rm 345 VOï¬rtcitrio MPPs Guess Date Of Next Election The man wIIh 1h answer Promlcr John Roberts But um leader of ma provinces Pru gressim Cunscrvalivn govern ment hilt willlng lo Icasa cï¬msmon with qua its and maybe about he possibllily In general pm vmcinl vole lhI year has shuwn no inclinnlion giva 31y lhe dale in In prl In IMI Fin Twu onllllllmrlfl 01mm In lrlnrr Edward It him and llamulmvl In member an TIIi MM INN In mrr IIUP NIHSIIiMIIIIIn llmnllll ch rlrunml IMMKI 11w luv IMllnllrnllnmlr up nl If JIMmix nmvnllvu Wuan mnl ml I1 Nw Dumfwilc ally ma OTTAWA TN11w um munrevl urlmrnl rhnvnno Im lwnn hzwn mul rnunny mn lured Ivy mull m1 rnflnl rlrdlnu whinml In It vall lmllnlinm nu Lllxrrull ultrnlllmwd lhrlr lump ml Ihn urle vulc hth Ih m2an lmm nl KM Purimhr nmmulhrn ho cnmv ml mun mlhlly rm hrntlml In luml nnadl kny plank In In Llhcnll rm plnuvnu wm Irducllnn nl Hm lnl butler numlul ol mum Hum ZMJXQDW pounds Thll mm to 1m done by Ahllllnu prlco nupmrl In txwonrnxo mum pmdurllnn nl chum nml nklm milk powder II wan slated Chmo 1m good uer mnlkrl Milk powder hawcvrr In Ilse lelu In mrnluuu and nulnnl m1 lur nhrnd drmnml cw gran unHl llw In purl prer lml wnn rhnngrdl 0m uple Is Hm the chnlm tnr nKrlcullum mlnlslcr Innu llnnnlly druwn rum Hm Pul ms nccml limllcd lo nnu mun Harry Ilnyl 1mm Hm mbnn anlillxmcy nl Cnlgnry South rnnrhcr Ind mnyor Calgary and one nnly lhrro Llhrrnls tkchvl In the 4an Imlrlu bloc Mn Huyx II ncucumrr In luvllnmcnl Inn Llhcml guvcrnmunt has an nirlcullurnl pollcy whlch lwlco Within 11 yearIn Imus or pom lcnl mullsha hrnunhl nrllnn rnnnimz mm lukewarm upporl lo oulrlshl rejccuon Vote Shows Liberals Strong In City Not In The Country Pfcsgca rcviuenlly through aul he 59 dayn Ihe susinn TORONTO CWAs he On tarlo legislature resume in twicerecessed lounh session today he queslion uppermost In he mlnds of many members is whclhcr they will have In bxcak out the clntllnn pnslm une or Oclnboror In June 11wlnmn1n Ilm pmmlmi Dr Marshall McLuh pm lcssor nl Engllsh literature at St Michaels College Univer sity of Toronto old delegalc complete revisiun or existing education procedures would he demanded by the TV genera Ilnn which has come lnln being durlng Ihc last 10 yggrs 711m prcvmus machlnc age lived and perceived analytic LIBERALS FIND Sncicly loday is in danger Inrgclling lhat education pfrangl husinc be said lil Duncan said the educa llonnl level of lhe whole com munity would suffer ll large numbers of people vllh lower learning levels got into cducn llnnal institutions uncan dean am And science at Queens Unlvep my Kingston old lha annual meeting nl lhu Ontario Educa IIan Assoclallon Tuesday that the teacher mus have lime to make gonulne canlucl wim his pqnjls TORONTO CW Growing use of machines and Ihe un pracedenled numbers of chil dren nllendlng schools and um versillca la reducing the Ieachcrsludenl rnlln lo below the saicly level say univerv my afllclal OTTAWA CPITho lncom I99 Your Ne 90 Machines Cut TeacherPupil Safety Ratio Public