Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1963, p. 10

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Spring Time To Home Buying TirrteAr1cTYOur Best Buys In Homes Are Here 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 1958 ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 110247 BIRTHS Munfllfa Child It till act Itludlya Child it ml of gr Wednesdays Child Is tort or Thursdays child an Iar to go hiriaya Child Is min and giv his hiurdayt cnnd work hard or It living And child that Ia born on the Slhhalh DI II III and we laid good and gay Crllldrnn hearing this vem Counter Cullen alwaya want to know which day nl the week waa their birth date Keep this Ind other Important intormatton tor your childs lulure narria Bx amiaer Birth Announcement will Include the name at your child the day oi the week month an year at birth the weight and other vital lntnrmatten printed mlsslll can become permanent record In Rabya Book or Family Album Ths rate tor llarrla Examiner nlrih Notice It only use To place notice phon PA extra PIIONE Parrrut ADOPTION TrIIIAKsToNLieut and Wild lloland II Theakalbn nee Eileen Prtnglet ol Kingston Wlah to an noultee the arrival or their chosen drugntrr nonlta Joy sister Ior nret glanddaughtrr ior Mr and Mra it Prlnale Its uurton Avenue Ilarrle DEATHS IltarrtlrlrtxtiNTIoanaeat the 1on a1 vtrtorea Hospital Ilarrie on Tuesdly April iota Joanna MacPhcraell Inlanl daugnier oi Dr and Mu II riicrnerron MARTIN Johnat Tuitenhlm on Saturday April is rm ionn lilartin In his oath year dear bro Intr oI Margaret Mrs II Muri roel St Paul Minnesota huyren Marlin Ariryton Resting at Andcrton Funeral Home Toll ham tuneral scnlca April to at pm Trinity United Cemetery aeetota yVCOMINGEVENTS TUUPTEA and BAKE SALE VED APRIL 17 230 pm Odd Fellows liall Collier St Admlslon 35c Ausplces oi Vlllowdale United Giureh Women RUMMAGE SALE SAT APRIL 20 am ODD FELLOIVS IIALL Collier Street For pick up call PA 34274 IA GEIOJ Auspices oi Central United UCW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classtllcd adver tisements lire Inserted at the rate cl per word insertion or one and two times 3c per word Ior three tour or five times and per word Ior or more Insertions toil addi tional charge II not paid within Ill days llill MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AT VERTISEMENT IS Jtic FOR it WORDS 11 Ill yITiIIN II DAYS 011 06 F011 2t WORDS II CIIARI IIIIR SINGLE INSEIITION nymphs on connrcrtnhn Adyeyuiera remin inat all phone lnterlien mom atre ll ad mnyenlenu vou ta anmlltyt Tneyoiolt Ine ClaaII lirti AIIylltlalrig Department to all alihrrtlarn to tintiiy tttrli aiivelllarmllti Inc It ailel nut incerliun to any mum or null Allin mat he lumllrtl nmm am in little that name may tva reltliitti Int ritv tlriliiwinl naye Inalitliilt III IV wlah to mini not Iiill Tny iltnia rum Itrl ruptmtline Iril little one illmtrrrlly ptinirli Inultltrtt on any atimtmnteni anti Iltlfl only it the ulmt lll Iinllllitt ni ad that inhllilrh ihe ntyvini nmyrt utiittt ll4 tint IrIIUt the value III in imminenttil not ellllhie lltl mumuni tn mate MIII CIIIIIIllil Iitrnil to per word lItIIItIIIIIIIlI tIlttlae SISIII Iiirlh nntl IIIIIIII Nltltttl I130 or III lit 13 utmlt Int worth 5c or tllltl uortll In Icrimrlam IIIIIII I15 lII crai IIIIII It pm mild railirl nrml JJIIII Iilllttt Inltli ltlll legaiilllll Iiltrillarll ualrll Illlltti IAHVI lllyg NIIITIIIIII Ill IlyIina It Itll ailirll HIIMII ilrplln to IIIIH will neiti tilily In tray at In day at lltllliirllinn CIIIerIINI atiitliiarlilrtlll nnII llIIEII tul Iiire tlhgcs rulltt Ila rrcerrctl try It ii In tiay itio ceiiltlg Illtitlitulltili erII the tar cepuon oi tIilthlnI Display Alittlllsllltltlli Wltlril illllll II In ily 1100 noon IIINllIIIII day in Int semi my to tuned