New 1an Metro run 1100 Plum Hanan flqu mummy APRIL 100 made no Dnmlnn low Marnml Mluxlnl Prormur Our Hons Noumhy mpnn Klddo nnnu ma Mm lwpll In Conflict Chumel Thth 113nm Eye llerel mannx YnII Pmlzuorl Induwa Klddn Pmlcsnorl Hlduwu 1n law 1M0 1100 um mm mm wanrsnu AllllL I1 00 Finluwrl Hldelwly Loo Kldda no Proleuur 6M Th Llw uu Spam 7m Tip To 730 Andy vuum mu Hun Gun wul Invll one my Fighter Muck llldumy 1000 1050 00 1115 luv STEWART MINISTER OF AGRICULYURE In Cablnet dlscusslon on SHOULD MUNICIPAL COUNCILS CONTROL BOARD OF EDUCATION BUDGETS CKVRTV WlflNISDAY APRIL 11 um Surlcu HIII um Popeyln Pm mu hum Hucllebem Hound Plovln€lll AIM AULD MINISTER OF EDUCATION Mr and Mrs Oscar Union and Mr and Mrs Albert Beam Isllspenl Wedngsqlgy in Wagon PRIME MINISTER MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Capt Roben Partridge Ed montan Alla spent Sundny eve ning wilh Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton He is at Camp Borden any course Mrs George Bridger and am iiy Ldmy and Mn and Mrs Kennth Bush Utopia visited Sunday with iii and Mn Gord on Bush Mr and Mrs India Emmc ROBARTS By MRS numwonm TELEVISIUN TONIGHT ynur carrier nu not mind by on glen phun And Copy Wlll Dellvem To Your Hum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Spa Wulhu NI Lem It To Duvu DWI Wulhn SpunI Th rxlnukmea Tn slury or My Thu Soul nud Ben Cney NewImmin hnlnnnolm CBC TV Nun We nu Spam Nan anl Huuxl Hanan DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL ANGUS CARRIER MISS YOU 600 PM VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 flick AT shun CTV New 1015 Mun Hull 00 Plem lznnn Bout nun Alle Kiddo uo nomxno 1m Mornlnl Maurine um humor cmom 1m Our 110th um Nonnflly nmn mm Burn Ind mm mm In Conflict Chime Th mumm hum lleua Lanklnx Al You wanna IndIwa Kiddo Pmlluerl fllduwly math Ind lohnn Sha NeII WIIUIII 5ND unnu Tht Dllolll Slm Ocnedlcl Mul NIVY LKV Nun Evan gm 1m IUD 1030 um If Squid cm AV Nm Mav Hm Cunxnlnfl mm Arm man 1015 1010 155 2232 um 5838 8338 no Tut hum Goad Marni sumo Pm NI Pop Pm Noonany Input Mom Tho Bold and Sin mu mum Primal 61m Olr Muvlc Omen Pnluru Loren Vonnl 8h TAN Thlfly Semen lull Fancy1 Pm mm Dmlo web Lu ow Tnmbxmnl luruory NI Wuthll Tn guppy Annm pqru Lonn hn Sum 2522 yupsysapp 9858 858 Ill mo 00 ugu Mr and Mn Glen Chisholm Inmmo spent Sundly with Mr and Mn McKnight Game Dexter relumzd with them and Is tpallenl in 1b onto General Hospital Mn William Carson and fun Elden unmet7h returne from Royal Vlcwnl Hospkal Barrie Word has hcin mcelvied the deglh ofiFrmk OConnor Sal Rnyinhhd EvenellY hu returned home mm Sunnybmok HeiPul Fem Held Tomato vIsIted Mr and ML Bmomfleld More leav hgï¬r we week In Flarldn Plan ï¬x an TORONTO mnemn Gummuh anlll mu Jul Pm shun CTV New Mun rlnu Plem lznnn Bout nennuy can rv Nun Nun Wlllhtl Sport an TM Cmpkllofl BARRIE mm mm yogn gamut 11 In but it nunn mum mm as cumi mm mm hbr I1 leggyum It until mm lnnlhll mm mm Mum wmow Dry Ind uh mu mm mm 7001 um man ll 1oll out Lel ln back In openlnu Ind and no what would hnva happtnzd l1 declmr had taken the klnx of made wllh lho mini all mm 71anle mm mm ull MIMI nthn 111mm East rclumcd made De rlmr look the ace drew lbrne lounds allrumps and led lha queen of diamonds Ind unused Eu won with the king bul was now oul huslnm could take Um an clubl Ihl Int or ha could want until Mar to gel hm ellhcr wny Souih wn bound lo mall on lrltkl Your uun um Polluk and go In nur hurls an lhe blddlllK shown Wes led Ihe deuce Ipadzs on which East played the klnx and Pplluk lhenck Here hand plnyed by Gunther Poflak of Chlcnxn It line example nl the look belore you leap phllnsophy lhll llgojtqpmantjn hridge DAILY CROSSWORD moan norm Cr Cruu Irnlnn 11mm lull mu Mm Wanleu Introduced Hrs Piuhcr of Alliston whu showed pictures on number Eastern Counlries which Dr The Unlled Church Women held heir Easier Thank erlng meeting hesday evening April inJhe school mom of the church with 29 members present Explorers and ladies from Ihe Presbyterian and Ang llmn Churches were In allend ante Mrs Cantu presided over be business part the mcellng The