New or Eï¬ï¬ Fin VIM Funk 11mm IM third or In Impulnr 1mm llm nlnvln Flu Mnlnhnll cm In nrIliAu Ilw mun ol the ollwr Mum In Mrly Ilmmlay rlmlluynl llw ulllmz mum Ulnar and mum null Ilnmnua Unwind mom In nun Inlmywl cm bth In vullml $5000 ml In mu Hm hmlr nut In the mmmw nltv Fery On llw llm burned 50 mu CULIJNGWOOH TM Irv rnlh In In dn In MI wrnlnn llny nnnnmnny gm ml 10 Immr of Mlkhflll Jtn Ilmon Mnlulw tmulni der In nlnmltd Am Mr Jtnllnum bmhrlnr mm In low pmonnl hrlnnm Ins 1mm lhr Ilurco lmuw Flumm nuld null Illfll pluluhly Ihu came blaze Mr MCMIllllf ll Unlvcrnlly ol anonlu cnxlnccrlnu nrudu nlu Hod In 195 Icmlnn III Ilk of MI ulMenboul 000 11m awnrds nw llm Int mndu undrr II Edzur Alllnlcr Fvumlullan um um pralulml In Mr lwn ycurl In advance In help Ilndrnl who mlxhl Hucer limp am 001 Dr Hlncll Iflid TORONm CW Fourlccn Onlurlo hlgh Icllool xuxdcnls In Grade II 12 und 11 have barn uurunlccd sdmlnrahips mil 200 year In study engineer IIIL Ibo Unlvcnily Tur onlo Hm Clnudo muclL plul dun Ihn unlvcnlly mid Mun day 0i Seven Fires In Collingwood Will Ask Pxobe Now lbcrclare Lcsmr ho Cooke Mayor the €in Barrie do hereby procinlm lhc week of April 15 lo 11 1963 Barbershop Harmony Wonk In Barrie and extend btsl wlshu lo we Barrie Chapter at lho SPEUSQSA or conllnund suc cess in promallnz barbershup quarlcl alnuing in our commun fly and lo the SPEBSQSA 1n lhl cclchraliun Ha 1151 Quarter Conlury 01 Ilammny thrm he SPEBSQU ha been an nrganizaliun dcdicnlcd la the cnhymcnl ul lhe movie of Nurlh America lhrounh build Ing and cucouraging close har mony groups and cucnur awnan harmony among nll pcuplc lhe world or he pm quarter century Whereas he Barrie Chnplcr H10 SPEBSQSA has been Hf ilialed with his unique singing society for eight years and Whereas the Socier or the Prcsnrvaliun and Encourage ment of Barbershop Quartet Singing in Amcrlca Incorpor Med will celebrate ils Lilli angiversary ram April 15 la 11 MI Since Mnynr Conke was on of lawn and all alderman were llcd up at committee meetings reading at the proclamation ell l0 Ihe SPEBSQSA pusldcnt Harmony Week got oil In musing start last night After Ray Blair president of the Bnr rlc chapter Soclcty for the Pre servation and Encouragement Barbershop Quartet Singing in America read the proclamation lined by Mayor Les Cooke PflOCLAMATION Oro Student Wins Top Scholarship MEMBERS he Barrie Burbershoppers listen In playback the chorus they will enter In the dlslrlck cum pemlun In Belleville Ont to right Bob Sackell Harmony Week 15 Off To Rousing Start The proclamation read luau Il Ind ll llnynmml ll Mnrlkulnld lkwmnlu Ur nnnln llth Ikth Wriuly McKlnnun Saull Slc Mnrln Smlll SN Marla nlItglnlu III llllule Iner lrmsun 21 umlxr Tlllmry Ulslrltl Illa Rdmul lrtrr lxrlvknm Ir Kllkflrhl Frnelun Fnllu Dlslvlrl llllh licth Scholarhip wlnnm chosen on ma bash at ncndcmlc slnndinu and mmmlc need luymcnls wIII lwnln nflcr lhu nlmllnlx um lllclr Krndn ex mnlnnlluns Thu wlnnm ImIudn Grnda Ill errd MIL Miro rr Om Slallun narrlo Dixlrlcl Narlh Collczlnle Hay Ilruxhcll rr rlll IMk Slml Cnllmnlc lnsllluln Mu mldrr flurry Clark SLllwmn St mum Cullralm lnsllutlv lelm Ilnvlu Furl Erle For lirle llluh School 1th MP Cnrmlrk ï¬nrnln Snrnln Null rxu ullcglnle mum and V0 rnliunnl Schml Slrphrn IL Mar Sclurllwr Scllmlhfl High Skim Wllllmn Troual rr GunMI Jnhh HIM Cul lollnlu Vocnllnnnl Innlilulm 0009 ulnhllsh scholmxhlp In In lucully nppllcd science nnd cnxlnccrlnz Purpose ol the society as slated in he lulcrnallonnl by laws Ls Tn pcrpclualc llm old Amcrlcnn lnslilullon lhn bar bershop quarter and In pro male and cncaurngc vocal hnr many and good fellowship nmung ll members lhrnughoul lhe world by Inrmallnn ol local chapters and dislrlcls composed 01 members interested in lhc purposes he soclcly And In hnlrl local