intntlah The examiner lllalltl drpayim ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CUSSFED AD the one at Intre sim tonttnh enl wayal IIIIINI FA Hill and salt want to plan lattiiled Ari MAIL It In the timid Flim Intl Rollie tint IIIIINO II to the harm lia amiriel eliice bayliaid EIINL REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY REALESIATE Broker Phone PA 821 at Dunlop St ironyr Mane Ayaiiriyi IIMIEL MARSHALL PA N50 outlier rerrmv PA Mm WIB HARRIS PA out that imam PA war BILL SUTILERLANI statital RIC HENDERSON PHOTO ALAS REALTOR 1i COLLIER STRILI PIIONF PA 618 EVENING CALLI ItlIA SCANDRETI PA use PERCY FORD PA lIIM EMERSON SWAIN PA Hate alarnhel at It r1 nu DIIIIIcI the Ontario tata Board REALTORAPPRAISER Homes Farms Businesses ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE 1310 ZER 119 DUNLOP ST DARRIE Phone PA It7tsd Opposite and Store FRASER LTD REAL ESTATE BROKER tstaA Bulletin St Toronto Farms Suburban Properties llumcs Businesses Appraisals Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Barrie Phone PA 643904 GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TeLariran my on Nlnrir PA It7952 Keith Marshall REAI ESTATE ltROKER PA AZSIII III CLAPPEIITON sT rrtANit NELLLS Memory ua Rni nannl PA Mtdilfl blttriel otrd srburr AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER Sl EARRIE PA Isoor Central Ontarios Largest Renllor Member at mullet Real rd MILES SOUTII OF RARRIII acres with thrce bedroom home Needs It handyman to add ihe ilnIining touches School but stops at door Taxes only 56000 Asking $6500 Car ries ior $6100 month PICTURE OF LOVliLlNESS In ucrcs good live bedroom home nII Conveniences garage barn chicken house plus two cottages one Iic room one three room Road ironinga beautiitlliy hcdacd Geori hard wood bush Iust across the road from Late Sinlcoe Mll Ing £500 50 ACIIIZ FARM In Sunnillitle Tup Two Iiarris Ieitl Innli IthI stuny IIunIr good water supply Asking only $8000 tunings Call Inn at or could 0m tsla ma Rluwn PA Iizta Lloyd or iioyia Ilnchiey IA qu Aiaa nunran rA arm Woodland Lmmoie IIIIT EDRRSDTER ANli lOMIANY Iteallura on IIAVIIIIIJI ST IA Mist ANYTIME Mortgage rintic Avnllahla 60 oi antie 77l Interest NIT Iinnlu No Hidden Itael TIlli GOINGIIST IIIOIHI till lOII iiAVIIIS IIUAIESI Islllrry ily IinIIis IirnntIIntttrI IiirttiIRIl Iiilog dining room and iinll ItIIIIlI Itxtitinil new kII then In lntt the whole home It calIlIIig IIIIIII Kosihil would like In lutlyl you III iIIlIII log it wine IIIIIIIt in it new home til your own CIIII Iirr right new We IliInIt youll be gliul you tiiiIl NIJAII Itillitt liiilihll stool Iulir IltlIiiiuiII luA licrlrhillt mm Ilririt imuu Atiing oilly item To View tItII low itmnap DOWNTOWN ISTIIRIIV IIIIMI IIiIl00ti iliivlll will Itil lIlIt thlilwtut uiiii littoii anti timing lIttilIt IIIIIPKI lore lot at the rut IAII John White niiw Anti II this illmnl still he run IIIDW you others that will If AIIII FARM Nitr Iriel Ilny loaiil land 20 III Ilolii Iialril IIOKI lIiyttIl all lite way lichIittinii liniilc liwlrlliltril Ntv aIIiIIiltiIIlii aItI Ing good will Ilntn IINIII Mung lcittiir Intltic FIIII Iliitl 70m willy mm ilman Iiayllictti Fnr liittlier tIrIalIl cull Ituily Klim Icinwi mminm ALI Imlr NilMl am me time linenan tam ltlnlil leisail aiita Inhn II Whill rA Itm lumbar ni iltr it it oillyirt tttal rati all REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY Port SALE CONNELL PHOTO REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST PHONE FA 85568 Save Milu WILII Our Photo Files EVENINGS CALL Mrs It MoorePA aSIIII RogersPA Mm MEMBERS BARBIE AND DISTRICT SMITH 32 HIGH ST Joa Lang PA asrai Del CalePA H9117 DonnellPA error Patna uuArm CAMPBELL REAL TOR PA 00241 Home PA 843139 Charles head PA IHIIII Mrs EngiersWt Mamba oI Rama and