Worship period wus lake hits French Asémhern fried chicken din ner was very much enjoyed by th 64 curlers The Mgh score or the Ihrea gums winner was Jack Edneyl rink who won the Lloyd Hughes MM Winners ol the mm draw were Firs Jack Edneyn rink Jan Hughes Ted Slmdwlck and Nbrma Currie second Nar rie Coulls rlnk or AliceBaker Dave McFadden and Mary Ram say third Waller Bennys rlnk of Mlma Beeston Neville Jam esgn andAnne Mpnkmul LCW 0651 Winners the lmdrnw were Firs Doug Bmwnl rink of Mary Brawn Doug Ross and Do Slrudwlck second Bill mummy rlnk of Mildred naive John Timber and Joan Webb hlrd Mel McFaddcnl rlnk Alma Hon Peter OLay key and Louise Reed Opening lendtwo of The Cookstown Curling Club tlnlshed IL mixed curling sched ule with bonsplel and dinner Wednesday Apr with 16 nrlk enlcred North dealer Both sides vulnerable BEGHES TROPHY lly Elliot Lake an stay with Mr and Mn Eric Carson or couple months while Pie William Canon In on course It lheAIr Force Em cry Mlsslsglppi Waller Mnékon Is palient In the Royal VictoriaHospital Enrrle Thl bldalnx WEST COOKSTOWN CONTRACT BRIDGE mum on no Anou 4x numnm 111w fly lo rum mnlmbd nan431 mule mm 11 tom not conum lMMlcm EAST By JAY BECKER spaces Wu mlnl ll fluk mum II Jun lm him 6i Ovlln mum En CHEVALIER ILL LONDON leerl Mau flle Chuvullcr lb French nclarnlnger was lnkcn Ill Sul urdny with uslrin flu Ind both lha mnllnec Ind cvtnlnl gen lormnncu hi ï¬neman nw at lho Snvlllo Thealn hm were cnncellcd The play llscl II no dimcull but lhinklng bclore play InK lo Iha Hrs rick Is 1113 ll why he comnclenl dcclmr lurm lha hahil plnnninx every play this kind mm he moment dummy Appear nnd looks More he llan Tomurrow An Inlet hunt Concedlng Ira spadu to Ens no hardship since It sever communication between Inn East and West hand and II bound In limit the loser lo spadc glamopd and club Thu reason for ducking the km spades certainly mund Soth cannal altard let Wcsloblaln Ina lend to at lnpk the king club In dummy West lho dnchmu opponent Ind must be kcpt out of he lend at all costs rump and take dinmnnd finesse but East would then win he dlamond with the klnz and mum spade to flu qucen Would surely be automatic or Wm men In 1th to club and East would cash lhrca clubs in dceullho conlncl lwo lric V4v Ice Mas playm In Pollaka shoes would surely have done this but they would hava had teflsor Io rem later Prlxo winners an the ll Im draw were ï¬rst Frank Lum cmuser nnk Camp Burden second George Moirl rlnk of Cookslown third Eur dens rink of Richmond H111 dulunl gum Prize winners on lbs Im draw were ï¬rst George Thom ass link at Fergus second Frank Cralgl rink Auburn third Jack ankl rink Al llslon Agincourt Dule Tam OShan er Avonlea Richmond Hill Shelhume Camp Borden Stay ne 9nd Cookstown Curflng Club ended season by holding mans open bansplel Saturday April Sixteen rinks were en er 1mm Alllslon Theriieit mzeung wlll be Thursday April 15 at lhe home of Mrs Isabel Murphy 013m gunman Lunch and nflemoun lu Wm served by Um hostess And com mittee of MrImbel OConnor Olive Bowers Isabel Murphy an Jean News ROSS SOCIAL OROUP The Boss Soda Group met Ihe home of Wm 150ml OCon nor Thursday April The pres ldent Mrs Elsie Wheeler open ed the meetlng R01 Call wu answered by 12 member and en guest quill was mmplet ed for Mn Isobel OConnor Palm Sunday April in the United Church took the lam oi special service with the min Later RevH Davies niiiciat in Seven persons Joined the Church three by pmtesslon and four by Iransierrinz from or mer church Mm undiey pruenlcd beaulilui communion service to the chumh in memory oi her parents Mr Ind Mrs Wflloughby DEDJCATION SERVICE gummer Lupe recording 99m mentary by Dr Pitcher was given along wlurlhe pictures Mn Mnuy lhnnked Mm Pitcher Mrs Redford read In Elmer poem and Mn funnel IEI 65 325 cnu 256 in in 253 in $921 r9 253 MAKE AIOMIRI MGOIHINGm DRAW AYHNUOM 0M MUM SHIP Buz AND mws DESPERATE mzo no 35a on Soux 9c mm 2mm vow 5er SAYS Two mmcurs FORTHE pmc 0F ens BARRE EXAMINE WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 131311 coma ALONG aEKNDMAJ TNI GAME MAI nmu