Not Keen On Farm Policy For Enmlner Want Ads Tale about PA 32th Tho telephuna number to cull In the Buslnusl or Eduorm Dept ll PA Hm Our Telephones Furlrlaur tldlnll whnlly mm and mathr Imuan Thm mmplelrly mm In naluu duh duly nn lmm tluluna Hum 01 Jml mulcr mm mllln fllvlnlunl If Mr ruunlry an urban nr rural lhln piclum mum Om pump In lhnl lhml Mr M1111 Mm lle eru llnl In mGSrnnmmugh In lhu Tflumln IHI Mull rlnlluu nuvluml wnh L017 In IlrulrhMmlulrlne In Qumv lul Ihuply ll uuw IAIN lrwrr vurnl vwlu Merl nwmhrr IMflnmtn than Ilm In rllln nr nullullu uprclully nllw Ihl mnvmmll hum rmmlry In clly In lhr In 10 yuan Other pmmlm lnrlurla ltd mil AM or pmvlnm In hun dllnl rllk under lho llrdxllnl cmp Inmrunrr prnnrnm Illl tnnllnxml lrcluhInlu uulml nu nu lrlvlnlllllnz wnlrrn ml mum In Hm Hml Mnln Liberal pronrnm lor the Prnlrics II lepmnlcd plrdnu nn whtal Under one nrmm would in lwo nrlm on ï¬xed qunnlily nI whcul The export prlca would be mmpcilllve but lhuu would be higher payment do Ixntd hran be domcnllc prlcu up without raising mo ml brand Thu olllu II lxmlhlycflally mlnlmum priru ol bi hcl lur No anl unlcd duwn he nude dmm pmlmm no mllk lnr xchonl chlldnn In cwpernunn wilh pravlncu Hut ner mndn la ymn an by experts In flue lcdcrnl agriculture dnpnrtmcnl bnscd on recent cxpericnm In Canada and he Unflod Slate ndlcnlu Nth program would hum Illlle Impact on the 1k nurplu behind lhe dnlry problem Legislation ms been pram lscd to correct weaknesses In the provinces law enrarcement nyslcm menlloncd In the mach royal commluion Ner on or xanlzcd crime in Ontario Nu details of lhc proposed meas ure have been revealnd Before they hear lhe date when they will next Ace lhe electorate the aming pnlillcinns have lens another week to 10 day legllllllvo business tnnducl including dchale or last lwo major government measures so far to when the next elec inn might come Mr Roberts has gently reminded his qucs miners that administralian mandate vnlld until June canl see Ihe point Allow French and alter whlla youll let in Japanese Chlncsc Ilallan rd what have you said Mr Mlllcr rcsolullnn suggcsllng lmml granls night classes shnuld be In both Frank and English was opposed by Miller tmsleo mm annor near Owen Sound He suxgesled new school with diflerenl klnd of pro grama brand pmxram plus speciï¬c skill sell In some prospecllve cmploycrlo 14 levlnle lhe slluatlnn Onclhlrd lhe labor force In the next Iva your will have only elemenlary Ichool educa tlon and lhls wont be good enough Mr McLauchlin sald Toronto high school prln clpnl Wfllllm Mdauchlln told the convention Ontario must soon mnslder extending the compulsory uhooHeavlnl one from Is In 15 He said education tended to Inger Ar behind Ihe commer clnl needs and developmenu at our line ally he TVxeneraunn lives and perceives mymlcally and embraces Ieamlni total 9y we Dr McLuhan gala 1112 llnwrrm Mam lnunul men vlll mm In ml Iflh ghoul Um wmhln Ivel play Mn Mn In nwlal play vlvlltlillun Nl Whvphdal lul lmll Vinnhw ru Illmlwrhml1y