INCH MI Mlp 0th I01 mm rm In m4 mg mellMy mu Nll I1qu mm nan WMTMDIM MFMM MIA1 Kllvmlbn unnblaiull Wampum In All ASTHMA Nlnlulllmol llu rish llmu nr IllrmKI landlqu lun In lam link uml inyhldlrulwl lulu nwrnlrr lmplrrd gm Ind rulinan bmlnl Ilrwucnr Iralmu tnuulry girl lmnll Ihlllu pom Anl lam nml lrrrhlnll In nhl millunrd think well as ï¬lm lmn Iniml Sum mun lnII rhnmlvrny Slrrpyuuw um will 104 ha xuilingly Innownl in lncrlnvlnh HI bully Inum nnd aimg IMHI ullh unnflml rlnhmmh ed yak In In lnhvlu nml rnfly mm To help rry Wumnn My Mm nlrl Um nlm WIMP frmlninr Hnlrrlr Inv win by live mw mu nde Mint Jnnuxium lumpilnl mu raxnhlutd In nlnrim Dr Boyd Supcrlulcmxuul 0n lurlu llnxpllnl ul Icnclnng ms cunsz Program In Menlnl mnllh Services In descrihlnx lhc chnnku In nwnlnl hnspllnls Dr Hoyd Alwmd Um nhlll In cmpluuin hum cunndlnl cure In hrnnd lmllmral program Iln lm mum um lhcro were in mcnlnlr wllml Mcmhm he Unlvtrmy Womrnn Club name wer gum 11M uinhl nl Hm humc Dr and Mn II Boyd lcne laps Lingerie Follows Feminine Mood nine and Sally Alduraon of Coldwnler xhlcrx lhe bride and Mrs Lawrence McQuny cl Barrie slslnr of lhn groom were Given tn mnrrlntte by her lather the bride were floor length gown of nylon pcaulte tote The toll skirt was gather ed to the waist of the tltted longlcevcd lop whlcn tcaturcd lace yoko trimmed with pearls and scquins The sklrt was trimmed with lnce at the waist In front and around tho stde ot the sklrt ending at the horn on back llcr hcnddrcss hath cred crown trimméd wlth pearls hald shouldortcngth veil ot nylon tulle edged with Taccnhd penrts She carried cascade bouquet ut cd Sweetheart roses Ind whlto stopnlnnatisL ny was periormed by the Rev Vlllson of Coldwntcr In the Endy United Church The soloist Mrs Eliza hclh Reid Drum sang Be Thnu Mino Own Tm Lords Prayer and True Love The GM and was nccomxianlcd by Ms Belly Hawkcyl Moonstone ORILLIA Stat honey moon trip lo Ottawa and other custom ninls followed the re cent we ding ceremony uniting Christina Adeline Alderson at Ortllta with James Donntd Cam arm of Barrie The bride to Iha daughter of Mr and Mrs Stew art Alderson nl Coldwater and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron of Shanty Bay Superintendent Of Hospital Tells Progress Of Services STHM délï¬Ã© maych pnougnm School leacher Aviva Lay ton wife Montreal pm 11 ving Layton winds that stu MR AND MRS CAMERON Couple Married At Eady To Make Home In Barrie STUDENTS NOT INSPIRING Dr ml harrth Hm In auxin pmlrumnnl th ll lrnrlnnm and llw new or mum Ila nllu pmml uoclallun ol lha whmlm wurk dmlu lry Iwn ulmuvl rum nrrlu ml Iwn lrom MldlnmL 11mm Al Oak mm lhe pnllcnll lunvn nmnnlml their over 70 Mn and have mind In cnn mlor Hm lacnl rndln alnllon In II pnwrrvlmlul umknhap 00 Allan under lllo uuldnnru our nlnll mrmbm lml yrnr llulll nml lulvl blnl houm lrnm mnn mahogany Alm mm In run ycnr lho pallnnu mm In Innl In Ivu rnlmxl In he wrlnng Vlnlurmna pnrmlo man male model ulqu rum lho wnrnl In llld ll won Hrnl prlu Ilulll boys rtrnrmnlary In law Hm building at Pcnclnnu homma mrnlnl lmxpilnl In 1901 In 103 tho but wen mam rum the window of lhu mrnlnl hmplml mllon and Ir Mu llrnpca plclum nml Indiv Idunl lochr hum hun drink Mme unrlor or llm 200 