dlerlrt and inter nullonal tvnlcsls ln qunnol and churns Alnuinz lo encnuragc and prmnolo he ulucnllon ol Ihe public In muslc appreciation nl llgrlgcrxllup qunrlel nnd churu Twentysix men nucndcd lhe Ionndlng meeting in Tulsa on April 11 1938 and the original name was Society er the Prc scrvnllon and Pmpnznï¬on nl Barborshap Qunrlec Singing in he Unucd Slnm Now there are more Ihnn 2am members In 575 of In cvch stale ol the Unliud slates and Enos Cagndian prnylngcs The beginn ny Vock yesierduy coincided with the elghih birthday at he Enr ric Chnpier and with Ihe 25th anniversary of lhe society which was founded in Tulsa Okla homa by Owen Cash in 1538 Twentysix men nilendcd lhe Ioundlng meeting in Tulsa on April laganandlhc prigiunl As he cnlnrcd the hall lhe churns sang the lradilluna we come sung Youre ns Vcl comp as lhg lowers in Mayf More than 35 harbershnppers were on hand or Ihc mcellng including members from Drink and Newmarkel Murray all past presidcnl Barrie Chaplur drove all the way mm Ottawa WELCOME SONG fllGlll Local barbershop pers proudly display Ihe char ler ofllclally declaring Har an More and Harry Smgt hursL Amarka PERMANEle $599 anlu Avrma ll adaubï¬tï¬ï¬‚é rmmnm um Ali Fur 11w nunun MLON Strand Mg cow In llIII rlnxl wru Mrrrydnlo llmlnr Vern lurrd mu nwnnl hy llam lllvn Slnnllrmun unu IM Ilrr Irmhirlimh In 1101 llnyl wan 37m poumh milk 59 pound lnl and um prr mil or Sllvrr Mala Cull knll Churchill mnn Inn wan flu rnnlrsl lur lmvlnx hlgll ruw In llvc Junior lmxrymmhl elm lor Mnrrh flu Cnnndinn Jcmy Cnlllu Cluh luu nnnuunml ll Tillmnn Cllurrlllll Ontnrlo lmd llm high rnw Innlurc Acme Daily dnuuh tr Ilrmnphm Wurldly Acme llml nrmlurrd In 303 days 1220 pound milk poumh nr 534 vrr crnl Inr Silver nml Gold Mfdnlflrrllflrnks Tho diam wvlcomrsv cvbry new member or vltilnr by King Ing the welcome 5mm Youro Welcnmo he Flower In May Anynno Mshlnk to jam may cnll chorus director Ilny Atkin mn al HMO headquarch In the county building PA 66400 Numbers say Just isnt anything quite so sallsly ing as making your value par of chord he chard with the barbcrshoprin You nre lm led lo be gum nny Monday or every Monday at St Georges Anglican Church Hall on Amman Avenue The ï¬rm chapter sllll nlI lhcfllnukout or mambcrm Wednesday April 24 ls lullscale practice or compou llon and lhls will be Iho last chanm lo really work ouL The prncllcc will be an HMO olliccs 20 lo 10 pm Thursday April 25 he mcm bcra will meet at EMO head quarlers ln Ihc county building at 730 before going In slug for lhc Rotary Club nl Collier SL Unilcd Churchl BIG DAY Saturday April 27 Is the big day when the chorus competes in the district mmpclilinn nl Ballcvillc Ont Churchill Man Has Top Cow Tamurraw nlghl the Harris chorus will sing at lhe Deccan Old Folks Hnmu Salurday ls Owen Sound charter night and he bus loaves rum the post ice at 630 pm Ray Alkinson chums director said We want ovary member and Orillla and Newmarkez members are invit ed tn share he bus The regular meeting on Man day April 22 St Georges Angllcan Church Hall beginning at pm is Ihe mast import ant meet or the year Last ntghLs practise scsdan was one at the last before the soclcly begins schedule at public appearance In praparm lien for the national convention competition In Belleville DUNN VAST mony Week Injarrle L0 to right Charles Kelly Mur ray Hall Ray Blair and George Mackay Examiner Plum STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION DWI PYmml moo STOllAR ALL NEW DESIGN Clou Io Sdmoll Pmmllon July III FUll PRICE ONLY 300000 BEDROOMS SPLIT lEVEL For mm 200 Ono NHA Morlalgo Funlur lulormulon Comm He mtmhcr Mmyl Church In llnrrlc Hm llnrrln Ga nml mmlry Club And Hm Harm Curllnx Cluh Ho um trnulnr rlmlulo mrlnlwr Ilm rum whirll Man he Dungnllcld Trnphy lur club rlmmpluluhm Ill mm Al