nlnml Haul IlvrlHIy mrr Imam In mm mm Ilumn mmllru Al mm mulurnre allwl 10 MP mum he rhhul an llam vlonuhlxl In lhq Wn linrllnn The guvernmont has said will introduce dull bill his Icsslnn on which lho commfllna can bnsc Ms nvnlnalian of pub Iic rcprescnlalinns and write ï¬nal hill be lnlrodutcd for lagislalurc endorsement law Anolhar prnmxscd mout lhouuh nnt one whlch w1lllikcly he debnlcd this sessionwould an out the guide lines or an lndcpcndcnl cammlllw sludy medical health insurance And speech lmm he throne opening lhc session Nnv 21 promised to esluhhsh an 0n Inrln Council or us Arll Another bill expecle but up oflichllly is an amnndment In the Ontario 01m margarine Act which wnuld al low manufacturers to color ï¬re spread yova hetnrc Waring it for sale The act has prohibited sale of precolarcd margarine since 19494 The court Tuesday named Hecker 36 at Brooklyn NY party in iis investigation of the less of lhe Thresher with 119 men aboard The fivemum ber court then recessed and an nounced it would resume hear ings niler Hceker hns ahinined rpunsei and examined evidence given thus tar PORTSMOUTH NH AP navy court of inqulry has cited LLCmdr Stanley Hacker skipper he subma rine escort vessel Skylark or what called his ailure to re or the last messages ram lhe dated submarine Thresher or an unreasonable lenglh of lime Criticize The Skipper EFFECTIVE MONDAY GUARD nn lhe mm mm Mn vinn munn me now bodya omnlunI lvnvcnllon Dn lelllrlwr nnfllm pm lvlvnl ol llw Nnva Emlln unml he lunmr Unllod Lulhmn Uumh In Amnlfn 1mm IflllllNTO Hlhlluv IIKI lllllrkrr Innlnr SI IMlln Lulhrrnn thII in llrltlun walrr NH wnl clrdul prr Ilrn1 nlrulny Ihr mwa MINI nnmln mum at he Milli larch In Immirnv nu llltnlhlrl ul Hm UK lrlvy uuncll Im lurmrr linvnnuh mnl Vlnmll Mnury llllr hnllro llnlwy of Now Sm lln lurmrr prllur Inlnlnrr null 5L mlrrnl Mlll lrlnm Mlnillrr lrlrulmkrr Thu npmlnllnrm Wu lur nmlly nmunml luy Un Quan HI 10 um llmdo public Mm In An mm NIIHMI llm Tun mln inrrllr AI mrmhrr In UK Irhy Tulmdh Grin Vnn¢r rnlllhd In mg Hm pun llx on below Mu nnma OTTAWA ICI Gmemnr Gemrnl Vuulnr Iml lwm up polnlrd by lllr Qurrn nmnbnr he lrlvy Culmcil Um Unllfll Kincdum nn lumnml 1min The conmnmlquv lsumd an 10 days ncuullnlionl mid he unlun will him quhnuso ru lnlmum nnwl he rhnun uc cnnllng In populnlim In lhn omrr ruch nlnlo MI hnw tqunl rcmuwluliun plcblscile will be held by Sept 17 In npprnvo All un Wrillln constitution and elect prenidrnl chtlcd lo he Nu 111m zomamh Imnsl mnnl mind lnnncd duran which Ihe prlsl on will rule wllh the help ha three rnv uImlvnary counclll now In power Lutherans Elect Canadian Head Announced aims are to wlpe out feudalism cnpilnllsm roac lion nnd imperialism and la liberate Palestine when lhc Jewish man Israel has been csmblishud cammuniqun sinned early lodny hy Prcsldcnl Nasser and no alhcrnfrom lIu lhrce taun lrics lndicnlcd he new edeml unlon 01 3000000 people will he at lens lwo yran lakan shapen Appoint Vanier To Privy Council CAIRO AF EHYPL