District heat mate Itoad CARSON II Next deny la the imperial Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 3131100 WITH TERMS Beauillul centre hall bungalow best location in Barrie and most value Ior your momy Built by carpenterurwner to his own standanis and welcomes the closest inspection Fur appoint merit call Dlll ilamllton PA 648i evenings PA 35325 $5900 EASY TERMS Log summer home winterized huge lag burning lircplace bean iiiul sun room heavy wiring water pressure system some lurnilure included log garage cedar hedge double lot tall hili Ilamilton PA 66481 etch ings PA 85315 CUSTOMRUILT ERICK HOMES bedroom splitlevels with dou ble garages on completely scre 11ch lots 514933 31500 dunn NIllt mortgage Cal Rus sell Ctrrson PA firfiloi evenings IA 66161 Member at Real la and nitiytet late aoard NEW aIIIT novel Rome Iour bedrooml lwo baihioamx near puhllc ane separate schoolt aliitlo down payment to Illa NIIA mortv gage Telephone NEW In ur rooms tuo hatlir reatlen room near schools 310 down In una be quiet rtreci close to Audit ulln paved dlhl Arc and iully Iandaclpefl rm cnndlllan Terephona PA IAIIIACULAII three bedroom hrlea hunglow large living room dining area on treated land aeaped Ienred tIIIise to all aetool nd our line Hunt PA alto nlirtnttmi nunralow wIIlr good aired roomy allarhcd liar age Itreereuay thud orreit unod am Clma lo renools Cartier let luiry landscaped yllhrd driveway recreation room iA dalis Two aTonnt IIOUlE on beauti Iul lot It not living room lire praer dining room Iamily room it hatna Iour nedioomy iriaoo Telephone IA dIIII IAaT rNIl reilurnttai ttlae bedroom hrira nouae living room pint irrepraee kitchen and nlnlna ate only irsoo down Telephone It Ittt nIAitIt ariiithr nupiex ilodeyn newly dttnlated rill heattnr nrenraee isoo dawn paymallt to rename employed puicnaaer Telephone IA tun bathymmr airle ianr iialca Partially Ianuarapru slut srrerl location near acnonla hnti ihepplng 700 down rA droom hrlril bungalow mnvenieni Io hmIII and out irr7oo ulih an NIH mutilate 000 III In arranged Tileriron rA nits rirLIr VIIL Home on large lot In excellent location TIFIIIIIIII llylnr ntnlng eII atone Illeiilar ruttom kitchen ililee hadrttoml III illtliltlallrd den litany extua autnianilat down payment rent ed to NIIA Tarrpnona PA elm Ilii Putt nount ry neuroom nrirtt nttngalu tai Ilylng mm dining ma and all Then rtnraneu ternlion mm and leuiut pedynnm in nalrmrnt he Iantlarayert atou lot tilt reltplinne IA IiAnlIlr Aiir rignay Druperr ltwlii arm llirlIItIII innit lied name laillt lariII aim talin Ianti in MO II arm and IrIIIIIIIlIl Ilrtly new on It not troutis ny ita Tatphone PA Tot IIiiroiinitiu ram two lntli builtum not with larllp Irlttlfllotml artil flilpIIrI In iiyina you limit rite alon rli IIItletvlr tllriwtalilc IllVIII tIitIIril Ilium lrlvallnli lriImt lint nay IIIII lat till Terrillr Vlvw mummy nay TelWhine rA IIIIIl lIIlIYI IAIT Mia IIIMI ItliIIIiC it etc nut unit vinyl uny not it Itail Tilt lioilimtma travel Iii tllliltll tall within Iia Hutu In an puny Ir l1 ltIi Pliil utal liilliil ltllyitt Ii Ilalied IIiueaaltill Iti tlaye tum ArpIIInImni IIIIiI tau alnt nil nun lillelliil mm Morley wrote PRESCRIPTION FUR IAYING IIIIII Itty Iiii TiIi ivllii ti liiwtnil itIeIilsiIItil SIUIIA IllIN LIIAN IIIL IIANR UI NOVA MIIIIA BUS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS on YOUR own Full or part time This Is rate opportunity to establish yourself In highly lucrative enterprise servicing premtnblished accounts N0 SELLINGNO SOLICITINO Only replace merchandise sold Applicants should have hours spare time weekly Good relerences car and minimum canIaI o1 $1750 Write giving name and phont number to BOX N0 l5 BARRIE EXAMINER esooo DOWN Noam arich bat with gas pumps pitta comloriable bedroom bungalow