mag OTTAWA CPIThe uslruc llvcncss ol the nulrln as wlld unlmnl and lls value as armed furhenrer will be Iho sublecl of one of the papers to he read the ledernlpravln cial wildlife conicrnnce to be held here April 1549 In most cases he leiler writers confess Ihnl raising ml lrlns isnt quite as easy as hey lhuughl it would be They are seeking solutions to pmbiems lhcy hnvq nm To Discuss Pros Cons Of FurBearing Natria Prepared by Darrell Eagles head of the Canadian Wildlife Services publicity department the pa or the result of num erous nqulriea received by lhe government agency ram per suns who have gone inlolhe business of raising the furry mdem for It pelt member the rm lnmlly and not unlike the beaver ln ap pearance the nullla is not laund ln the wild ln Cannda But lhousands of lhe species have been lmporlcd lnm Ihe counlry from the United States by persons hoplng that wldcr markets will develop here and abmadlor garments mndc from their polls In 1961 HI wildlife center cncc passed resolution ex pressing concern ubqu the pro motion at the nutria indusuy in Canada and recommended lhnt the justice department inquire Inlu advertising methnds used by some at its promoters SOME MAY ESCAPE Delegates then tell that mis ieading advertising was prompt ing inexperienced pcopie to raise nulrin as get rich quic scheme TORONTO CplA flycat old philosopher who posed as 11 Victim ol laial cancer told luncheon audience Monday lhai people should no lrilior away their limo praying for non existent clcrnol 1i Dr Pom IL Angclcs con lending he cxpccled In die of cancer in lhrcc months urged his audience lo 1ch ln1cnccly In scrvice lo ulhcrs In creation and In suflcring and the end will be bliss But Dr Aussies said lnlnr In lclcphanc Interview from his hams nl Landon Ont lhnl he does not have canccr and hasnt cxpucl la die In the near Iulurc assistanl professnr of phil osophy ill the Universin 01 Western Onlnrio he said he used poclie licence In crc mood usinu technique simi at In one last month when he pnsrd as Toycnrnid nmics sor mldrcshim his sludenls or he insl linu universin lecture Dr Angclrs said he had Iarcwarncd lhrce ntlicinls at his lnlcnlinns and plnnned In all Ihc nudicntc mm but lhnrn was no discussion period and no opuorlunlly Creates Mood Through Disguise 11 limo Tranpurl 53 lml lnnkrr maven lemuzh Ihe illunmvr Mk mluday III II Minna Sunny nym td or mm um HBST OF THE 1963 SEASON wanted to make gum orerdid Im vary sorry Since then the number at the animals entering Canada has greatly increased me prov lncc dont kee count at the number nut withln their boundaries but from thou thlt do It has been nscertained that the pulntlnn on fur arm has rca ed mm Malt head 01 the WildllIe Service says his om clnls four that persons taklnl up nulrln arming or quick proï¬t will hemmo dlscnurnxcd by Ihe qunlilyol the lur and the Iimilcd demand for It Tho danger hen arises that they will become careless with the animals and allow them In em tumors In Louisianawhen nutrlns nhound being taken right ufl their land by the rodent which ls nnlnd forxll vqrflcioy jappclilg Bulletins issued by the Nn llonal Boner Business Eureq Mr Muir stresses here are successful responsible nutrin ranchers in Canada who went into lhe business with Ihnir eyes wide open Those who rushed in unaware oi the risks and hazards of ruislng the animals are causing the concern among his uiiiclalsi READY WITH ADVICE Wl Service sees ils role mainly as ensurlng lha malnlonancn ol wildllle as an important natural resuurce and normally wouldnt become In valved wllll the nulrln unlll the animal became cslabllshcd ln lhe wildl However now feels it has been put into the plclure by he Pale and quietspoken he had told Ihe audience ll would be his last public appearance because of his approaching donlh Dr Angelcss speech was made to the vlceprinclpals sec llnn my Ontario Educnliunal Associuliona William Evan snn president lhe sccllon said lhn gmup had an advance warning of he philosophers 1n lcnllnn and was left wilh mkcd leelinzs about whether 11 was hoax Members he audience shocked iniu silence by his opening words were apparently convinced Dr Angela was sur iousi When lhe spuci was over several men icil 1hr mum Dr Angelo said than sunsb live mun wan nwnrc lilnt each tick oi lime wu precious and must be usud wiselyi