Syria and Iraq have pledged In farm new Unilcd Arab Republic hnscd economically ou Arab sn clalism nnd polillcally on Wesb em parlinmonlgry inslllulions KNeï¬URR Pledge Fbrm MEMnEflS of lhe Sncial Credit parly emerge rlrom marathon caucus meeting at Ottawa which lasted more than eight hnurs They are Bi Io Onhrlo Canada Wadnudny Apr 17I963 4th Glassco Report lHits CBC Defence MirI Emmau 05000 mnnyur wemlon Ind upwind My um Ilw nomwmd mml unall ul our luurd by unnmulubnn nlnrv ll henna III ule Ill Summm en Illlnl Hpfllfll Ann Admlnlu hnllnn ll Inn Hr millm de olnl In hp IHC nAUvmul lb um nlrmnl muln nnvlhun nllulu nml mmlm numb and dunlnwnml WEN M0 TAM nu Hum n9an mmnumon wu appointed In Wt or If nludy my mg at the lrlrum ll multilrmlnl lulrltrnllml vl Irnlul mmmuu l0 llw lhm nrnml Iuvrrl II wmu mwrnnuxnlc lur llw nnvy nnny nml alr lnm Innlnlnlll ummlv mnnllimllnun lnr nnh mu mmunllnu mmrly rnnxhndlvm NIKIHNIIIII lrluc mmmunlrnllnm lrlnllinlnllnn mnununhnllun lvnmlmrlnllon ml Krnrul Adminmrnllm Vhilu hrnlIlnz vrnlxr ml llm uunllly mm hnlnmr cm pm umm Ilu lbrtwmnn rummh mm irnlkllld Hm In mhlly uwlml hrundtuullnz mumrnlinn vamp Iln numnmnuu nlup In uI rlur liun III nullluriw nml nul Mhnl tnllml lnm hnrme nml mnnnlxnllunnl tllmuny OTTAWA l7PJSIIIm Hill cism ho CIICI mnnuxrmrnl Mmfluro um pmpmal or nweeplnx llnngu In ho hum lllrnllon III In itloner livpnrl mm hlxhllnhl Hm lmxrlh miml Hu ulnnsm myul wmmh Mun nn mcrnmml urgunnm lhm mndu puhllc loduy Mcnnwhlle Suclnl Crndll Lender flnhvrt Thompson met Premier Mnnnlng nnd mus mcmb the Album ubinrl In Edmonton Ila lhcn me wultm Sucinl Credit MP nnd orgnnlzeu in flcd Dccr Tuesday nlnhl OTTAWA CWThe Qucbcc wing at the Social Credit parly mumu its mnrnlhon caucus here today ancr meeting or more than eight hours Tuesday to hammer out cummnn pol Icy or the hut Parllamnm The caucus originally wus scheduled l0 Inst two huura lrom left Gerard Girouard member parliament fur Ln bellepJeun Paul Cook de Iealcd candidale In Mamma guyLlsm and member lrom left Gerard Girouard Ihe last house Pierre Andre member parliament fur Ln Buulin at rear member for bellepJeun Pnul Cook de Dorchestcr and Maurice Cale Iealcd candidale In Monlma mLmhcr fur Chicouliml CP guyLlsm and member nl Wkrephnlov Sogreds Seel ing Common Policy up pnslllve null lemmmmd Ire mam d6 tcnlullt of overHana hllher mum lor lop um IMI um um hand lrodorl oermed mm Ilhflllleï¬ huhm nmnclnl 1nd pulley Indlou lmm 1h mum man lurqu um low he on wu mm In lb III fllcn mannnmml um lnrm nrnmulinn In puned unmull In lash mum Un nnml wmlml uporlllom the nl um Mm Inuunm nlmm Ivy upld upnnxlon ll lad lulled In de rlllp puslllvg gull In rncll urllon nl Um mum Imam lh ronlmllllnmll ultra llml llm mmlmlnm an llwlrn alum Muln pmwunll In lmluyl VIA mlkm pun In yum lcmmh Um rummlulnn rmuucll mm at wrrlnlhu wlm dun Inln nrly nuuk nnrl tummy of mo Inn lnlrlnl Iynlflll Ilmnnh Nul prlnllnu rluln hm nm In nlmul momma hnlnmm umlnlnlml II Iran Irv ï¬ll lnnmlo MmuMnnl mul lunlnm Hmw Inn