wnmrn pm anus TB VCIIOHI Al the Onlnrln Huspilnl Pmctnug lhm are 700 beds 00 ul mm are at Oak man muxlmum security xnsmlnl nr man wlm an mnnnxvmcnl prob lem 5an by lhn mum MAXWU SECURITY For the huneymoon up the bride wurc brown sheath dress beige coal with brown ur and brown accessories Tho eduplo WI Hvo All 761 anicr St in Darrin The rcceplion held Ihc Sunday school room of the Cold waler United Church was nthan cd by an or lawn guests from Sudhury Parry Sound Sundrldge Magnclawan Orlllh Barrie Guthrie Toronto Humil lnn Oakwand hursl Shanty Day and storm The bfldes moxher received wcurlnr blue brocuda shenlh wilh wnisblcnxlh Jacket while accessories and or pink rascbuds The brldcgroama 1110er was In bulge shnnlung mm with brown accessnrles and corsagqof yellow msclmds flalawbï¬ï¬fét Th flower girls Nancy and Sandra McQuay Barrie nice the groom ware whlxe dresses nylon aver sulin and carried baskcls red and whllu flowers Their headdresses were red velvet bands The hesl man was George Cameron ct Shnnly Bay and tho ushers were Bruce can of Cold water and Lawrence McQuay of Barrie 912511 Eqï¬flï¬ dresst in ldenllcal gown red crystal chillon over red peau de sale The skin were lull and gathered lo filled bndlcc They ware ï¬lled waistlength lackclsl All cnnlcd bouquet of red rust5 and whim cnmatlons and wore hezddrcsses ul white roscsbuds and lulle léRMANENIS $599 denu ymvlda Hula insplrauon or her childrens sturlcs Mrs LayQon shuwn In the sludy of Mulls AM OPEN EVENINHI PHONE IA ljï¬l nmmriiuimu All For 1110 Womenl Club wlll hold ll nnnunl dlnncr Inch inn on my It lhu Conllnenlnl DInlnu Noam uul menin wlll be Min Jun Yuck Anod nlc Editor Clmlclninu During Mania Ilcullh uk lho Onlurlo Hospllnl will hnld II Annual 0pm House and Dr llayd will wclmmu vlsilm an Tuesday Aprll no mu Wadnu day May both Allcrnoom and nvgnlnzs Snndwlchu nnrl canto were Icrvnl hy Mn Ilnyd Mn McKnluhl Mu Nlchnlll and Mr Ulrkkwn lhclr mom Hus palknll le liq qncorn week To Miss Helen Shannhnn ndmlnlslmlm nnd In Donald Cameron assistant ndmlnlslm tor whn were at all llmes randy lo help In any way our sincere lhnnkn smial lhanks should go to Mr loser and lhn Building Commune or he keen interns hey haveshown In our Gin Shop erfChrlsfle sald In her arr nunl report 011 behall of the members of the Hospflul Aux llury would like to unnk me hard for all Ihclr assistance In the past year Name pl the Women Hosplul Auxiliary has been changed In Hospital Auxillmn Assodnuon Total mum on hind Includ Ing all ccounls $455421 Mm Christie said the year was successful HnanclnHy Ex pandilures were $237015 and ceipls wre $270458 making an execs Expendjlure over re ceipls 36937 The Hospital Auxiliary has 101 members and held 11 medium during 1962 wflh an average at lcndnnca 24 The Junior Auxiliary meets wlcu month and has 48 mm hers The Womens Hospital AuxIl Iary has moved to new quarter In the McCarthy Residence and the Gift Shop almost com pIeled President Mrs may ChrIsIIe In her annual report hays We hope Io be ready to open In coupIo oI wcnksI Eluganl French Pravlnclal Sets $23900 lovely Tabla lumps $750 New Style CoffeuTnblos Luxurious Bcdmom Sullos $9950 and up Altrncllvo KHchon Cluomo Sou And Numerous Olher Items l2 BAYFIELD 