IJIIEK Imulvv mmm mm numnflon Wllbm Dug Following lurr mnnlagn AIM um Iwr lmllmml mllml an Inn Innn uhlr Mu Alrlwr null nlnlnlnlm Ilrrrlrtidrruo lhr lnmlly Inrlmlrl Wuhan ul Illmvnlt Mu Temlnm Imh MIN lllmvnh Athlun llwlwlnn Allml nl ElmVIIo In Mull lnhmtm unmn hlllnlnn Mu Wyllu Imm ISmIIr nl Maym Mu mm lrlnk mlulw nluml 1mm uf 13 was he mm mm Irlltle Mm Jnnw lu now IFKMKNL humly Humr party an Um Irrnxlnn Iur wfll hlleny nn Enlllnlny unu lho may run Iho rdrlxrnml Mulnlnw and lnuzhlrr Mr and Mu mm Hka at Hlmvnln 11w lvllllulay rmmnl wu burn mu nllln mm hm Ilm lva Illrl Hm um lunmr Hrmmlr Mmy hulhm dam Irr Hm lnln Mr IIIIII Mu Ilnhih UHML Mm wrln mun Il Ill Hm bl Hm Tawn Phelpston Lady Is Honored On 80th Birthday Family Dinner Mm intrude Atrhrr ol Illfhmmn Mu uul cl hnnur nl Given in marriage by im lather Ihe bride wns allircd in lradilionnl floor length gown nylon lulle over talkIn The bodice oi ihe drm was lashlnn ed with boat neckline and lung Ileeves and trimmed wilh sc quins The skirt loll in billow lnn lnlds headdress of se qulns and pearl held lhe shou dcr lenglh tulle illusiun vex lhe bride carried bouquet ol Sweelhem red roses HENDANTS The bride was allvndcd by Mrs Ronald Handy ol Trenun lu mairnn of hanor Miss Bur bara Handy nn Bank and Mrs Haber Chapman Pains wick were bridesmaids Miss Sandra Lynn Squires Bani flower xirL The malrnn oI honor was gawned In alrch Ienglh drum of pink nylon over mum and Essa Rand Presbyterian Church was adnmcd with has kcis of pink and while snap dragon ior ihe wedding oi Miss Betty 11th Chapman in Russell Gnrdon iinndy Rev Beii niiiciaied Al the aiisrnonn ceremony April The bride is Ihe daughier ai Mr and Mrs Lorne Chapman oi Pnimwick The bridegroom is the son oi Mr and Mrs iiaroid Handy oi RR Barrie ADITIONAL GOWN April Bride Wears Nylon Tulle Gown MRS GEIITRUDE ARCHER ME AND MRS RUSSELL GORDON HANDY Mu Arrhrr lull lurpu up with Hm hmy rmlllnc which Iwrn pm at Mr for many yen ï¬lm III Mlhe nwnlwr llw menl Inlllulr linux llrzhylrrlnn Humh nl Fum law and n1 lwlnnnx to the WA Rump Innu Mm II mm the only mum at lw WI llrr Inlva In Willllll dam llnrk good Illlmy eru KM mlmlll 11 WIN Iwn nlmlur nl Ih Immunlm nl Hun mml mum nml II In 152ml la um mum Mr An ullrllumu Mr lonlully In kmlnl mm Ind Inimmml KM trmmmmdn Hm wemme should wmk mm and Imu animxi ll Ihey nnl Nu lonl MI 111 Ger ITlmvnle Ind Julm lhtlplun Nn In In de mucd Donahu klllcd In Action dmlnl anld War II and Hnmhl 11 an id grandchildren 16 grulflnndthlldrrn Hrr holy Illrluvlu Imildiul min qulluuu and reading Mm Miru In Iucpllu mllve and hth lnlrvrmd In Illnl mqu on mama hm The granmsmnn was Ronald Handy 01 CAP slalinn Trenlnn The ushers were Rohcrr Chap man of Paimwirk and Rodger Pearson of Barrlc RECEPTION Fur the reception held at the home at lhe brides pamnls the brides mmher rccclvcd wear Ing beige brocade suit en hanced wilh black accessnriu and cplgage oI pink he oama mulher was allirnd In gown of coma brown crepe comple mauled wilh bech and brown acrcssorlc and cnrsnge of ye law roses Fa lhe bilde won damdil yelluw suit and beige duster can Hmwn accessorch and corsage pink rose com pigcd hgr uspmble 0n mum mm lhe wedding lrlp to Buffalo and Rochester New York he newlywed will wide 1m Mincsing Guam Illlndcd mm Parry Sound Trenton Toronla Ora Slnllon Elmvnle Mlncsinz and Barrie hcaddress of ulle velllni in matchlpzl lone The hridcsmalds drew ware lnshiuned ol fuchsia nylon aver lafleha with matching head dresses ï¬gchsia 1qu jng The auendanla cnrrlcd bau ques while cumulth BERLIN APLFuur mycnr old East Germnns escnpcd West Berlin Snturdny night wilhuul being noticed by Cum munist bgrdcr guards West Enrlln Sunday Miss Belly Millar of Mt lhc city on Saturday Los Angeles California she will lake up residence The nrllvitiu ha Indlos Indian lhe Harrie Curllngv Club drew to chm or lhu season Wilh nn unimoon Jilnly Inllwcd by dinnzr Top winners lur he Jilncy Mr Mrs Gram Ourzh Mrs Dorothy Armslrong Mrs Marx Imman mu Mrs Marl Sdmurr The hand lublc wax ctnlrtd wilh pink Inapdrnguru and