ummlulnum mlhmer nmnru Mlmlirnl lnuyrr mul Insumnrn rnuwnny rump llw nml Wnlmn Srllnr 01 Ulluwn nHml nuxillumrnml nnmln ll win mkrll wml dun cmlml mul merlnpplnu magma mm In rlhnlnnln unnrrrunry or unuunnmlc upvrnllnus nnd urnrrnlly Alï¬llllllllll mun nmmrnl nyslcm We have pnrlccl why In nur parly nan II wlll be made clcnr whtn our linkmm ls pub Ilshcd mu mhL IMly spnkmmsn said here Ihcy have no intention expel 1mm ilcir rnnks nr penalize inc six Quebec MP whu Iinncd slaloman promising suppurl lo the minnriy povtrnmcni tx pcclnd in in armed by Liimrnl Lumler Pearson Mr Thompson sald nu nlliclal slnlcmcnl would come am of he Olllwa caucusï¬hu Gilles Gregoire mmbcr fur Lancinlc lald reporters here that slate men will be Issued ubuul noon ladnyl lnrqm Imlcpolllceru would 21an Ll it Mum Inwl ml at wmmmm Well In beau eqnlwud lo do an joh Mp women walnut rnaumr would nu IM mm and 1mm Mac It mum 3mm EXTMKNM MIMIUI Nlmlllunl rumumlu umld In Ichlurd 4hr clnu Hm mm ovmm mlumnl In rhlrn 11 Ill Cmmflln MW maul mlvlty In la cur IIIIA nu vlnlllefllluo Iml drpnrummnl unlit 1qu ll um at mnhpowr up 39 lntrurnllnn Ihn mm mme nhun lmwcm pm Mgllld llfllll nnc unllurm an llul ll urkullhnl Hm drpuly ulclrncn llllnlllrt and lbw chulunnn In rhlrll nl Ilnfl rummlllce In lvrn pomll In Inmlemrnl mman wmmnlnt Itlvkll Mun rlvlllnu Ilmnld In nmml In lop mnIlum In drpnrlmml Intrimlhm lien1r uauhl lumu ulmul Ihnrp munmulu In murmllun he Hutu Hle Anuer $209003 yvnr muld ho Amrd Ivy Employan clvlllnnl In 1000 10 now handlrd unlro pruomuel Allnml hill llm Inlnl Illrualh lho lurcu In ocruplrd wlth nou anlmhml mum101 phyll allym pcrlomltl In rammtrclnl Han mum hy new prhnlemwmk mmpu liliun Mcnnwhilu he movers hum hun called In can personal Iccl an of lhe chlcnbuknr ol licr nnd nHirlnl mldmcc and nnd ML Pearsons flu are discussing chnnlc In ollicu nc clrmmodnllnn Dicfenhakcr mnl with hl elccHnn riddled cahlnul Tuesday morning and uhcd ulcd nnollucr mrclinz or Thur dz morning look inirwardrwnh consld tabla Interest to being leader olnlho ill believe he Ix lhc eighth at Canada In primu OTTAWA CF Lihcrnl Leader Lester Pcarsan waillng in he wing la became Can adas 1m prime minislcr lux all but completed the ask lining up hlx cabinet and awaits he nll Important lnvllnllnn wlllch may como 112 today lmm vanrnnrthcrnl Vnnlur Prime Mlnlslcr Didcnhuku luna date at noon EST lo see he Queens Itprnscnlnlim Government House In lender his resignation Before accepting ll Gnvrnl Vanicr wlll lnvllu Mr Pllnrsan Iolorm mcrnmcnl Mr Diclcnbaknr commenting on Hg glen yor the mural in an to carry on Ill be available when the House open as delr the ppppglllan He has lo not called at spokesman lender Mr chlcnbakcr lold rcporl era alter zominme mcellng wilh Gen Vnnlcr that he in armcd hlm or the results or tho Apfll general election and gave hlm my reslgnallon ellcc tlve Monday noon Mcanwhlle LlhéraI Lcadcr Lester 13 Puma the next prime minister was working in his Parliament Hill office ready Io go to Government House