5T BARRIE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LES And See Wido Spring Soloclion Of Beautifully Styled Chealorflold Sullos President States New Gift Shop Nears Completion FURNITURE FURNITI BARGAINS BARGAINS COME ONE COME All ILs book The Slnglvn Stan wrillen for the 11v lo wish age group Photo her hom 191153 clnpygf her ED BAlFE FURNITURE Nnmulcd by Mike Wallw Biography Iponsorcd yy mun Irlpnl Hydro Iynlclnl lml 0n lnrlo llydm other hlxhllghu at her lllo Ihawn on tho pmurnm lncludu her munlnzo lho luncrnl ol htl lnlhtr and Mr Coronation Lnlérln be war tho urved ill volunlccr driver and film Ian Um vrlnccu chnnglnz Ire Klnu Goorgul Mum lo lcnvu England even duran lho won lhn war had ualncd Um Royal nmlly new respect Evrn Ihnl wu helmlcncd when II lho thn lrinccu mud mile INK uxprcsslng her klmhlp with 001 cr young pcoplu 01 he wurld xccardinn ho tnk In natured nnthu pyoggnm To be prcmnlcd wlmoul Inter mplon the pmlrlm dclnll ha cvcnl lhnl nllercd her plum In line or lhu none Some ha 1qu looyuxo dalcl be 1m Hydrro if munr mm Suikc will appear briefly on Him In lnlruduce he apocan presan nllon Queen £11anth In tho subject spcclnl program In llydrol Biography series In he cen Easlcr Muqdny Most of the new shoulder bags have adjustable self lulher map In Elva added versatility Ouulde flap closings gold buck la and mm colon add color to costumes Special Program 0n Easter Monday Envelopes echeduled in spring popularity are gently munded and lemlnlne ln llne Theyre net wllh tlgld hnr handles gold bracelet and llllgreed delall Brilllant pal enu are seen as lrequently smooth nnllqued and suede lea there In the envelope hendhlz catsm Boll boxy ban and rounded ales take graceful shape in smooth and grained antiqued and patent suede and bnuh ed Icather Fashion dlp Into geometry taxi or spring handbag Myles New collections Include squares rectangles circles are and trapezoid In many leather tex ture 553d moraenther color Roundma on the picture are shoulder bags newly returned to the fashion scene In pouch and barrel shapes or day evening and sperm according to Leather ï¬gurines Amerlca Even so damn Iwo jabs taken more energy and homemakera who 1159 to to business try ta Most of WWI request or reducing dleu conLin 1mm working wives In lhll middle age group szht seem that holding down two Job would keep women on the thn Ilda bun with the wide vmuy ready In serve food on the market cooking in no longer prghlem Hy me JEAN RAIN Married women have gone back to work In ever Increulnx numbers While there hue been steady increase mm All Age troupe surprisingly mouth the greatest number are in the 45 bracket Handbags Go To Geometry TIE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL KEEP IN THE TRIM QUEEN ELIZABETH PoundsPile On In Age Sedentary Work Aids Problem FURNITURE $14950 up Lucky dn wm mm by Mn nun Mr Splllm Tillie Wynn Mnry Gnhnm Linda umwnlnl Mn Gonna MnnDonnld Mn lvrd Bully Hum Hmwnlnu Mn Newlovc Mrl Devin Mn Hull Fun Slmnl Alex Shlhll Vnn 1mm Mrl Ntil Mrl Kt Wrndy McQunrrle Mn chnnzzrl Ind Scnlorl modd lInn worn Donna Thompson Mn Colleen Kneeahnw Lynn Ilan JoAnn Spllam Belly Mm Mn ll Lund er Grace Drowning Elizabeth Henl ly Mn Mnry Neely Mu Vnn Gchn Mu Dally