in aeru Ito Ieci highway Ironiage calI ti Carroll iteal Estate ant roe Mr Carson PA setdt ayenlnga PA Hill INSURANCE MOVI NG Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE nhd it you need extra coverage oi any kind SEF STEVENSCNS IIII Dunlap PA 6180 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst Iii 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere IIRICK INSUL FRAME HINDI AND FARMS LOW MON IIIV PAVMENTS It YOI IICFD HONEY consolidate debt all eaittinr mortgalu tltia address mnrlttillet coming oiionw lmplnvlmenil oAny wertnunii eause Write or Phone PA FyIIUIII Mortgage Funding Sim SUITSScars 12 II NLOI ST tlrnlhel Ontario Inertgaga traitla Aaseeiauon ironmAcr Money vallable You are invited to direu your mortgrac lilnblerrrs with us with our obligation providing lha pm pertiu are on reglttered plant in or out or city Intereat at no 7W1 rytra call Couil tr Ch Open street narrle PA WANT To nunnow 000 or period at ten yeara at In Intelsat leta lion narria Ll amlner Houses FOR SALE on RENT 11mm lot rent or mind garden around milla Irom name all paved road Vrltr lie to tiarrla Ilaminer LOTS FOR SALE menu nurenan Lots Minuing re minute scenic drI llom limit and camp nord New achoni communin path in ayarianie Relmnlhiy prized Apply hoberl Magutre itinealng too FARMS FOR SALE rot acute or want Iorlnl crceh bilrk noun convent eneer Ilitl aroma It miter alltin wear or name Lot II cencrnton Innianl Townhip RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT Oillco Accommodation WILSON liUILDING Barrie Ontario Detention niui partitioned to meet your requirement conditioned It you prvicr At prim you can niionl Tele phone lA arm mum in an nIIIca loan on mend ilndl eI modern hurid Ing itrtlln iiilnl Natural mp Illhilnll outlined with anyeoma rA etatt during HOUSES FOR RENT MIIIIHIN MESA tmnaaiow in 0011 flllllIrI Avlllllylt MI Iteltaliia In nIa InloIItIeA illtn IliepItMI IlsrAIiigtt trout Inr ire lull natn naintn til on intui Ilntlnittl lA mo ittttan IN New toy turnined or llnitttnlhd an tin contentn Int Alellv at at John slmi or tam Houses WANTED To aENT Ititiit IliIIIIII rim not inter htlflim Amt VIIIrtialt lmailnn out yuieti mm atitt APARTMENTS roll itst lttma ed lot any hitthn ttintmallnn niiatmi pm In Millie pl Telvphonl PA aim alter pm Tiinra ailmia and mat unitma IIV In annu tili lvl Ilium piernan ey Telephone PA er Ivrtner deIallL RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM mural only 7M including Inilor Denice It BIII Itop at door Clou to lcbnpl Telephone PA F1410 UNrurtNIarran aeIl contained three roam ground floor ware merit II monthly in Center street April is poneulon Tare phone PA Mats TWO BEDROOM Apartment Ri mlcralor stove Iraahar Ind dry or Iutitol service our build Clara be all lentil IItIiIllel Tet Dhnne PA M151 AVAILABLE HI Modern bedroom nat apartment stpva arrd refrigerator thtndry Ind arliltl Ilcilliiu Celtlrllly lou cd hott PA WI ONI BEDROOM apartment anL end was mouth includu hell lllht In water Pd airing lacIIiIIeL Telephone PA tell loe runner Iaiororatlon GROUND FLOOR Apanmc bedroom living room hitcho bathroom laundry IICILIIIIJ priv Ita entrance Availabla now epiloaa PA 4m nrrtsl ROOM unmrrilah us orenl Ieur blocks norn rive Pelnta overlooking the lIlI chl monthly including but light and water Telephonl PA MIL eionanrl two bedroom apart menl hauled purine and laundry iaeiiitiea Near bu atopr Avaiiaola April it can end location Ielr prion PA um altar pro mill noon heated up llmetlt sellcontained ll lance Paraing space Phone PA SHIP or PA or tartth rialails MODERN one bedroom arlrnlnl lor rent Laundry and king TIA cilities Slov and ntrigerllor op tlonal Individual thermoaiat Ap ply ta non street or lalephons PA Midi In eountry Iront Ellrll Alrp room complete wiin bathroom