Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1963, p. 2

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er md Me In IMI cullqu hm whlle autumn WI II the urly 1m mame mud la nu Mm mm mun 1h Mm More lm pl wu owned by John Mr Jnrlm who rb oumIl ll llnrriol nu 12m manual nnmm Church mun hm lhe Um In Dun no mm Hum In many II III lmrm drum mm at bom drnwn vclylclu would Vb lvlh mm III truly nulumm of Hill hrrsfl n1 Mm Mr 1M Inn lmllhrl Inmnnlh turlnl pnxMI Imflmm Mmu Lnn ldl ml In many Slum MN Mn In llwnL anlmu nnluhlu 1mm Tmnnla lay Mr mhnn wlll drlu up hr II My llmxo and mm mound and no luck Io annla pmltulnr Inuml Lu Ihc whlcly known Imldar HNM mumu IIIHNI our 50 year no hy ormrr munr und null nnflnurvl In um rm Mr Jun nbllilu lhlu Ipcrinl chNHM by Hm Inn mclly mm Inle pmlnrorl The II Wllllnm Mulnck Wu Vn lme bun my happy limo mmrd lo hurchllll uy Mr Jnrknnn Ptnple lI rnlmd hm nu lnrurly drwwd lnln he animal plnnurl mm of llur lml When he look Um um lhcro Mn no modrrn lnclliliu Jml nu aulrlnud It scnln Illrxn wm noHvmz In Imp menu and alhrr mm ath lmlL Men wouI Ipafl lekly or mm rrlrlgrrl lon Wuhln lhrtn works 01 Ink lnn he nlm My lmlnllrd tr Irlxemlnuf Anglican Church dawn cummunion service at am drew good attendance The lawn concerning the visit hflhc wumcn to Christs lamb in in darkness was read by Gary Kcnninxlnn Easter cuchnnst scrvicu at guano and 11 am featured ur mon by the ruler Van Read on The Mennlng Ens erf Evonsong acrvlce wns at pm with Dr Wllllnm New man preaching an lhe lupin The leinx God 5515 coup Emmanuel Bnnlist Church not new Sunday Schnal nucndance rrecord 385 yesterday The old record or lhe pm year was 361 Extra chairs had to bu bmught In to seal the congrega The uru llml we hnva bccn hm hm Men good you and 1mm we came here we huvn tripled he volume mmlun dlso lhnl we first handled marlu Mn Jackson In order lowedlm our ninth Mulch VH huro huill up tnnrmons mnmmu will uwu lo be ulled lens lwo yen before we mml nhundon lho are Io uldrning npcrnlilJXLL Brian Jackson who ha owned and operand lhe Alon lnr lhe 1m 21 year lint rcllr he music supervisor or this Area and Nnrlh Yurk my hat for only he pnmnry sunny hm bum made by Dcpanmml nl lllihwnyl surveyors Th1 nurvey lndncnlu ml the pnr posed new whim of the hlxhwny will cut some 20 tel lnkn lhI Horn Barria churches worn packed am In nverflawing Easter Sunday sunny weather help boost he lradiliannlly large congregations associated with the season It ls only mallnr ol Mme be are one at Churchllln oldml landmarks the general state will have lo be lam down lo make way to wxdcnnd No 11 lllzhway EASTER SUNDAY brought urncord allcndance lumoul at gunla church Ind Sunday Old Churchill Landmark Makes Way For Highway Lnlrr lw mumlrllml Illa orlll Innl lrnnw bulldlnfl Imd Innd ll wllh hrlrk Mr Jnrkwn 13 mum 1an lbs lmmdnllan Nu lmlll nl nunml lirld Ilene and mortar ll Iml one wall lwo 1m in llllrknm llul ll hank rrllinlng wulem wull L1 cullcllkn our lhlck Am lhnl oldllmm lrmrmhrn llw Hum when pl urre hm In ll nmlllrm urllnn vl llw SWumma lml lnlrluru Flul unhlllnl II llvln ly nl Ilnrr lllrr yum um lmy mntl lnyllllni hum lnllrllrr pmlucu ml mrvlu In rtlmlnnruls and palrnl umllrlnu rum luvmrhnld rlmhlrnl human to um and lmmrlmhl llldwflll Lum ln mm Mm hahy nix manlhl had originally bun brought over hum Non ml lrrlnml In INS by hLI par rulu he ovlzlnnl Mr and Mn Jnhn Lurnm High lg the Easttr of acrvanm First BaplLst Churth was he proEaster cam munlnn scrvicz Thursday at Special Easter music he evening service was pmvldcd by the Knight Trlo In the baptism I1 service Wilfred Cooper Strand and Viclnr SIcssnr Bar rie were rocelvtd lnlo the con lrggaliop Satur ay evening Billy Gra ham Im Touch Brass was shown at Emmanuel Baptist hurch to an audience plneugly 100 It was sponsurcdby the Christian Ynulh Fellowship Barrie HIGHLIGHT IIRIAN JACKNON polnl Ike plan In hls 1mm uhrro highway Iumyorl hnva delu Inn at he 11 Im service de lcribed the hlgwt crowd In allendance since the church was opgned Sermons Christ Ihc Resur rccllon and Chrlsl lhe Modi nlur were delivered at he mnrnluz and evnning mvlcc by hc