Browning Mn Furl Mnrllng Pran vnyNzns nn lot and Junior model Hm Inlcsl In chlldrcnl wear were Palsy Neely Suzanna Browning Scott and D11 11ml heed shells and Larry Brawn Inl Janlce Browning Collem Burmu Dennl Neely Brian Neely Jnnlm Marlins Bonnlu Ralncy Caml Comeau Sandra Jams Palsy Keown JMnn Elma Shirley Bmwnlnu Juliana Kempm Nancy 1th and Eric Saunlu Tiny tuls Junlun Teenager and Senlon modelled cut ï¬ts which Included dreuel culls min and swear pmvldcd by Annl Sly Shoppe and Junior Tail Bradford nimu was uneéto apathy and mnny he Ipemlan had or mnd By MR8 PROSSER wise setting r111 garden mud perfect ack ground or mealter luhion show mansqred by the Hm Lino Homelnd Schml Ame Man held In Churchill Cam mgmx 1111 App late alternnon energy pickup is must lar most dlet ers 11 plckup should be llrn lled lo 100 calorles ll poulhle have lhls Amund our oclock Some worklnz wlvu prep snack belure they luvs honla In the mornlnz such an celery milled wlth collage chem or hardmked an and en ll lhe minute they let backeven helme lnklng ol lhclr hull So lorfllled they no ready to start digger preparallnnx Dlï¬her can be good well rounded mall or 450 cnlarlu It you wlgh nvn dessert lo snack Isle on Ii you carry lunch loiiow this pattern Sandwich two thin slices of bread and thick iiiilng oi lean meat chicken or cheese plus thin spread of mayon naise and hit of mustard wax wrap celery canoi silver or shes or mum trash mm or dessert tea vr coiiee For strength and slhnness plan each mu armmi com pieia protein food or you wish double protein In terms of food lhh means to have an egg andor lean meat at break iast or cereal wiih milk pius mil or Juice slice ol toast and come Allocate 275 to 300 calories to the iirs mu Never skip brukfui light than you use mound mo calorlu day In either cm on protective diet of mo cal orles day you cm reduce one In hall poqnda week Churchill Spring Fashion Show Displayed In Garden Setting Cullkr Wm It you In wurldna wile Ind wouldflkelolmlotom pounds and up your en my tune in mleeuva nunl flon but fewer calorie II the answer Dom madarauly lve work you burn mo calmla daily 11 you have sedentary 40b llld your houuwogk Ia paramlflï¬zudal ar no 11 not that Allu us 25 we useï¬ve tn seven per cent lawer calorie win and paw lug decade so then Pounds pile on In mlddln no km up heir stnnnhhy me In morn load Thu hitch hm In that emu me does not make exu Easter Isnt Easter without Our Easltr lllllnory mum you alun nlnu chapuau salted to your ownpml culnr pmonallli Tho unlocllon ll Illll excellent and ncludea colorful florlll straw and lurblnl lo menllon low lrlm nro nllunllhlnglfy lowl Why not drop ln only bnlurdny The II and Auoclnlion In rnlelul than who donned lor he utk draws and In cvcryonu who mmd lo min the nvrnlng lurccu Thu Rhythm Unnd Ian Thu Robin and tar lhelr Iocond nu bet pllyod Tho Mum llymn lcmmpnnlcd by Hm McDowell on lhv pllno During Ihe thaw Judy Shu ktll and Juckla Gould lccom mind by plnnm Mn Mc Dow311 uni blhcr ch wu pmvided by Ike union Ilnzlnl Enller Par Id nd SeventySh Tromb Stan decomllnl wlu directed by Mu Don Benny Jlmmla 1mm WM In charge alllhg muqc lnlhu hlfkflmï¬lld Thu hung Iy wn lup gllfd by Cornerl Eleclrlc ol Wrai Thirflawen were unï¬lled