white cnndlu One hundrcd manner an dman la must enjoynlyle mast Iml dinnrr ur rnngcd by Mrs lluxh Gibson Ind brr wclal cammillm ML Mill ad pmlmuly rn lennlncd lhe thlmlnl rlnk and flu runncnvup ln dlnnrr nl llnr rla Tmncr nml mmcdnllnn Mu upruml lry Hm mm Mrl andhlu ll 5mm FaHawlnu diunrr cum rum lhe hm tabla wrn unl la Mn Milli who hm horn ton ml In lh hmmlnl lor mun lime Easter weekend guesu at the home or Mr and Mrs Eurysluk Hayfield St cre Mrs Dorysiuka brotheri aw and smer Mr and Mrs Ear ey of Wandnue Michlgan The annual Spring Ten of Squadron Grey and Simone For esters Regimen Olliccrs Mess mive honorary und assacinle members wlll be held at Barrio Armoury on Sunday memoon April 21 It will be canvenrd by Mrs Ernest Bell and her cnmmlllee ML Ruth Jennelt Barrie and Misses Flora Mncthnn and Verna Runlman Toronto lei yesterday by TCA on lhe McKelvny Tnur Th tria will spend weeks holiday In Ecr muda Mr nml Mm Jnck Humillnn nnd Murray MIIIA were stlu Folluwinx dinner Mn lhu prlm or club commilion were ulvcn out Mr HmnIMnn pru urnlu Iho HIMy Trophy nnd Ml Ml Irrwultd lho Mm Mills Mrmurinl Trophy mun In me um SOCIAL NOTES ML and Mrs Walls Theresa Street had wilh them or Easter weekend their daugh ter Lynne Tom and sun lnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Keith Cameron and grand Enigma Karen Lynne Elab Cfl SPRING TEA HOLIDAY IN BERMUDA WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs Peacock Heads Executive 0f Barrie Ladies Curling Club The annual mnllnz Howl Dunlap wm police xcfaorlcd Easléé FOUR ESCAPE Millar Barrie on Saturday for California when child born on lhl day will be cxlrcmcly nggrcsslvu and il aimd along lhesc lineswhich Ls hith probablecould be hlghly successlul In insuucllvu writing with Mn Vern Adam prcsld lnu Annual rcpaqu were re culvcd and lha new emullvo eleclcd The new president Mrs IMka took he chair and culled on Mrs Hum who prrsrnlcd Put Pruldcnla pln lq Mrg Mama Where business matters are concerned and this Includes 10 advancement undor linnn do gainyour best months will be June September and No vember Ind here too the ï¬rst three month of the new year Make lhu most at these periods Atnco the intervening month wlll come mom or less under the head at routine It wtll be Important however to avoid peculltion nnd or extruvn once or the balance this month and throughout tho en tire month at October The ncw ixcculivu Is in mi lflll Prrsidcnl Mrs nml President Mn XL Pen cock Isl Vlcolmldml Dugh 2nd VlceIrraldcnl Mrs Newlnn Scmlury Mu Ncwion Tnnmrtr Mu Run Aqmlmnn made the usual honor got hooked when was 21 By the llme was 82 knew had made big mlmke But being gentleman hung around an olhzr lo ynm until he klds were raised Then dumped the old lady One year later married doll who la In years my Junior It cost me 550000 to make Ihe switch but was worth ï¬ery peqny With the possible exception brie perlods In early June and mldANovember your fam ily and home interest will also be generously governed Oppor tunities to travel could broaden your horizons cnnsldcrubly in July and December and lhcrea lndlculion an incrcusc In your personal popularity and presllzu during the Mrs three months of 1964 mrecioi Mu Corhy Mm IL Hmpkc Mn mu llmmr onuncr Mu Womb Honxnlcl Mrl Slcphemnn Spcrlnl livrnh Mrs Jan llnmlIlnn And Mn Iyno Socllll Convcntr Mn ul lcr CnConvrntr Mn Smilh Dur Ann Lnndem wm era ynu going get smart and give people some prncllwl dawnmeath advice they can live with Why nah be honest and tell the young men who write Ihat they are nuts Io get marrled until they are And then they ought to marry woman whu Is at least year younger younger 10 years younler better yet If you are huncsl Ann Land era you will admll In ynur col urnn that all ï¬rst wlve should Self conlml and emallonal stability will be needed now There may he evldencu stress on the part of some and It will be up to you to maintain harmony During the PM avoid gains to extremes in an thing and make nu drnsllc changes in pmjecls now run ning smoothly amormw 15 ur blrthday the