pastor at Emmanuel Bapllst Churchu Jesse Wlllianu ALImi SALES and IERVICE OlAllTypnOl HEATING EQUIP BOWENS school service yeslcrdny man Calhnllc Church aflcr ehralcd there Smd Here are same UN parish mm the nut masses cel lug Examiner loner leaving St Mary Ro llullli Ind rIallkllu 24HOUR SERVICE In llu Julwml underldtd nl lhlu llme Mmlhrr Hwy will rrlmlhl and CflIIHlIUo IlllrI Implnu nflrr lllo highway ha lvtcn widuwd nurprlxlnx haw mnny prnphl lrom ho cll nnd lha Slnlu have never In ml rounlry uncut nun My Mr Jatluou No tm hm people Imy All mm Mum Ilka MM for lmlnnc lhlnu In lhcy rmlld IIII Innt Inywhm ml la Io my lhnl my ht hem II ml cnunlry Ilnn mm lruil and unnth In IDUIIHK Ind chlldrcnl lmokl from dry cleanan urvltu Iran lirhll Ihll will lake yau nuywhrro an Ibo Nuth Amer Icnu cunllmnl Strmofi al the ma Easlcr Sunday service were preached I7 Walk Hu mm were Mls Verna Prilchnrd sang min Hallelujah nl lhe 11 am church service The Junior choir sung Chrm the Lnrd hn risen as one of its two num4 bars The senior choir also participated and at the cvcninz service sang HBIILMIflh The King 0n Easter Sunday It was de cision day at Sunday School where spcclal Easter mrulcul program was slugcd by lhc members These Included vocal qunrlcl nu Instrumental number and scripture reading with lour person laklnz purl Three new member recelvcd lulu lhe church at lhi lime were Mrs Mary Crump Mrs Dorothy Thumpson and her dau ghter Judith Thnmpsun mlned Mum lhc wcalcrn boundary Highway 11 will In whitMd pm conducted by he pasmr Rev Gordon Walker He preached on Gm Moments With Christ hvuvpnom yum ml dull lu ll mun hm Cod mm £7 mu mu pmumn CUSDENS new anu lllbll ck an MD Club can up 2er Dlvonlln 3er Hum Con 1M nlo nur Hum Denllnn hullxk Mum AXlomA mu Alummum Albuu an 11 Arm Arm Mlu mm ManL um on Mt mu TuL nmmn on no Power Cdn Imp Com cu Yrwen cm cunml Chunkl cmry ram Con Mln Em Munmull up Ma an Nll N7 You lndnflrllll up I17 ll up UIIIIKI Amal vi Mn Acnvx lnll Nkhl Louda Nonnd Ii cl Sil Marys liamnn Calhnllc Church had special Easier vigil service beginning 11 pm Saturday ll includcd the New lliie ior he Vigil oi Eas ier musing ni the New Fire Blessing oi the Paschal Candle Blessing oi lhu Baptismal Waicr and mlomn procession with lhe Paschal Candle Midnight mm followed Exlrn chairs also had to bu brought in at St Andrews Prus bylcrinn Church lnr lhe 11 mm service Hidden Viciory was the title of he sermon Armlch by he minlsier ncv Ad nms The scnlnr choir sang an anthem Music wns led by chnir director Harold Dempsey Two renditions were given by the Junior and inlermndlni choirs The pedal Emlcr service In the avening again brought the scnlnr cholr hm adieu to sing Norwegian carol while Mr Adams fipoke an Easlers To Believe In Easlcr and Burnan Hearts Durlng tho campalgn pledged myself to work for tho lnlorosls of the pooplo in this riding Even though we were unsuccessful lniond to keep my plomlso To all my supporlmlhosa who worked for mo and those who voted for mu lay Thank You lrom the bottom ol my heart TO THE ElECTORS 0F DUFFERlNSIMCOE TODAYS STOCK PRICE mnuunul Duniop Blnlo nun if uunfm up mmmo nncx lxtnAan mnrx nnmn drum IL up Ln HY 00 01 50 150 BIL lull Dom Tnulld burn more Dom Tu CL Lllu Ilve CAL Pow lumen rmu lllwk Elddtley Ham on llud nu ma In ActDL Inllnd Inkr Nlclul lnln Unllllu luurpm mo Jukry Club Lhnu low NV lluuy nu hrdc Ah Duhqu hulk Lulu mun Annual laud llrlllmu McKImlI Mu Mul Mlnlnll Nulon HARVEY STEWART MINING vex Forces for all Ontario Sunny today and ntesday wllh sluwly rising temperatures Winds llnhl and variable except In Northern Ontario where Eumy will shlll to wulhwcsl 15 lo 20 Tuesday Fannut Temperlluru an lonithl hlxh Tuesday Windsor 65 London 60 KHchcncr 30 so Humlllon 50 Sr Culhnrmos 32 60 Toronto 15 60 Al Cnlllcr SL Unilcd Church Eastcr observance were mark cd lhc lwo morning mvlces There was nn evening urvice Easter Sunday masses were held at lhe usual times 1015 and 1130 am with the church filled or each Th3 prlcsl Rev Jr Clnlr de livcrcd he sermon at every mnssr Mszr Clair brought Buslcr greetings and gave short 31 nrl ghe resurrection School children