by Lindxay Ball of F1 Llne chool And Max Hofland Le The wund lymm vuu pm vlgfd Alcx shkell HIIr Ilyllsl wnl Mn New mnndonu 01 Strand The cosmetidam wan Mn Bowen Church nnd Mrl ï¬ber Cookslawn 0n behll the Ind Auoclallon Mn Shahell pre Ienicd Mn Morris and Mn levflln each with pol ol mums ohm apprecia llan or lhclr work In rung lng the alumina modelled ur EVEN MailWank mm was mpmgngalgr gr the 11091 Wilfred Pumk Mn Albert Eums Joycc Tnylur Ann Deh mall Mn McQuame Enr hara Swfln Mn Akm Mu Mchnnld Ind Jana Grqhnm Undermted calm Including number of neutrals glove the hunt for Iprlnm Amber to bl que lanes rich brqwnl lublla oilmen and plnh mnka new In any case hues are hand to plemenl each and every col Genenlly Ill ind our hut Ion length pm with culled and tapered eemuelzhl Ind len button types with lhart Ind no sleeve Ilyles But new er And even more laxhlonnhie such dens ha wrlsb lenzth shortle with the movelm or short Ilemd lamina mmpnnu In our Every Length Hm mud ln me For Glpving Hands Result Is variety or Kiev lenmhl and even mare Impen Int varlnly mm Often the chmactor the glnvc rather than the lengll dem what love Ihauld he Short Mouser shirt Ileeves long tapered Ileeves wide fluIn aleeves and no llama at all an some mhluns spring glam must be prepared to handle The enzmmanl ha been announced 01M Diane Eve lyn Baum daughter at Mr and Mn Donuld Baum Rm Ban1e Io Donald Richrd Hunt son ol Mu Dorothy Hum Slrlhana Ave And the 1m Borden Hunt of Battle Georlel Anlllcnn Church Aflandnla yin be ch mun for the evening ceremony on Mly SHOP BRIDEELECT Iprrlo PA my 14 cm nï¬fn olen runner were reported by Mfr Elrlo Thomson Mention we aim mlde oi lite Ontario in tin convenllon and Quebec pm cc of building new church at ohlweken on the Six Nations Indien Reserve neer Branilord The devotional period led by Mn Wellher linseed the im parlance of discipline in our aplriluel lives es elated in we Mrs John Cockburn And her group mnducled the umalndu the meeting whlah emphat 1nd the Canadian mun mlr nlonnry wlum in Angoln um Curren new item manila the medical Ind aching work In Anxoln the pom Mn Humid Wnliiler the pm dent opened the meeting with hymn aim which the conducied busineu union oi the circia The nomlnniin committee pm my oiiicera for the yslr ml 61 Which wu mam flne Fenmm Evening Mlulon Clrnla First Baptist Church held lhelr April meeting home of Mn Same Vine Street FEMININE FOOTWEAR Missionary WorkIn AfriCa Pemaraï¬vening Circle Topic ENGLISH CHINAWARE AND GIFT SHOPPE Cor Collier and Emma PA HAND CUT LEAD CRYSTAL DICK STEELE AND SON NEW SHIPMENT 0F BEAUTIFUL ems thirteenth and fourteenth mm the savenlh chlpter oIVMalu thew AI the member tbs Eirde look part In lha payer picture nary In colour alldu wlth accompanying carded music and comment en ulled Sou Voice Angola uqced the establishment HI ï¬rst milslonmllon at Cahlnda Scottish mkslonuv to tha mum at the work by fansï¬ndlan Bnptlst mmiannflu In In high Imhlan lllhn lulurlna In own ahnk Inln In And ull hnnxb rd hul In Ilunnin hllck unlrnl 0n vnrldy tlllnz mien InchuL In muh Ind lull pump You Get 20 More when you buy roavoumoun Six Big I201 Bollleu 72 OUNCES inoro flavor more lparklo Elllï¬ T0 ll AIMA 10 ll GINGER ALE MORE Ill DIM