celestial spotlight shines on ynur personal lila this year So cial and romantic interests wfll be under cspmtally bencï¬clat Influence from now untll the ï¬rst of May also In August and December FOR TOMORROW FOR THE BIRTHDAY MiddleAged Lotharip With Yen For Youth ANN LANDERS THE STARS SAY and Mulch Convener Mrl HIJICOVEIIS DIIMEIH MIDWAY BAMBOO llllMlifl VENETIAN MINI WINDOW HIM PA 61777 Balm Dm CALI Ill TODAY By ESTRELLITA Draperies Robert DUNCAN Three year no well shaped lively girl cum to work or me Sho had been married and was in the process at getting divnrce was an tered by her Iltenllon and man we made plans to see each other out of town on weekends Then we began to out gather right in town ASKED FOR DXVURCE 1an to give my wu plenty lhalu the law out herobut was sun wu worth It ho nha when they reach um ago at 4080 Tim Mound Dear Second Time Amundx Every 1w days at lemr rom some mlddlu md 10 thanIa who mistakes the slow lni up hi sex drlve at the death rattle He then must prove to himself 1am to world um ha has In none of his vlm Ind lear so he mm chasing unund with chick Dung enough be daugh en These restless neumllcs who want to Iutomnflcafly lhoot helr Wives In 40 Ihanld cnn sldcr savan the In bullet for themselves ï¬end the next lob ter Lgmnor menu Dun Ann Lmdem Please urglve the look 01 this letter The Ink la llme smury but apllled aomu bourbon on It knew you dont care or drink Ing but when tell you why am 11m loaded ynu wnnl In so hard on may was married or 78 year line woman She hdped ma build business from the ground up dont know how she found Ihe energy to run nnr home hnva iour children and be my right hand in he business loo but she did She even took care of my link lather until he died The yearn nip well She made ma eel young again It was had dis covered new wnrld Some lhing must have mapped In my head becausa an dly dr clded to ask my wild or d1 vnrce so could marry III 27 yeawld Everybody was shocked My thlldren told me was crazy Our Hands all aided with my wife All she uld was II um what you want you would have Myr new Vvlflewandfll iock R055 STREET Enjoy The Convenience Of Supermarket In Your Home Undoubtedly you have already heard or read about this re markabie new way to buy yoUr food If so you can surely appreciate the savings aspect of our food service Now we would like to explain few points from the realm of conveniencel By taking advantage of our food service you will undoubt edly eliminate many annoying trips in all kinds of weather to the food storel Youll have the food you want when you want it safely stored in your new freezer You shop at home we supply you with menu and you return your list to usi Sltortiy our huge refrigerated truck will arrive at your door with your food orderl You know you can obtain this service plus new freezer and three months supply of food lor $i4r90 week Are you sold yet if not give us call and well explain it further hmmonth honeymoon By lha time via got home was alck of her The Iex ntlrncllon was out She seemed to go com pletely dead know nnwl should have flayed with my camlomhle nld lllpperl These new shues are no or me Im ashamed lo ad mil was such no Ive wrecked my life broken good wnmanl heart lost the respect of my children and have earned the title nIJnkm oi the Century Dear 1ka can add naming In your letter Youve slid all Andnnwyjust word ad ï¬Ã©ï¬‚iï¬ EN EMABETH msmm By your hydro CKVRTV 700 pm MONDAY APRIL 15 HOMEC THE ESKIMO SAYS FOOD and FREEZER WAY FOR AN EASIER DAY BAR RIE MexAmi Ail BACK Whln you Nil II III Ind plllllul In II hlfl ï¬ll IEGD of Maui llhlhu rlmld lhll hu bmu Iblhoullndl EMPLETONS Dont IMHO dly Ions lhhn ynfl hlvl OGIITRC Iloflly My 35c man my cuunlm mth Wu In Cnunl Your nmalm umuuw MM on Mr Ian clc Imh nylon vice Mllllons people have lanked for solution at line lgollqm at arboule No one ever Idund one lure THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL ID Ly MBAGO FOR YOUR HOME TRY THE PHONE PA 61562 Jgfflfsizéï¬t PERMANENTS SE99 nunam SALON vuom PA Mm in Male Avenue Ask For lhn