Emma the Wests top mnsl He owed the Unlled Stale In 1858 and In 1962 wlnnllll rave mIIces HI mnrdlnll also have been circulated widely In IIIe West IN COLOUR CINEMASCOPI ALSO PLAYING Wmmglmmm Thurs Fri 1M mum AGE Anvnnukt 0n lamian Dakar Spam And llmlar PLUS COLOUR CARTOON iii nunmm SHOW STARTS AT DUSK HURONIA DRIVEIN Showing

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