The universe is iniiniic lherc is no end In ll the only directinn in physics is out and out and am Then in no supcrnoiurni He told lhe viceprincipals Hml Ihure is no cosmic purpose only clernul cxislencc wilhuul beginning qr end Dr Angelos native of Dhin nrndualcd lrnm Columbia Unl vcrsily wilh docloralu phil nsoplly SHOCKS AUDIENCE II Ih mica in uh quI LII AI whom Tnmmrl run lh nl lhlp lllrmlï¬h be US Ind In lhn gm lugn Tho Ottawa meeting the 26th annual centerence al ed eral and provincial wildlife au Iharilles and as usual the latest devclnpmenvs in water owl management and mlgra lury bird regulations wfll been the agenda Men in has received and by the act uncovered by Mr Eliglesustudyl By discussing the nunin aï¬ human conference the ser vica hopes to bring nmvincini wildliia oiiiciain up In date on developmenm 111w thus will he in position to give the best possible advice ii asked for Ihgir npiriions Delegates also will hear paper an pmposed bylaw af fecting thy Blncmnl Indians of Glelchen Alum andannhcr on the propagation and 0011112 ol mallard duclu The decision was made at meniing aliendtd by hand oi the various fishermen commit tee in the parls along Lake Erie north shore who outlined their problem in Rnnaid McNeil and Harold Daniarlh Progressive Conservative legis lature members or Eigin and Kenna lively Erle F15 Producers Assncla Han decided Monday night In sank provincial government ap proval lormauon mar keting hnard and amendment the Ontario Farm Product Marketing Act to Include com mercial and fresh wnler ï¬sh Mr ell suggested mnr kcllng board might be step In the right dlrccllou adding that It appears the reason for da pressed prices Is fish being of tcrcd from he Iaulh share Lake Er Mr McNeil said he would see it mceling can be arranged with lhe minister of agriculture as soon as possible The govemmcnl Is nn In sympathy with us said mold Julian of Klugsvlllc We hava placed our problems In Turonlo below and we have been glven the run around Annthnr mzel lng with the government would be wnste n1 Ilmc We will cease aprrnllon II the siluallan In general gels any worse warned Assuclnllon President Earl Sidan of Dumb Villa The prlce of ï¬sh 13 too low or this llmc of Ihe year when ï¬sh an In heavy 110 mnnd Alter dlscussinx their pmb Inm behind clam doors the fishermen agreed to hold their perch quotas to 1500 pounds daily gun luling can axur sur rcndcrcd mackly Monday nllor terrorizing lhn nearby small lawn ol Yelm Su nighl ank Hugh Jnilrlcs 15 Inklmn wns held In Jail with out charges He was remanded la Superiur Cnurl when hls cnsc wlll be hundltd In sum as an ndull During night of lcnsinn In Yclm 12 mils sumllcual or hurt the buy lrlcd unsuccess nlly In shoot down In deputy mprshnj and nnolhcr mnn Inlhlnnk nl Jnmll llmprr ml lhu nun mlsllmt WM lhrn lliml hn Imd nlremly um lhnl mum Hm nlsn lauk une hosmuo hul rrlcnscd hlm unharmed and hnld Yelm cuuplo cnpllvc annpolnl or more llmn eight huurn In Ian hnmc Hm mnmml nnnlhor rnr drlvm hy 1mm nlllm ul Yolm mmo nlmu mm my mnndcrml aml omd Join In nrcompnny Mm Mm Him mllmlm In mm In And ahamlanrd lm ur CQIWEIIOE IN TOWN Want To Form Marketing Board honxuul clnlm that Im killrd unre tonight um nno mnrn wont make Imy dlflrr mm mm out In be In Ime FIRES Tlllll llOTfl minty Mnrxhnll Hlll Moran 11 nlnppcd Jellrlu In nlulnn plckup In lem Sumlny nluhl The My drew plflnl on Mur xnn Ilnnrmtd Inn hnnllcuflrd him lhm Hm lhrco hull llml mlnml lhu mnnhnl Imnko nwnyAnml nu lgulo H19 brush mm mm lnlcr Jnmu ll Hmprr nml lnhn Hooper wilh lhrro womrn In lhrlr cnr mmu dnwn mad and frmml lhn chpr 1n Illfllu The Hoop normd In In um um Jrllrm rllmlml lull wflh nlnl Irnwn nml Hm Hnnpcn nouhd lo ha women In run Mmiwhnn amm lrnln munllu lml able mml ST THOMAS CHThe Lake GunTotlling Lad Gives Up Meekly OLYMPIA Wash APlA wyknqï¬ï¬o pay Mg ml SPRING INTO WARM WEATHER WITH flush Pump IIRVICE IJA Chppmon PA um GOlDS SHOE AVAILABLE AT uonn Soc Credit Leader Rob ert nwmpsan says he has been old lhnl ralher handsome remuneration was proposed in bid lu gel same Quebec Snclal Credit members Parliament Io join ghe Lgheml pan IWï¬etï¬Ã©r Ithn hoW dont 1mg he said on nlerv ew recorded Sat urday by radio slnunn CKnD Red Dcor Mr Thompson said he heard 010 report ew dnys am but didnt lhlnk nckuqullakc plnc Mr Thompson was commem