kitchen cunbnalds and heavy wiring Apply tlarold iticip PA More Full ROOM heated apartment anontaIned laundry Iaelntici Ienccd In yard parklnl clone to Oakley Park and st rltarya schooli Av liable May Telr prions PA to ULTRAMonran hlchalor apart meut avallahle tmaradlateiy le Iltg room bedroom Ititcnene and lot piece hlihronm In it building Paved parltlng ai Talephuna PA Hut Two DELTROOM Apartment ultn large kitchen living dining rooms store and relrlgerator lup plied One montna tree rent close to downtown PA Mead all er pm runNIstrEn Apartment lour mom and bathroom Modern clean heated eell contained Nelr port olitce Main Iioor ser vice personnel prelerred Avail able Mly 90 PA HIOI Modern newly de rlinent with arklrig bath and ateony On mpberl liva ALLANDA corared Four rooms Adult only nus Telephone PA Ill tor tun Iher tnlormation Tiilttta noorI unturni manl all newly decor tle iupplied parsing Itiuey Near Illa weal Plaza Terr pnona IA III let any Iuitaar iniormato two room apartment with prlv bath Ileat hydro water supplied set monthly Avail abla April Is Apply to Penetang Apartment between pm and bedroom apartment heated nt entirely glass drapes auppiild llllcnnly separate entrance waihlnl parit ing Iaerlltlea IT monthly Apply Donald street or PA Mitts uNrUansrrm heated eta room apartment nrlvata Irnnt and bark enirnnrea avalra April Alto Iwo aeparale Iur houreiteep Ing room with at and ralrll nator Cellini IA color or apply do Tillu ncnnooii Aprrtment in modern ytment building tleai water ve rerlgrrator laundry Iacllitler Incinellinr aervice storage and ariting Corn ltlrly mieeorated IeInIly 5t intent Patti Trlrpnone PA Llltl AVAILAIIIII MAY La modern two bedroom In new handing Stay lrlgeralnr optional Laundry and porting Iaeliltiei Trn minute walk ham downtown Ialrphnna PA um RENTALS ROOMS TO LET ARTICLES for SALE FLOWERS PLANTS FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY LIOIIT Ilotlaehe In Room Can MIL Pit as sea Told hone PA ms Inr tIthlr dell II CENTRAL home cielrt lumlbhed Must be aeetr to he appreciated Telephona PA Hut altar pee tor lurtner tn lormalion Oalttleuu Iernfl room To BRIOIIT CLEAN Room ho cooklti lthlleman Krclerfld Collin location Telep ona PA lulu lor any rurtbar inlormr on Room and lbla in downtown Ir rltlnl IIcIIlllea Gentleman mlamd Nllr but atop Tolephonl PA altar In Iurthcr Inlomlli COMPLETE thaTArIls lor rent nomay Turn Mdmaltl with doll bia had and den with TIV urnlahad uranium and lumbar chitcd II to dulled Plrkinl laeltitiaa availabia llnorn lor or in clean prl to home Phdna PA H3 or IBM Marcus SI APARTMENTS WANTED Jille by reliable can is Four unlumlahed rooms re la ilcoatalnad private eni perrag rIe liable write aox Barrie SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED auninlan cuTTAGIT wanted to rent in 0rd station area Must be on Illa rent with late belch Ind Indoor plumhloa For month Sepilmher or will consider Ion PIIIII clll PA Mill ARTICLES FOR SAI NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 In Ideal tor lining lieu housa attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Jsed Ranges Refrigerators TeIevisions priccd irom $4950 EPLETTS ELECTRIC Dunlap St East PA sour R47 REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner Ii you would like to have re prints oi any newa picture taken riy our glail onnlngra phcra please call at our Burr MS Oilire We sorry we cannot accept onnm orders Glossy Prints SI 00 8x IO $125 pitisAtu FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS FROM $51 McFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 21 Nonrri romd Ali on me one PA tool AVAILAnLa May It may moma Ilirhenalie with at retire arator rim or earn laundry room and locker suitable to one or two perxona no mo thiy no pry Rayviaw Apalilna ttlo when