Ilmuall mli In Inh ml In Hm plnynfll due in MI whitn lllnru MM well rmnnlcd Ixy nll hum uilh Mmm he had mun In mnllltl In Inmmn NE nml AINIIHIIK rlrrlcx duvinfl lull rrlnllwly IIHH llmn In Hana Mr Ellh hm hun mldcnl In Harrie or the pm to month In mumch or Hue Drlln Ac rcplnnw and Cmch Flnnncu cmnpnnlrs In home Wm 51 lflllln hm tumml hum attack while In ham nml WII mnuml la 0an VI lnrln limpilnl nlno lay prlvr lo Ml dcnlh luncml Mm mu sun ln Catherine of Alcxnndrln Cn Ulcdrnl St Cnllmrlnca ycslrrc day mornan at nine oclock or Robert John Ellis who died wddcnly In llnynl Vlclarla llm pilnl llnnlo on Wednesday Avril lo llurlnl look plate In Vlrlnriu llnwn Crmclcry on Sal urdny nmrnlnx lollawlng Ulu Libcm he Cnllmdmll llo wn in NJ mlu ymr Most Barrie Shoplifters Young Girls ChleI Tsc art believe that shopultcrs especially the Imm axe vnrinly shoqld be reported Teenage was mentioned spccl licully because he store spam man made special mention of lhal age group He snld ln had he majorin of shoplillnrx lle hns apprehended haw been girls bclwccn and 17 la the law for their own good charge need not always be laid sald the chief We feel purl at our duty In help pul wayward children on the xlahl lrnck ngum REPORT Hume City Police Chief Ed Tschirhnrt disagrees He dis agrees because lhe person whu mmmils um today and goes unpunlshcd in or out at court he contends may continue breaking the law mm the cncc is at such ma pmpor gions that no one can overlook than mm pnvalc parly Ls almnsl always brought to he allcnliun the police then mm shop shoplifting ls taller repqucd to the law Why 15 Ihu shopllner not re porled Some merchants seem Io be he opinion that on many court clmns wnuld hurt their buslncsm Shoplifllng spokesman for Harrie dc panmenl store says the word is polite germ Ianstealing There Erna dlflcrenceln the act tcre Is diflerence Service Is Held For Ellis commuormu mumJ wot uu uunou In Mr IIIILI II mnlvrll by Mfr lurllwr Iltkn OMnL lry lnn dauuhlm Mrs lnul Illny HHIJIIII ol UmmHI nml IMll Illlil Ill lwllw Inn Krumlwn when Illny He had hrcn rlnlrlrtd hm rum Londnn nml prlur lo Hml lot rgl 41 HI Cnllmrlnu Start Retirement He said it as proven that parents are anon la blame lnr Juvenile becoming shnp 1mm Gmwnups have been or served he said thinking noh4 13c énldlhnl store managers will admit hat in tempting ynu lo buy thIgyhlcgnpt yvu to steal Ta Illuslrnle lhnl shnplimng 1711 business hr nolcd that one American supermarkct chain reported 152000 persons lakcn lnLn custody in one year The spokesman said that three recent dcvclopmcms In mer chandlzlng have led to the in crease ln shnplming He and sell service rcmavnl bar rim bclwncn the goods and summers and improved du plays 01Irrllpulse buyinz SAVE on INCOME This parchlar store believes In reporting cases to the pol Ice The spokesman said the Iholls usually docreasu tremen dously after low chargcs hava been Inid But lhe decrease 15 never long enough And theres no stopping it at all dur ing he summer mourns and hollduy periods added BIG HUSINESS He noted lhal he had once been given lipoll that cou ple of youngsters wet going to walk out slow fully al tired In unpagdvfor gwas Every three months he snld he nabs about yaungslers They have In their possession such Items as gloves curlers hair nets slacks skirts and headbands ll llvmlbp flLugl Savings Plan TODAY ROBERT ELLIS FIGIIT CANCER wflh checkup anda cheque 61Val0M Hun lrlntlno Docllrhur munhcr nl wwllhy Colnrudn nuIHy PM In lnmou IUJJ kldnnpplnz or bcnrl nllnck Tnnnln William Cram ll rrllrod mnrlnc mulnccr Mm Inld he had roam the Equnlur mm Hum 100 mu Cnlury Clcmcnl Gnrdnnr plunccr Cnlznry rnnrhcr Judxed rhnmplnn nll ruuml nmboy at he llm Cnlxary Slnmpcdu In Hm HW CANADIAN GANG Tnmnlu Dr Edllh MncGrc nor Mud principal rank snmu Hall