mu mm 111 Ina pom Unllmflrd country Junellnn CBC szu Wuthu spam NW1 Mllkhlm wwwumv ArmL mm 1019 mm 1053 1100 um um no no 100 110 um no Ten Pumn ma Mormnl sumo my New numpu nnum Nuns IIrlY Nanndly nepon mm wm no my Well Slnl mm Arnund rrlumly Elm mm arm Thlny Sum Inn 0pr IHy nuxl nun Hnrklehevry Hound munch Au On Wednesday evening pot luck supper was held ot the Orange Hall by lhe community to ole the two hockey teams who brought honor to this c0m munlty by each winnan trn phy In the Essa lnnlslll School Hockey Le no Ivy School brought home the trophy tor the fourth straight year This trophy was donated by Ivy Orange Lodge No 450 end was present ed to the captain Allen Ellis by Cleve Patton The Juvcnilc Hockey League Trophy was de noted by the Thornton Fire Company and was presented to the captaln ol that team Tom Arnold by tho president of the Fire Company George Wat Ion nevi ll Harper acted as chairman for the event The uenlng closed by showing buse ball plcturcs Congratulations to the coaches of both teams or job well done Annunl mac mg of Ivy Wo mens lnslilule was at the home at Mrs John Haggath on April 10 Thu presidem Mrs Henry 1115mm Am II guns ngl opey my run mun Mm Mucury Alum Andy News wumer Spam wunn Tuln NHL Hockey 10x spam Unllmflrd nun country Jumllnn um CBC szu 1111 Wuthu spam Km Ina Mllkhlm wqm INSTITUTE NORTH ESSA PARISH The quarterly eouncll meetlnz of the Parish at North Essu took place at Chrtst Church an Vcd ncxday nvenlng April ll wlth very good turnout Flnnnces and business mutter at the three churches were lransanlcdl Dules tor congregational events tor 196 were listed Those tor Christ Church lvy an VA Rummage Sule ut lri Par lsh Hall Barrle April 26 fluke Sale at the luku on August The Altar Guild is having Spring lcn on May 29 The blg event or the year will he the purlshs turkey supper to he held an the annual date October 16 No date has yet been sul tor the WA unnunl lull huzuur and bake sale TEAMS HONORED By MRS VILMEII WILSON Deepest sympnllly of the com munlly extended to Tom Mc Faddcn In um pnsslng of his bmlher regcnlly Cangratulullans to Ellwood Madlll Um new Progressive Conservative member of Parlla men or his mum AROUND SIM COE COUNTY ll 11m unlu lu Ml lulud Ivy tun Nun vhnnu mam us No CHARGE FOR missmiflca TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEVOURSELP CARS AND TRUCKS And rm Will DrllnlM CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL IVY PA 82433 lllllullAV Arum ll KIM mini um um nun Ilm II In um no Mm llw Hm My 1an mm ul APRIL 11 Mn gm mm 1020 Ann 1115 In ml Ian my ms HJn no 909 moo 1020 Ann 1115 In My Thus Son Pard um Cmy Nlulmnmu cm TV lel hum Svom Nun anle llauu on an mullsulu Alllll mm ll 15 In an 55 II an on 1210 mm Ten Puma Good llornlnl sumo Party New lmmpzr loam lnpï¬yzl lnny Nuond upon Muvlc my Imo Comu nuckl Amulun Muml mnm Loren Yuunl Shaw Take Thmy Scum mu Iopeyaa hrly fuulv mul an nm mmwu rum Nuns vumr Spoil huenn MIL llntkrv vou Klddu no Ivommn Mm mm Muuln Hm lmlnmr xmn llur Hm HM qumy wall 1an mddn Hm num um MINI Inn llu In unllkl 200 llmlu Innmm mde Hun Mom In You too lullumll man um Khhln am humon Induuy Mm 1m lermln Dru Nu 110 Andy Wlllllml Ilm Fun mu van Mml muny Mum Al he annual muslin 01 New Fins omnns Institute held in the home Mrs Jack Busch Mrs Gnrald King presided for he olcciun ni lhc following ul Iicurs or 1963 64 past presl dcnl Mrs Bert Kenny presi deni Mrs George Smith ï¬rst icu president Mrs John Do Gurlcr second vice president Mrs James Kcnncy secretary lroasnrcr Mrs Busch n5 Dovls conducted the opening exerciser Roll