Ill curt mill nrlrnnou naatad apart tent on main floor in modern to downtown in lnbti Aduila or hutinan pro erred PA lint Tim unounn rennet menu on Iuynt and Iona apartm ante be and anti alert and reiri later bin Central locallou Telephone IIt rate mnrarNrn Ixliimonl tor rvni littliahie ior inn ple Two mama and na pttyata alng tarllltl Alp tea dining room an loul rim bath din veranda irui amt IIIppIIed Apply iii nayilald rnaml Ilvin mom tutrnrn ik rtlaNIIIIin aranni M4 ellrtna innm mtwieln human with time htonm tltliiil Ith tmmt with in It IIati te ttmani to not on aialintenla la April II retryhon rA Illt Nut aNIi Itodun on In bedroom apaylmnta eliodlliil wnie lip yntiett nag all era In patting enilbr metre and etltamalla lll rng latlllliaa luv itnt meetihl rm lent 7A amt avarranra lnintdllielv New and modeler llto iwitnem apayi Merits in mi me Near to III IIII 11M RIM lot nittar lattth and rltlln laiepno It pr rA utt com tor Want Ad lemon accepted until Illlllilyf iyaIIy Int pm Dav NIN niliiltrailnlh iIIONL rA lull may and new Itrtrh or salt Inch red clay Iritlti lor quiet elephone PA cant BOYI ccAr rrnall nleycie in good condition IluaMiahle Apply III II Campbell strand nraxestugla and double red al used data For lulthlr atton telephone IA nut Ironrl coar inutad grey and mu enaea lira la yurn mm worn Apply in Toronto strut alter put nutrtt runNActI alltt are Ileatei aIIh blown and noin Idol and opal unlnr converting to Telephone PA Hill at rrnnanrtiwnn Joimtoir nul Iflllfl MDIDI II IIII lllndilltilh ed ilfl IIIIIIII mil tired alntl Telephone er tour In any Im the inionnatian tiino Marhlnaa innA in aa rnpn client to it at its linger Newinl tile ll puninp Ilnll Wm elm rvrawnirnna Might wild ImL or repaired alumni ynial rate Art llroul mil litnl rty iiuy Plan plat III nunio mulled Irvil lawn mower radialtill rlea KAIIVIIIMAIJ leg tire also while all Iitill III it till wnvn nI time my and rnllrll iIoviiI Mmllilmt rtimt aaeiltlllly Tatphone rA Tana modern trigmean nnly tit an rpm Loop aaiinn tIilvn Ian lien niniu Ieilphune ra atlnrc ITIINII IIANINII Ilel lpew III In net AIM and linger re ir rev lmirilh II out At It Iiunitvp lireI Wm elm BOATS MOTOR it Mi ran it limit In aw IVIIDM etiillr IIImIIriIttI II Ii Ilicn hull Ii Am eimi Rattle Tity rzxnuiniit wmans iIIUNE IA um ouurrou nitrite tam rite mixed colors not per leo no or me VaIIey Gardens Gillon it Out FRUIT It VEGETABLES APPLE BARN NEW LOCATION In Painswlck at the GRANGE HALL BRING OWN CONTAINERS McIntoshes Cortlanda Spya PotAreas or Cobbler hla rm or Ioraeed irao rug er Lorinlire RR New Law teleohooa airs HOMEIMPROVEMENT GARAGES AND ADDITIONS It you are planning on building garage or adding an addition or renovating your home are EIII Ball 01 BEAVERS CON TRACT DIVISION where QUALITY and DEPENDAEIL ITC are must BEAVER LUMBER Bradlord St PA éosu DOGS 8t PETS GOLDEN RETRIBYER Puppch Iust ran ldell pelt lor childs ten and Iiilewlae ldul lPorIl III the rather IJtrultcly Intelligent beet breed Iteglalered Telephone PA IIIM ARTICLES WANTED arcvoLn CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dc Servrco li Case New Holland Davrd Brown Really Earn Equipment IIfi RIIIIIIII PA 8217 CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Parm dairy and ham equipment Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA 60333 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING WEADICK MILLING C0 CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING 00n the term with our mobile Iced mIiI IOI at our stationary complete line 01 prepared iceds concentrates Ne ALSO lN TEREST lItEE FEED CON TRACIS PHONE STROUD 52 AernoxisrATnLv roe Baler or III and straw or III TIIO phone PA wart Ladys Gear Bicycle wanlcd II or 13 Inch whull in good condition Telephona PA uses alter put FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest price iald for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed Inc For Insi service PHONE RARRIE PA 617212 Collect or ask ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH $1110 No CHARGE it hurt day1 daya wear 11R Foxmead Ontario License No 1710 Nlclr Montague Pmp POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymeo are choosing DEKALE PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now Ior early order discount For servrcc or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTR FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 CLASSYFIRED ADS CERTIFIED NO Rulsell Data or pale 1150 For bushel In burhel Iran Telephona Cecil Prankcom PA Hill azir raarunz Type Tretoll seed or cars etc good rennin anon percentage For any runner lnlbmatlon apply Paul auntad umvaia ironrr anANgn SEED Vertr hrrley It burner Alao IAiIlcnIlan tabla turnips Tse binnei at harn loIv HIROIII PA BTbll Ilowald Dill tilldttunt liar Port IIALK eouard batter also straw Apply Harold Itobeou Shlnly Bay elephant IN ON between 11 Ind pm or PA Matt and pin onnrn YOUR Glenn and On ul lielore Iuriher shortage arm and get your grain and lerttllp bdrm the impending neding 1am Call and Barley available on contract Immediate aenica on rtuinm cleanlnl Jenna lyy Ontario LIVESTOCK ABERDEENANGUS CALVES FOR SALE Both steers and hellera suitable for 4H Club Member mmpctl llorr Rock and Roll Ranch itlt he Thornton Ontario tele phone Ivy Iilm IIIIFIII all month IIIII Guern My Iieilar can be Nlialered Tal emona PA 581 hourle cows yeara old good WILL BRING RESULTS HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Gas and 011 New Installations Conversion and chhlrr Free Estimates No Obligation IDO DAYFIELD IA Mm INSURANCE INSURANCE ALL TYPES For personnllud service Contact MR VERSTRATEN DUNLOI ST Itua PA tlmt Itcs PA dam LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Roto IIlllng Sodding Sttli Ing lerlII lili Lawn nlid Maintenance Trees Shrubs Planting etc Call ARNOLD DEES PAINSWICK lilONl IA IIAZIIIIII FIIIIII MAT MOBILE STEAM CLEANING hlIiVILII Cara Trucks Molina Fltwita IIrliIIti list IIINIIIJZINII Inleanilng anti ilitiprmiliutl Intliietlini tililiicirial rtiiiitlr arnite IIARIIII IA IIIIID IIIIIIIIA 1251151 excavariuo Toeson Fill and Grnvol ihtttilitg Ittltltittg mtti Iturliig JOHN ELLIS CONSTRUCTION Iilnite Ill no PAINTINO AND PAPERHANGINO IIWA II Illllllnl at in iIhnginl tiara ialnting service Slut mu itit Barrie producer due April is Apply rranit Murphy till aimed BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TELEPHONE PA 84414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year METAL CRAFT SHEET METAL WORK ACLURATE ESTIMATES OIROMPT SERVICE Furnaces Eavcslmugha NOIIM REAMISII Telepliono MINESING 101 PLASTERING PLASTERING REPAIRS STUCCO NEW CEILINGS AND PATCIIINO irco Eillltirlce SAM CRYER IA 61675 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE SJ Cluppcnon St IIIIINH PA 351 SCREEN REPAIRS ItitiiilInillti Snail llltjtier IIIIIIIIIItilIII Srlattu II WIRED IIIIIMIT SIZRVICII IIROLIAIYS VOOIICIIAII IIIIII ILAKH SIRIIET ItIetlIItInc lA iitiril Tv REPAIRS Nlilili TV SilllVltHI iniiI your palm iiniiipl nll Illillllili MOIIIITZ SIZIIVICI till lnnlulr unlitimp at your Ilillr lnlltllllItIt raila Stllv IMIIOII IIIITHIIIIIII ltllrpl rtIIIa wrlrtiiltnll IIlililc IA IJIII itriylllllc NIIlIlIlI Milli IIolltttt Tcltt heiylttl ROOFINGW III at Improvements Rnuiilg liiauhlltlll hldm et lniultmtrlilng Aliiiiuiuinl tiintlmu ll Iltttll ltiiSIIiIiNTlil TIIIIMIZIIIIAI FIN Titlimalu IA oitu CMITA arm on north Uilt Iltulilllti nil mm at in also In aiiiti yo Iilh your ww one La Fern SEED GRAN mill at Stroud ItVe carry Modern HOMEQ

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