prlvnlo xrhnol fur ulrl In annnln or mom him our unlll her rcllrcmcnl In st Johnl NM Luurnnce Cashin 71 buslnossmnn and father nl Richard Cnshlu mm but Parliament for John WcsL 7th move 15 said to have mu with slifl apposition from shap pers at ï¬rst but Ls now an as pct 01 shopping for which stores are complimented Chlct Tschlrhun sold hot the youth at today the when of tomorrow lhc some as lodayl youth L1 the customer of hr marrow anurnlly the stores want good business and all us want good cilizcru ho xald Me Again stressed that shop nor be rcporlud In the police Part or our duty to put person young or old on he Inhl hack Later he said teenage girls will come home mm new swealer and any Judy Inancd In me Alter week shell say Judy said could keep iL II the parent wont let her daughter keep the clawing It is merely passed on in semen 0159 ha said Merchants are dnlng halt but to combat lhls sllunllon by erlng pmmpl service belle packaging and strong securin measures The security measure men tioned wns parcel chucking whereby tho shopper Imus packages purchased elsewhcro he counlcr then goes about his or her buslncs In lhu store Ing at their Ihree and ouryear old an taking candy or gum ram counters The parents will wipe the chlldrenx hand and lace he sald but not alter lo pay for the gondiu KEEP IT Later he said will come home swenler and any In me Alter By THE CANADIAN PRESS llama III Hillel In It IIDI FA LIN EXAMINER WANT An IHIW DEATHS EMPLOYMENT UP Spran wznlhcr has mllavrd lhu unemployment Illunlinn to some cxlcnt In Barrio and lrlcl Kracmcr manager ho Barrio branch the Na llanul Employment Service Inld loday lhu rend dcrlnlltly or lmpmvcman Ila laid conslruc llon wnrk has taken sumo men lurm hand huva been emplny rd and than In some expan sion In Industry LETS GLOW Any wives or barbcnhoppcrn who suspect Ihnl their husbandl do more than IIIIK when lhcy ul lcnd meetings or ronvcnlluns nrc nwl likely lo be musumi by the mcIclyn ltllcrhcnds 0n lho bollum EBSQSA Mich Mada he suuullon lAln Glow to Tomnlo Onlnrla July ma or he cr Annlwr my Inlrrnnunnnl Convcnlion THOSEup early this mornlng would have noUced covering Ire on lho hay lhal for I119 his low day was sparkling wnlcr FALSE ALARM Member of the Barrie Flro anaflmcnl rushed In Royal Vlclorln Hospital 950 115 mm to ï¬nd lhnt one of he nlumu In he building was tnufly LOCAL GENERAL The beam down In the rlver partly submerged ln Ihe mudI presents removal problem he saldl It was supposed to welsh our Ions but ll must he elnser to elght Ve lrlcd In turn ll over with so hp at and cable but It wouldnt budge The only any wer la 10 cut lnlo amnll place first ll wlll have to he remov ed wilhln he next 10 days he anld In no ha crane all the brldxe lo make way or alde walk pavlng Value the beam at scrap metal price was as lmaled $100 each Cast of Illn Ing cranc heavy uwugh to Tho Smooth Move far councils ad vice about what to do About wn steel beams the Church bridge silo nil mm the com 1mm lo the lawn bmughz sev en opinion hut rm direct ans wglofhe question lean to Reeve John Darllngs suggestlnn hat the area be planted In grass seed Instead of sodded Seed does not usually calch as well as sod does especially ln dry wealhcrl You cant have pgople walkan nnit ellhcr Cnunclllur John Taylar asked ll the sod tantractm would place the sod ll dles under ha present dry weather candl Eons Mr Bealllo snld he didnt nowl N9 ANSWER Ina Smooth MOVE mm Mlllmnu Ioml lulu In Mum lhm II In IM min balm WI Ml palm MI nn allmmml Imqu tuna um mummmn mm but bum nn load an wolllm mu rm mm mm at Mm MIII mm mm hum mm man coatMow mm our hm mhm umrbun Mm movu you lull go yyu lul Asph ving nr sidewalk cast 45 cent square out last year Mr Bean said Sodding 52716 cents ynljd wmm ow r4 roken rem naan of the former sldewalk