call which was paying ol ice and new runes tlons was answered by 15 mem bers Mrs Russ Chlpohase gave reports ol the Area Convention The District Annual is to be held May 22 at Brodiord Re porls oi Commiitees or the past year were given Mrs Esten Davis candueied the election oi ollicers President Mrl Henry DavisI 1st Vicepresident Mrs James iiichrmoii 2nd Vice president Mrs Jack Cochrenn Secretary Mrs Earl Reid Treasurer Mrs Ross Chip chose Convener liume Econo mics and chlih Mrs Gordan Sturgess Convener Agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Clarence lloggarth Convener Cilizcnshi and Education itirs James icDermoii Convener Historical Research nnd Current Events Miss Dunnlil Con vener oi Public Relations Mn Jack Coclirnne District Direct or Mrs Russ Chlpchose Aller nalu District Director Mrs Es lvn Davis The mucllng closed and the bums asslsled by Mu John Hammond Mm Eaten Davis and Mrs George Carrulherl served delicious lunch Mn and Mrs Arman Tripp cud with Mr and Mrs Jack Rlchmond Hill spent he week Cameron Mr and Mrs Ivan Harvey and sons of Sunnidale were Sal urday cvcnmg vlsltm wilh Mn Clarence Atkinson Mr nnd Mrs Archlc Vanlns accompanied Mr and Mrs George Smith In Bradlord lo meal Prime Minister and Mrs Diclcnbakcr EW PLUS WI llrlm Hun IIm lllltm IIIIM By MRS IVANLESS TORONTO nu ma Allm ml In luulllrl nl mmm mm van Imlo ull IIIII wlY mam mymm manm mum mu II In nu IIIVlrlnln yummm um 5m 77 fulan snip mu nomm llaur nrv Nun Mum rInI rim man out Imm nfl llerm Hum llnul lmmlnn Mnlnhll Muuhu Ilnu man Im Klllrlu BARRIE imxh Commml NEW FLOS Yin Hum In clen lhnl ll would he mm to rclurn diamond That would allow Wcsl In aka the quncn and make lhu obvlnm III In umdu Al tho samc TM llm me of balhcr some hand ynu run inlo mm me la llmc hen yml are he declarcr You know very Moll you can make lhc contract rc uurdlcss of how Hm EnslWH cards are divhlzd hut Hm lrnuhln Ilwl yun dnnl we he uppnncnls run and Hum nrc 11th mkuuugc 1m hlum Inn and no down You win the dlnmnnd cumsc nnd the qucsllun ls whnl In do ncxl The ma mm lrlckx luluhl nnd yuu mod lwn mnrt Opening lead king dia mouds Mr and him llermun Baker of Barrle vlslled Sunday with and ers Norman Baker Mrs Molly da Monllurt Vaubaushcne snenl Wednesday with her daughter Mrs Pal Becch Mr and Mmfmncs Russeu visited In Toranlu Monday with Mr and Mrs Richard 00 Mumford and family or Bramp lon spent the weekcnd with Mrs De Monllords sister Mrs Pal Beech Mr and Mrs Finley Huntsville visited Salurday with Mrs Finleys parents and sister Mr and Mrs Minster and irenu Mr and Mrs Tum Dunn at Toronto visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Paul Stein 5min Mrs Alex leay dis trict director Mm Bert Kenny Alternate Mrs lhmld Smllh Conveners Standing Cam mlllees Agricullurn and Can adian Industries Mrs Joseph Belcoun citizenship and educa tion Mrs King hlskorlqnl re searchrnnd current event Mra Steve Rawn humc economics and henllh Miss Mary Mulruy resolullom Mrs Sam Allen Slck secretary treasurer Mu Smith assistant Mrs Al lan 4H Club lenden Mn Al len Mrs DeBIcker Audltufl Mrs Wnnless Mp DcGnrlcr Mrs Geéigaflshxllh gave the mollu study the past work the present plan In the future Mrs De Backers draw was won by Mrs King Mrs Fred Viney conducted contest whlch was won by Mn 31an Rnwn and Mrs Km Mn Frank Hamill whn has just returned mm visit lo Ireland her native land nrc aented the WI with pretty bell By DAUREEN ANDERSON PERSONALS DAILY CROSSWORD Brunch dlrcclorl Mn King Mrs Archie Smllh public Malian Wear and press re paner Mrs Archie Waulesa Nomlnnuu