ing an slniemcni promising suppnn fur Liberal govem mcnl signed by six Social Cm dil MP5 iram Quebec Mr Thumpsnn said Iho sinle mcnl had hcard tnw day ago that our scnlnr organizer in Quebec had been asked to rec ommund our member who mlnhl he most easily influenced mun converged nn Yelm lawn of 1ch than 500 mu scnrchcd IDLJCHIIQQ lhmugh lhu He could not be 0qu he cnuse he had Iorccd hls wny riflepalm Inln ho hum of Mr and Mrs Kcnncth Mncnulcy and held lhcm captive unlll dawn Mn Macaulay got out he Iluusc then by II is and he boy flu in he couplus cnr no wns cnplurcd by Inpuly shor IH nlmul 1n mllu uwny on tho oulsklrlu If Olymplu NATIYIML HEAT Mmrl wnmrn In va 7m lnnda lllmnnl mzlnn nu Il Mlurnl hnl walrr In lmflm Am wnlh mu wok nan Iutnl lhrlr hum KINGSTON CPI Dclrc Ma Ma Impinl my will ho uhlu In qucsllnn lovlay an eight rrlld boy who In In Illmvilnl wilh hum In 50 var cum Ms hmly Nu wn numl win Mn clulhu nhluxo cnrly Sunday Thlcl mutton Dr IL Ehrnl Mlll Hm lmy ulll he In llnsmlnl lur nl lunnl lhrre mnnlhl mlflrml Hm Am and nnnl ihinhlexrro hum In Imlly Annlhrr mun ml lu Mm In lml lxrgrm pounding on Hm Hnmu with hln hnmll Inld Mnjnr MrKflrnrhrr Then wmppcd rm nmuml Mm nml In hlm dawn In tho lllenL Scollle Wilson Toronto junk dealer In lbs 1930 has won wide acclaim ns nn art Is In Great Hrilnin Vlison 73 has pen and ink drnwlngs llrmIIry Murphy Inn Mr null Mrs Neil Murphy 01 Kink Alum lnld nurse lttnnuor llucw mnlch mt 11w Imy wns mu ly Manr Mm MtKrrruchrr Hm Sul vnllon Anny nu lm drove Illtml xluwnluwmurrl Ha wm runA nlnz nml nrmnmlnu wlm hll chuth IInmInr mound hlm CouldLiberals Offer Payment For Support Says TeenAge Threw Match map um OPEN Ilo uflcrcd no THE HARRIEI MINER TUESDAY APRIL JUNK DEALER TO ARTIST 1W CHE Inward Juinlng the Liberals and in return were nflcrcd rather handsome remunemlon or It be said Mr Thompson said he had asked his party whip Dr Guy Murcnux and Marcel Lessard chairman he partys caucus hold an investigation Into the statement beenuse certainly none at our members have me right to go ahead and make an annngemeng or their on The Social Cred lender anld he does not plan In gu Ot lawn parsonnlly unul alter hulldny He was not nvalluhle lar com men an slalcmenl from Real Caoucllc deputy pnrly leader crlllclzing Ihcwny Mr Thom sun handled Ihe lnvnsllgnllonl Mr Caoucllu Iflld he should have been consulted first spnkcsman or bend Lender lcnrsan snld hu had no knowledge of my such ollcr hc lng made and lhal he llrsl llr Pearson heard nl Soclal Crcdll MP5 giving support to 0w bands was In lhe slulc men of lhn six who zald they made voluntarily wllh no em pcclnllun cl reward SUR PRISES HIM Annlhcr Llhcml source sald he was surprised at Mr Thomp sons nmnxk hvcnusc It seemed to be an unflattering commen lnry on his nwn InlIowcrs my mum as It and um lhclr vmu In Pnrllamcnmuyl ughouxhl In Quebec Dr Guy Mnrcoux Social lell party whip said he llnd also hcnrd rcporls proposillnns mmlc lo Snclul Cru dll MP3 to pcrsumlu them lo supper lhnllfllmrals But he anlxl nn lady has no sznlnr orgnnllor In Qunbrc nml he has no Mun Mmm Mr Thompson hnd In mlml when he snld he hnd heard he pnrlyn srnlar arunnhcr In Quchcc was 15de In recommend our on permnnénl exhlbmon at the Tnlg Gallery in Lopdon and at the museums nl modal art in New York and PHIL CF Photo In Ml budMm mtllm Inï¬llM UM IIIIll mnnl pna MIMIan luam you warm liming ml lumy II tanymisn HIDIIMMEXTINSIMI WWWIUNIMI lMILINllIMlM Immummml nmmvmmruu more us Steel tampon Join the parnda towards highu priceson selected products the pmblem confrontlng the us government how to prevent creeping Inflation trom spread lnx throughout tho economy and into export markets when It can afloat tho cconomle at other countrleo HAROLD MORRISON Cnndlnn Pm sun Wruu Industrial prices have been fairly steady In the Unflcd States nr lhe last six years and few scattered prlcu In crease In the scel industry might not cause any major might mii chgnse But steel is basic to the coun nmya trendmaker in prices and it is unlikely that the mo cess or allure oiAthe steel In duslry new prica pattern will no unnoticed by other Industry and labar well Presldent Kennedy used all the weapon his command last year to prevent general steel lnduslry rlee boost and he announced alan Increase was rescinded The blggnst Ken nedy ndvlsers