re maln along thl pllh saddlng seemed more economlcal lllnn asphalt pnvlng considering Iho llxhl volume nl pedestrlan ral llc ll carrles Resldenla were to be consulted by lhe Board of Work to ensure an amlcnhle argangnlnnnt Board of Works chalrman Bealtla gut cnunclls asxent to ape up to $100 or haule vard ddtng in the Albert SK area An added $45 can be spent or Sodding on path on the nanh side 01 Albert SI 1mm Paris to Orange Star provided the three househnlder in thls frontage area agree ALLISTON Stall Town councll loplcs here Munday nlgh ranged all the way mm soddlng lu swlmmlng pools plus the pmblum of how lo get heavy steel beam up out ol he llver MERE ECQNOMICAL THE Mann EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 10 1963 AllistOn Council IsTaking Action On Improvements ICE ON THE BAY wary III 10V Another passe np polnltd Allislunl new nucssur Nzl Mnlcnlm building In xpcclnr No to Issue hulldlng permlls ur ruulmo mmlrucl Jinn rclcrrlnx nnly mnlnnlluua situnllom la lhu plnnninn Imnrd lnr dcclslnns Icrmil mm wm nllmd In or huildmu up In $2000 In vnluu no la 010000 vnluu llmll and per many or nth mlLlIlIunn cxprndllum The map Intends la hulk sor€ an and patching Inclllllc 11 It buy me she Council cmphn 51m me Iawns dcslru In hnvo the Industry Iowlc hcre Passibllllfe exist getting Dcpatlmcnl 01 Highway wlr sldy on road wnrk lo me she however nn DHO mu lnspco llnnx Inr Kmnl purposes will he dono until anr AW 30 Coynclllur Emlyn lrporlcgl In other business councll turn ed down 84000 ullur by me Alllslun polato Grower Coop for purchase sh ucrc of In duslrlnl land In lhn mllerln SK xlenslon urea Thu crlzlnal price so by muncll at $6500 thu lowest posslblu rnlu lous lhlc under the circumslunccs council dncldcd This because council would have an lnllla cash nullay to acquire lhu lnn plus nn csllmnlcd $1000 ln cost to road und culvcrl serv lens to lhc slle as ugmd In lhc urlglnul ollor TQW DESIRE query from clcrk Lorne Whileside dcpuw Reeve Ralph Hunter uld hero was no connection to his knnw ledge between the Rnlnry Club and he Aulslon Swimming Com mlllce Thu Romy Club looki alter pcnl mninlenuncc and In mmmlllcw sponsorl the swim mlng lpssun nrngram he 531d In any event to he swlmming cummluee to accept whnlevor amount enuncil choos to donate hu uld N9 CONNECTION Tim conlcnlluu qua llnn Mayor Jack Mltchell any wmd Counclllnr Bonnies up lnlon was We should pay the same scale per pupil as ho In In do Ils Wren In charge char Ily tunï¬ion up against lawn Mimi request pmhahly derived from he need In hire an additional lnslructnr m1 summer to cope wilh Ihe expected enrolment Inc er In the swfmming classes Oliver sald Swimming lessons shauld ho strictly matter between Sim coe Cnunty and the Individual taking lessons What dues the Slmcoe County necruntlon 501 Vice do to swlmtnlng here Last year Alllstan cuuncII grnnlcd he cummluce $65 and In addition gave $100 lo the R0 tary Club tnwnrds purchase of swimming pwl equipment sum LESSONS Aydciergaiinn irom lha Alllslon Swimming Commiiice nppenrcd bcioro council and mqucsied own gruni oi $3M ior ihis sumL mcrs swimming insirucllon ro zrnm This request gained llilp sympathy from council Since the commliice cslimnics 250 children lhis summer compuer la in in l962 this request would work out to nboul $1 per pupil Council agreed to grant In the $50 range which would be closer to ihc 25 cent per capiin contri buiion made last your by near by iownships sending children in ior lessons Whnl vmuld lhc lawn usk lhcm lor Il we build annular brldgeJn the lulurc we wont want lo use old mnlerlul Reeve Darling snld They mlghl well he sold or scrap lelt lyingnround lo rust mm out would be at Inn $200 My Henllle snid abiec mg to council suggukllans thnt he bum coukl be salvaged 111 me piece FOR SCRAP