sang Easter number at lhe first two masses which were both high mums udny hut 5qu cantlnuo over southern maria Tem er Itures will show gr ual wnrmlnn trend over the next day or wq StEWart Gets Most 01 Votes 0i Servicemen Lrm mmnm EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 15 Km QBANQEVILLEV ismm DullerlnSlmcm leeral cand ldm Harvey Slewart plckcd up the llonx sham the rldlnzl service vale He collected voles lo the 168 can or the winv nlng candldatc Prusmelvm Conservative Ellwood Madlll relumlngronlcer Glen Brynn eald wdny Tram were 887 voles cm 161 them relecls Socialcredlr cmdldate Lloyd Cumman lot 13 nrvlcu vale and Erlq M1111 Inn New Democratic Partynlfl Ravlud local or the rialdii 9011 excluding the service vale as follows Lloyd Cumming SC 1606 Ell wood Madlll PC 10110 Eric Manson NDP 651 and Hmey Blownl Liberal 8271 lncludlhg the service vote thin give total count oi Cummlng Madlll 1623 10278 unson Stewart up Lfi an up ITOCKI can Com In Avxngnll am ws 105 ms nu mi 1710 le sz Nuwnunh Normm nmnqu PramMon Im nlo Alma firmm amp nor Unlud Dll vu oy Wu NotMl Nur om NG Mann Corp Ilcln Pom Fume rem llp rm mm QM NI flu in Elld nood slmpmu snn shawlnfln mul cm TarDom cm mm 1m in hum Unlon cu anltr unw hnflh ms we Thu Indies have nrunnlzcd with Dummy Hnughlon chalrmnn Mxldrcd Mnrccr sccrclary Na 19 Brenncman Ircnsurcr Pal inoll soclnl convoner Char lauo Calvin ttlcphona convcner Mary Brcu publicily Convener Vice Commodore All Hounh on looks or an upsurge in membership due revision or membership requirements ra ornanlzlng of the harbor lo commodale somo larger boats am probable expanslon of junior sailing Roar Commodore chnlrman saillng hoster secretary ck Bouncy lrensurcr Maurice MacLaren Harbormnsler Ed nlrmn enteflalnmenl Harold Bren and properly chairman Bub Smllh have all been busy planning their pro trams The weather has made good 1an at gelling the bny ready or Iho bunting season and Ihe executive of the Barrie Yacht Club headed by Honorary Com modore Col Lee and Commodore Mnunce Barre has made flood start in organizing lar 1901 Wlllle McAIecr 110 And VEAL CHOPS Yacht Club Preparing For Gala 1963 Season FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST BUEHLERS HfiROTs I90 ZIP DOG roan lo PICKLES ONTARIO NO HEINZ BREAD AND BUTTER VEAL CHOPS VEAL ROAST IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII zmum r8 2352 LEAN LOIN LEGS RUM 0R SIRLOIN SPECIAL MON mtgsaga BARBIE TEAM WINS TOUBNIifiEilT The loot Snipe nilbnau now numbers and here is hope this year there will be en tries from Bnrrle Yacht Club In olflclnl rciullns he Snipe as mcinllun This an Internation Sailboat racing is he most sustained yachting activity win series oi campeiiiiun exlcnd ing over tho whole season iun iors nre pariicipniing in the me ing in an increasing extent and cunsidcrniinn is being given in the extension oi Junior member ship privileges in youngster hose narcnls are not yet mem hcrs oi lhc ciub Sailing is at cuursa the central activity at yacht club whe ther the power he wind or 39 uiine At the Barrie Yacht Club families with power boat inA clinu to activities such as water skiing fishing or cruising while those with sailboats concentrate on racing ii the bout is ranting type or cruisinl ii it is cruls ing type ll SNIFES Deanne Emwne and Dawn Box ney mack bar convene TUES flay the lmphy may Mm In oumamcn Orlllia Salut day The Barrie squad de lcaled New Toronto Lakcshore YMCA 5357 Top scorer lnr Saclal llle at llue yacht club will begin this year wilh re ccpllon and dance ln the club lounge on April couple champion In lhls class and one of these has competed in lhe western hemisphere inals held Ernz Ilia in Brazil iome 15000 bna reg stared Ihmughuul the world The Oak ville Yacht Squadron wllh which Ihe Barrie Club has held nvcrnl lrlendly regnllasuhu pmdqced g1 yacht the bull learn were Enb Skrypnychuk with 12 poinls and Don Arnald and Wayne Clark each with Examiner Pho to WED BARRIE OZ TINS 16 OZ JARS Flit Courteous Service CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 Radio Equipped Cnlu

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