mnlnlaln would be dlllitult to prove colluslon In the current prlce lncream alnce hey are selccllve mad nail and unllalerul the steel In duslryx price Increases will stick Kennedy appears be lrylng lo avold new battle Social Credit membm who mlxht be most easily Influenced toward auppnrflng the Liberals In Ihe lust election campaign he said commillec of 1qu men headed lhe Social Credit organization in Quebec Few Price Increases Wont Hurt Economy iv Clem Gardner mm of the musk caloxful rancher In the Cnnndinn West dlcd at his BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PLEASE WRHE THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER IN OR ON YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LINES NOW AVAILABLE EOII EINEII EASTER SERVICE FAMOUS BBNCHER DEAD NEW PHONE NUMBER perham because the heated political repercussions nl hi1 iighl last year and 11mm be cause at an aamesi de to remain popular as he leeks second term in 1961 iha his political outcry aluinst Kennedy is that he has not made good his promise in move the us economy cut threatened stagnation He has proposed tncume tax cuts on way stimulating the economy But Comma iarshowlng no en thusiasm lat quid action on hi proposals THE mu OUTCEY mild dose of Inflation pos xibly could also silr tho econ umy as manulacluma buy up more suppilc at basic materi als as hedge against still him er prices in the future Sleek maker and other an likely in Incfcase their profit And man ized labor is unlikely to restrain higher wane demand in the face of higher earning by man nggmcnh Kennedys own economic ad visors recognized he problem early this year when they stated that ii the 1961 prion in crease hnd notbeen rescinded it would have caused and in vited other price increases lhrougimul lhe economy it would have led organized labor to adopt new militancyin its wage demands and it would have seriously weakened lire forces working toward the re storation oi our intcmllional competitive position CAN EXPORT INFLAHON The problem for Canada In lacing UtS Inflationary and de flationnry trend that they are not contained Because it Is the world must powerful econ omy and the greatest Interna tional trader the US is able tn export inflation 1m it is nhle t9 expart upemploymjnt 11 us markek sag Cana dlnns eel the drag on me ex ports prices on key US com modllle rise Canadian Import home mar Calgary Sunday lhe ago 77 He was one the founders of lho Calgary Slumpcda CP WircphnlaL IAYFIELD STBARRII WE HAVE an also feel the burden on an when Canada has growing steel Industry iia own but still de pend on the United States for art oi it steel needs includ heavy machinery and other pmdum not made in Canada 11 prices Ihm commodities rlse in the United States it diiflculi to keep them innn rlr In in Canada Any genera innem in as domestic pricesreducing us campctltlvcnesa with supplier In other countries may alsq give way to increased 115 de mud or pmlectlonaxnlml lmpom it in not likely that Kennedx would yield easily on such de mands iiis publicized drive il toward iawer transatlaan an if and increased trade But It is quesiion oi whether he would risk antagonixing any major black of voters at hamq ii it came in maior test he ara presidential election la OllAWA CF Real Camp clle Social Credit depnly leader arrived here Monday night by nlr from lvlnnlrenl la attend crucial cnucu al lid 20 Sndal Credit MP ram Que beclodl The caucus was called by mu Guy Mnrmux party whip In the Last Parliament who was elected In Quebec Mannnor eney April iron nut diner ence between Social Cred MP an the Sssue of support or the Incoming lecral govern ment It expected lo be held at pm EST In the Pull menl Buildings Mr Caouelte sald Sunday night from home In Rouyn Que he would be unable to ah tend the caucus or bushes reasons but he chanled his mind Monday PETROLM Onl CHle era Juhn Burgess Id Mun day nlghl he will seek judlclal mount of vale cm In Lamb IanKent In ha April cderal elccllan Caouette Attends Socreds Caucus 11m officlnl count Mnndny In the riding reduced the muhnlv Progressive Conservative Mcmkhmn value our Mr Burgesx Mr Burgess has our day In which la nsk County Conn Judgo Roland Cnrscnllen or lha recount Liberal Seeks Vote Recount Fm Column Benin CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 Rldlo Eqnlyped Cub