Id he be called by Gen should hé Vanlnr OTTAWA CmPrime Minis ter Dinfenbnker said today he has liven hla rcslgnallon to GovernorGeneral Vanlcr cflec livgr Monday April 22 at noon ES Cabinet Is Almost Complete Pearson Is Awaiting Call Hints Hell Tryflgain Like Macdonald And King assume he any lime or the Li No Man Than Par Copy20 Pug the Lihériai may said Cloudy and more humid Low tonight High Thursday 50 For complete summary pleas mm to page Wu mlnlulvy WM 11 um mmou brI mam not HI lulun um mpgmum WV mam um um MM Miwmï¬v hmri vlnmlhmlvuhwn Vollry Ugo mm on MIENTIIIC llifllï¬ï¬‚fllll linlnlullnhmrm huh mmnmml In mnulmulq lenc tnlhvmlnx ml rllmlmlo undm ovnlnwlnl Ind NI ï¬upllullrm bl flewlnpmflll yum yum II choln lopprldvlly ncwf 1th mini Yin qurIul mllor rtA pnfldql he lnh1ufy ll ï¬lmi uhan 35an1 ha II Local Weather xnvrr In mm JeriInns ll Ih utnl Innl Mhrr ml trlylnl an xlllrrlllm mm Oilw Hu ulnllmu Ilmlkl ho rum In allnw nuvllmn lnhnlxllmul onIer no rm In Wmumrnl John nuw Manual by hr lllllirnlllrl ol mulllnn mnlhrmrrn and IN mullm high lunmvrr Monï¬linlnr int ulmultl plum In my punlnjnd Inga NllllTlllillN AHMM Hull IZlkllnn nml Imllnn hlirl In llm lnr mm nlwuld nm by llm mnhrm nflnlrl do mtlmrnl rrmuvlnl lndllnl mm MIN In lmllnn lulrn hrnnrh Hm rillumhln nml mmlxrnllun drpnrlmrnl ll Mil lmly nnlunl In mnl lhl MI unllw mm MI lam Inuit In lhn nmlll Arlmlnlelve mud nnlilltnl work hlllHlM In my lulu dilllncl Hum oath with warm hr Tlmuuh In 1957 when the Con scrvalivu succccdcd he Lib 1qu In nflicc the parly lender kvm heir nld onlcu merely changing the bran plates on lhcir doors lhcrc has been lalk 01 mm switching the physlcal luuzlllon nI lhclr sullen hlx llme nu would am Mr Dltlew bnkur opposnlnn lendcr mart lice npnm In the Comm Block him he hurl below htcomlnz prime minlslrr In mldilian In additivm In In cahlncl at he has indicated In In working on nppolnlmcnl of vparllumtn lary strrclarics Me 515 hi key appoinlmcnls in make In hl own nlllcc and numbcr vacanriu In in In the Senate House of Commons ollicc Ju dlcinry and diplomnuc cams Gun Vanicr recovering rum heart allack suflercd April rcsltd In one he bedroomx twin hnds The room was nnmcd allcr Lard Villlngdnn former Guvernur General In whom Gen Vunlnr was once an aide decamp spokesman or he Llheral YmdcrxanrflPmrson had quite hmvy schedule per sonal lnlcrvlcws Mr chlcnbaker me Ihu Gnv armorGeneral In private In secondfloor bedroom Gov ernment House AP0NTIENTS COMING hiiemTo Edam 101 lmyllhclr elxaqm Asked whe er had mnda any rccommendaiion to Gen Vanier Mr Dieienhaker replied that what passes between GevcrnarGeneral and his prime minlsier cannot be revealed linwever ihcre was no neces sily or that since three Social Credil MP had determined in give their vole in Mr Pearson give and provide him with rnnjorily While you can never lull tha future we of hemI helieva Mandnnald and KIMbecame prime minlslcr again mlnisim who havlng occupied that nfflce served as oppusilion lender afterwards MAY TRY AGAIN