committee Mrs Allen Mrs Jack Cameron Mn Cline nnwfl Ihlp 411mm Irkkly ummn luv mln as mm mp mm flow In Any WINl nnnm mllntnl mlm nIer In Enum IP lllmnnnll 11 Ind mm It lvll Tmy mm lmlll In In IL 1mm Enllim ll cman 23 Mm Hindu nrml Inc 10 Mulrm East dealer Bolh sides vulncrnhlc The bxaamg Eul South West Norm PHI INT Plll JNT Mm Aonoss Form Decnu of Mfllon mm Vluhlnr Inn luKL COOKSTOWN WEST CONTRACT BRIDGE msr 11 993543 41 scum 4AM one QAI 4n Nonm um OKQJ gnu +01 roll fulllml Frnrul Iwnrd 10 Ill NM 11 Mad Hcrnp Um lThounndA 2L Up By JAY BECKER In the nuual hand nine inch hmme murch West win wilh lho luck he plan In In rc mm In dummy nnd lend Um quren nml ï¬nesse nznln This mvlhod pllly makes ynu lensl In lnvarllc ullill lhc conlrncl and urlllrr mum anus In of wear and our on In ncnts Tnmurrnw Lonk helm you Imp The proncr play or dummy with Mun and land he on nr queunl 01 clubs and llmssc Ens play low wins lhpklng usAhc uould muunl lllnl 2V noun Ink Iclllr I1 Inn at club In time the diamond return would establish only trick number eight By eliminatinn thnore Ihu suit In nuan cluln Hen lhcrr is 11 chance of gaining two lrlcks by playing the wig con rcnuy Thats where he with lspluying the suit cormlly For example you could play low club lnwurds dummy lrick two If Vcsl lolluwcd low you would then have to guess whether lo plny lhc layer the ruler II Vcsl hnd Hm Jxx the on play would be right but he hnd Km the quun play would be right Such guesses have been known mm llalr prcmnlurcly gray since ils prclly hard la guess right under lhu circum slnnccs much more than 50 per cm or lhc limo TM lype of Kucss should be avoided when cwr pussihlc and In the prc svnl hand you shnuld nnl sulr 111 yourself In such 10mm mull Hunk 27 Nlckdl 2317 to mm Nnnk 1n 23 Tom Congratulmluns to Doug Emwns rink nl Peler Reed vlcc Waller Beully second and Don Cnrlcr land and to Earl nrrs rink ol Lloyd Hughes vice Dan Brown second and Russell Draper lead on wlnnlnz lho Earl Rowe Trophy mu Cookslown Curling Club on day April 0n plnylng Bond Head In the ï¬nal game whlch was en culls an cxlra end was necessary In break lhe tie Mrs Waller Fisher conval csclng al her home In mm 011 owing an npcrnllon mu Tur onlo Genean llospjtal High Single 11m Men Cnbnrn 254 Ladies Lena Nlch olsun 236 Congralulallons lo Vally Smiths rink al Peter Reed vice Alex Amen second and Dan Carter lend on wlnnlng their Tankard playdawns al Barrie Curllng Club Snkurday April The boy wlll represent thls dls lrlcl al Ihe Avonlea Curling Club on Wednesday Aprll 17 when the lnals for flu Jr Tankard Onlaria wlll be played Mrs Lloyd Cunnlnlhlm pal iunl 1n Toromn General Hosplh In and wllh Mr Russells bur lher Harold who is also put lcnl in Toronto General Hosplul Cbnï¬rnmlnllnnsto Mr ï¬nd Mrs Panl Slcinflun the bit at son Eugene Hugo on March Mrs Miller spent the pasl weekend with her son and daughter in law Mr and Mfg BnbA Miller In Newmarkel ML and Mn Gmige West at Putlngcvlllu spent Sunday wllh ME Jth gauglLlnq Team Standing Slrivm 22 Don Wllla 1101CWklcs 10 Pin Busters 87 Pin Pushcn 85 Lamb Ciro mahmplo mm Cobom 87 Ladies nulh Plnkney and Lem Nlchulson 51w Mr and Mrs Bert Pauli hnvu returned mm vacnlion In Florldn ugwunc cum Men Mel Braymun 200 Ladies Lena Nigholson 189 TemriHScorcs High 51m Slrlvm 1146 High Triple Den wuu ma CQRLING NEWS hm In quvhra Anv do Fonmhr 41mm 41 new 41 III 351mm IM or I1 nlnur army to 2mm PLENTY ARENT MERE MORE IN ANY MORE ms MASH ED POTATOES minim owemuz Room ARE MUCH WALLFR was MY Nuwuoum flll BARRIE lXAmNER TUESDAYwMRIL cvmv rbe cum FIWER thauuon 415